ONE Can Happen

Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

A Palestinian Christian’s Perspecrtive on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: Alex Awad

Alex co-founded Bethlehem Bible College in Bethlehem (yes, that one) and served as a professor and dean of students for many years. Alex received his MA in Missiology (1989) from Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore KY; MA in Education (1976) from N. Georgia University in Dahlonega GA; BS in Secondary Education (1973) from Lee University in Cleveland, TN; BA in Biblical Education (1970) from Lee University in Cleveland, TN. He has also been a pastor and missionary for the United Methodist Church. Having lived in Israel from 1946-2015, Alex has seen a LOT! He shares his perspective about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as a Palestinian Christian who has lived through much of the conflict.


Creationist Stumps Evolutionary Professors with ONE Question!

Did It Rain before the Flood?  What Generated the Preflood Mist?

Did It Rain before the Flood?  What Generated the Preflood Mist?

Genesis 2:5–6 suggests that it did not rain before the flood

[5 No plant of the field was yet in the earth, and no herb of the field had yet sprung up; for Yahweh God had not caused it to rain on the earth. There was not a man to till the ground, but a mist went up from the earth, and watered the whole surface of the ground.]

Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not sent rain upon the earth; and there was no man to cultivate the ground. But a mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface of the ground.1 [emphasis added] …

Rainbows God promised never again to flood the entire Earth (Genesis 9:12–17), a promise marked by a “bow in the cloud”—a rainbow. Rainbows form when raindrops refract sunlight. This suggests that rainbows began after the flood, and there was no preflood rain. …

A Terrarium The Hebrew word translated “mist”($!), in Genesis 2:6, occurs in only one other place in the Bible—Job 36:27, where it clearly means water vapor. So, did the preflood Earth act as a humid terrarium in which water vapor evaporated, condensed as dew without rainfall, and watered the Earth?  Could an Earth-size terrarium…

Entire Article



Before the global worldwide Flood of Noah’s generation, the planet Earth was very different from the post-flood world that we observe today. According to the young Earth creation science researchers, the pre-flood Earth had a large human population in the billions. It was filled with tame animals. It had a thin crystalline water canopy shielding the planet from deadly radiation. It had a single supercontinent or landmass and a single super ocean. Its surface geography was less rugged with a more stable crust. And it had more edible and nutritious plants than the post-flood world. These superior environmental global conditions on Earth contributed to the longevity among human populations, which also facilitated the gigantism found among the pre-flood plant and animal fossil records. …



…what the Bible says:

“And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which  were above the firmament: and it was so.
And God called the firmament Heaven.” (Gen.1:6-8a)

Michael W Smith: ‘Give It Away’ (with lyrics)

There was a man who walked on water
He came to set the people free
He was the ultimate example
Of what love can truly be
‘Cause His love was His life
And He gave it away
You gotta give it away

As we live
Moving side by side
May we learn to give
(May, may we learn to give)
Learn to sacrifice

You gotta give it away

Watch on YouTube


Another reason to avoid porn: Lowers testosterone

Another reason to avoid porn like the plague it really is.

How fast is the Milky Way moving?

Our galaxy,, the Milky Way, containing about 400 billion stars is both spinning and moving. It’s spinning at a little over 450,000 mph. And is moving through the universe even faster at 1,300,000 mph!

Trace Balin – Champions (1988) – Entire, Powerful Album!

I forgot how wonderful this entire album is.

Trace is like a Christian Pat Benatar. AMAZING voice & from-the-heart, deeply spiritual!


