When you tell someone ‘do not judge,’ you are being hypocritical.
First, you have to judge that they are being judgmental.
Second, you have to judge that what they are doing is wrong.
Thus, you have violated your own standard for not judging others.
Instead, understand the entire Bible’s teaching on judging so you can do as Jesus instructed.
“Do not judge according to appearances, but make a righteous judgment.
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What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others? — “First take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” What Jesus was condemning was hypocritical, self-righteous judgments of others
Is It Right: To Judge, To Expose Error & To Name Names?
Meekness is Not Weakness — Jesus got angry at the right things at the right times. Meekness is power under control, part of the fruit of the Spirit.
Naming Names? Is that Biblical?: Paul did — Those who teach “any other gospel” are “accursed” of God and to be marked
Greg Laurie: Don’t Judge? — We are to judge, but we are not to condemn. In fact, a better translation of Matthew 7:1 would be: “Do not condemn others, and you will not be condemned.”
Who are You To Judge? | Good Fight Ministries
(video) WHEN “JUDGE NOT” IS NOT BIBLICAL — The mantra “judge not” is grossly misapplied today. As Christians we are told in God’s Word to judge all things spiritually, in righteous judgment, because we have the mind of Christ
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