Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Men & Women Gifted Differently Page 1 of 3

Candace: My husband is the rational side of my brain | Science & tech has replaced God

“As I’m starting to learn things, obviously, the first person I always talk to is my husband, and I feel like he’s the more rational side of my brain.”

“..they are thee most faithful to the church of science. They are thee most faithful to the church of Satan.”

(video) Is It Sinful to Wear a Bikini At a Public Pool? — “Men lust after women and women lust to be lusted after by men”

Quotes I transcribed from the video (beneath their tweets):

“We’re not even talking about skinny jeans here. This is as easy as it can possibly get to where it would violate that standard. … That’s not legalism to obey God. … This is only a discussion that only takes place in a society that has basically chucked any concept of modesty. “

“What’s the motivation to want to wear something like that in the first place? Are we really to believe that the motivation is ‘well I think I’m glorifying God?’

The sin of a man is to want to get physical gratification out of people that you shouldn’t be. The sin of a women is to arouse interest that you shouldn’t want.”


Men lust after women and women lust to be lusted after by men.

Mike Bickle: How He Lured Women, Offering Something Nobody Else Did

Female member for six years explains his appeal to women. Narrated story from blog post in 2022.

I commented:

Joel Osteen also always smiles big. It’s a salesman confidence technique that’s faked, instead of just resting in the Holy Spirit. It can also mask their real emotions.

The others didn’t offer this, because it’s unbiblical for women to be overseers over men in the church. Mike was willing to disobey God, and be different.

1 Timothy 2:12-14 is crystal clear. How is it okay to violate scripture, rebelling against God’s design mandate and how He designed men and women to have different strengths and weakness? Rebellion is the sin of witchcraft.

“But I DON’T PERMIT a woman to teach, nor to exercise authority over a man, but to be in quietness. For [because] ADAM WAS FORMED FIRST [given a specific personality to do his big-picture tasks. Eve was then designed by God to complement man with complementary (not the same) characteristics — proven now by science], then Eve. Adam WASN’T DECEIVED, but the WOMAN, BEING DECEIVED, has fallen into disobedience….”

Is FEMINISM Destroying Our Society? (R$E)

Tonight we speak about a controversial and important topic with a Christian woman who studied the Bible and then decided to reject Third Wave Feminism.

“Masturbation Has DANGEROUS Effects on Dopamine!” | Jordan Peterson and Andrew Huberman

The result is a feeling of emptiness — “the psychological equivalent of making your home environment filthy for awhile. … It depletes the dopamine system.” – Huberman

“The higher the dopamine peak the bigger the drop afterwards, and you drop below baseline.” – Huberman

“…that ever, ever sort of escalating wildness that you need to watch in order to get an ever decreasing stimulus that comes back.”

Non-Christian Huberman says pornography “isn’t good or bad,” but consider what Jesus says about lusting from the heart with the eyes and even the hand:

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. – Mt. 5:27-30

“Females don’t use pornography to the same degree. They use literary pornography.” – Jordan Peterson

How Christianity Makes Men Better | Guest: Nancy Pearcey (Part Two)

Today we’re joined by Nancy Pearcey, author of “Love Thy Body” and“The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes,” for part two of our discussion on the biblical view of the body and the philosophy of “toxic masculinity.” We start off with the reality that one’s view of God determines one’s view of masculinity. We look at ancient philosophers as well as Charles Darwin, who all believed in an innate inferiority of women. Meanwhile, it’s Christians who have been trying to champion the dignity of women – it’s Christianity that gives a rich, full understanding of masculinity that no other ideology does. We discuss the importance of the physical strength of men and how while feminism calls them to repress it, Christianity calls them to redirect it to something that fulfills its purpose.

Bill Mounce: Does the Present Tense Necessarily Mean “Now but not later”? (1 Tim 2:12)

Does the Present Tense Necessarily Mean “Now but not later”? (1 Tim 2:12) – Mondays with Mounce

Bill Mounce January 9, 2023

1 Timothy 2:12 is one of the most debated verses today. My point in discussing it is not to enter into the general debate but to deal with an erroneous misunderstanding of the present tense. Most of what follows comes from my commentary on the Pastorals.

Joe Schimmel: Are Female Pastors Biblical?

On today’s broadcast we examine 15 reasons from scripture why female pastors are not Biblical according to the word of God.(Timestamps)

00:00 – 00:27 Trailer
00:28 – 08:30 Introduction
08:33 – 11:13 Certain men not to teach false doctrine 1 Timothy 1:3
11:14 – 14:26 1 Timothy 2:8
14:27 – 17:06 Entire submissiveness 1 Timothy 2:11-12
17:06 – 22:45 Creative order 1 Timothy 2:13
22:45 – 26:33 The woman was deceived 1 Timothy 2:14
26:34 – 31:36 Child bearing 1 Timothy 2:15
31:37 – 34:34 He desires 1 Timothy 3:1
34:44 – 37:01 Overseer and a husband 1 Timothy 3:2
37:05 – 41:18 Paul’s purpose for writing 1 Timothy 3:15
41:19 – 44:14 Entrust to men 2 Timothy 2:2
44:17 – 45:14 Man above reproach Titus 1:5
45:15 – 48:40 Women encourage women Titus 2:3
48:40 – 55:05 Divine Romance 1 Timothy 3:16 Ephesians 5:22-33
55:06 – 58:45 Tickling of the ears 2 Timothy 4:1
58:45 – End Email sent in to Goodnight regarding women teaching with cultural relevance

