Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Author: Jeff Fenske Page 16 of 100

Ten things you need to know about the King James Bible — James intentionally altered texts

Ten things you need to know about the King James Bible

by [Nick Page]

Amidst all the literary luvvies gushing over the quality of the prose and the RADA trained voices reading it in Radio 4 speak a few salient facts aren’t getting much attention. So here are ten things you ought to know about the KJV. They are taken from God’s Dangerous Book – a book on the history of the Bible…. But here’s the shorter version:

Ten things you need to know about the King James Bible

1. It was widely ignored on publication. Far from being an instant classic, The King James, or Authorised Version, was widely ignored on first publication  for one very good reason: hardly anyone wanted it in the first place.

2. It was never intended as a means of giving the Bible to the people: it was intended as a way of stopping them using the Bible they already had.
 The people already had a great English translation  – the Geneva version. James I hated that because he thought its footnotes were seditious. So he specifically commanded that the new version should be done without footnotes.

3.  It was a revision not a new translation. James ordered that it be based on the text of the Bishops’ Bible of 1568. James instructed that the new version was to be ‘as little altered as the truth of the original [i.e. the Bishop’s Bible] will permit’.

4. It was a politically motivated translation. James also instructed that ‘the old ecclesiastical words to be kept, viz. the word Church not to be translated Congregation.’ James insisted that ekklesia be translated as church and that the word ‘bishop’ be used instead of ‘elder’. So you get verses like Acts 1.20, where the Geneva Bible has

Russ Taff: “Believe In Love”

Alaska Watchman — A Light in the Darkness!

Great Alaska news source led by Joel Davidson, covering some things spiritual!

MARK FARNER: I’m Your Captain (Closer To Home – 1970) 2011 LiVE

From: Songfacts — Mark Farner (ex-Grand Funk)

Songfacts: How did you come up with that song? It seems so unusual – so long and it changes gears in the middle.

Farner: Initially the song came to me after I said my prayers one night and I put a P.S. on the end of my prayers. I asked God to give me a song that would touch the hearts of people that the Creator wanted to get to. I got up at 3 o’clock in the morning – I’m always getting up at different times of the night and writing things down. A lot of them are not songs but this happened to be one.

I got up and I wrote it, and as I’m writing it, I’m between the state of subconscious and conscious. I’ve got one foot in dreamland and my pen is writing these words down. It didn’t make a whole lot of sense. It was kind of weird, I thought, as I was writing it. I didn’t sit there on the edge of the bed and read it over and over, I just wrote it down, and when I got to the end of it, I just folded it over and put it on the nightstand. There it was.

Well, in the morning, I got up, I was drinking my coffee, I was looking at the horses out in the pasture, and I got my feet kicked up. I thought, I’ll grab my flattop here. I had an acoustic George Washburn, a resonant guitar from my kitchen – everybody would grab it when they came here. I started playing. Wow, that’s nice, what the heck is that? Then I made that C chord. I made a mistake. I was going for the G and it was a little short and I hit the C. And I looked down because that chord spoke to me in such a way. I’ve never heard that come out, that inversion of the C. I thought, Wow, that’s a cool chord. Then I thought maybe with those words in the other room, maybe that’s a song, so I grabbed the legal pad and laid it down on the table next to my coffee and I just started strumming. “Everybody…” And it just started coming out. …

Russ Taff: “Oh Buddha” — “You can call yourself a Baptist, Methodist or Charismatic… But IF YOU HATE YOUR BROTHER you won’t be one of The chosen few”

Well, you can call yourself a Baptist and not be born again
A Presbyterian or a Methodist and still die in your sin
You can even be Charismatic shout and dance and jump a pew
But if you hate your brother you won’t be one of The chosen few.

Jesus in Mt. 5:43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, BLESS THOSE WHO CURSE YOU, DO GOOD to those WHO HATE you, and PRAY FOR THOSE WHO MISTREAT YOU and persecute you, 45 THAT YOU MAY BE CHILDREN of your Father who is in heaven.

