55 Old Testament Prophecies about Jesus

Jesus Film Project


Some scholars believe there are more than 300 prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament. These prophecies are specific enough that the mathematical probability of Jesus fulfilling even a handful of them, let alone all of them, is staggeringly improbable—if not impossible.

Peter Stoner, Chairman of the Departments of Mathematics and Astronomy at Pasadena College, was passionate about biblical prophecies. With 600 students from the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, Stoner looked at eight specific prophecies about Jesus. They came up with extremely conservative probabilities for each one being fulfilled, and then considered the likelihood of Jesus fulfilling all eight of those prophecies.

The conclusion to his research was staggering. The prospect that anyone would satisfy those eight prophecies was just 1 in 1017. In Science Speaks, he described it like this….

We put together 55 prophecies that cover four specific areas:

  1. Jesus’s birth
  2. Jesus’s ministry
  3. Jesus’s death and resurrection
  4. Jesuss’ role in the church

We’ve ordered the prophecies based on their Old Testament book order. For each one, we included a verse showing its fulfillment in the New Testament.

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