Even during the tough times coming ahead, we can have the peace that is beyond all understanding! George doesn’t say the following, but it’s key!

When our consciences are clear before God and men, when we’re walking not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit we’ll have peace, a fruit of the Spirit.

“Herein I also practice ALWAYS having a CONSCIENCE VOID OF OFFENSE toward God and men” (Acts 24:16).

Peace comes when we fully surrender to the Holy Spirit.

ONLY JESUS Can Give you Peace

Eternal Call


Dear friend, there is ONLY ONE PLACE you can go to to get your peace and comfort and that is to JESUS CHRIST. He is the answer, He is the solution.

We are living in a hard time and many brothers are getting discouraged, many are feeling deserted and forsaken by God. But that is only the enemy doing his work, he can use our minds against us, distract us and make us think God is not there or that He is not in control. This is happening especially in this time where many are isolated and can’t get encouragement from fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

But Jesus promised that He will NEVER FORSAKE HIS OWN, He NEVER leaves us. He promises us a TRUE PEACE that is different from the temporary vain peace that the world gives. The peace that Jesus gives is PERMANENT, a peace that no man can take away because it’s a SPIRITUAL PEACE that comes from the Spirit of life, the Holy Spirit, our helper and comforter.

So don’t let the devil discourage you in this time, don’t let him convince you in his craftiness that God has left you, TRUST GOD and share with Him your trouble but CONTINUE BELIEVING THAT HE IS and that He is a rewarder of those who DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM. He never leaves us, it is US who leave Him, it is US who get distracted and it is US who desert Him.

Go to the secret place of the Most High, get alone with Him in your prayer closet, sit at the feet of Jesus and LISTEN. Get the PURE water that comes from ABOVE, get the comfort of the Spirit and the TRUE PEACE and JOY that come from the HELPER.

That is the only place I can tell you to go to. I can’t give you peace, I can guide you to the ONE who can, IT IS JESUS, the Holy Son of God.

And may God bless you!