Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Tag: prayer

(video) HEALING: Believing Before Receiving Not Just Supernatural? — “Water, Consciousness & Intent”: Dr. Masaru Emoto — Effect of Thinking Positive & Wholesome Thoughts About Our Health

There are miracles in which God heals supernaturally, and then apparently, there is a natural affect of believing positive and wholesome thoughts about our health. Jesus’ words in Mark 11:24 may relate to both:

Therefore I tell you, all things whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you have received them, and you shall have them.

I got a word from God about this once:

“You are healed. You are healthy. You are strong. Believe this. Take this and run. Don’t worry, think negative thoughts or disbelieve, or this will drive you down. Be not afraid.”

HeartMath says:

“Remember, your thoughts send out energy to every cell in your body. This video is a great reminder to nurture positive thoughts, feelings and attitudes.”

This principle may be far more important than most realize. The body is electric. And the heart is more than a pump. Western medicine only thinks in terms of drugs and surgery.

[I’m skeptical of some of the results of this water experiment. How could written words taped onto the container have an effect, for example? More likely it was the effect of the hearts of those thinking about those subjects while being near the water, I’m thinking. HeartMath talk about how the human heart emits an energy field for many feet, for example.]


[youtube=]Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto

purpleleisureologist | Uploaded on Mar 13, 2009

Masaru Emoto was born in Yokohama, Japan in July 1943 and a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University’s department of humanities and sciences with a focus on International Relations. In 1986 he established the IHM Corporation in Tokyo. In October of 1992 he received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. Subsequently he was introduced to the concept of micro cluster water in the US and Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology. The quest thus began to discover the mystery of water.

He undertook extensive research of water around the planet not so much as a scientific researcher, but more from the perspective of an original thinker. At length he realized that it was in the frozen crystal form that water showed us its true nature through. He has gained worldwide acclaim through his groundbreaking research and discovery that water is deeply connected to our individual and collective consciousness.

He is the author of the best-selling books Messages from Water, The Hidden Messages in Water, and The True Power of Water. He is a long-time advocate for peace in relation to water. He is currently the head of the I.H.M.General Research Institute and President Emeritus of the International Water for Life Foundation, a Not for Profit Organization.

Mr. Emoto has been visually documenting these molecular changes in water by means of his photographic techniques. He freezes droplets of water and then examines them under a dark field microscope that has photographic capabilities.

Some examples from his works include:

Water from clear mountain springs and streams had beautifully formed crystalline structures, while the crystals of polluted or stagnant water were deformed and distorted.

Distilled water exposed to classical music took delicate, symmetrical crystalline shapes.

When the words “thank you” were taped to a bottle of distilled water, the frozen crystals had a similar shape to the crystals formed by water that had been exposed to Bach’s “Goldberg Variations”- music composed out of gratitude to the man it was named for.

When water samples were bombarded with heavy metal music or labeled with negative words, or when negative thoughts and emotions were focused intentionally upon them, such as “Adolf Hitler”, the water did not form crystals at all and displayed chaotic, fragmented structures.

When water was treated with aromatic floral oils, the water crystals tended to mimic the shape of the original flower.

Sometimes, when we cannot see the immediate results of our affirmations and or prayers, we think we have failed. But, as we learn through Masaru Emoto’s photographs, that thought of failure itself becomes represented in the physical objects that surround us. Now that we have seen this, perhaps we can begin to realize that even when immediate results are invisible to the unaided human eye, they are still there. When we love our own bodies, they respond. When we send our love to the Earth, she responds.

For our own bodies at birth are more than 60 percent water, and the percentage of water in our bodies remains high throughout life (depending upon weight and body type). The earth’s surface is more than 60 percent water as well. And now we have seen before our eyes that water is far from inanimate, but is actually alive and responsive to our every thought and emotion. Perhaps, having seen this, we can begin to really understand the awesome power that we possess, through choosing our thoughts and intentions, to heal ourselves and the earth. If only we believe.

Whether you participate in global meditations, or simply do this inner work in the quiet of your own loving mind and heart — we can heal the body of our earth and recreate a clear, pristine world to hand down to our children for seven generations.

Office Masaru Emoto:…


Music by: Antony Raijekov-Photo theme
Peace, love and light.


[video] John Wimber: Gifts of the Holy Spirit

[youtube=]John Wimber – Gifts of the Holy Spirit (1/3)

PreachersNetwork | August 04, 2010 | 6 likes, 0 dislikes

This is from a Vineyard conference of 1985





Click to View this Amazing,
Awesome Video!

This will move you!


A Preview of What is to Come

Below is a small portion of the prophecy that is supposed to be the basis for a book I’m way overdue in writing. It’s a long story of which I’ll explain more, later. [And now have: Intro: “Let Us Be ONE”]

A few days ago, I was praying a forgiving-others prayer, and was surprised and relieved to hear this:

“Launch out your book the first of the year. It’s okay to let them read it online. Let this be the start.”


On the night before Jesus sacrificed his life for us, he prayed that those who would follow would be one. His heart still longs to see this fulfilled in our lives – “that the world may know.”

