“Weeping and gnashing of teeth” means weeping and gnashing of teeth and “forever and ever” means what it says.
– R.E.R. (website: A Portrait of Love)
From his comment (#3735) on [Video] Dan Corner Interview: The Believer’s Conditional Security
My belief is that I accept the Bible as inspired by the Holy Spirit. I don’t think it likely that God The Holy Spirit speaks in suppositions or the hypothetical but rather in the stability of truth.
The Bible does warn about those who promote falsehood, Matt 7:15-16, 21-23; 2 Cor 11:13-15; 2 Tim 4:2-4; Rev 22:18-19 and other places. Manipulators, false teachers and false preachers, some even unaware themselves as being false, turn truth into pretzel-shaped distortions. Sometimes they dismiss bothersome passages as merely hypothetical or of some alleged supposition.
In all of this I think it’s a good idea for me to rely on the whole counsel of God.“Weeping and gnashing of teeth” means weeping and gnashing of teeth and “forever and ever” means what it says.
When your carnal mind, which can not be subject to the word of God, rebels against the light of God’s clear word, you assume you are smarter than God and you twist the scripture to your own destruction. You have only two choices: either you conform your desires to the Scripture, or you conform the scriptures to your perverted desires. The condemnation is simple: people love darkness rather than light.