Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Replacement Theology: Easy Target for Zionists Vs. The Balanced Biblical View, by Ted Pike

National Prayer Network


By Rev. Ted Pike
14 May 12

A minority of Christian thinkers and activists has watched helplessly for a century as a spiritually lawless and geopolitically dangerous nation of Christ-rejecting Jews has risen to power over the Mideast and the western world. The fuel for Zionism’s meteoric rise is almost entirely the aura of chosenness and divine protection mistakenly drawn from the Bible.

A similar aura was exploited in the 16th century by Spanish conquistador Cortez. With his tiny army, he approached the vast sprawling empire of the ancient Aztecs and their crown jewel, Mexico City. Knowing something of Aztec beliefs, Cortez shrewdly announced he was Quetzalcoatl, god incarnate, coming in fulfillment of Aztec scripture. Montezuma, king of the Aztecs, virtually gave him the keys to the kingdom. This resulted in Montezuma’s death and Cortez’s conquest of Mexico.

For more than a century we have seen a similar strategy from a small minority of dedicated and devious Jewish Zionists. Exploiting Christians’ belief that Jews are favored by God, Jewish supremacists have conquered the dominant culture, morality and power of the historically Christian west.

Many frustrated Christians, watching this happen, are attracted to a seemingly perfect solution: to persuade the church and society that God is now done with the Jewish people. They say the Bible once encouraged the “chosen people” mystique, but now the physical chosenness of Jews has been replaced with spiritual chosenness of both Jew and Gentile. All who trust Jesus are now just as much “God’s chosen people” as were the Jews. Galatians 3 is quoted as proving God’s “replacement of Jews with Christians of all races” (Gal. 3:7-10, 14, 29).

“those who are of faith… are the sons of Abraham” (v. 7) “… blessed in Abraham, the believer” (v. 9) so that “in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles…” (v. 14) “And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring, heirs according to the promise.” (v 29)

Is Replacement Theology Really Biblical

Galatians indeed seems to present the perfect way to replace a very destructive, civilization-destroying cult of Jew worship with one that is broad, wholesome, truly spiritual and Christ-exalting. But is replacement theology really taught by the Bible?

Actually, replacement theology is a half-truth. It correctly says that all who trust Jesus are now the Israel of God. But it is wrong in its claim that, by such enlargement of Christ’s kingdom, Christ has done away with His covenant to the Jews. It is untrue in its claim that He no longer has a unique destiny for Jews that includes repentance of a minority at His second coming.

In Romans 9:4 Paul says that (present tense) to Israel “belongs the adoption as sons and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the law and the temple service and the promises…”

He goes on to say that God is very capable of re-grafting a remnant out of unbelieving Israel into their native stalk, Jesus (Romans 11:2,15, 23, 24). That will indeed happen, as the prophets predicted for “all Israel shall be saved; just as it is written ‘the Deliverer will come from Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob’ ‘and this is my covenant with them, when I take away their sins.’”

The Bible is not as simplistic as replacement theology would have us believe.

Far too much Scripture prophesies the conversion and regathering of Jews for it to be tossed aside by the supposed “spiritual” interpretation of Galatians. God has an enormous investment in Jews of the past and amazing intentions for them in the future. The Bible emphasizes this throughout. Our duty as Christians who must resist ascent of Babylon the Great is to embrace this continuing Jewish destiny while honoring its powerful restraints, which demonstrate the conditions of a holy God.

Restrictions upon God’s covenant with Jews are explicit in Scripture and are more than adequate to criticize, restrain, and understand the modern state of Israel. These restraints include the following premises:

  1. Not all who are of Jewish descent are “Jews” (Rev. 3:9, Rom. 9:6-8). Wicked Jews are cast away, “not of Israel.” (Rom. 11:2) (Yet a remnant shall be saved Rom 11:12, 28)
  2. The church owes no debt of gratitude to most Jews of the Bible, only a small minority who were faithful. Paul says Christ will honor the piety and sacrifice of the righteous fathers, by someday bringing salvation to “all Israel.” (11:26)
  3. Evil Jews and Israel are subject to constructive Gentile/Christian criticism as well as universal laws of justice and morality. Such criticism is not anti-Semitism.
  4. Scripture is emphatic that God’s holy land cannot be occupied by a nation of Christ-rejecting Jews at any time in history (See List of Conditional Salvation/Conditional Occupation Verses).
  5. Apostate Israel is not the “apple of God’s eye” but Babylon the Great, continuation of the archetypal whore of the Old testament (See ‘Babylon the Great’ is Israel)
  6. In Ezekiel 38 and 39 Scripture clearly portrays the counterfeit return of Jews to Palestine. This is the first, apostate national return which we now witness. It fulfills Scripture, but not the hundreds of prophecies of the second, final and obedient return after repentance.
  7. To criticize evil Jews and their leaders is not to curse them but to actually bless them, hopefully leading to repentance. Such constructive criticism is actually philo-Semitic, tending to make Jews less abrasive to the world and thus less prone to hatred by the Gentiles.
  8. We best bless Israel not by moral and military support but by sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus with all Jews. No one is more greatly blessed than by hearing the message that Jesus loves them and that if they repent and trust in Him they will share eternal life with Him forever.
  9. The Jerusalem which Psalms tells us to pray for is not “Sodom and Egypt,” which is how God and the angels view the city of Jerusalem today (Rev. 11:8). Instead, we are to bless the invisible Zion “Christ’s kingdom of heaven” that Jesus said “is within you.”


