Compare to my prophecy, below: “Feel My hurt. It is great. My people have vanished from My life. …”

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[youtube=]Bill Cosby responds to Victoria Osteen

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Bryant Harris Published on Aug 28, 2014


Jesus’ Heart-Cry: “Let Us Be ONE”

Let Us Be ONE, Part 3 of 33

Let us be one. My cry is out to you to come near. I want My people, please? May we be one. I need you to pray, to fall on your face and not give up. Press in, overcome temptation. Be not afraid to obey. I will give you life, all those who follow. You will not faint. You will grow strong when you give up the ghosts that hold you back, the sins of iniquity.

Feel My hurt. It is great. My people have vanished from My life. I am sad, and you are lonely. There are few that remain close to Me where I can nourish their souls.

In Me there is life. There is no other way. I in you; you in Me, where we belong—together. Let us be one, together in love, where we can pray, enveloping each other in goodness. We can do that. It’s not all one way. I am life. There is no other to follow. We can be friends. I will lead, but I will receive as you repent and draw close to Me. For I love My people. I love to pray. I intercede for the saints to bring them pleasure. We can be one. We can be close, you and I.

There is a place of holiness, where you will always be at My feet, a place of blessing. Let it come. Let it envelop you. Let it take over your pride.

Come, My people. Let us rest. Follow no other. I am your place of security, where power dwells, power to overcome sin, pride and temptation. I have life to give.

You are My friend. Get up and be counted among the sheep. For there is error. Life has ceased for a reason. The church is dirty, a place of filth. It is not My home. How can I dwell among an unclean people who hurt each other, who tell each other stories, who hurt from the heart those that care?

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[reverse-worship video] “It’s All About Me” — Parody expressing the foolishness of worshipping ourselves

[5-minute video] Paul Washer: Joel Osteen, it’s just the Truth — Most pastors are cowards, afraid to preach the true gospel, which the people would rather not hear

(video) Joel Osteen’s false grace: ‘Homosexuals Get Into Heaven’ [‘Christians’ keep in mind that lusting HETEROsexuals WON’T INHERIT the kingdom either. We must all be holy so we can all be ONE!]