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(video) YouTube Promotes Sexual Debauchery While Treating Christian Morality As "Hate Speech"

YouTube Promotes Sexual Debauchery While Treating Christian Morality As “Hate Speech”

Published on Jun 27, 2017

YouTube is actively promoting Gay Pride to hundreds of millions of people in the YouTube community, while censoring and suppressing the opinions of many of us who politely speak in favor of traditional values and Christian morality.

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1 Comment

  1. Wesley Taylor

    Clearly, and I am quite certain that you have heard this many times; “God made Adam and Eve. NOT Adam and STEVE! !!!!!! Nor did HE make EVE AND EVE!!!! We, my dear wife and I stand on the Word of God, and FOR God and His Word, the Holy Bible. We are not “religious”, but saved by the Blood of the Lamb of God! There is coming the Day of the Lord, when ALL will stand before his Holy Majesty and give account, where then, will the sinner and ungodly appear?
    On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 1:23 PM, One Can Happen wrote:
    > Jeff Fenske posted: “ YouTube > Promotes Sexual Debauchery While Treating Christian Morality As “Hate > Speech” End Times News Report Published on Jun 27, 2017 YouTube is > actively promoting Gay Pride to hundr” >

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