Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

'Christian' Voter's Guides: What's Missing? Who's Missing? What this Nearly Single Issue Litmus Test Has Done to America?

In the church bulletin I was handed a few weeks ago was the Alaska Family Council Voter’s Guide: In my experience, this is a fairly typical of the voter’s guides that steer probably the majority of Evangelicals towards who they will vote for. For example, this one is somewhat similar [2013 update: apparently the 2008 voters guide I linked to is now replaced by another on this same page, and is different].
For the office of President, there were 7 “where they stand” questions and 2 candidates. 5 of the 7 questions had to do with abortion or homosexual marriage. The other 2 showed where they stand on cloning and the death tax.
Where are the rest of the questions? Republican candidates have learned how to play this game decades ago.
Under each of these questions, 2 candidates’ positions were listed: Barack Obama and John McCain. 6 candidates are on the ballets in enough states to be able to theoretically win. Of all 6, including John McCain, Chuck Baldwin is the only true pro-life candidate running. See: Chuck Baldwin: John McCain Pro Life? What a Joke.
Why are only non-Christian, pro-war, pro-big brother/big government, pro-New World Order, pro-open borders, anti-Constitution and untrustworthy candidates in this ‘Christian’ guide?
Isn’t this a little bit deceptive?
Was also-pro-life-to-the-max and Christian, Ron Paul excluded from the 2008 Presidential Primary ‘Christian’ Voter’s Guides? Probably. Ron Paul was God’s gift to America who could have easily won had the ‘Christians’ just paid attention. And he could be leading us out of this mess that is probably now irreversible. America is on a death spiral which both Voter’s Guide candidates will ensure.
‘Christian’ Voter’s Guides are significantly responsible for the coming police state. Voters who vote based upon this tiny litmus test are aiding and abetting the destruction of America. Consider what the previous “values voter’s guide” endorsed President did: President Bush — “Bad Fruits versus Good Fruits” List.
It’s time to vote clean this time—to not be responsible for the evil caused by this next Constitution gutting administration.
RELATED at ToBeFree:

VIDEO: Both Third Party Debates

All 45 of my Chuck Baldwin posts (in reverse-chronological order)
All of my Sarah Palin posts (in reverse-chronological order)
All of my John McCain posts (in reverse-chronological order)

Ron Paul: “I’m supporting Chuck Baldwin” & “the most difficult group to recruit has been the evangelicals who supported McCain and his pro-war positions”

Ron Paul’s Biggest Eye-Opener: ‘Christian’ Evangelicals Pushing Preemptive War in the Name of Spreading Christian ‘Love’

At OneCanHappen:

Pastor Baldwin: The Religious Right is AWOL From the Real War

Pastor Baldwin: Today’s ‘Christians’—No Hope In God’s Way

Voting for the ‘Lesser of Evils,’ Thinking We’re Going to Heaven


Coach Dave Daubenmire: America is about to be fleeced and the hirelings have sold out the flock


The Price Paid for the Republican Rejection of Ron Paul


  1. JP

    We can “vote clean” and ensure the worst possible candidate will win. We will be held accountable for throwing our vote to the wind in the name of “principle.” Ron Paul or any other third party candidate will not be the next president of the United States. Every vote that goes to a Third Party will detract from helping a candidate that is flawed, yet at least has committed to not advance abortion on demand or homosexuality. The other possible winner is committed to advance the killing of infants of failed abortions (infanticide), and is in the pocket of the homosexual lobby.
    We have a choice: Cast a protest vote for someone that can never win, assuring that the Supreme Court and the laws of our country are irrevocably anti-Christian for the next thirty years, or take a chance on the candidate that has vowed to appoint strict Constitutionalists to the bench, warding off the complete moral demise of the Union, and praying that there is a chance that he will not do anything to help the abortionists to gain more ground as he has vowed.
    We are not electing a president to a Theocracy, but a Democracy. I am not happy with my choices, but the only candidate I can vote for with a clean conscience is John McCain. I personally have many doubts about him, but I have no doubts about the travesty of electing Obama. I would have wished for a stronger candidate that would have been consistently in line with Christian moral principles. Voting as a protest to McCain will not gain any favors towards Christians as a voting block (which is a fallacy anyway). Politicians support those that support them; it is the way it works. I don’t expect any great advances for Christian principles if McCain gets elected, but I know what to expect if he does not.
    When you cast your protest vote for an unviable candidate, you are to blame if Obama gets elected and moves the country in the exact opposite direction that you believe that you are trying to point it towards.

