Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Real History Page 1 of 8

(1.5 min vid) The rise of the CEO pastor & corporate mindset overtook the church

The main problem is false doctrine by far, but this factor is significant too: trying to please men to become successful and famous.

A Biography of JC Ryle (1816-1900)

Starts at minute-4

1909 / The Scofield Bible Turned Christians into Zionists


• God’s words to Abraham in Gen. 12:3, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern, Talmudic state of Israel
• Real history of Cyrus Scofield at 27:20
• Scofield Reference Bible at 31:15
• Oxford Press further Zionized the notes
• Praying for war instead of peace at 46:45
• Christian Zionists enable war
• “Blessed are the peacemakers” bothers them

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” – Jesus

Steven Ben-Nun: MANY PALESTINIANS ARE JEWS — descendants of the TRUE JEWS of the Roman occupation back in 70 A.D.


Many Palestinians are descendants of Judaics who converted to Islam after the Muslims invaded – Scott Horton

Most Israelis aren’t true, ethnic, Semitic Jews:

DNA Study: Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ Not Semitic, but Turkish Origin

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18:30 “And sadly enough, many of these Palestinians are crypto-Jews from descendants of the true Jews of the Roman occupation back in 70 A.D., when the temple was destroyed.” – Steven Ben-Nun

‘Atheism’: The belief that there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing. Then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything. Then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits, which then turned into dinosaurs

‘Atheism’: The belief that there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing. Then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything. Then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits, which then turned into dinosaurs.

Makes perfect sense.

The True History of the Rapture + Dispensational Eschatology with JSlayUSA Jeremy Slayden

NOTE: I don’t necessarily agree with all of this. A lot of ground and ideas are covered! Luther was no saint himself and helped originate the false doctrine of “only believe.”

Interesting that John MacArthur supports the rebuilding of the third temple with the blasphemous animal sacrifices, which Paul warns us of in 2 Thess. 2. MacArthur also pushes hard the cessation of the gifts of the Spirit and OSAS/”once saved always saved.” He’s a major false teacher.

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-What is dispensational premillennial eschatology?
-When did it originate?
-Did it originate with John Nelson Darby or were there others before him?
-How does the rapture theology play a role in Zionism?
-How did C.I. Scofield play a role in spread this theology?

The 1909 Scofield Bible Turned Christians Into Zionists


• God’s words to Abraham in Gen. 12:3, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel
• Oxford Press further Zionized the notes
• Real history of Cyrus Scofield at 27:20
• Scofield Reference Bible at 31:15

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” – Jesus

Catholic church murdered William Tyndale for translating the Bible into English so people could read it themselves – 1536

Being a “more noble” Berean violates Catholic teaching.

Can’t have people reading the Bible for themselves to make sure what the Catholic church teaches is true!

Paul: “Now these [the BEREANS] were MORE NOBLE than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word [from Paul and Silas] with all readiness of the mind, EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY TO SEE WHETHER THESE THINGS WERE SO.” – Acts 17:11

Pre-Trib Rapture invented in 1790 by Jesuit, Manuel Lacunza? —EXPOSING Roots Of Premillennial Dispensationalism with Jeremy Slayden

Manuel Lacunza’s book: “The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty” (1790)

Origins Of Christian Zionism Exposed: Dispensational Eschatology Contradicts 2K Years Of Doctrine

Jeremy Slayden is here to talk about how Christian Protestantism was subverted by Manuel Lacunza, Darby, and Scofield which resulted in modern day Christian Zionism.

Timeline: Invention of the ‘Rapture’ idea

Rapture-removal is not the historic teaching of the Church. One of the more astonishing facts in the history of eschatological thought, and one that most Christians are unaware of, is that the idea of “a secret pre-tribulation, Rapture removal from the earth of the Church” is a fairly recent theory in Church history. In theological circles, it’s a “Johnny come lately.” Even the historic creeds, conspicuously, don’t mention it. In fact, it was relatively unheard of and never taught until the early 19th century, and it didn’t become widespread until the 20th century. Since then, it has spread like wildfire. But the many failed predictions of its coming have made it an embarrassment.