Entire album will play in order

Trace Balin: ‘Only For You’

Listen to the whole album here –…

There’s a place in my heart
Reserved for You
Where I hear Your still small voice
Whisper words of truth
Every hour, every day
I know You’re there
Gently calling me to come
To that place of prayer

Only for You I want to live
Willing to serve, ready to give
All that I am, all that I do
Lord, may it be only for You
There are times when I fail
To do Your will
Falling short of Your desire
Plans left unfulfilled
But I know even then
Your love remains
There to bring me back again
To Your arms of grace

‘Cause only for You I want to live
Willing to serve, ready to give
All that I am, all that I do
Lord, may it be only for You

Only for You I want to live
Willing to serve, ready to give
All that I am, all that I do
Lord, may it be only for You
Lord, may it be only for You
Lord, may it be only for You

Trace Balin: ‘Use Me Jesus’

Use me, Jesus
Use me, Father
‘Cause You know I’m Yours
(All Yours)
And my hands are Yours
(All Yours)
And my time is Yours
(All Yours)
To use for Your will

Trace Balin: ‘Walk In The Spirit’

Well, I could say some things
And really get all my feelings out
Words of bitter stings
Sow mistrust and scatter doubt

I will not walk in hate
I’ll walk away from rejection
I will not walk in fear
’Cause fear is the opposite of perfection

I will walk in the Spirit
Walk in the Spirit
I’ll dwell on the things
That walking there brings
I will walk in the Spirit
Walk in the Spirit
Let there be no doubt
I’m coming out
To walk in the Spirit, oh…
Walk in the Spirit, oh…

I heard many voices say
That I would never be good enough
But the liar is on his way
The Righteous One has called his bluff

Walking, not falling out of control …

Falling hinders reaching the goal …

Trace Balin: ‘We Are An Army’ ~1990

God is building an army
Mighty warriors strong and true
Marching boldly to battle
Hear His voice and quickly do
And the land that Satan stole away
We’re coming back to take today
So let us join in one accord
Fight the battle, win the war

We are an army
We’re marching hand in hand
We’re taking back the land
That Satan stole
We are an army
We’re marching hand in hand
Together we will stand
For our Lord

Trace Balin – ‘Well Done’ – Lakewood Church ~1990

Where Do Demons Come From? — Why demons can’t be spirits of deceased Nephilim

This author, J. Garton challenges the idea that evil spirits came from the Nephilim, which Michael Heiser and others teach.

Besides Garton’s reasons why the spirits of Nephilim can’t be demons, I would add these points:

The gift of tongues in the post-apostolic church

Irenaeus, who traveled widely (Gaul, Italy, Asia) and his contemporaries (“we”) had themselves been witnesses of the phenomenon as practiced by “many” and in “all kinds of languages,” as he attests in AD 180. Tertullian states that the “interpretation of tongues” was present in his group.

“The gift of tongues in the post-apostolic church: a rejoinder to Cleon Rogers”

by Gary S. Shogren, PhD in New Testament, professor of New Testament at Seminario ESEPA, San José, Costa Rica. See also my commentary on 1 Corinthians, HERE. [Amazon]

…let us read what Irenaeus actually said in Against Heresies 5.6.1 (ANF 1: 531), from c. AD 180:

For this reason does the apostle declare, “We speak wisdom among them that are perfect,” terming those persons “perfect” who have received the Spirit of God, and who through the Spirit of God do speak in all languages, as [Paul] used himself also to speak. In like manner we do also hear many brethren in the Church, who possess prophetic gifts, and those who through the Spirit speak all kinds of languages, and bring to light for the general benefit the hidden things of men, and declare the mysteries of God…[5]

Differences Between the Received Text and the Westcott-Hort Greek Text — 1,952 OMISSIONS, 467 ADDITIONS and 3,185 CHANGES

Most people today read Bibles in which the New Testament has 1,952 omissions, 467 additions and 3,185 changes, which Westcott and Hort initiated 140 years ago.

That’s why I mostly read translations that are based on the unaltered Greek texts, like the WEB and NKJV. The KJV is also based on the more accurate Greek text.

Somehow, Wesctott and Hort convinced many scholars that the Egyptian texts were more reliable; though, it’s clear to many that these texts were altered, often intentionally, which I’ve posted articles about in this category.

This is a summary of the changes made.

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Differences Between the Received Text and the Westcott-Hort Greek Text

Updated November 24, 2004 (first published August 11, 2004)
David Cloud, Way of Life Literature

There are many myths that are perpetuated today by the defenders of the modern versions, and one of those is that there is very little difference between the Received Text underlying the King James Bible and other ancient Protestant versions and the Westcott-Hort Greek text underlying most of the modern versions. Westcott and Hort themselves made this claim in their day, and it is widely repeated today. …

The fact is that the differences are large and serious and a choice must be made.