  2. Jeff Fenske

    Dear JP,
    Please check out my links above, as well as many of my other posts at both of these sites.
    And I’d love for you to be able to hang out with Dr. Stanley Monteith for awhile. Please check out his material on war. You can do a search for at ToBeFree, and I have links to his videos, broadcasts and articles, there also.
    Also, in this article My EMP Dream (10/23/08): All Cars Suddenly Stopped From Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon? is a prophecy that gives God’s perspective.
    They’re doing it to us and we’ve been had. And the church is continuing to vote for evil? We need to do the research to see how they’re taking us down similarly to what happened in Nazi Germany, when most of the ‘Christian’ were complicit, except for a few like Bonhoeffer.
    McCain is a neocon globalist just like both George Bushes. And the evangelicals even voted for G.W’s. second term. No President has destroyed America and brought us into Satan’s NWO system faster. And those who voted for him are culpable.
    Please read my friend, John Klar’s book: “Christian Words, Unchristian Actions: George W. Bush and the Desecration of Christianity in Modern America.”
    The globalists control both sides, and they know how to control most ‘Christians.’
    We must stand up and repent, if we’ve voted for evil. Never again will we do this. We have helped besmirch Christ’s name throughout the world by supporting what G.W. has done in Jesus’ name.
    We must be clean—separate. Come out from her, the Bible says.
    Jesus wouldn’t vote for evil, and those who are Christ’s shouldn’t either. It’s an abomination. And who is to say that McCain wouldn’t destroy the US faster than Obama? Sarah has already talked about us fighting Russia. And Russia thinks they can win a nuclear war: having underground cities, state of the art everything, and us no more having a “lauch on first warning” policy.
    We’re done, whoever gets in. We (not I) dissed Ron Paul, and now it’s too late. Please see the prophecy I refer to. Now is the time for ONE to happen: right with God and right with everyone else—all of us truly “in Christ.” It’s time for ONE to happen (John 17).
    These globalist leaders will just take us down the road to total tyranny. We’ll probably see it in our lifetimes now.
    But we could have voted for Ron Paul had we woke up sooner.
    It’s sad, but this is what it’s come to, and it’s the church’s fault.
    By the way, since you’re a doctrine guy, I think bad doctrine has been the main problem in the church, and therefore America. Now is the time to get our doctrine and our relationships with everyone right.
    “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” – Jesus.
    John McCain is a warmongerer who laughs at his ‘enemies,’ including Ron Paul (in the debates). He’s sick, joking: “Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran,” and maybe we should kill them with cigarettes. Posts on these are at ToBeFree.
    Voting for “the lesser of evils” has destroyed America.
    Last election it was Skull verses Skull. Both candidates were Skull and Bones. Look at what happened this election. The globalists’ choice, Giuliani was being beaten by Ron Paul in the first primaries. They needed a candidate that would beat ron Paul. So they launched Fred Thompson, who also didn’t catch on. Then, all at once, the media pushed McCain and kept on pushing. See Joel Skousen’s McCain articles at ToBeFree. He’s their choice. And they drafted Sarah to get him in. but the Palin card didn’t totally work.
    But they’ll have their man regardless of who gets in. They control both sides, which is why the media amost totally ignored Ron Paul, except for the debates. And that’s why third party candidates aren’t allowed in the post-primary debates.
    The system is rigged, and they know how to play ‘Christians.’ Notice, I often put “Christians” in quotes, because many aren’t going to heaven, right with god and people, led by the Holy Spirit followers of Christ. And the main reason for this is doctrine, starting with OSAS and Lutheranism, etc.. But still teaching old covenant tithing instead of what the new covenant teaches about how we are to make decisions is another huge problem. My tithing posts prove this beyond a shadow of doubt. It should be a done deal, but I just heard tithing mentioned a bunch of times yesterday at a church.
    We must grow up and be led by the Holy Spirit and the love in our hearts, determing what to do, especially with money. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth, yet the church is anemic, full of sin—and condoning sin.
    Be separate, come out from her. No longer besmirch My name, condoning evil.
    Please do the research to see what’s really going on. It’s all at ToBeFree and many other sites, some linked at ToBeFree.
    By the way, this is one of Satan’s favorite devices: Video: David Icke – Problem > Reaction > Solution.
    God bless you!
    Jeff Fenske : )