Grace Elizabeth: What Christians Aren’t Taught About Zionism

An overview of lessons not taught in government schools or churches

(vid & text) Gaza Made Simple For Christians by Ted Pike (2009) — Real history & God’s CONDITIONAL terms still apply to Israel

Video Source

Video Script

Claims and counterclaims surround the recent crisis in Gaza. Yet, we can’t understand the right or wrong of events in the troubled Mideast without knowing God’s spiritual law about Palestine. This law was repeatedly set forth over 3000 years ago.

If you are a Christian, you must take the Bible very seriously — as the written word of God. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My Word shall not pass away.” (Mark 13:31) This means the eternal truths laid down thousands of years ago in Holy Scripture remain true.

Yet, many evangelical Christians say God’s law no longer applies to the modern state of Israel. What law am I talking about? In the Old Testament, God repeatedly instructed His people, the Israelites, that the land of Canaan was to be holy. It could only be occupied by a holy, obedient people. When they rebelled, God allowed them to be driven out. They could only reenter in repentance. [1] God says that if Israel rebels, “The Lord will scatter you among the nations”(Deut. 4:27). But if they repent, “The Lord your God will restore you from captivity” (Deut. 30:3).

2,700 Year-old, 1/3rd Mile Hezekiah’s Tunnel in Jerusalem — I waded through it in ~1983

I don’t remember it being a formal site back then. Two Palestinian boys told me where it was. My Abbott Loop Bible teacher, John Owen told suggested I walk it, who was kind enough to let me stay with him for 10 days in Jerusalem.

The water was sometimes above my knees. Two teams dug from opposite ends, and where they met can be seen, because the alignment jags there, but not by much, which I found impressive — maybe only a foot or so (it’s been 40 years)?

2-minute video shows what it’s like now:

If You Believe Dragons Are a Myth, Watch This!

Book: “Dinosaurs, Dragons, and the Bible” by Bodie Hodge

Fire breathing aspect at 24:45

What’s With The Kissing In The Bible?

What’s With The Kissing In The Bible?

David and Jonathan kissed.

Judas kissed Jesus.

Jesus commented once that the owner of the house didn’t greet him with a kiss.

Paul tells us to greet one another with a holy kiss.

What’s with all the kissing in the Bible? …

No. These are not examples of homosexuality within the Bible. …

Does This PROVE the ‘Shroud of Turin’ is REAL? — Debate over the Shroud appears to be over. “This is the burial shroud of the historic Jesus of Nazareth”

Is the debate over the Shroud of Turin over? Many Christians believe it was the burial cloth of Jesus and even non-Christian scientists struggle to explain how the image of a man was imposed onto it. But some scientists have claimed that carbon dating has proven it is much younger than previously thought. However, Shroud of Turin Research Project Official Photographer Barrie Schwortz joins Glenn to explain why he’s refuting that claim. According to Schwortz, who was once a “total skeptic” of the Shroud, the carbon dating was improperly done. Instead, he believes the most plausible explanation is simple: “This is the burial shroud of the historic Jesus of Nazareth.”


I just updated & expanded: The Didache (70-100 AD): Reconciliation was required to attend early church meetings! “Let no one who is at odds with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned”

Is The Didache a blueprint for the way churches should be?

This is one of the writings of “the early Christian fathers” that I especially liked. It’s big on unity!

What if we compare The Didache to what is practiced in today’s ‘churches?’ 

But every Lord’s day gather yourselves together, and break bread, and give thanksgiving after having confessed your transgressions, that your sacrifice may be pure. But let no one who is at odds with his fellow come together with you, until they be reconciled, that your sacrifice may not be profaned.

Is there even one ‘church’ in America that requires reconciliation? How many pastors have fully reconciled so they’re qualified to lead?

The Didache mentions prophets being a common leadership ministry in the late first century church (like Ephesians 4:11). Where are they in today’s churches?

The Didache also has “the way of death” list that is similar to Paul’s “will not inherit the Kingdom” list in Galatians 5.

Read the Article

What swallowed Jonah? A sperm whale or an extinct sea creature? || Did Jonah die for 3 days and was resurrected like Jesus?

I just saw a meme that claims whales’ throats aren’t large enough to swallow a human, specifically Jonah in the Bible story (Jonah 1 & 2), but sperm whales’ throats are large enough, and about 200 live in the Mediterranean Sea today.

