Joe Schimmel giving his They Sold Their Souls for Rock -N- Roll presentation
at the Radio Liberty 2004 Conference
This is where Joe and I discussed once-saved-always-saved
and Robert Shank’s books:
Life in the Son and Elect in the Son
Do you have a copy of Joe’s presentation in audio or video form?
Jeff Fenske
Are you asking about this particular presentation at The Radio Liberty Conference, which I don’t have — or just the presentation in general?
Here is an assortment of online versions.
And to order a hard copy or watch exposés of specific bands online: GoodFight.org
Thanks. I’ve seen the 10 hour version of Joe’s film, it changed my life! I’m always on the lookout for interviews or old sermons by Bro. Schimmel, I guess I consider him one of my role models. If you have anything like that I’d sure appreciate it. Thanks for your response to my message and God bless you.