Mostly really good. But I’m not sure what Sean is getting at in his conclusion. I would say:
God works everything for good, Romans 8:28 only applies to real Christians (whom Paul described clearly in verses 1-17):
“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.”
And that doesn’t at all mean that God manipulates everything for those who really do follow Him. I believe that God is mostly hands off, allowing people to freely decide what they will do. Where He does intervene a lot is in the spirit world, where angels fight demons, often in response to Christians’ prayers. And God also empowers Christians to overcome sin, as the Holy Spirit leads those who follow Him.
God will sometimes clearly intervene, but this is rare, like with Saul on the road to Damascus, making him temporarily blind, which gave Saul some quality thinking time so he repented from persecuting the Christians, and then become Paul, one of the greatest Christians ever!
God really has given us free will, unlike some Calvinists who believe free will is only an illusion, because God controls everything everyone does in order to be able to predict the outcome. That is pure hogwash, but one of my seminary professors actually taught us that.
Sean’s father is Josh McDowell, the famous author, Christian apologist.
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If God, Why Evil? – Sean McDowell
Published on Oct 1, 2013
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