Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

[youtube=]John Wooden – Poem

John Wooden recites a poem about aging, and the peace he has in seeing the Lord

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Don’t Look Back
By John Wooden

The years have left their imprint
on my hands and on my face.
Erect no longer is my walk,
and slower is my pace.

But there is no fear within my heart
because I am growing old.
I only wish I had more time
to better serve my Lord.

When I have gone to Him in prayer,
He has brought me inner peace.
And soon my cares and worries
and other problems cease.

He’s helped me in so many ways;
He’s never let me down.
Why should I fear the future
when soon I could be near His crown?

Though I know down here
my time is short,
there’s endless time up there.
And He will forgive and keep me ever in His loving care.

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