“The only known whale that has a large enough throat to swallow an adult is the Sperm Whale” (source)

An extinct sea creature could have also swallowed Jonah. I highly recommend James Perloff’s book, Missing Saints, Missing Miracles to read historical accounts of incredible miracles that most people have never heard of, including with large, now extinct creatures.

Jonah also likely died while in the belly of the “great fish” for 3 days, a type and symbol of Jesus’ body being in the grave for 3 days.

Young Earth Evidence ft. Paleontologist Dr. Marcus Ross

Join David and Tyler on this episode of FUA as we sit down with Young Earth Creationist and Paleontologist Dr. Marcus Ross to discuss the geological and scientific evidence for a young Earth!!!

Dr. Ross has taught college science classes for over twenty years in the areas of creation, geology, paleontology, biology, and more.

Marcus Ross has loved paleontology (especially dinosaurs) since he was a kid growing up in Rhode Island. After earning a B.S. in Earth Science from the Pennsylvania State University, he continued his studies with a M.S. in Vertebrate Paleontology from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and a Ph.D. in Environmental Science (Geoscience) from the University of Rhode Island.

Dr. Ross regularly contributes to creationist research and education in both technical and popular literature. He and his wife Corinna live in Lynchburg, Virginia, and home school their four children.

Find more from Dr. Ross on his website here:

James Perloff: The Case Against Darwin (S3, EP6)

James Perloff writes:

I’m Paul Wittenberger’s latest guest on his Framing the World podcast. Our topic was Darwin’s theory of evolution. We discussed the impact of the theory on Christian faith, and then examined three major areas of evidence (and there are others, of course) that debunk the theory.


The 10 Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth

The 10 Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth

1. Very Little Sediment on the Seafloor

2. Bent Rock Layers

3. Soft Tissue in Fossils

4. Faint Sun Paradox

5. Rapidly Decaying Magnetic Field

6. Helium in Radioactive Rocks

7. Carbon-14 in Fossils, Coal, and Diamonds

8. Short-Lived Comets

9. Very Little Salt in the Sea

10. DNA in “Ancient” Bacteria

Fully explained HERE

Calvary Chapel’s ‘Don’t Talk’ Rule: Even “In a situation where something in the church is so completely wrong that the sheep in the body are in spiritual danger, then say nothing to anybody, resign, and move on”

Related: Joe Schimmel: The cultlike ‘don’t talk’ rule — protecting unrepentant pastors & false teaching from “gossip”

Excerpt from “The Ministry of an Assisting Pastor” by Larry Taylor (1994), Calvary Chapel’s primer for Assisting Pastors

(Note: Larry Taylor has since repented of the this book and it’s contents and left CC)

7. Never Gossip

Gossip is a sin that most of us feel we are not guilty of, and which most of us are very guilty of. Gossip may be defined as saying anything negative, whether true or not, to anyone about the pastor or about the ministry. If there are things wrong, take it to the Lord in prayer. Tell absolutely no one, including your spouse. Do not repeat anything that would cast aspersion on the ministry in any way. Doing so dishonors Christ and His cause.

But, you say, what do you do if there are real problems? Pray about them and forget them. If that doesn’t work, take your concerns directly and only to the pastor himself, and share with him honestly. If that doesn’t work, resign, and move on. Under no circumstances should you ever say anything negative about the pastor or the ministry to anyone, even after you’ve quit.

In a situation where something in the church is so completely wrong that the sheep in the body are in spiritual danger, then say nothing to anybody, resign, and move on. If the church is a Calvary Chapel affiliate, then take your concerns and share them privately with Pastor Chuck or with Oden Fong, then drop it; leave it alone. Let them handle it. Trust God. He’ll correct the situation. But do not gossip. It is a terrible sin before God.

Joe Schimmel: The cultlike ‘don’t talk’ rule — protecting unrepentant pastors & false teaching from “gossip”

Related: Calvary Chapel’s ‘Don’t Talk’ Rule: Even “In a situation where something in the church is so completely wrong that the sheep in the body are in spiritual danger, then say nothing to anybody, resign, and move on”

No Talk Rule should automatically start at 57:17:

The Discovery of Noah’s Ark – A G. Edward Griffin Film (1993)

The Discovery of Noah’s Ark – It’s Really There!

