“You will rarely find a message, now, of repentance.”
“‘I’m under grace; I can do anything.’
That’s from the Devil.”
“I’m embarrassed to be part of the church of Jesus today,
because I think it’s an embarrassment to a holy God.”
“Will you remind people of the goodness and the severity of God? [Rom. 11]
Will you remind them of a day when mercy is cut off forever?
Will you remind them that people pray in Hell but nobody ever answers?”
“Answer God, all you theologians reasoning out My theology.
Just answer God: are you pure in heart?”
“A diluted gospel is no gospel at all.”
“Entertainment is the Devil’s substitute for joy.”
“Even if you have to bury your theology, sir —
just bury it tonight and get right with God.”
Transcribed by Jeff Fenske
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[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxPR-8eemoc]WAKE UP CHURCH!!JUDGMENT STARTS IN THE HOUSE OF GOD!!
Uploaded by 8167433 on Sep 7, 2010
This is a video that every Christian should watch with a humble heart and a sober mind !! Time to wake up and be earnest with the Lord and be a holy Church that is on fire for Jesus has a passion for worship and a zeal for evangelism. We are called to be ‘salt and light in this world’. We need a revival of repentance! We need a renewed love for the Word Of God. A renewed passion for souls. A renewed desire for prayer! A renewed pure love to know the attributes of God!! A renewed hatred for all sin!! A renewed reverence and holy awe-filled fear of our Majestic, Awesome, All-powerful Holy God !! FEEL FREE TO SHARE THIS VIDEO WITH A MANY AS POSSIBLE.IF YOU SEEN IT BEFORE ITS WORTH SEEING AGAIN AND AGAIN! The key thing is to listen to what they say and let is challenge you and change you.
1.David Wilkerson: Senior Pastor of Times Square Church.Founder of Teen Challenge Centers which are worldwide seeing teens who are in bondage to drugs and alcohol and many other sins set free by the power of God.My wife worked at 2 of these Centers and was trained under his ministry.Author of ‘Cross and the Switchblade’ ‘Set the Trumpet to thy Mouth’ “Hungry for more of Jesus.”Led Nicky Cruz to Jesus in 1958!
2.Carter Conlan: Pastor of Times Square Church in New York.He is a man of God!
3.Keith Daniel: Minister of the gospel who was born in South Africa! A sincere serious man of God.Heard him in 1997 when he was visiting the U.S.A.
4.Leonard Ravenhill: Was used in a very mighty way in Great Britian for many years.A man who walked with God and a man of prayer.Good friend of A.W.Tozer.Wrote the classic book ‘Why Revival Tarries” plus many more.You should buy them and read them..plusTozers books also! I had some fellowship with Bro.Ravenhill and some times of prayer.He gave me 2 books out of his library that he loved.They are ‘Hidden life of Prayer’ by McIntyre and ‘In the footprints of the Lamb’ by Stienberger.I tried to get him to come and preach in 1991 in Barbados but his health was not good.We showed his sermon THE JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST on a big screen in my Church in 1990 long before Youtube.The conviction of the Holy Ghost fell on my congregation and many filled the altars and weep before the Lord in holy repentance!!
5.Pastor Jim Cymbala: Pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle in New York.He is a man of God and has written some very good books.His wife leads the well known Choir which is made up of many who were in deep bondage to sin and were saved under the churches ministry! THANK YOU FOR WATCHING.TIME IS SHORT AND WE NEED TO SEEK THE FACE OF GOD.BRO.DAVID.
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