From: Charisma News

Drunken Worship Leaders and Mercenary Musicians

11:00AM EST 2/11/2013 MICHAEL BROWN

If there’s anyone in the body of Christ who should be an example of purity of heart and purity of life, it is the worship leader, the man or woman who leads God’s people into his holy presence. Yet it is increasingly common to hear about worship leaders getting drunk after church services and dropping f-bombs while they boast about their “liberty” in the Lord. Some churches even hire unsaved musicians to play on their worship teams because of their talent. How can this be happening in the house of the Lord? …

Let the worship leaders and singers and band members come out of the secret place, anointed with sacred oil, leading God’s people into a fresh encounter with Jesus the Lord. And let carnal performance and fleshly mixtures be gone. We cannot afford to play games with the presence of God (see Heb. 12:25-29).

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