  3. JP

    I understand your position, but you are too late. The time to get your guy in was during the primaries.
    What will you think of your principles when your vote for someone who cannot possibly win caused the greater evil to come to power? Either McCain or Obama are going to win; what will be your contribution? You see, no matter how one votes, or does not choose to vote, they allow those who want atheism to be the religion of America to dominate radio, television and our schools, Homosexuality to be considered normative, a flag of surrender to the terrorists in the Middle East while we are winning, and abortion to be excellerated to come to pass. Your vote and every one elses has repercussions. They cannot say “I voted for a Third Party, it’s not my fault that Obama and the Democrats are destroying America!” Those that do not vote for the lesser of two evils are culpable when their vote could have prevented the greater evil from harming others.
    Politics is not the vehicle of the Church’s success, but it can be our enemy. Our national interests are not based on theocratic assumptions. We may personally abhor war, and call others “mongers,” but if we had followed the weak in our history, we would all be speaking German or Russian today.Yes, war is ugly, and it is hard to define a just war until we have 20/20 hindsight. God Himself ordered war, to include the killing of women and children. He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever! Is He a monger? Those are strong words to use of someone who has endorsed much less than God himself. I don’t believe that McCain is a war monger, but believes in defending our national interest; the job of a President. Poor taste in humor is no disqualification to serve.
    There were Pasifists that believed that our nation should not declare independence. I’m glad we did! we had war, but defeated tryanny.
    I don’t deny a person their personal convictions on the matter. They can refuse to serve in military service, and they can vote or not vote as they wish. The blood of those who fought for that priviledge bought it for them. I just want them to think about and know that there is a cost to their principles. I don’t believe that they are necessarily doing better for the whole of American society, especially for Christians.
    Christians need to do a better job of getting their candidate in the Whitehouse, but a Third Party is useless until they get a fair percentage in the House and Senate. Get them in lower offices and they may someday be seen as credible alternatives. It would be foolish to place someone into the Presidency that has no one in Congress that would work with them. A Third Party without allies in a lame duck Presidency from the first day.
    I suppose that many Christian’s idea of “be ye separate” is a call to them to withdraw from Americam political life. If they refuse to have any viable influence, they cannot complain how the country goes. I personally do not see a Third Party as a choice in this election. The only thing evil men need to triumph is for good men to do nothing; and voting for a candidate that cannot win is in my mind, is not only doing nothing, it is actually contributing to evil.
    I feel that it is only fair to consider the views amongst Christians when there are such striking contrasts of how to appraoch the practical matter of public involvement. We both want to help people and not hurt them in our decisions. I believe that we both agree that we must do better to get better candidates to the place where we can feel good about placing them in charge. Perhaps the biggest difference between us is what to do when we have failed to get the best candidate to be a true contender on election day. Thanks for allowing me to express an opposing opinion.
    I do end with a question that we all must contend with. God says, “For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Shy of one or both of the candidates dropping dead in the next 24 hours, one of them will be our President. Since they will be “ordained of God,” is it to punish us, or to protect and lead us? It also implies that our Third Party contenders are not ordained even though we feel that they are better qualified.

