Freedom of sin means FREEDOM FROM SLAVERY to sin. We are no longer DOMINATED by sin. I am talking about sin like adultery, fornication, lusting on purpose, deliberate and constant lying, theft, watching pornography, etc.. These are HABITUAL sins that master people and dominate them.

Dear brothers, if we WALK in these sins and if we keep practicing them, MAKE NO MISTAKE, we WILL NOT be saved. Take heed brothers and sisters.

DELIBERATE sin VS Mistakes – What it means to be FREE from sin

Mar 13, 2020

Eternal Call


In the gospel of John chapter 8, the Lord Jesus Christ makes a startling statement that should make us think and ask ourselves some questions.

Jesus says (John 8:34-36 KJV):

34 Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever ((( COMMITTETH sin is the SERVANT of sin ))).

35 And the servant abideth ((( NOT ))) in the house for ever: but the ((( Son abideth ever ))).

36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be ((((((( FREE INDEED ))))))).

What does Jesus mean when He says that if He sets us free we will be FREE INDEED? Is He talking about perfection?

If we look at verse 34, Jesus says whosoever COMMITTETH sin is a slave to sin. This is not talking about isolated mistakes and errors here and there. This is not talking about losing control unwillingly and getting angry, making a rude joke without paying attention. This is talking about A DELIBERATE lifestyle of sin, about planning sin beforehand, about PRACTICING HABITUAL SIN.

If we look at the YLT translation (Yound Literal version), verse 34 says this:

Jesus answered them, `Verily, verily, I say to you — Every one who ((( IS COMMITTING SIN ))), is a servant of the sin,

It is a greek tense which is called present CONTINUOUS TENSE. That is why it is good to look at the YLT translation because it preserves this tense which does not exist in english.

It is important dear brothers and sisters to make that distinction and it is in many different places in the New Testament. In the first letter of John chapter 2, the apostle John says to the little children that he is writing unto them SO THAT THEY SIN NOT, but IF they sin they have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ.

The aim is NOT TO SIN and God knows the difference between someone who is using the grace of God to SIN and someone walking in the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God yet make mistakes.

Jesus says to us to BE PERFECT as the Father is perfect because He wants us to AIM for perfection. He is giving us THE HIGHEST STANDARD we should aim for. The book of Hebrews says that we should PRESS ON to perfection.

There is no place where we can say we are now perfect. Paul himself said that he doesn’t consider himself to be perfect and I hope we all agree that Paul is more spiritual than any of us. We STRIVE for perfection.

Freedom of sin means FREEDOM FROM SLAVERY to sin. We are no longer DOMINATED by sin. I am talking about sin like adultery, fornication, lusting on purpose, deliberate and constant lying, theft, watching pornography, etc.. These are HABITUAL sins that master people and dominate them.

Dear brothers, if we WALK in these sins and if we keep practicing them, MAKE NO MISTAKE, we WILL NOT be saved. Take heed brothers and sisters.

I ask today each one of us,

– Are we truly walking in the Light?

– Are we walking IN THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD AWAY from deliberate sin?

– Are we TRULY sons of God?

– Do we hate sin enough to STOP?

– Did we TRULY REPENT of a practice of sin?


Are we just deluding ourselves thinking we have salvation while we are STILL ((( MASTERED ))) and ((( DOMINATED ))) by sin?

Please share if you care

May God bless you