Dennis Prager: The Consequences Of Losing Our Fear Of God

Most pastors replace “fear” with “reverence” now.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” – Prov. 9:10

Without wisdom, what do we now have?

Steve Bannon’s War Room

Prophets and apostles weren’t hated for preaching “love, love, love!”

The prophets and apostles were not hated and put to death for preaching “love, love, love!”

They were hated for teaching TRUTH!

Brain Scan Research Proves Men’s and Women’s Brains are Wired Differently — Men are more LOGICAL and better at coordination and spatial awareness. Women are more INTUITIVE, have greater ’emotional intelligence’ and better memories for words and faces

The study: Sex differences in the structural connectome of the human brain – Madhura Ingalhalikar, Alex Smith, Drew Parker, Theodore D. Satterthwaite, Mark A. Elliott, Kosha Ruparel, Hakon Hakonarson, Raquel E. Gur, Ruben C. Gur, and Ragini Verma, December 2, 2013

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From: Daily Mail

Men’s and women’s brains: the truth! As research proves the sexes’ brains ARE wired differently, why women’s are cleverer ounce for ounce – and men can’t read female feelings

  • Differences between the sexes are profound
  • Men generally have more connections within each hemisphere
  • In women the stronger links run from side to side between them
  • This means men are more logical and better at coordination
  • Women are more intuitive and have greater ‘emotional intelligence’

John Naish

4 December 2013

Women’s and men’s brains are wired in fundamentally different ways.

Neurologists used magnetic resonance imaging (radio-wave scans that produce detailed images of the inside of the body) to study the brains of almost 1,000 volunteers. …

Men generally have more connections within each hemisphere and between the front and back of the brain.

In women the stronger connections usually run from side to side, between the left and right hemispheres.

In essence, what this means is that men are more logical and better at coordination and spatial awareness. Women are more intuitive, have greater ‘emotional intelligence’ and better memories for words and faces.

Female vs. male brain networks: Men have more connections within each hemisphere and between the front and back of the brain

Romans 11 on the ‘Natural Branches’: “Hardened,” they “fell;” so were “broken off.” Paul calls them “enemies of the Gospel” “until the fullness of the Gentiles comes in,” after which “all” will be saved!

The truth about Romans 11, which explains a lot about what’s happened regarding the true Judaics, and what will happen in the future.

“Replacement theology” isn’t Biblical, since God still has a plan for the true Judaics, the “natural branches,” who will be grafted in again after the “fullness of the Gentiles” happens.

Currently, the majority are still “enemies of the Gospel” (verse 28) until the fullness of the Gentiles happens, which will be the real Christianity, Greatest Awakening, when we finally get our act together, life in the Son — Jesus’ prayer of oneness in John 17 and God’s desire of unity and holiness in Ephesians 4:11-16 realized!

Key Points:

• Hearts were hardened; though, small remnant  v. 7 – 8

• “Fell”  v. 11, 22

• the natural branches were broken off  v. 17

• “..a partial hardening has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, 26 and so all Israel will be saved.”  v. 25

• “Concerning the Good News, they are enemies for your sake.”  v. 28

“have been disobedient”  v. 30-31

Keith Green Crash Investigated – Cessna 414 kills 12

Airplane crash investigation– this one had a huge impact on me as Stevie Ray or Leonard Skynnrd might have on others.  For me, it was the real day the music stopped. Keith Green was a pioneer in “Jesus Music” of the seventies and early eighties.  When a family visiting their Texas ranch went up in the twin engine Cessna 414, Keith took two of his children as well.  It was four adults and eight children in the 7 seat Chancellor.  The plane struggled to get airborne before impacting 30′ high trees, and exploding, killing everyone aboard.

Dan Millican examines this crash, with the purpose of taking what we can from it to be better people and better pilots.

