Many good points, and mostly true, like: we don’t need a church leader to baptize us in water, and we all should be baptized after we’re born-again.
But: following righteous, biblically qualified leaders as they follow the Lord and help us be led by the Holy Spirit would be a good thing — if there were any. There will be….
Also, we don’t have to wait to speak in tongues, just do it. It’s really simple once we’re born-again. Just speak the words that are in your mouth whatever they are.
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Water Baptism and Holy Spirit Fire Baptism for All Disciples


Published on May 31, 2018

Water Baptism and Holy Spirit Fire Baptism for All Disciples

Anyone who is serious to follow Jesus will be baptized in water just as Jesus was.  We are baptized in water to represent that we are leaving our old life of sin behind.  And when we come out of that water it represents we have left our old life of sin in the grave and we are walking with Jesus in the newness of life.  We wait on the baptism of the Holy Spirit after we are baptized in water.  The baptism of the Holy Spirit comes when the Holy Spirit indwells us.  He gives us a new tongue to speak His truth, and fiery trials and tribulations come our way once people start to reject us, once we start to leave things we know are evil and corrupt, people start to make fun of us.  “Why aren’t you going and hanging out with your old friends?”  “Why aren’t you going to the party?”  People will start to make fun of you, people will start to mock you.  And those fiery tribulations come because it is part of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire.  If you are ready to commit your life to Jesus, be baptized in water, just as Jesus was, and then wait for the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  John the Baptist did not want to baptize Jesus because He knew he wasn’t worthy.  But Jesus said back to John the Baptist in Matthew Chapter 3, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John allowed Him.  You don’t have to find someone who is a perfect man to baptize you.  You don’t have to find the perfect body of water.  You just have to find some water and someone who has been baptized in water themselves.  If the person who baptizes you later turns his back on God or is not worthy to follow the Lord, what does that have to do with you?  It is your heart condition that is special, it is NOT the body of water or the person who is baptizing you.  The important thing is that you are ready to be baptized, that you are making the commitment to follow Jesus.  If the person that baptizes you is not really a true believer and was just pretending, what does that have to do with your walk with Jesus?  What you are doing is making the commitment to be baptized in water and then to follow Jesus with all of your might.  You know, the one who baptized me was a pastor or a church and he later before he died said that he did not have the “peace which passes all understanding”.  And I don’t know if he died without that peace, but what does that have to do with me and my walk with Jesus?  I will be held accountable to my walk with the Lord and that guy that baptized me will be held accountable to his walk.  A lot of Christians are making excuses, they are looking for the perfect body of water, the perfect man to baptize them.  There is no such thing.  There is nothing special about the water, there is nothing special about the person baptizing you.  What is special is that YOU are ready to follow Jesus and make that commitment to HIM.  If you are ready to follow Jesus, don’t make excuses, find some water, find someone who has been baptized themselves and let them baptize you.  Because as Jesus said; “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.”   Let us walk in the footsteps of Jesus.  Let us be baptized in water and then receive the Holy Spirit to guide us.  Let us be guided by the Holy Spirit and not by ANY PERSON.  Let us receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the fiery trials that come, that way we may be worthy to follow Jesus, and we may be made perfect in His love and in His righteousness.  May the grace of Jesus be with you.