From the above we see that it is unnecessary to “replace” Jews in Christ’s continuing plan in order to hold back Zionism. Just as Jesus and the prophets had plenty of biblically sound reasons to criticize evil Jews in their times, Christians have the same resources. Unfortunately, replacement theology alienates evangelicals from vital truth about the threat of Jewish supremacism. They instantly recognize replacement theology as “boasting against the branches,” a mortal threat to God’s plan for the Jews. In this the evangelicals are correct: It is hard to imagine a greater boast than saying God has taken away Israel’s unique covenant and given it to everyone.

It is no accident that when both Zionist and evangelicals want to vilify the “epidemic of anti-Semitism” their first target is replacement theology.

In contrast, both ADL and Zionist evangelicals are apprehensive concerning the balanced biblical view and eschatology found at They do their best to ignore us. In imitation of the biblical prophets, we provide salty penetrating rebuke of evil Jewish leadership. Yet we never lose sight of the fact that, despite the deepest Jewish apostasy, Christ will be glorified as the ultimate Redeemer through final Jewish repentance. This will glorify Christ to an extent perhaps only equaled by the power of His death at Calvary.


Rev. Ted Pike is director of the National Prayer Network, a Christian/conservative watchdog organization.

TALK SHOW HOSTS: Interview Rev. Ted Pike on this subject. Call (503) 631-3808.

The freedom-saving outreach of Rev. Ted Pike and the National Prayer Network is solely supported by sale of books, videos and your financial support. All gifts are tax-deductible.


National Prayer Network, P.O. Box 828, Clackamas, OR 97015


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  1. The Truth

    Zionism is “replacement theology”, they’re the masters of it.

    Who has replaced Christ with a bunch of Christ-hating children of the devil? Who has replaced God’s chosen people, God’s people, with Satan’s chosen people, children of the devil? Galatians 3, John 8, Revelation 2:9, 3:9.

    >Galatians 3:16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.

    It’s literally antichrist, they’ve replaced God with a “race” of people because they’re ultra racists and they teach God is a respecter of persons just like the Calvinists teach with their perverted definition of “election”, just like the black hebrew israelites think God is a respecter of persons, or just like most evolutionists teach since the logical conclusion of evolution is racism (especially coupled with their “out of Africa” theory, Japan even did studies in WWII to prove they were “more evolved” to justify horrible treatment of non-Japanese civilians and POWs). And I put “race” in quotes up there for two reasons, the Bible doesn’t teach races or that one race is special for their blasphemous religion but that all nations are made of one blood and there is neither Jew nor Greek, but also because Judaism is a religion not a race, otherwise explain to me why they don’t appear on the US Census as a race; because it’s not a race, it’s an evil wicked religion which they partake in their evil deeds when they bless them as the Bible teaches.

    They say “But Romans, All Israel shall be saved” but that defines Israel to be Christians. People who die without Christ go to hell where they deserve for their sins since they didn’t believe. How can they enter in unbelief? Hebrews. It’s nonsense, it’s garbage theology. Romans 9:6 also refutes their zionist dispensationalist Scofield reference Bible heresies.

    Zionism is “replacement theology”. They’ve replaced God and Christ with people of a false and wicked and perverted and blasphemous religion who hate the Lord.

    • Jeff Fenske

      Christians on both sides don’t like to look at what Romans 11 really says.

      Many Christian Zionists don’t like to see that God gave the true, ethnic Judaics a “spirit of stupor” and “a partial hardening” of their hearts “until the full number of Gentiles comes in, and until then, Paul says they’re “enemies of the gospel.” There can be exceptions, of course: those who break free from the spell, which may have started when the Pharisees and others prayed/cursed the Judaics to be against Christ and Christians, what E. Michael Jones calls the “Jewish revolutionary spirit,” their rebellion against Logos.

      Many replacement theology advocates, those who believe the true Judaics by race are no longer God’s chosen people don’t like to see Paul say “God has not rejected His people,” that God’s covenant with the true Judaics is “irrevocable.” Paul says God wants to be able to graft them into the Vine again when “He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob.” Then “all Israel will be saved,” speaking of the true Judaics by ancestry.

      Many estimate this will not take place until the end of the tribulation. The fullness of the Gentiles has to happen first, “until the full number of Gentiles has come in.”

      I expect a massive great awakening to happen among the Gentiles before the tribulation starts, which will provoke the Judaics to jealousy, a concept that Paul refers to in Rom. 11:11. Jesus’ John-17 prayer will be answered, and His goal in Ephesians 4:11-16 will be fulfilled. Then the end will come, after the full, true Gospel is preached to the entire world in its glory! “That the world will know,” Jesus predicted in John 17.

      My greatest desire is to help Jesus’ greatest desire happen: His people being ONE with each other just as Jesus was ONE with His Father. Jesus want His joy to be in us and our joy to be full! He wants to give us His glory “that the world will know!”

      Please read John 17 carefully, as well as Ephesians 4:11-16, which will happen after the “trickery of men” stop their “deceitful scheming,” pushing “winds of doctrine.”

      Those whom God has called and prophetically gifted to be watchmen, to bring the church into sound doctrine and unity need to be appreciated, instead of shunned and James-3 cursed.

      Then we’ll have revival, which is just normal Christianity, the way it was always supposed to be: life in the Son — before the end comes!

      Could be soon.

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