Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Chuck Baldwin: “Donald Trump Is A REAL Man” — G.W. Bush stole the love and respect for world peace out of the hearts of 'Christian' men and Donald Trump is stealing the love and respect for womanhood out of the hearts of 'Christian' men • Were Trump a “REAL man,” he would have publicly repented of his long lascivious lifestyle, begged the women and families that he has irreparably damaged for forgiveness, asked the American people to forgive him, used himself as an example to young men of what NOT to do with their lives, vociferously condemned the playboy lifestyle promoted in Hollywood and on network and cable television, and then would have led a national crusade to give our American ladies the respect, honor, and dignity that they deserve as ladies. Instead, what does he do? He flippantly fluffs it off as “locker room talk” and continues to treat women as nothing but chattel to be used, abused, and (when desired) held up to public ridicule. And now that he is a Republican President, 'Christian' men say, “Donald Trump is a REAL man.” I’m sorry, but that makes me REAL sick!

“Donald Trump Is A REAL Man”
Chuck Baldwin
Published: Thursday, January 25, 2018
Though I am a seasoned Christian pastor (of over 40 years), this national column is not normally pointed specifically at Christians—although I am not timid about taking my fellow pastors to task for the way so many of them refuse to sound the clarion call for liberty. And while there are multiplied thousands of Christian people who faithfully read this column, I dare say that I probably have more non-Christians (even agnostics and atheists) reading my columns (and even watching my Sunday messages) than any other preacher in America. Of course, the reason for this is quite simple: the principles and truths I commonly address transcend a Christian profession—or any religious profession, for that matter.
However, today’s column is pointed directly at Christians. No! It is pointed directly at Christian MEN. I am going to be very straightforward (so, what’s new?) and will paint this column with somewhat of a broad brush—which will NOT apply to ALL Christian men, thank God. Sadly though, this column is going to hit a large percentage of Christian men right between the eyes. But the number of them that will honestly own up to it is probably very small. So, this column is NOT going to be very popular with a large percentage of Christian men. Regardless, it MUST be said, and, frankly, I don’t know anyone else who is willing to say it. So, here goes.
Christian men talk about how much they love and worship God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. However, the words, attitudes, and actions of many of these men prove that their talk is more than cheap: it is downright duplicitous.
What a large percentage of Christian men really love is sports, the Zionist State of Israel, and Republican presidents (and secretly pornography). Listen to the conversations of Christian men in the hallways of the churches of America before and after the services, and what is the dominate discussion? You KNOW what it is: sports. And say something critical about Zionist Israel, and those same Christian men will accuse you of denying the Christian faith. But what a large percentage of Christian men REALLY love and worship is Republican presidents. …
This foolhardy phenomenon began with Ronald Reagan’s presidency and has grown in intensity ever since.
When G.W. Bush became president and began promoting his preemptive war doctrine, I told my national radio audience that, because Bush claimed to be a born again Christian and had the support of the vast majority of born again Christians across the country, he would forever change the fundamental definition of Christianity (in the minds of America’s Christian men) from being a religion of peace to a religion of war. I said it in 2001 and 2002: G.W. Bush is turning Christian men into warmongers. And that is EXACTLY what Bush did.
On the whole, today’s evangelical Christian men (including pastors) worship war. They worship the instruments of war, the men of war, and the politics of war. The drumbeats of war thunder forth from the pulpits and pews of evangelical churches every Sunday all over America. G.W. Bush turned America’s Christian men into warmongers.
Now, we have another Republican president in the White House. His name is Donald Trump, of course. And just like Bush, Donald Trump is playing evangelicals like Charlie Daniels plays the fiddle. In fact, Trump’s warmongering even surpasses that of G.W. Bush—and I didn’t think that was possible. Bush took America into perpetual war, and I am not going to be surprised if Donald Trump takes us into nuclear war.
Did G.W. Bush accomplish some good things while in office? Of course he did. Is Donald Trump accomplishing some good things in office? Of course he is. But all things considered, G.W. Bush did far more damage to our republic than Bill Clinton. We are only one year into Trump’s presidency, of course, but Trump’s propensities for doing great damage to our republic certainly match those of Bush.
While G.W. Bush changed the hearts of Christian men about war; Donald Trump is changing the hearts of Christian men about women.
Everywhere I go, I hear Christian men say, “Donald Trump is a REAL man.” I have read the opinion pieces of countless numbers of Christian writers who talk about Trump being a “REAL man.” …
Let’s be honest: Donald Trump, the MAN Donald Trump, is a PIG. His abusive, sexist, shameful treatment of women is disgusting, despicable, disgraceful, and deplorable. And let’s face it: the only reason Trump has been able to get by with his reprehensible conduct all of these decades is because he is rich—and now, he is President. So, while he could get by with it in the world as a rich and famous guy, now that he is a Republican president, he has Christian men vindicating and vouching for him. …
Most everyone knows that Donald Trump has been married three times and has had innumerable sexual affairs. When Trump was deposed in the divorce with his first wife, Ivana, he invoked the 5th Amendment right to keep silent about his relationship with “other women” 97 times. He had an affair with his second wife Marla Maples while he was still married to Ivana. …
Trump’s denigration of women is legendary. …
Of course, during the presidential campaign in 2016, Trump’s infamous remarks to Billy Bush were made public. …
Two days ago, on January 23 of this year, PEOPLE magazine reported that “Melania Trump will no longer join President Donald Trump on his upcoming trip to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, as previously planned.
“The first lady’s communications director, Stephanie Grisham, confirmed to PEOPLE that Mrs. Trump cancelled the trip due to ‘too many scheduling and logistical issues.’”
“The change of plans comes amid allegations that Trump had an affair with porn star Stormy Daniels in 2006 while he was married to Mrs. Trump. On Jan. 12, the Wall Street Journal reported that a lawyer for Trump arranged a $130,000 payment to Daniels a month before the 2016 election so she’d keep quiet about an alleged sexual encounter.”
According to Michael Wolff’s new book “Fire and Fury,” President Trump is currently having an affair with someone in the White House. To be honest, it would be hard to believe that Trump ISN’T having an affair (or affairs). That is exactly the kind of “man” Trump has been all of his adult life.
Do you not find it amazing how so many Christian men turned against Judge Roy Moore on the basis of accusations of alleged improprieties that happened almost 40 years ago and that were completely out of character for a man who had been in public service for all of those years, while at the same time those same Christian men completely overlook Donald Trump’s lifetime immoralities?
You see? That’s what I’m talking about: Christian men almost worship Republican presidents and are willing to overlook almost anything—no matter how wicked and evil it is.
And now Christian men are, wittingly or unwittingly, condoning Trump’s putrid and piggish behavior.
Think what this is doing to America’s Christian women and girls. Suddenly, it is “Christian” for a man to make sex objects out of women. After all, Trump does it, and Christians say, “Trump is a REAL man.” Suddenly, it is “Christian” for men to use the most vulgar, sexist, demeaning language. Trump does it, and Christians say he is a REAL man. Christians are now suddenly telling us that REAL men exploit women, sleep around, publicly humiliate women who are not attractive enough, talk in the most sexually suggestive ways about their own daughters, and brag about their sexual exploits. …
Believe it or not, this column is not primarily focused on Trump’s lascivious lifestyle. He’s not the first immoral man to occupy the White House. I’m trying to show how Christian men allow themselves to be compromised and morally castrated by Republican presidents. G.W. Bush stole the love and respect for world peace out of the hearts of Christian men; and Donald Trump is stealing the love and respect for womanhood out of the hearts of Christian men.
The ramifications of this desensitizing of the sexual objectification of women is already showing up on “conservative” websites around the country—many of which are owned by Christian men. Racy, sexually exploitive ads are everywhere. Women in bikinis, big-breasted women in skin tight tops, cleavage all over the place: all of this is on a growing list of Christian-owned websites. Thank you, Donald Trump.
You can talk about Trump’s great accomplishments of 2017: more jobs, the stock market is up, investors are bullish on the economy, etc. But I tell you, Trump has already done GREAT HARM to America by causing Christian men to compromise their character, disgrace their faith, and bring unbearable shame upon the wonderful Christian ladies of this country, who are forced to endure the humiliation of watching their husbands and pastors defend the indefensible depraved habits of a man who has spent a lifetime degrading women.
Were Trump a “REAL man,” he would have publicly repented of his long lascivious lifestyle, begged the women and families that he has irreparably damaged for forgiveness, asked the American people to forgive him, used himself as an example to young men of what NOT to do with their lives, vociferously condemned the playboy lifestyle promoted in Hollywood and on network and cable television, and then would have led a national crusade to give our American ladies the respect, honor, and dignity that they deserve as ladies. Instead, what does he do? He flippantly fluffs it off as “locker room talk” and continues to treat women as nothing but chattel to be used, abused, and (when desired) held up to public ridicule.
And now that he is a Republican President, Christian men say, “Donald Trump is a REAL man.” I’m sorry, but that makes me REAL sick.
Entire Article


