Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

Francis Chan

“Let’s be extremely careful with the word of God…, because…we all have things that we just naturally want. Let’s be careful to not just do what we want and then justify it Biblically.”

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“How did John 3:16 get so popular? … Why don’t we make some of these other ones a little more popular?”

Related: [WordPOWER!] John 3:16 Means What?? 3:21,36 show that ‘BELIEVE’ means OBEY — “He who DOES the TRUTH comes to the light, that HIS WORKS may be REVEALED, that they have been DONE IN GOD.”

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“How come that didn’t make it into The 4 Spiritual Laws? How come when I became a Christian no one read that to me? How come it was all happy-verses that try to talk me into joining this church thing?”

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“All true followers of Jesus Christ will suffer.”

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“I don’t believe for a second that we don’t get persecuted because we live in America. We don’t get persecuted because we know how to dodge persecution.”

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“During this time of communion only take of the bread and the cup if you really believe that Jesus suffered for you and you’re ready to do the same in His name’s sake.”

[youtube=]“Is Suffering Optional?” Part 01 – Francis Chan

Uploaded by on Nov 11, 2009

“Is Suffering Optional?”

As a “Christian” is suffering optional? Can we exist at peace and at ease with the world around us?
Francis Chan – Teacher Pastor
Author of “Crazy Love”
Cornerstone Simi Valley, CA
