no matter how many Scriptures I brought up, even when I bring the salvational words of Christ Himself, even when I mention passages like John 15 that says that “the branch IN CHRIST that will not bear fruit will be cut off and BURNED”, even then, it will not convince the majority of professing Christians who got deceived by that lie.

It is because they WANT to believe the lie….

Why I Will ALWAYS Expose “Once Saved Always Saved”

Eternal Call

Dear friends, I will not sit here and watch many deceived Christians get dragged to hell without exposing the doctrine known as “Once Saved Always Saved”. I have spent countless hours discussing it and sometimes arguing to no avail with Christians who believe that doctrine.

And no matter how many Scriptures I brought up, even when I bring the salvational words of Christ Himself, even when I mention passages like John 15 that says that “the branch IN CHRIST that will not bear fruit will be cut off and BURNED”, even then, it will not convince the majority of professing Christians who got deceived by that lie.

It is because they WANT to believe the lie, the SAME LIE from the beginning. The serpent said to Eve: “you surely shall not die”. The crafty one is pulling that same lie today, only now he is using doctrine, disguising himself as an angel of light, speaking from the pulpits in the “churches”.

By their fruits we will know them dear friends.

I have even had some brothers come and criticize me for being harsh against that doctrine. One brother even told me that my hate for it is “unhealthy”. This brother said I shouldn’t be focused on it. I have to say though that God has put the hate of that doctrine in me and He called me to speak against it.

God has also told me not to focus too much on exposing it in a way that can distract me from my fellowship WITH CHRIST. It is true we could become consumed by exposing wrong and therefore forget the grace and mercy of God. There is the mystery of the balance of the gospel.

However, I have realized with time that it would be WRONG of me to completely ignore it as God has also shown me. The TRUTH will always EXPOSE LIES, because it is what truth does, like light with darkness. When Light comes, darkness FLEES.

I can have the best time with professing Christians who believe that lying doctrine. We can discuss about so many beautiful things about God, about salvation, mercy, grace and even about Jesus and His words. They won’t mind it and they will even say some wonderful amazing things about Christ but I should NEVER DARE mention anything about the danger of losing one’s standing with God, about enduring in persecution and suffering, about falling away from salvation, about the danger of becoming lukewarm and unfruitful.

Suddenly they will turn against you, they will persecute you, ostracize you and say all kinds of evil about you because you pulled the rug of that doctrine from under their feet. They will slander you and say you are a heretic. Why? Because you say that we have to OBEY CHRIST, ENDURE WITH HIM, REMAIN WITH HIM UNTIL THE END.

It is like worms under a rock, they will not mind being there, they will remain hidden under that rock of doctrine comfortable in their environment. That is UNTIL you remove that rock and suddenly let the light shine on them and expose them and their hypocrisy, suddenly they start to wiggle and try to escape by going deeper underground.

They call endurance and ABIDING in Christ “works” instead of seeing it as it truly is: “REPENTANCE FROM OUR OWN WORKS”. It is because we KNOW that without Jesus, we will not be able to make it that we GO TO HIM EVERY DAY with the SAME FAITH we had when we FIRST MET HIM.

Dear brothers and sisters who believe in that doctrine, you are WARNED. I don’t pretend to know everything and I am NOT PERFECT. However, ONE THING I DO KNOW, this doctrine is a LIE and it will lead COUNTLESS SOULS who thought they were saved to the depth of hell.

BEWARE dear brothers, don’t FALL FOR IT.


And may God bless you!