1 John 3:15 Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

1 John 4:16 … God is love, and remains in God, and God remains in him. 17 In this, , in the day of judgment, because , in this world. 18 There is ; , because fear has punishment. . 19 We love him, because he first loved us. 20 If a man says, “I love God,” and HATES HIS BROTHER, he is a liar; for he who doesn’t love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen? 21 This commandment we have from him, that .

Galatians 5:19 Now the works of the flesh are obvious, which are: adultery, sexual immorality, uncleanness, lustfulness, 20 idolatry, sorcery, HATRED, strife, jealousies, outbursts of anger, rivalries, divisions, heresies, 21 envyings, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these; of which I forewarn you, even as I also forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let’s also walk by the Spirit. …

6:7 Don’t be deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. 8 For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.

Beth: Secret Satanic Covens In The Christian Church: Why We We Left The Church

Beth mentions how loud the ‘worship’ music is, a fleshly substitute for the Holy Spirit — for when people don’t worship in Spirit and in truth.

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About Me: Hi my name is Beth 🙂 I am an ex-witch and new ager, who came out of satanic ritual abuse in the Mormon church. I am saved by the love and grace of Jesus Christ, and I blog and vlog about my past experiences, what I have learned and where God is leading me. I am also a stay-at-home mom with 4 sons and married to a wonderful man.

“SUBMIT to God; RESIST the Devil, and HE WILL FLEE from you.” – James 4:7

“SUBMIT to God; RESIST the Devil, and HE WILL FLEE from you.” – James 4:7

Itching Ears: “The time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine…”

“For THE TIME WILL COME WHEN THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having ITCHING EARS, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and *WILL TURN THEIR EARS AWAY FROM THE TRUTH*, and turn aside to FABLES.” (2 Tim. 4:3,4)

“A lie doesn’t become truth. Wrong doesn’t become right just because it’s accepted by a majority”

“A lie doesn’t become truth. Wrong doesn’t become right. Evil doesn’t become good just because it’s accepted by a majority.”

God: “… ALL LIARS — their place will be in the FIERY LAKE OF BURNING SULFUR….” – Rev. 21:8

Revelation 21:7-8 HE WHO OVERCOMES SHALL INHERIT all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and *ALL LIARS* shall have their part in the LAKE WHICH BURNS WITH FIRE and brimstone, which is the second death.”

What does ITCHING EARS mean in Bible (lovers of pleasure) – Francis Chan

“For THE TIME WILL COME WHEN THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having ITCHING EARS, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and *WILL TURN THEIR EARS AWAY FROM THE TRUTH*, and turn aside to FABLES.” (2 Tim. 4:3,4)

Russ Taff’s abusive pastor father jealous of his own son’s talent and anointing — Russ’ struggle to be free revealed in the film ‘I Still Believe’

This heavy, honest film just opened up a new level of understanding to me for what many have gone through.

The abuse showed itself in many ways and was devastating to his mother too, who then also abused Russ and his brothers. But this statement of how Russ’ own pastor father was jealous of Russ’ talent when the Holy Spirit filled him, that’s just sick beyond what I had thought possible.

So I’m doing this post on Russ’ dad giving him the silent treatment because he was jealous of his own son.

Russ then lied about his addiction, living a superficial life for decades until he was emotionally healed.

Thankfully, he married the right lady; 30-day rehab worked, and was prayed for by a special man who expressed the heart of our Heavenly Father!

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Famous Christian musician Russ Taff speaking about his alcoholic, abusive pastor father’s jealousy of his son, Russ:

“When I started really shining he got jealous. That started a dance between he and I until I left home — that when I would do real well and the Holy Spirit would move he would emotionally punish me, where he wouldn’t even acknowledge me for a couple of days.”

– Transcribed from Russ Taff: I Still Believe at minute-12:10

Film’s description:

The award-winning Christian music icon shares his story of freedom from alcoholism and childhood abuse that kept him in a prison of private shame.


