
Hell Vision

October 31, 2010
Twenty-eight days ago, the Holy Spirit showed me a vision in my slumber:
My wife and I were in a hotel without measure, it stretched beyond the horizon and was filled with all the desires of one’s heart; the number of rooms were countless.
On several occasions, I left the hotel and my wife followed; however, each time she returned to the room.  As I walked through the maze again to the exit, people were flowing into the hotel like a flood, but only a few could find their way out, for the exit became more and more complex to navigate, due to the multitude of distractions – if only they would follow the light!
I noticed my wife had turned around again.  When I returned to the room, my wife was laying on the bed and there was a man, a hotel employee, standing in the room.  My wife appeared to be in a trance and unclothed herself.  I asked her, what are you doing? Upon hearing my voice she clothed herself.  I then turned to the man and said what is going on?  He said, nothing is going on.  He walked into the bathroom and said, it is not what it looks like, as he vainly looked into the mirror.  When I looked into his eyes and his into mine, I saw the birth of his fear.  He said please don’t kill me, I don’t want to die.  I replied, what are you talking about, all I want to know is what is going on?
He ran from the room and I followed him.  He kept saying, I don’t want to die.  His eyes now showed an insurmountable avalanche of fear, as if his spirit became aware.  It then appeared he could not control his body, as if a powerful dark entity took over.  He placed the bible into his mouth and as it touched his lips, it burst into flames!  The fire engulfed his head, and with his other hand, he placed a pistol into his mouth through the burning bible and pulled the trigger!  I saw his soul leave his body and the Holy Spirit instructed me to follow his soul into hell, deep into the earth.  The demons told him we’ve been waiting for you.  There was wailing and gnashing of teeth, as his skin and muscles and sinews melted from his bones, and fell into a bloody heap, while his eyes beheld the terror, which were the last things to melt!  I felt he could see me, though the demons were not aware of my presence, for I was shielded by the Holy Spirit!  The demons then turned to each other and said, it is time.  As far as my eyes could see in hell, the demons were boarding what appeared to be ancient tunnel boring machines.  When the doors closed, they started to bore into the roof of hell.  The Holy Spirit instructed me to follow them, they bored through the layers of earth and when the machines broke the surface, I was awakened by the Holy Spirit to pray!
Oh my soul cried out to Jesus!  I prayed for God’s people and the lost souls on the outer edges of darkness!  I prayed for God’s watchmen and prayer warriors!  I prayed for spiritual edification and confirmation.  I looked at the clock, it was after 3 am.  The next day the Holy Spirit led me to a prayer warrior; she edified that our loved ones are being seduced back to the world.  I prayed for God’s will and strength and for further edification.  The Holy Spirit told me that the hotel represents the world, and we are in this world, but not of this world, for our true home is in heaven.  That our life in this realm of the flesh wars against the soul and our time here is but a vapor.  That God’s people are destroyed by the lack of knowledge and how easily we are distracted by the lust of this world.  That the man in the vision represents ministers that preach false teachings and doctrines that lead His people astray.  That many churches are the gateways to hell, woe unto them!
My brother, you are 1 of 3, the Holy Spirit instructed me on who to witness to and of the timing.  God be with you for we stand as free beings in Christ, proclaiming the good news of salvation across all the land, fighting the good fight with the strength of the lion of The tribe of Judah, for there is live saving, soul redeeming POWER in the BLOOD of JESUS – Hallelujah!
Your brother in Christ Jesus,

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