David Pawson: Men For God Part 1 — “Christian men ought to be leading society uphill, rather than following society downhill”

Related: David Pawson: Male and Female (Men For God Series pt. 2) — “A man can separate his thoughts and his feelings”

David Pawson’s book: Leadership is Male: What Does the Bible Say? [Leadership is male “in the home and in the church”]

“This doesn’t put women down at all. It puts men face to face with their responsibility.”

– David Pawson says about this book in another video

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Part 1:

“We’re living in a funny world, a world in which people don’t want to accept what God has made them. … Most of the [homosexual] men I’ve counseled … are men who wanted to be looked after, rather than the responsibility of looking after anyone else.”

“Christian men ought to be leading society uphill, rather than following society downhill. But it seems to me that the church follows the world, only 15 years later. … The world accepted homosexuality 20 years ago, the church is just now beginning to accept it. … Christians are just slowly following the world downhill.”

1:08:30 The trend to remove gender from even God in Bibles:
“It is all part of a mood in which the church is accepting the spirit of the age, rather than asking the Holy Spirit to be the leader.”

Notes from biblecover2cover‘s upload that is no more:

Why is it easier to get women converted than men?
What are the differences between men and women?
Is a man’s daily work a necessary evil or is his full-time Christian service?
How can we disciple men today?

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David Pawson: Male and Female (Men For God Series pt. 2) — “A man can separate his thoughts and his feelings”

Related: David Pawson: Men For God Part 1 — “Christian men ought to be leading society uphill, rather than following society downhill”

David Pawson’s book: Leadership is Male: What Does the Bible Say? [Leadership is male “in the home and in the church”]

“This doesn’t put women down at all. It puts men face to face with their responsibility.”

– David Pawson says about this book in another video

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“A man is goal oriented. A woman is need oriented.”

“A man can separate his thoughts and his feelings. A woman can’t. … And this is why you can argue with a man, but not with a woman. If you argue with a man it’s thoughts challenging thoughts.”

“God made us complementary, not just within marriage, but within society generally.”

“The male is responsible, and the female is responsive.”

“A woman can get a sexual message from any part of her skin,” unlike a man.

“The human species is the only species where the female has full breasts when not feeding young. … Now what’s the significance of that? For that, we have to turn to the Song of Solomon…. They’re for comfort and companionship with someone of the other sex within marriage.”

“A man, on the whole, trusts his intellect much more than a woman, where as she will trust her intuition.”

“Language is on the woman’s side of the brain. Linguistics are much easier for a woman than a man.”

* * *

Brain Scan Research Proves Men’s and Women’s Brains are Wired Differently — Men are more LOGICAL and better at coordination and spatial awareness. Women are more INTUITIVE, have greater ’emotional intelligence’ and better memories for words and faces

The study: Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain – Madhura Ingalhalikar, Alex Smith, Drew Parker, Theodore D. Satterthwaite, Mark A. Elliott, Kosha Ruparel, Hakon Hakonarson, Raquel E. Gur, Ruben C. Gur, and Ragini Verma, December 2, 2013

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From: Daily Mail

Men’s and women’s brains: the truth! As research proves the sexes’ brains ARE wired differently, why women’s are cleverer ounce for ounce – and men can’t read female feelings

  • Differences between the sexes are profound
  • Men generally have more connections within each hemisphere
  • In women the stronger links run from side to side between them
  • This means men are more logical and better at coordination
  • Women are more intuitive and have greater ‘emotional intelligence’

John Naish

4 December 2013

Women’s and men’s brains are wired in fundamentally different ways.

Neurologists used magnetic resonance imaging (radio-wave scans that produce detailed images of the inside of the body) to study the brains of almost 1,000 volunteers. …

Men generally have more connections within each hemisphere and between the front and back of the brain.

In women the stronger connections usually run from side to side, between the left and right hemispheres.

In essence, what this means is that men are more logical and better at coordination and spatial awareness. Women are more intuitive, have greater ‘emotional intelligence’ and better memories for words and faces.

Female vs. male brain networks: Men have more connections within each hemisphere and between the front and back of the brain

Ron Hoffman: Women are different than men — Seek different things to satisfy their soul

The God-made differences between men and women will always be despite TalmudVision’s never ending mission to convince us we’re the same.

Satan’s goal is dysfunctional families or no families and dysfunctional churches where demons run amuck to topple society.

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Ron Hoffman’s Sunday message, 2/28/21 — “I Am, part II” Anchorage Baptist Temple

“Men typically seek pleasure, possessions and power to satisfy their soul”

“Women [typically] seek acceptance, status and security to satisfy their soul.”