  4. Jeff Fenske

    Dear Jeffrey P. from Jeffrey F.,
    My comments are on the left.

    I understand your position, but you are too late. The time to get your guy in was during the primaries.

    “My guy” (Ron Paul). He should have been “our guy.” And yes, it is too late. Now my guy has endorsed Chuck Baldwin.

    What will you think of your principles when your vote for someone who cannot possibly win caused the greater evil to come to power?

    I believe they’re both evil, and I don’t know who is the greater evil. And I don’t think anyone does.
    For example, evangelicals thought that George W. Bush was the lesser of two evils. Many thought he wasn’t evil at all. And through just eight years under his reign, America is about done. And the ‘Christians’ are willing to vote in 4 more years of the same country and world destroying policies.
    I personally believe that the pastors who publicly told people to vote for G.W., especially the second time, should publicly repent and apologize for supporting a tyrant, even a traitor to this country who certainly should have been impeached Nader: President George W. Bush is guilty of at least 5 impeachable offenses that go on day after day.
    Also, consider this. One of the elders’ qualifications is that an overseer must not be a striker. Insisting that people vote for leaders who start unconstitutional wars that kill many hundreds of thousands of innocent people unnecessarily is in essence being a striker.
    Pastors should be teaching Christians that the Iraqis and the Iranians and the Arabs are our brothers and sisters too. And we are commanded by scripture to love them as much as we love ourselves.
    I think many pastors not only don’t love these people (even if they really were our enemies), but they hate them—which is reverse-Christianity.
    Sarah Palin is now saying it’s wrong to even talk with Iran, because she knows “they’re the bad guys,” and that she would send troupes into another country (to kill and maim) without even blinking an eye. She is acting like a hypocrite, and really is unfit to lead. None of us should support her, based upon her own words. She’s reckless. A person can’t be a child of God and not be a peacemaker, Jesus said in Matthew 5. War is a last resort. Talking is one of the first. We must talk and try to solve things at the table, and never rush into war. And she publicly puts down Obama for saying he would talk with these “bad guys.” I was really saddened and disappointed in her when I heard her slam Barack in this manner. She’s our governor, and I had thought highly of her before this. I knew she was naïve about the New World Order, though, and how she would be used to promote it, which is really sad. Had only her pastors taught her the truth about what’s going on, and to love even our enemies (if they really are).
    I think we’re the real enemy, and I think our lack of love is destroying this great land.

    Either McCain or Obama are going to win; what will be your contribution? You see, no matter how one votes, or does not choose to vote, they allow those who want atheism to be the religion of America to dominate radio, television and our schools, Homosexuality to be considered normative, a flag of surrender to the terrorists in the Middle East while we are winning, and abortion to be excellerated to come to pass. Your vote and every one elses has repercussions. They cannot say “I voted for a Third Party, it’s not my fault that Obama and the Democrats are destroying America!” Those that do not vote for the lesser of two evils are culpable when their vote could have prevented the greater evil from harming others.

    I think homosexuality is largely a reaction to the sin problems in the church, just as 9/11’s main cause was unforgiveness. We need to fall on our faces and repent, and become one: one heart with each other and with Christ—resting, relaxed—in Him—under authority, not renegades, supporting evil, thinking the end justifies the means, when the ends are rotten and filth, full of murder and hate. We need to be examples of righteousness—not supporting war mongerers who say they are Christians (Bush and Palin). We should call them to repentance, not give then our vote.

    Politics is not the vehicle of the Church’s success, but it can be our enemy. Our national interests are not based on theocratic assumptions. We may personally abhor war, and call others “mongers,” but if we had followed the weak in our history, we would all be speaking German or Russian today.Yes, war is ugly, and it is hard to define a just war until we have 20/20 hindsight.

