repent and come clean!

Fall on the Rock
or the Rock will fall on you.

What are you waiting for?

You’re leading by example.
and it doesn’t look good.

You are responsible
for the fall of America.

* * *

The Sheep Stealers Rob the Sheep —
Hypocrites Cannot Lead

Let Us Be ONE prophecy, Part 5 of 33

The sin in the body is great. The sin in the body is evident to all who watch from afar. They don’t want to go in and see the yuck. Why should they?

There is plenty, and it will take time to clean up the mess; and many will see that you are My body. I will be glad. You will be one in Me.

The highway is great. Many travel on it: the ‘Way of Happiness,’ but it leads to destruction. They act like nothing is wrong. The sheep stealers rob the sheep, unawares. They teach them vain imaginations and lead them astray, where destruction awaits those who disobey. It is in the Word.

Read Psalm 26.* David was a man of integrity. He was in the Holy Ghost, awaiting for Me to lead him into truth, until he fell. His fall was great, because he failed to wait on Me. He let lust take over, rule his heart. He fell so hard the whole nation crumbled, aghast at what they saw, cringing, because of David’s sin.

It can happen like this. For there is hurt in the body. The hurt is great. Many hate each other and call it love. Hypocrites cannot rule. They must be in Me to lead. The sheep are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Faint not, My people. Lean on Me. Come back to where you belong, in My arms. I will hold you where you will not faint, where the wolves will not devour, but there must be love. Love conquers all. Love conquers hate, and brings life.

* * *

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Now today, it seems to me, the United States is right in saying that it shouldn’t take the lead in arming the rebels and even being in the forefront of the military initiative. But quietly, we can certainly do a lot. And I think our allies, who have taken the lead are dependent on us in that respect.

So there can be a slight gap [Brzezinski even lies about the gap being slight], not total contradiction, [Brzezinski smiles] if I may say so, between words and actions. I think the posture should be that we’re in the back seat. As a matter of practice, I think we can be doing a lot more.

– Zbigniew Brzezinski
4/3/11 on CNN

Lying admission at 2-minute mark

[youtube=]Zbigniew Brzezinski On CNN About Libya

Uploaded by on Apr 3, 2011

Airing Date April.03, 2011

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