Noah’s Ark has been found, and here is the evidence, including photographs You can visit it yourself without having to climb a glacier to get there! It is in Turkey 17 miles from Mt. Ararat at the 6,000 foot elevation. It was man-made, was designed as a boat, incorporates principles of advanced hydrodynamics, had decks and interior chambers, is the proper dimension, is in the right geographical location, is accompanied by large anchor stones, has been visited by religious pilgrims for thousands of years, is consistent with the Bible, the Koran, the Torah, and the ancient tablets from Sumer, and is surrounded by mountains and villages which carry names from antiquity relating to the Ark’s landing. This 1993 documentary was produced and narrated by G. Edward Griffin and features expert testimony by David Fasold, Donald Patten, Sam Windsor, and Marvin Luckerman. A DVD is available from


March 17, 2022

The Story Of The Waldenses: “Many gave their lives for the truths of God”

A Seventh Day Adventist friend suggested this true story of the persecution of this Christian group, who refused to succumb to Catholic church persecution: “Go to mass or you die” — helping us appreciated the title ‘protestant.’

NOTE: I don’t believe it matters what day of the week people worship on, which the 7th Day Adventists consider crucially important. We’re living in the new covenant, when we’re supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the old covenant law.

Also, the book of Revelation scriptures shown will likely be fulfilled in the future, instead of in the past, as this video implies. Minute-41:00 is an example, which some predict will the the bride of Christ taken into the wilderness during, or even just before the tribulation (instead of the rapture).

Israel Of The Alps – The Story Of The Waldenses – James Arrabito

A Palestinian Christian’s Perspecrtive on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Alex Awad

Alex co-founded Bethlehem Bible College in Bethlehem (yes, that one) and served as a professor and dean of students for many years. Alex received his MA in Missiology (1989) from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore KY; MA in Education (1976) from N. Georgia University in Dahlonega GA; BS in Secondary Education (1973) from Lee University in Cleveland, TN; BA in Biblical Education (1970) from Lee University in Cleveland, TN. He has also been a pastor and missionary for the United Methodist Church. Having lived in Israel from 1946-2015, Alex has seen a LOT! He shares his perspective about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as a Palestinian Christian who has lived through much of the conflict.


Did It Rain before the Flood?  What Generated the Preflood Mist?

Did It Rain before the Flood?  What Generated the Preflood Mist?

Genesis 2:5–6 suggests that it did not rain before the flood

[5 No plant of the field was yet in the earth, and no herb of the field had yet sprung up; for Yahweh God had not caused it to rain on the earth. There was not a man to till the ground, but a mist went up from the earth, and watered the whole surface of the ground.]

Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not sent rain upon the earth; and there was no man to cultivate the ground. But a mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface of the ground.1 [emphasis added] …

Rainbows God promised never again to flood the entire Earth (Genesis 9:12–17), a promise marked by a “bow in the cloud”—a rainbow. Rainbows form when raindrops refract sunlight. This suggests that rainbows began after the flood, and there was no preflood rain. …

A Terrarium The Hebrew word translated “mist”($!), in Genesis 2:6, occurs in only one other place in the Bible—Job 36:27, where it clearly means water vapor. So, did the preflood Earth act as a humid terrarium in which water vapor evaporated, condensed as dew without rainfall, and watered the Earth?  Could an Earth-size terrarium…

Entire Article



Before the global worldwide Flood of Noah’s generation, the planet Earth was very different from the post-flood world that we observe today. According to the young Earth creation science researchers, the pre-flood Earth had a large human population in the billions. It was filled with tame animals. It had a thin crystalline water canopy shielding the planet from deadly radiation. It had a single supercontinent or landmass and a single super ocean. Its surface geography was less rugged with a more stable crust. And it had more edible and nutritious plants than the post-flood world. These superior environmental global conditions on Earth contributed to the longevity among human populations, which also facilitated the gigantism found among the pre-flood plant and animal fossil records. …



…what the Bible says:

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which  were above the firmament: and it was so.
And God called the firmament Heaven.” (Gen.1:6-8a)

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