Jesus *not* a SJW

Jesus was not a social justice warrior socialist.

Michael Brown: ‘Christians’ Cursing People Praying Imprecatory Psalms, Hating

Mary Worship: Tour Exposing Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C.

Often simply called ‘The Shrine’ — the largest Roman Catholic church in America.

“The basilica houses 81 Marian chapels.” (Wikipedia)

DANGER of Communicating with the DEAD — Praying to Mary and ‘Saints’

Mary and the “saints” who actually did make it to heaven can’t communicate with people on Earth, so prayers to them are futile, border on idolatry, and can open the door to demons. This is one of the most disturbing elements of Catholic doctrine, and has no Scriptural support.

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Dear Catholic church goer, beware of the teachings you hear, test everything by prayer and by the Holy Spirit. Spend time in the Holy Scriptures, don’t depend on others for the truth. Do your homework. Your soul is too precious to God, it is too precious for you to risk it by swallowing all the deceptions these “churches” throw at you. You are accountable.

When you communicate with the dead, no matter where they are or what form they are in, you are opening yourself up to the spiritual dimension. It is VERY DANGEROUS because you don’t know what you are dealing with.

There are many instances of people contracting demonic spirits because of these things. Prayer to your favourite dead saint, communicating with Mary IS DANGEROUS. Saying that you are not praying to them but asking them to intercede for you does not change anything. Prayer is communication, playing on words will not help you.

The only prayer you could and should do is one to God Himself. The only mediator you could talk to is Jesus Christ, the only mediator between God and man. That is because only God is on the throne and only God has under Him all spiritual powers including the dark principalities.

Also the Lord is insulted when you display your hypocrisy by communicating with anyone other than Him. He is not busy somewhere in a heavenly office. He is not unavailable. He is always there waiting for you to go to HIM. Jesus promised that He will never leave us.

Can you imagine working for a boss who sends out for you to come to His office. Can you imagine you sending someone to go talk to Him for you? Do you think the boss will be happy? He sent out FOR YOU. He wants YOU to go to Him personally.

Don’t be a hypocrite. Jesus said in John 14:23 that He and the Father will make their abode WITHIN YOU. You have a STRAIGHT connection, you can approach the throne with confidence. Stop listening to that catholic garbage. Don’t insult Jesus. GO TO HIM.

Out of all the prophets, saints or anyone you think is very spiritual, there is ONLY ONE who left His throne to come and DIE FOR YOU dear friend. There is only one who shed His blood for the forgiveness of your sins, there is only one who went to the cross.

Don’t insult Him by sending someone else for you. Go to Him YOURSELF.

And may God bless you!

Ron Hoffman: Women are different than men — Seek different things to satisfy their soul

The God-made differences between men and women will always be despite TalmudVision’s never ending mission to convince us we’re the same.

Satan’s goal is dysfunctional families or no families and dysfunctional churches where demons run amuck to topple society.

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Ron Hoffman’s Sunday message, 2/28/21 — “I Am, part II” Anchorage Baptist Temple

“Men typically seek pleasure, possessions and power to satisfy their soul”

“Women [typically] seek acceptance, status and security to satisfy their soul.”

WATCH VIDEO— Men and women subject starts at 35:40


Petra: ‘Let Everything That Hath Breath’ (Praise the Lord)

I became a Christian in 1974 while reading the Paul and Silas jailer story in Acts 16 mentioned in this song. It was clear to me they had what I wanted. I was trying to find the true source of being able to love others — the one true religion that worked, which I hadn’t found while studying in the Lutheran school system K-12. While in my senior year, I don’t know why, but I decided to start reading the Bible in Acts 1, which I still think is a great place to start.