Visit Last Days Ministries for more information on the music and legacy of Keith Green:

Keith Green Crash – New Info on Pilot Don Burmeister

Dan Millican continues his investigation into the Keith Green plane crash that killed twelve, including 8 children on July 28, 1982. In this video, Dan is able to meet with the sister of pilot Don Burmeister to get a lot more new information about the pilot and why he might have decided to fly the plane that hot Texas summer evening.

Refuting Baptist Professor Thomas Schreiner’s ‘What is the gift of tongues?’ — “It is a common error among cessationists to interpret all accounts of the gift of tongues through the events of Pentecost in Acts 2” – Gordon Fee

I wrote this related article:

Paul: Praying in Tongues is “Speaking to God, Not People” — “no one understands,” “he speaks mysteries,” “edifies himself” — in languages of “men or angels”

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I looked through the comments under Thomas Schreiner’s video, and post the best-of below. This one introduces Gordon Fee’s excellent article:

Dr. Schreiner is a major NT scholar and I think he has some valuable insights on a lot of the NT. But on the matter of “speaking in tongues” his own lack of experience or the experiences in his churches make him myopic to the text. We need to be careful not to read our own experience or lack of experience, as is Schreiner, back into scripture. The scriptures are addressing people who had certain common experiences, and IF we today have a similar experience to them, the texts make much more sense. For example, Paul’s epistles are addressed to first generation Christians who mostly experienced a dramatic encounter with the Holy Spirit in their conversion. They knew the joy of sins forgiven, deliverances from demons, and Gods love poured out in their hearts; and as Paul says to the Corinthians, “they lacked no spiritual gift.’ I mean, Paul’s explanation in 1 Corinthians 12-14 was not instruction to those who knew nothing in experience of these things. He was correcting certain abuses.

An opposing view from another eminent NT scholar [Gordon Fee], for those who really seek to know the word.

The Essential Nature of Speaking in Tongues

First, who is Gordon Fee?

Gordon Fee is Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Regent College, where he taught for sixteen years. His teaching experience also includes serving schools in Washington, California, Kentucky, as well as Wheaton College in Illinois (five years) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts (twelve years).

Gordon Fee is a noted New Testament scholar, having published several books and articles in his field of specialization, New Testament textual criticism. He also published a textbook on New Testament interpretation, co-authored two books for lay people on biblical interpretation, as well as scholarly-popular commentaries on 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus and on Galatians, and major commentaries on 1 Corinthians and Philippians. He is also the author of a major work on the Holy Spirit and the Person of Christ in the letters of Paul. 

Gordon Fee served as the general editor of the New International Commentary series until 2012….

In his article, The Essential Nature of Speaking in Tongues, Gordon Fee writes: is a common error among Cessationists to interpret all accounts of the gift of tongues through the events of Pentecost in Acts 2, in which tongues was clearly understood by the Jewish observers as human languages/dialects. This is a grievous error, because instead of taking all of the accounts of tongues in to account and then forming a theology of the nature of the gift, Cessationists force the well-rounded peg of the full Scriptural witness through the square hole of one passage.  The Pentecostal interpretation, on the other hand, takes all of the passages into account first, and then puts together a holistic theology of tongues. …

Alaska Sen. Shelley Hughes: Working WITH legislators WITHOUT holding grudges, PRAYING FOR those who have done questionable things!

Sen. Shelley Hughes @ 9:00 – “Another thing I have employed in my role is to really try to work with everyone in the legislature without holding grudges, even if someone has done something that maybe is questionable, is to really have a good attitude, even when it would be easy to get resentful about things. And my trick for that — I am a person of faith — if somebody has done something wrong, instead of letting that resentment build up, I actually pray for that person. And it really changes my mindset, and keeps my attitude. I think having good relationships has paid off.”

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Must Read Alaska Live with Senator Shelley Hughes talking constitutional convention and much more

The Skunk Factor: The role of weed in America’s decline — Elites want everyone stoned to control us

The truth from a guy with a lot of personal experience.

Anchorage’s 71 pot shops are destroying Anchorage. Instead of being right with God and each other to be filled with the Holy Spirit, people are checking out with pot instead.

