Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

[video] U.S. Troops Shoot Unarmed Iraqi Detainees and LAUGH! What happens when we lose the fear of the Lord? Who were their pastors? It's time for the LAUGHING PASTORS to repent so revival can come!

Really funny.
“Ha, ha, ha.”

Another example that
America is sick to the core!

And America will soon be done because
we reap what we sow.

Only true repentance can slow our demise down.

Come on laughing pastors!
“Ha, ha, ha” during ‘church’ services.
Stop lying about your sin.

The fear of the Lord
is the beginning of wisdom.

Fear God;
not man.

Get over your sin:

“Confess your sins one to another…
so you may be healed.”

[WordPower!] In Psalm 50 God Warns: “You have done these things, and I kept silent. You thought that I was just like you. … Now consider this…lest I tear you into pieces and there be none to deliver” (Hell?)

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

The Welsh Revival of 1904-05 by J. Edwin Orr: A Countrywide Asbury-like REVIVAL! The 4 Points: #1 Confess any known sin, and put any wrong done to man right again. #2 Put away any doubtful habit. #3 Obey the Spirit promptly. #4 Confess your faith publicly.

The Achan Factor — Because of one man’s disobedience the entire nation of Israel had to deal with the “Achan factor” among them before they could come under the umbrella of Almighty God’s blessings once again!

[WordPOWER!] The Remedy for James-3 Cursing & Partysville in Today’s Church is James 4

* * *

War crime?
U.S. Troops Fire on Iraqi Detainees (Video)

Aaron Dykes
April 12, 2011

Shocking video has surfaced from 2005 of U.S. troops firing on captive Iraqi detainees at Camp Bucca following a riot. The soldiers seen in the video unload full force and even (what appears to be) a grenade round from behind barbed wire fences, while some laugh about direct hits.

Four detainees were killed and five others wounded. One soldier, seen in the video, comments that the prisoners are only throwing “dirt balls and a few rocks.” He was possibly trying to quell what appeared to be a near free-for-all shooting spree against captive targets. “Be decisive on what you f—— shoot,” he told the others.

According to Press TV, the “US military tried to cover up the bloodshed, saying the riot happened when the prisoners confronted a search for contraband in the prison.” Instead, the ACLU found that the riot was due to the “desecration of the Holy Qur’an by US troops.”


Uploaded by on Apr 11, 2011

US troops fire on Iraqi detainees after burning their Holy Quran books in front of them. Amateur footage recently posted on the internet shows American troops firing live ammunition on Iraqi prisoners during a riot in a US detention facility in Iraq back in 2005.

The footage shows US forces using disproportionate force and live rounds against prisoners at the US prison facility Camp Bucca located in Iraq.

The Iraqi detainees were protesting the American troops’ desecration of Islam’s holy book, the Qur’an.

At the time, the US military tried to cover up the bloodshed, saying the riot happened when the prisoners confronted a search for contraband in the prison.

But the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) later revealed that the real cause of the riot was the desecration of the Holy Qur’an by US troops.

Four prisoners were shot dead and five others wounded during the violence.

In 2008, the US military revealed that it held a total of around 20,000 detainees, some 17,000 of whom at Camp Bucca near Basra in southern Iraq, and more than 3,000 others at Camp Cropper in the capital Baghdad.

The Boot-Camp Factor: The Hate & Anger Factory Where Men are Programmed to Kill and Then Become Our Dads?!! Our Pastors?!!!
Boot camp kills the conscience so soldiers can do evil without being convicted in their hearts
Lose your empathy, and you’ve lost your soul: “Republicans still support Bush’s torture and murder of about two million innocents, and Democrats overlook Obama’s expanded war and torture.” “Once a combat soldier kills a defenseless non-combatant…”
Can ‘Christians’ use Paul’s “Forgetting the things which are behind…I press on” statement as an excuse to not get right with those they’ve hurt? Paul also said: “I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” What if you don’t repent? And what will happen when you do? The Third Great Awakening can start with us!!! We can all be happy — ‘ONE’!
Asbury Revival, 1970: “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘Dr. Kinlaw, I’m free!’”


(video) Adrian Rogers on MEN and WOMEN: Celebrate the Difference — "God made us DIFFERENT that He might make us ONE." It’s time to stop trying to be the be the same or resenting each other because of our differences


HeartQuotes: Spirit


  1. Anonymous

    ill leave you a comment on here. this is entirely blown out of proportion. this event was exactlly what the “MILITARY OFFICIALS” said it was. i was there and this was a dangerous situation. these detainee’s were armed with large metal shanks, rocks propelled by large slingshots and molitove cocktails that hurt many people. the soldiers and airman responded with all less than lethal ammunition. so you can take your antimilitary garbage else where.

    • Four detainees were killed and five others wounded. One soldier, seen in the video, comments that the prisoners are only throwing “dirt balls and a few rocks.” He was possibly trying to quell what appeared to be a near free-for-all shooting spree against captive targets. “Be decisive on what you f—— shoot,” he told the others.”

      First of all, Iraq didn’t attack us. We had no right to be there. We were the invaders, and rightfully the enemy. We basically destroyed their country and their way of life, maming, raping, 1 million dead and all the depleted uranium deformaties…. Whom do we think we are — the bullies of the world?
      We should be ashamed and apologizing, repenting, asking them and God for forgiveness. Desmond Tutu: What If America Would Say “I’m Sorry” to Iraq?
      But this laughter really gets me:  laughing at the human beings you shoot, whom the soldier says are only armed with “dirt balls and a few rocks, that’s it.”
      “Ha, ha, ha, that’s soooooo funny when you shoot the ‘savages!'” This attitude is sick and flat out wrong! It’s the most pompous, disgusting thing — safe behind the fence and your armor.
      It’s the end of America. What goes around comes around. Because we still won’t repent.

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