I died of a Heart attack and came back to tell the story

Published on Jul 28, 2011
My testimony
Jesus gave me a second chance. I died of a heart attack and I am alive today to tell the story. It happened July 28, 1998.
I woke up the morning at five o’clock with a severe pain in my chest and I knew I was in trouble. I went to the kitchen I had a drink of water but the pain just grew worse. I went back to the bedroom where my wife was sleeping and I woke her up. I explained to her, I said to her:”I have a severe pain in my chest you must PRAY for me.” We lived in South Africa out of town, there was no 911 to call.
I then collapsed unto the bed and she started PRAYING for me. I immediately sensed that I was physically going out of my body, I was drawn out of my body, I was not in my body anymore. I could see my wife, she was holding onto my body and PRAYING but I was being drawn away. And I sense that I was suddenly going down this deep black hole and I tried to grab onto the sides of this hole but there was nothing to grab onto I was just drawn down- down, down this black hole. I realized I was dying I knew that I was not coming back, this was final I was desperate.
Next thing I had this vision of my 11year old son standing next to a pile of red sand in a cemetery and I knew this was my grave that he was standing next to. I started PLEADING I pleaded with the Lord Jesus, I wanted to come back but I just realized how bankrupt I was there was nothing to offer Him in exchange what could I say, what could I offer because I just had nothing. Then I PLEADED, I said Lord please, please let me go back, don’t let my son grow up without a father. Then I asked: Lord please let me go tell other people how terrible death is, how final it is and about going down this black hole. It was then when I asked the Lord Jesus this; to come back and tell people about this, that suddenly I wasn’t going down anymore but I slowly started surfacing again. I came back to the top of this black hole then I started hearing my wife again, I heard her PRAYING and then I saw my body. I was like above my body and my wife, I went back into my body and then I regained consciousness.
She said that I had stopped responding, I told her about this experience I told her that I had been away, I died. My body was all wet and cold and the smell of death was in the room like a sweet nauseous smell. I lay there for an hour, I was totally, totally exhausted. Then I got dressed, I had a shower and I got dressed and I went to work. When I got to work my colleagues were still in their morning meeting. I told them about my experience and they were very concerned because they said I was very pale, yellowish. They called my boss and I told him the story and he insisted that I see a doctor.
So later that day I saw a cardiologist and he sent me for a sonar graph.  During the sonar graph they said that it was obvious that I had damaged to my heart and that I had been through some severe trauma in my heart. They decided that I should stay for an angiogram the next morning. So I stayed for the night in the hospital but I was terribly, terribly scared and the pain had come back, it was still there back in my heart in my chest faintly so I prayed all night, I pleaded with the Lord I said:” Lord please, please heal me. I am scared I don’t want to die now.” I prayed all night and I hardly slept, well I didn’t sleep.
The next morning they took me in for an angiogram. During this procedure they insert a probe in your groin, into your arteries up into your heart and then they release die and they can see the blood flow, they can see whether there are obstructions in the arteries. It’s done under local anesthesia so you can see what they are doing. You can follow what is happening on a video screen. During the procedure the doctor stopped and he said to me that he was amazed, there was no trace of any damage, the doctor couldn’t believe it so they stopped the procedure. I was sent back to the ward, I stayed until the afternoon at five o’clock. This cardiologist came to my bed, he came to release me from hospital, send me home. He just stood there for a long time and he looked at me, he looked at my wife and he said to her: “This is amazing, this is a miracle I haven’t seen anything like this before.” He said: “Your heart is like that of a 17 year old and yet yesterday the sonar gram showed severe damaged.” He said: “It was obvious that you have been through a lot, I can’t believe it.” So he sent me home without medication,  without a prescription without further treatment.
I have not taken any medication and I am still not taking any medication, I am in good health. JESUS CHRIST HEALED ME and He can heal anyone. I thank God that I prayed, my wife prayed for me JESUS HEARD. This is a testimony to whoever read this that JESUS ANSWERS PRAYER, HE IS ALIVE. CALL ON THE LORD, HE IS REAL, JESUS WILL ANSWER
God bless you.