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  1. David Jones

    Sounds like a gossip session.

    • There are a number of things going on here.
      It’s possible that Donald Trump is born-again. I’ve said this elsewhere, but being born-again is just the start of our relationship with Christ in which we must abide in Him.
      It’s also clear that Donald is not acting like a going-to-heaven Christian must, in this one area and others, such as bombing Syria, which is unconstitutional, and was based on false pretenses in which Assad was demonized again.
      Chuck mentions how many evangelicals are now warmongers, whereas Jesus said the peacemakers will be called the children of God.
      Now, with Trump in office, many “Christians” have gone beyond warmongering into praising immoral behavior. The current examples of what Trump is doing is therefore important, which I mainly included. I do agree that Chuck brought up too much.
      How Donald dishonestly deals with these past issues is also reverse-Christian. Real Christians cannot lie without coming clean according to Revelation 21 and other verses.
      Chuck is extremely disappointed with the religious right in how many rejected Roy Moore for something that he may or may not have done 40 years ago, while too many consider Donald Trump’s evil ways admirable.
      Donald has ‘Christian’ advisors who encourage Donald to do reverse-Christian actions in our foreign policy, and don’t encourage him to repent from his womanizing.
      This isn’t mainly about Trump, but today’s ‘Christians’ who aren’t real, going-to-heaven Christians. Many of these ‘Christians’ booed Ron Paul for saying we should go by the Golden Rule in our foreign policy. They voted for maximum warmonger, John McCain instead in 2008.
      Again, I agree that Chuck included more of Donald’s past than was necessary, but this is an important article discussing an important topic that few pastors will address, as they assist the sinking of America by their silence — while many watch the infobabes on FOX News instead of being led by the HOLY Spirit.
      I’ve seen a trend in which disobedient pastors often claim ‘gossip’ when Christians expose the truth in order to problem solve. Pastors have conditioned the people to not expose sin, because that would be ‘gossip.’ And this is often to cover up their own unrepentant sins.
      This is an article worth considering as balance:

      “Is It Right: To Judge, To Expose Error & To Name Names? — Those who are faithful in exposing error according to the Bible are now being widely denounced, and are accused of being unloving and unkind


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