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Let everything that has breath praise the Lord
Let every creature under God’s sun praise the Lord
Let all the mountains, let all the valleys
Let all the hillsides sing of His glory
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

Israel had a war to fight but the Lord showed them the secret
He said the battle this day is mine, but you must listen how to do it
Put your singers first in front of the rest
Let them praise and sing to me
And you will see the salvation of your God
And watch your enemies flee

Paul and Silas were thrown in jail
For preaching the gospel of Christ
Though in chains they praised His name singing songs in the night
Just then an earthquake shook the place and the chains and the doors were loosened
Then the jailer ran in scared to death and that day he found salvation

Classic Petra: ‘Let Everything That Hath Breath’ (Praise the Lord) – Live 2011

Petra: ‘Creed’ – Live at Farm Aid 1992


Petra Classic (Greg X Volz lead): Back To The Rock Live Reunion Concert – Nashville 2011

[Note to myself: this 1080p version is just as sharp as this 360p one. The cover pulls up for sharing on this one, so I’m posting it.]

Refreshing, first concert in 25 years with all five of the 80’s line-up (with Greg X. Volz as lead singer)!

Wikipedia’s band history

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Back To The Rock is the twenty-second studio album by the band Petra, released in 2010 and which marks the band’s return with the classic 80s lineup (Bob Hartman, Greg X. Volz, John Lawry, Mark Kelly and Louie Weaver) .[1] The repertoire consists of a reinterpretation of 10 hits from Petra’s eighteenth phase plus two new songs. [2] The album also features a live version (Back to the Rock Live) released in 2011 on CD / DVD. [3]

Set List
“Bema Seat” – 03:43​
“Clean” – 02:51​
“Angel of Light” – 04:14​
“Rose Colored Stained Glass Windows” – 03:56​
“Godpleaser” – 04:29​
“Second Wind” – 04:20​
“More Power to Ya” – 03:21​
“Let Everything That Hath Breath (Praise The Lord)” – 04:00​ (Greg X. Volz)
“Grave Robber” – 04:37​
“Adonai” – 04:16​
“Back to the Rock” – 04:27​ (Greg X. Volz)
“Too Big To Fail” – 04:11​

Keith Green 1982: “He’s not your Savior unless He’s your Lord” — 100 Huntley Street TV – ‘Make My Life A Prayer To You’

Keith at 6:40: “He’s not your Savior unless He’s your Lord.”

“Once saved, always saved” and “it’s hard to lose one’s salvation” have destroyed America, since so few “Christians” are now real Christians — salt and light.

For THE TIME WILL COME WHEN THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having ITCHING EARS, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and WILL TURN THEIR EARS AWAY FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to FABLES. (2 Tim. 4:3,4)

The world may be a much different place right now had Keith not died so young.

The REASON Many “Christians” are DECEIVED — We must obey

Dear friends, the reason many professing Christians are deceived is because they don’t want to LISTEN TO JESUS. They don’t want to follow Jesus, they don’t want to read His words and they certainly don’t want to obey these words. Most professing Christians don’t even know what it means to be a Christian. It means to FOLLOW CHRIST. It is all about JESUS and WHAT HE SAID. Yet most don’t want to accept that, they don’t want to follow and obey Jesus Christ, they just want to be ‘saved’.

Jesus said we must be born again of the Spirit of God. To be born again means that we have the Holy Spirit and when we have the Spirit, we belong to Christ, it means that Jesus becomes OUR LORD, He becomes our KING. He is SOVEREIGN OVER OUR LIVES. We are not our own anymore, we are HIS private possession, HIS HOLY TEMPLE WHERE HE LIVES. We also become simple servants for His Kingdom. Yet this is not what ‘Christians’ want to hear today. They want salvation, they don’t want the KING OF SALVATION.

Eternal Call

The Psychology of Racism, Jerry Mungadze: “We cannot hang onto the pain of discrimination and slavery forever, carrying the bitterness to where you suspect every white person looks down on you when they really don’t”

Jerry Mungadze tells some of his experiences where he was discriminated against, and how he handled it. Then says:

10:10 “To my people, the biggest thing I have to say is: we cannot hang onto the pain of discrimination and slavery forever, because if we do, we get stuck, because it’s not going to hurt them. They’re not going to lose sleep over it. It’s us who carry that bitterness to where you suspect every white person to look down on you when they really don’t.”