“And don’t get drunk with wine, which leads to reckless living [also ‘wastefulness’ – Greek], but BE FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT.” – Ephesians 5:18

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..habitually smoking pot makes you irrational and self-centered, robs you of initiative and keeps you emotionally immature. In other words, it turns otherwise normal people into weak-minded liberals – the perfect citizens for a dictatorial socialist regime.

Exclusive: Scott Lively believes the ruling elite want us all to be potheads

By Scott Lively

I was one of the first potheads at my high school. At the start of my ninth grade year (1974), there was a small handful of us who would sneak off into the woods to get high each morning before the first bell. By the end of that school year, there were over a hundred. I had been on the honor roll through the eighth grade and even skipped a grade in science, but within the first two weeks of smoking pot, I sank from the very top to the very bottom of my algebra class and a year or so later completely dropped out of school.

(2009) Ron Paul a modern day Joseph? Flees sexual immorality — No Hesitation – FREE – Unblackmailable!

Related: Joel Skousen (2012): 75% in Congress are Blackmailable, while only about a dozen congressmen are both clean and willing to fight the system

Bruno und Ron Paul

Curtis Sliwa talks to Ron Paul about his encounter with Sacha Baron Cohen character Bruno.

John Burton: “So many pastors go out of their way confirming people’s salvation. I don’t see this approach in Scripture; it’s actually quite the opposite. Great fear and terrible trembling must overtake us daily. It will determine where we will spend forever”

“So many pastors go out of their way confirming people’s salvation. I don’t see this approach in Scripture; it’s actually quite the opposite. Great fear and terrible trembling must overtake us daily. It will determine where we will spend forever”

John Burton on Facebook, 8/16/22

So many pastors go out of their way confirming people’s salvation. They make it easy to get saved. They want them to feel secure in their eternity. Why? I don’t see this approach in Scripture. It’s actually quite the opposite.

There should be a never-ending wrestling match regarding our position in Christ. It’s common to lose it, challenging to retain it.

It costs everything. It’s never settled until we die.

Great fear and terrible trembling must overtake us daily. It will determine where we will spend forever.

Why Romans 7 is NOT Talking about Christians: Joey Dodson w/ Preston Sprinkle – Theology in the raw #993

Very good. Many falsely use Romans 7 as an excuse to not overcome sin by God’s grace.

Verses 5 & 6 are key:

5 For when we were in the flesh [Jews under the law], the sinful passions which were through the law worked in our members to bring out fruit to death. 6 But now we have been *discharged from the law*, having died to that in which we were held; so that we serve in *newness of the spirit*, and not in *oldness of the letter*.

As is Romans 8:

Verse 4 says the *law* is fulfilled in us if we walk according to the Holy Spirit.

Verse 13 says we will die if we live after the flesh, but will live if we put to death the deeds of the body by the Spirit.

Verse 14 says those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God.

Verse 1: we have “no condemnation,” not because we said a prayer to be born-again (the start), but because we’re actually “in Christ Jesus” because we don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.

Galatians 5 is parallel: the two lists. Verse 24: “Those WHO BELONG TO CHRIST have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts.” Whereas, those who live in the “works of the flesh” list will not inherit the kingdom, which we know for sure means salvation because of what Paul warns us in Galatians 6 about sowing and reaping.

John Michael Talbot: ‘Would You Crucify Him’ – “You say that Jesus didn’t mean what He was plainly sayin’. But like the Pharisee, my friend, you’re an educated fool!”

She’s askin’, How many times have you looked down to the harlot
Lookin’ through her tears, pretendin’ you don’t know?
For once you were just like her, how can you be now so self-righteous
When in the name of the Lord you throw the first stone

So now I turn to you through your years of your robes and stained-glass windows
Do you vainly echo your prayers “say you’re pleasing the Lord?”
You profess the Marriage with your tongue, but your mind dreams like the harlot
But if the Judge looks to your thoughts can’t you guess your reward?

Yet how many times have you quoted from your Bible
To justify your eye for your eye and your tooth for your tooth?
You say that Jesus didn’t mean what He was plainly sayin’
But like the Pharisee, my friend, you’re an educated fool!

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