There are scoffers who are leading people astray to just “do what feels good” — which is basically anarchy, giving demons a right to enter, control, and minimize sin.
The New Testament is particularly important for us, because we live in the new covenant, just like them. We can learn a lot from how they were led by the Holy Spirit and the proclamations they shared from the Holy Spirit, which are mostly still totally applicable today.
Thank God for the Bible and the Holy Spirit — Himself in us — Who gives us eyes to see, and Who is consistent over time!
We can trust His words to us and them. But if we throw out what He said to them, we’re on really shaky ground. Because we need to have a level of holiness so we’re only hearing the Holy Spirit’s one, “still, small voice.”
It’s important to know the written word of God and hear His voice today — and learn from what others are hearing, those are also obeying so they can be free.
A man was challenging the scoffers on Facebook a few hours ago, and included this link. I thought I’d share. This includes links to my other posts on this subject.
“Do what thou wilt” is Satanism, by the way. That’s where the anti-church, anti-Bible scoffers are leading many — to hell.
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From: Answers in Genesis
Why Should We Believe in the Inerrancy of Scripture?
by Brian Edwards
July 5, 2011
“You don’t really believe the Bible is true, do you?”
The shock expressed by those who discover someone who actually believes the Bible to be without error is often quite amusing. Inevitably, their next question takes us right back to Genesis. But what does the Christian mean by “without error,” and why are we so sure?
Jesus Believed in Verbal Inspiration
In John 10:34 Jesus quoted from Psalm 82:6 and based His teaching upon a phrase: “I said, ‘You are gods.’” In other words, Jesus proclaimed that the words of this psalm were the words of God. Similarly, in Matthew 22:31–32 He claimed the words of Exodus 3:6 were given to them by God. In Matthew 22:43–44 our Lord quoted from Psalm 110:1 and pointed out that David wrote these words “in the Spirit,” meaning he was actually writing the words of God.
Paul Believed in Verbal Inspiration
Paul based an argument upon the fact that a particular word in the Old Testament is singular and not plural. Writing to the Galatians, Paul claimed that in God’s promises to Abraham, “He does not say, ‘And to seeds,’ as of many, but as of one, ‘And to your Seed,’ who is Christ” (Galatians 3:16). Paul quoted from Genesis 12:7; 13:15; and 24:7. In each of these verses, our translators used the word “descendants,” but the Hebrew word is singular. The same word is translated “seed” in Genesis 22:18. Paul’s argument here is that God was not primarily referring to Israel as the offspring of Abraham, but to Christ.
What is significant is the way Paul drew attention to the fact that the Hebrew word in Genesis is singular. This demonstrates a belief in verbal inspiration because it mattered to Paul whether God used a singular or plural in these passages of the Old Testament. It is therefore not surprising Paul wrote that one of the advantages of being a Jew was the fact that “they have been entrusted with the very words of God” (Romans 3:2, NIV). Even many critics of the Bible agree that the Scriptures clearly teach a doctrine of verbal inerrancy.
Does the Bible Claim to Be God’s Inerrant Word? — Jesus’ Statements
10 Misconceptions About the NT Canon: #4: “Books Were Not Regarded as Scripture Until Around 200 AD”
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