Mary and the “saints” who actually did make it to heaven can’t communicate with people on Earth, so prayers to them are futile, border on idolatry, and can open the door to demons. This is one of the most disturbing elements of Catholic doctrine, and has no Scriptural support.

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Dear Catholic church goer, beware of the teachings you hear, test everything by prayer and by the Holy Spirit. Spend time in the Holy Scriptures, don’t depend on others for the truth. Do your homework. Your soul is too precious to God, it is too precious for you to risk it by swallowing all the deceptions these “churches” throw at you. You are accountable.

When you communicate with the dead, no matter where they are or what form they are in, you are opening yourself up to the spiritual dimension. It is VERY DANGEROUS because you don’t know what you are dealing with.

There are many instances of people contracting demonic spirits because of these things. Prayer to your favourite dead saint, communicating with Mary IS DANGEROUS. Saying that you are not praying to them but asking them to intercede for you does not change anything. Prayer is communication, playing on words will not help you.

The only prayer you could and should do is one to God Himself. The only mediator you could talk to is Jesus Christ, the only mediator between God and man. That is because only God is on the throne and only God has under Him all spiritual powers including the dark principalities.

Also the Lord is insulted when you display your hypocrisy by communicating with anyone other than Him. He is not busy somewhere in a heavenly office. He is not unavailable. He is always there waiting for you to go to HIM. Jesus promised that He will never leave us.

Can you imagine working for a boss who sends out for you to come to His office. Can you imagine you sending someone to go talk to Him for you? Do you think the boss will be happy? He sent out FOR YOU. He wants YOU to go to Him personally.

Don’t be a hypocrite. Jesus said in John 14:23 that He and the Father will make their abode WITHIN YOU. You have a STRAIGHT connection, you can approach the throne with confidence. Stop listening to that catholic garbage. Don’t insult Jesus. GO TO HIM.

Out of all the prophets, saints or anyone you think is very spiritual, there is ONLY ONE who left His throne to come and DIE FOR YOU dear friend. There is only one who shed His blood for the forgiveness of your sins, there is only one who went to the cross.

Don’t insult Him by sending someone else for you. Go to Him YOURSELF.

And may God bless you!

DANGER of Communicating with the DEAD

Eternal Call