14:10 “In our community as black people, we can’t keep saying ‘white people, you need to change; you need to change the way you treat us. We have to change ourselves. Because we do have our racist thoughts too, and we have to overcome those.”

C.S. Lewis in 1942: How Satan uses fear of death to destroy liberty — “I instilled fear in them!”

Spookily, CS Lewis wrote this nearly 70 years ago but could have been written today:

′′One young devil asked the old man: “How did you manage to bring so many souls to hell?” The old devil answered: “I instilled fear in them!” Answers the youngster: “Great job! And what were they afraid of? Wars? Hunger?” Answers the man: “No, they were afraid of the disease!

For this youngster: “Does this mean they didn’t get sick? Are they not dead? There was no rescue for them?” The old man answered: “but no . . . they got sick, died, and the rescue was there.” The young devil, surprised, answered: “Then I don’t understand???”

The old man answered: “You know they believed the only thing they have to keep at any cost is their lives.

They stopped hugging, greeting each other. They’ve moved away from each other. They gave up all social contacts and everything that was human! Later they ran out of money, lost their jobs, but that was their choice because they were afraid for their lives, that’s why they quit their jobs without even having bread.

They believed blindly everything they heard and read in the papers.

They gave up their freedoms, they didn’t leave their own homes literally anywhere. They stopped visiting family and friends. The world turned into such a concentration camp, without forcing them into captivity.

They accepted everything!!! Just to live at least one more miserable day . . . And so living, they died every day!!!

And that’s how it was very easy for me to take their miserable souls to hell….. ′′

C.S. Lewis – ′′ Old Devil’s Letters To Young ′′ 1942.


Daniel Rodriguez: ‘I’ll Walk with God’ — “I’ll never walk alone while I walk with God”

I’ll Walk with God from this day on.
His helping hand I’ll lean upon.
This is my prayer, my humble plea,
May the Lord be ever with me.

There is no death, tho’ eyes grow dim.
There is no fear when I’m near to Him.
I’ll lean on Him forever
And He’ll forsake me never.

He will not fail me
As long as my faith is strong,
Whatever road I may walk along.

I’ll Walk with God, I’ll take His hand.
I’ll talk with God, He’ll understand.
I’ll pray to Him, each day to Him
And He’ll hear the words that I say.

His hand will guide my throne and rod
And I’ll never walk alone
While I walk with God.

Daniel Rodriguez: ‘The Lord’s Prayer’


Daniel Rodriguez – ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ LIVE

‘The Prayer’ – Daniel Rodriguez & Kristin Chenoweth

From the album ‘From My Heart,’ 2003

Noah’s Ark Resistivity Scans Pt 1 – A tour of Noah’s Ark as the scans are done

Related: All of my Ron Wyatt posts

In 2014, resistivity scans were done on Noah’s Ark by John Larsen of New Zealand, assisted by Randall Lee of Tennessee. This was the first real research done since the work by Ron Wyatt in the 80’s which led to it’s acceptance by Turkey as Noah’s Ark. In this part 1, Mary Nell Wyatt Lee takes the viewer on a tour of the ark as the work is in progress. It begins with the long hike down to the ark from the Visitors Center, then explores the entire ark. Mary Nell’s commentary was videoed onsite. This is especially for those who would like to see the entire ark site and understand the remains. It also shows the scans in progress and explains briefly how they work to later provide a 3d image of the entire ship. The results of the scans will be explored in Part 2.

PLEASE NOTE that I made an error in math when I was filming- This took place in 2014. When I went to the spot that the mini excavation took place in 1990, mistakenly said it was “14 years” ago (from 2014) when it was actually 24 years ago.

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