Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

[video] John Wimber: Vineyard Signs & Wonders Conference 1985 (Entire Series — including John’s Personal Pilgrimage)

I miss John — a great trailblazer in doing the greatest commandment — learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit!

I’m transcribing some of John’s statements:

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Saw for the first time the stars and the constellations emanating from Someone.

John got to a place where he loved the institution more than the body of Christ. He understood he had begotten something that wasn’t of God.

“‘Here I am trying to serve You, but it just doesn’t taste good. … What happened, God? How did it get all twisted around from ‘God, I’ll serve you’ to this? How did I get here? And I began weeping before the Lord, and asked direction.”

“So God has been ‘saving’ people in our midst from day one, but not because we were focused on that — but because we were focused on Him. And as we would come into His presence and worship Him, and gather and collect, and just give ourselves over to worship, He would just come and rest on us. …the air would thicken up. We could feel His presence in the room. God was with us. We knew it. But we didn’t know that the presence and the power was the same thing.”

“He said, ‘John, that’s My mercy. For some people it’s a blessing, and for some people it’s not.’ He said, ‘John, don’t ever beg Me for healing again. Look at it. There’s plenty for everyone. John, the problem isn’t on My end. The problem is down there where you are.’ And that was one of the most profound and moving experiences I’ve ever had. And I’ve never looked at healing the same way again. … I know the problem isn’t on His end. Our God has sent mercy in the Son. He sent His Word to heal them. Jesus has come. He brought a message of love from the Father. Healing is here. The problem is appropriating it, getting blessed in it, receiving it.”

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Powerful pre-pastor and while-a-pastor testimony![youtube=]John Wimber Signs Wonders1985 1/12 (Personal Pilgrimage)

Published on Jan 31, 2013

[youtube=]John Wimber Signs Wonders (2/12) Power Evangelism

[youtube=]Signs Wonders (3/12) Power Evangelism Pt 2 Kingdom of God Pt 1

[youtube=]John Wimber Signs & Wonders Conf 1985 4/12

Uploaded on Jan 12, 2011

[youtube=]John Wimber Vineyard Signs & Wonders Conf 1985 5/12

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[youtube=]John Wimber Vineyard Signs & Wonders Conf 1985 10/12

[youtube=]John Wimber Vineyard Signs & Wonders Conf 1985 11/12

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(video) Carol Wimber: The Vineyard History (entire interview) — Carol was idealistic, John was practical — together they rocked! | “John, being a musician, himself, didn’t have a hard time calling the musicians on it [strange fire] when they were trying to focus on themselves.”

Francis Frangipane: Holiness Precedes Power | More of my experiences at Trinity and in the Vineyard Movement | Why did John and Chris Wimber die?

“The Perfect Storm” by John Paul Jackson. What to expect in the next 10 years. To overcome, we must be right with each other: “You must have clean hands and not harmed others. And if you have, you must repent so that you can be clean” | My experience at Trinity

John Wimber Signs and Wonders: Westernized Churches — The pursuit of study has become an end in itself. But to study it without acting upon it is incomplete. We need the Word and the works.

John Wimber: Gifts of the Holy Spirit

[music video] John Wimber’s real-worship song “Isn’t He”

Introducing Jack Deere: Professor at Dallas Theological Seminary who was Surprised by the POWER of the Holy Spirit!

Give Up the Ghost of Pride and Settle for Nothing Other Than Love (Paul learned how to live above the fray)


[video] Evangelist Ray Comfort: “Genius – The Movie” — Interesting insight about John Lennon and how people are thinking — why we’re getting jacked


(video) The crucifixion site of Christ: Ron Wyatt’s AMAZING Ark of the Covenant discovery! — Jesus’ blood travelled down the crack in the rock to fall on the MERCY SEAT on the Ark!


  1. jotham

    I appreciate the work that you do here Jeff, and we agree on many issues including conditional security. However, John Wimber has some serious explaining to do. If you are interested here is the link

  2. John Wimber reminded me of Kenny Rogers at the time. Since then, showmanship has become more important as has false testimony.

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