WATCH VIDEO— Men and women subject starts at 35:40



1 Corinthians 11

2 Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remember me in all things, and keep the ordinances, as I delivered them to you.

3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.

4 Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonoureth his head.

5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven.

6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.

7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.

8 For [because] the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man.

9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man.

10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head [good to have clothes one the body too] because of the angels [dark angels – demons].

11 Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.

Do You Make Decisions from Your Head or Your Heart? – Logic & Facts Vs Emotions

The heart is more than a pump, containing brain-like cells. Many emotions and decisions come from the heart, not the brain. So NEVER get a heart transplant!

It’s pretty easy to tell which type I am. How about you?

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Head-locators are categorized differently than heart-locators. Head-locators make decisions based on logic and facts whereas heart-locators make decisions based on their emotions. Do you think from your head or your heart?


(vid) Jesse: Caller Says She Can Finally Submit To Her Husband – After Forgiving Mom

WONDERFUL, except Jesse’s advice at 5:08. The Holy Spirit gives Christians thoughts too, not just demons. And we can get totally FREE of those demonic thoughts, so there is only One Voice left: the Holy Spirit.

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“She apologized to her kids for all the hate, she apologized to her husband for fighting him AND she forgave her mother.”

(vid) Allie: God Is Not A Woman

Boshoff: Men, are you following Jesus, or Jezebel?

The world is being destroyed through satan’s first ploy to destroy mankind, and that is by using the woman to manipulate the man.

(VID) Brittany: Women Are Losing Their Femininity — "Feminism is essentially like 'we love women; we fight for women, but by the way, women, everything that you naturally are, just throw that out as if it was a basket of rotten apples, and go and usurp the male role (in general what comes naturally to them), and then you'll be special, then you'll be something to be admired and aspired to'" • "Feminists despise everything a truly masculine man is while wanting to become it"

“Feminism is essentially like ‘we love women; we fight for women, but by the way, women, everything that you naturally are, just throw that out as if it was a basket of rotten apples, and go and usurp the male role (at least in general what comes naturally to them), and then you’ll be special, then you’ll be something to be admired and aspired to.'”

– Brittany Pettibone, transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“In the process of doing this, these feminists despise everything a truly masculine man is while becoming it. … To me, it seems very hypocritical of  them to kind of pull this thing where ‘Oh, we hate everything that you are but we want to become it.’

– Nicole, transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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"If a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given to her for a covering" – 1 Cor. 11:15

Judge for yourselves. Is it appropriate that a woman pray to God unveiled? Doesn’t even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given to her for a covering.

– 1 Cor. 11:13-15

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(5 min vid) Jan Boshoff: Stand up and be a man

(2 min vid) Voddie Baucham: How Feminism Affects Manhood | Biblical Role of a Father

(vid) Ann Coulter w/ Jesse: The Crisis in Masculinity, Black Family, Trump, Jobs, & Women's Vote (TFS EXCERPT)


(vid) Men and Women are Different. Biologically, Anatomically and Physiologically

This protest is nuts!
God designed men and women to be different. To insist otherwise really is “irrational,” and is demonically driven rebellion:

“Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft….” – 1 Sam. 15:23

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(vid) Jesse: Allie Stuckey Talks Feminism and SJW Christianity

(vid) Feminine Logic and Political Ideologies – White Rabbit

Marc Roy: Woman Pastors?

Why do many 'Christian' women now want to look like men – taking over the church – destroying sound doctrine?

Pastor’s wives even…, leading through their kowtowing husbands.
And many women have now pushed their way into being ‘pastors,’ led by TalmudVision (TV), instead of the Holy Spirit and Paul’s crystal clear teaching:

1 Timothy 2:12-14: “But I don’t permit a woman to teach, nor to exercise authority over a man, but to be in quietness. For [BECAUSE] ADAM WAS FORMED FIRST [given a specific personality to do his tasks. Eve was then designed by God to complement man with complementary (not the same) characteristics — proven now by science], then Eve. ADAM WASN’T DECEIVED, but the WOMAN, BEING DECEIVED, has fallen into disobedience….”

Real demons drive homosexual rebellion: “Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.”
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
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“Because, knowing God, they didn’t glorify him as God, neither gave thanks, but became vain in their reasoning, and their senseless heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

(vid) Jesse Lee: Asking Women: What a Real Man Is, and Is NOT — A man has self-control and is committed to what's right

(video) Can a Woman be a Pastor? — "Headship and submission did not originate with the fall" – John Piper

17:57 “Headship and submission did not originate with the fall” – John Piper.

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Can a Woman be a Pastor?

Published on Aug 11, 2017

In this video, I answer one of the most debated questions in all of Christianity. Can a woman be a Pastor? Got bible questions you want answers for? Here is a new series to answer them!

for more info –…

"Christian women don't need to submit; you misogynist!"

1 Timothy 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

Ephesians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.

Proverbs 7:10 And, behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and subtil of heart.
11 (She is loud and stubborn; her feet abide not in her house)

Proverbs 21:19 It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and an angry woman.

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