My comment:

The main problem is unrepentant lust of the heart, which Jesus said in Matthew 5 will send us to hell, so we have to do whatever we need to in order to not lust in our heart. Committing an act with a person is a next, deeper step. Lusting in the heart allows demons to drive lust.

Pastors teach “once saved always saved” and “only believe” instead of teaching what the Bible really says about needing to abide in Christ to have no condemnation, which we have if we walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. These are the sons of God, Paul then continues to say in Romans 8.

Look at Paul’s two lists in Galatians 5. Most “Christians” are in the “will not inherit the kingdom” list, and many don’t even care about what Romans 8, Galatians 5 and almost 90 New Testament verses actually say about who goes to heaven. They’re that lust addicted.

Paul says an overseer MUST be “HOLY” in Titus 1, which means purity of the heart, not just externally pure actions. Then we have the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5, after which Paul says “Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” Most pastors and born-again “Christians” today are backslidden by choice, not in Paul’s “those who belong to Christ” list.

Paul soon after says: “Don’t be deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”

It starts in the heart. Church leaders MUST be “HOLY” in their hearts to be able to lead others into real Christianity: Ephesians 4:11-16.

Torn Curtain by Joshua Simone

Aug 29, 2024

Chris Reed Resigns from Morning Star Ministries Admits moral failures with young woman who was a student at the ministry. Chris Reed admitted to the Roys Report that in 2021 he was sending a woman “terrible” explicit texts and kissing her. The woman’s first name, Kathryn, was seven years younger than Reed and a student at MorningStar where Reed was a leader. Chris Reed role as a spiritual authority figure makes him completely responsible for all this. Reed, who’s married and has six children, was the pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church and in line to become CEO of MorningStar taking over for Rick Joyner. Chris Reed did not come forward on his own. It was only after the Roys report confronted him that he said “I sorely regret it,” and “I take full responsibility for it. It wasn’t her fault at all. I’m fully, fully to blame.” Kathryn says that Reed started the relationship with a prophecy about her. The two then met frequently alone in either her car or Reed’s van during November and December 2021. Reed would often kiss her, Kathryn said, and one encounter included Reed touching her. Reed also sent her “vulgar” texts, she said. Kathryn shared the private Facebook messages Chris initiated with her in November 2021, showing Reed pursued her and called her more “special” than other students. He also prophesied over her, asked for her class schedule, gave her his personal cell phone number, and asked if she had a tattoo. Karen, who brought her kids to MorningStar because she believes God led them there, said she hopes revealing this now will lead to redemption and restoration for all. Initially, Reed sent a cryptic letter to staff Tuesday, announcing his resignation, which he admitted “may come as a surprise, and perhaps even a shock, to some of you.” There is also a scandal with Morningstar ministry that involves SA with several minors. This is bringing a lawsuit against the ministry and several staff. Reed said, “I don’t want to be involved in being the face of a ministry and answering questions about a legal battle that didn’t involve me. I walked away with nothing because I won’t fight against minors who were mistreated . . . I’m standing on the side of people”