    It’s really not that hard anymore to see if our recent wars are just when one studies the secret societies and how they play the people to do their evil bidding. That’s why I suggested you hang out with Dr. Stanley Monteith, and look at much of what I’ve spent many hundreds of hours putting together here. It’s important to do the research.

    God Himself ordered war, to include the killing of women and children. He is the same, yesterday, today, and forever! Is He a monger? Those are strong words to use of someone who has endorsed much less than God himself.

    I explain this in Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – A God of War & *a* Prince of Peace. I believe that was a Nephilim, demonic bloodline purging issue.

    I don’t believe that McCain is a war monger, but believes in defending our national interest; the job of a President. Poor taste in humor is no disqualification to serve.

    This isn’t just a poor taste in humor. He laughs right at men of integrity, true peacemakers, and laughs about killing people. Ha, ha, ha. He is known for his violent temper, which Joseph Farah even saw firsthand. And he has done many despicable things, for example the MIA cover-up. Something is seriously wrong. The NWO won’t promote candidates they can’t control. It’s being said that Sarah is “going rogue.” My guess is that she’s experienced some of these things by now, and if she doesn’t get in, I hope she takes this to heart. She’s been a maverick before, and could be again. But she has a lot to learn.

    There were Pasifists that believed that our nation should not declare independence. I’m glad we did! we had war, but defeated tryanny.

    I’m not a pacifist, for I believe in self-defense if there is no other option. But usually there is. And most of these wars aren’t self-defense, including the American Revolution.
    Also, you say we’ve “defeated tyranny,” but now we’ve become tyrannical, and the whole world knows it and much of the ‘church’ still won’t admit it. We’re now the big bully on the block, and it isn’t pretty what our CIA have covertly done to numerous countries, as well as our military. Check these out: Economic Hitman, John Perkins: The Secret History of the American Empire—Why They Hate US and Pearl Jam: Hawaii ‘78 — What We Did to Hawaii | “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq” — Hawaii, Cuba, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Vietnam, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Panama, Chile, Iran, Grenada, Afghanistan, Iraq & MANY Others Under the Cover of Darkness (’I Spy’). And this just scratches the surface.

    Christians need to do a better job of getting their candidate in the Whitehouse, but a Third Party is useless until they get a fair percentage in the House and Senate. Get them in lower offices and they may someday be seen as credible alternatives. It would be foolish to place someone into the Presidency that has no one in Congress that would work with them. A Third Party without allies in a lame duck Presidency from the first day.

    Nope. Chuck Baldwin would be awesome in the White House. There is much he could do without Congressional approval, for example: bringing most of the troupes home so we can defend our own borders. He can rescind most of the Executive Orders and maybe even Bush’s signing statements. He can veto like crazy. And if Congress doesn’t want to work with him because his plans are righteous, that’s not his fault, but theirs. He could make friends with our neighbors, etc.. And what he wouldn’t do would be awesome as well. He wouldn’t condone torture, start any wars (that’s up to Congress), or do anything unconstitutional.

    I suppose that many Christian’s idea of “be ye separate” is a call to them to withdraw from Americam political life. If they refuse to have any viable influence, they cannot complain how the country goes. I personally do not see a Third Party as a choice in this election. The only thing evil men need to triumph is for good men to do nothing; and voting for a candidate that cannot win is in my mind, is not only doing nothing, it is actually contributing to evil.

    The only reason Chuck Baldwin can’t win is because Christians like yourself won’t also vote for him. There are only two states where people can’t vote for him. He could win if most of the “Christians” voted for him. It’s this lesser of two evils thing that makes him unviable.

    I feel that it is only fair to consider the views amongst Christians when there are such striking contrasts of how to appraoch the practical matter of public involvement. We both want to help people and not hurt them in our decisions. I believe that we both agree that we must do better to get better candidates to the place where we can feel good about placing them in charge. Perhaps the biggest difference between us is what to do when we have failed to get the best candidate to be a true contender on election day. Thanks for allowing me to express an opposing opinion.