Not for these only do I pray, but for those also who believe in me through their word, that they may all be one; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you sent me. The glory which you have given me, I have given to them; that they may be one, even as we are one; I in them, and you in me, that they may be perfected into one; that the world may know that you sent me, and loved them, even as you loved me.
(John 17:20-23)


Let Us Be One

A prophecy given to Jeff Fenske


There is a kindness that I want to flow from My body. Let it saturate all those around you. Let it flow from your hearts. Let it fill you up. Let the Holy Spirit give you life. Let them be free—hate and anger no longer. Give your life to Me.
Do not hold grudges, My people. Get up and repent. The time is short. I will
not hold back much longer the tide that is about to come.
Let it fill you up, this love. Let it come. Let it give you life. Do not
worry. I am in charge. Hate and anger no longer. Be My bride. I want you. I
have no other. I long for you, to see you strong.
Do not fear, and live in hate no longer. Love your enemies. Let them be your
friend, for I am in charge. You need not fear those who hate your soul. I am
in charge. I will give you life and plenty. You will be filled up to the max
if you obey.
You see the way but you stumble. Get up and pray. I am there, giving life,
My hand outstretched. Take it. Let us be one. We need to be one, My people.
Let’s watch and pray. I will lead. Do not fear, for I am with you. I will
give you life if you let Me lead. This is the key.
Let us be one. My cry is out to you to come near. I want My people, please?
May we be one. I need you to pray, to fall on your face and not give up.
Press in, overcome temptation. Be not afraid to obey. I will give you life,
all those who follow. You will not faint. You will grow strong when you give
up the ghosts that hold you back, the sins of iniquity.
Feel My hurt. It is great. My people have vanished from My life. I am sad,
and you are lonely. There are few that remain close to Me where I can
nourish their souls.
In Me there is life. There is no other way. I in you; you in Me, where we
belong—together. Let us be one, together in love, where we can pray,
enveloping each other in goodness. We can do that. It’s not all one way. I
am life. There is no other to follow. We can be friends. I will lead, but I
will receive as you repent and draw close to Me. For I love My people. I
love to pray. I intercede for the saints to bring them pleasure. We can be
one. We can be close, you and I.
There is a place of holiness, where you will always be at My feet, a place
of blessing. Let it come. Let it envelop you. Let it take over your pride.
Come, My people. Let us rest. Follow no other. I am your place of security,
where power dwells, power to overcome sin, pride and temptation. I have life
to give.
You are My friend. Get up and be counted among the sheep. For there is
error. Life has ceased for a reason. The church is dirty, a place of filth.
It is not My home. How can I dwell among an unclean people who hurt each
other, who tell each other stories, who hurt from the heart those that care?

Tell one another the time is now. Get up and pray. Let’s go up to Zion.
Let’s be one. Let’s see the holy city. Let life begin, for we can be one.
I want to see the city set high on a hill for all to see—a sight for sore
eyes. For they will all know the truth, and the truth will set them free.
Let us be exalted, not above each other, but above our sin, where we can be
free. That is the message. Proclaim it. Let others know you care. Let others
know you are free. Let others feel My hurt, and do not fear, because they
are one. This will be the answer—all of us together, with Me in front,
giving life. There is no other way. It doesn’t work by itself. There must be
a catalyst, an igniter, a higher power, something that can create life,
giving you great abundance when you pray.
Stop sinning, and read My Word. Do what it says, daily, for It means
business. I have given you a path to follow, a God who indwells you, and
wants to give you life.
Come to Me. Let us walk together where we can be one, where others can
follow, where divorce is no more, where we will not be severed, where the
canker worm cannot grow. You and I can be one. Let it happen, let us not
grow weary. Let us not give up hope. I never will, but you must be in Me to
see over the mountains, to see the light of day, the victory that lies
We can do it, together. Look up and find Mercy. I am waiting. You are My
friends. There is much potential when you wait on Me for answers, when you
read My Word and obey—from the heart, getting to know each other—feeling
each other’s hurts, deeply—applying salve where needed. The wounds will
boil. Faint not, My people, and come to Me.

The sin in the body is great. The sin in the body is evident to all who
watch from afar. They don’t want to go in and see the yuck. Why should they?
There is plenty, and it will take time to clean up the mess, and many will
see that you are My body. I will be glad. You will be one in Me.
The highway is great. Many travel on it: the way of happiness, but it leads
to destruction. They act like nothing is wrong. The sheep stealers rob the
sheep, unawares. They teach them vain imaginations and lead them astray,
where destruction awaits those who disobey. It is in the Word.
Read Psalm 26. David was a man of integrity. He was in the Holy Ghost,
awaiting for Me to lead him into truth, until he fell. His fall was great,
because he failed to wait on Me. He let lust take over, rule his heart. He
fell so hard the whole nation crumbled, aghast at what they saw, cringing,
because of David’s sin.
It can happen like this. For there is hurt in the body. The hurt is great.
Many hate each other and call it love. Hypocrites cannot rule. They must be
in Me to lead. The sheep are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Faint not, My people. Lean on Me. Come back to where you belong, in My arms.
I will hold you where you will not faint, where the wolves will not devour,
but there must be love. Love conquers all. Love conquers hate, and brings
© Jeff Fenske 2008

[music video] Barry McGuire – “Eve of Destruction”

Barry McGuire at approximately age-70, belting out his classic, “Eve of Destruction,” with Don & Wendy Francisco–Boston, July 2004.
[Volume is a bit soft until the song starts]




The newer, last verse is especially descriptive of today:
“We can…hate our next door neighbor but don’t forget to say grace.”

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