The idea that justification is imparted righteousness and that it is a robe of righteousness put over a dirty filthy fellow who terribly needs a bath and that that dirty, filthy fellow filled with cooties and the accumulations of dirt of his lifetime will stand boldly in God Almighty’s holy Heaven among seraphim and cherubim and archangels and the spirits of just men made perfect and blithely and flippantly say “I belong in hell. I’m a filthy man but what are you going to do about it? I have on me the robe of Christ’s righteousness and that’s enough.”

…This is a heresy as terrible and as devastating as the heresy promulgated by the falsely-called Jehovah’s Witnesses!”

– A.W. Tozer


Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?