    Jeff, you’re a gifted logical thinker, and I appreciate very much your contributions on my sites. And I really hope we get on the same page, someday, on this issue too.
    I think the biggest difference between us is the time we’ve spent researching what’s really going on in this country—what Dr. Stan calls “the story behind the story, the news behind the news.” When we discover the great degree that Satan controls both major parties, the media, etc., I think we’ll both be on the same page. Then it all fits together, and we go: “no way!” There is no way I will support this evil system. I’m a part of the solution, not the problem.
    I’m totally engaged in politics, but I will never knowingly support in any way the antichrist system that both the Republicans and the Democrats have just about already slam-dunked into place.

    I do end with a question that we all must contend with. God says, “For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” Shy of one or both of the candidates dropping dead in the next 24 hours, one of them will be our President. Since they will be “ordained of God,” is it to punish us, or to protect and lead us? It also implies that our Third Party contenders are not ordained even though we feel that they are better qualified.

    Romans 13. Jeff, you the Armenian are pulling Romans 13, interpreting it in a Calvinistic way? God help us. Seriously. I think we need further help from God on this one to crack this, to understand the Holy Spirit’s intended meaning.
    As you probably know, Romans 13 is how Hitler got ‘Christian’ support to be able to destroy Germany and much of the world.
    I’m going to have to mostly pass on this one for now. But as we come into this dark chapter in American history, I think it’s time to really seek God as to how to understand this text. And if anyone else has insight, I’m all ears.
    Certainly, we could have elected Ron Paul had the church been more wise, especially from being more holy and Holy-Spirit-led, as well as divorcing itself from this narrow minded, two issue value voter’s litmus test. Love and wisdom demands we include more in our requirements. This is idiocy.
    If you really want to pull Romans 13, the Revolutionary War wasn’t even close to being a just war in God’s eyes:
    1 Let every soul be in subjection to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those who exist are ordained by God. 2 Therefore he who resists the authority, withstands the ordinance of God; and those who withstand will receive to themselves judgment.
    I think we should sincerely pray about Romans 13 and study related texts to see how God wants us to apply this in our lives. For it’s likely that we’ll be seeing the day when we won’t be able to buy or sell unless we take the mark. And we know it’s not God’s will to take the mark, so here is a clear example where disobedience to authority is required. The NT church also preached the Gospel at times even when it defied the rule of law.
    We are to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. We need to fully know what’s going on and we should have deep peace about who we vote for. I can in full faith vote for and support Chuck Baldwin, who most of the church rejected. I cannot vote for a candidate who will do numerous things to destroy our country and others. And I think 2 Cor. 6 still very much applies:
    14 Don’t be unequally yoked with unbelievers, for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 What agreement has Christ with Belial? Or what portion has a believer with an unbeliever?
    16 What agreement has a temple of God with idols? For you are a temple of the living God. Even as God said, “I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they will be my people.”
    17 Therefore, “‘Come out from among them, and be separate,’ says the Lord. ‘Touch no unclean thing. I will receive you.
    18 I will be to you a Father. You will be to me sons and daughters,’ says the Lord Almighty.”
    Let them determine which brand of evil that will continue this tyranny. I don’t want to be any part of it. We need to wash our hands and come out from the beast system, focusing instead on the greatest two commandments. Then they’ll know us by our love for each other. And we’ll set the world on fire—God with us!!!
    Glory to God!
    Let us pray:. Father, deliver us from evil. May we stay clean, and not have another four years of shame and embarrassment. May we be holy. And may they know us by our love, not our warmongering, loving only two countries….
    I just thought of something somewhere in the ellipse, in the prayer, above. In our country, the Constitution is the rule of law. We are all supposed to submit to it. This isn’t a Roman dictatorship. This is “we the people.” We know that both McCain and Obama won’t obey the Constitution, though they pledge to. How does this fit into Romans 13?
    God, please help us understand the balance here.
    Bless you, Jeff!
    Jeff Fenske : )

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