Is this possibly a significant key to being able to forgive everyone, everywhere, 100% of the time, from our entire heart, to be free??!!! (Mt. 18)
Others’ happiness should at least be as important (the second greatest commandment), which perhaps is easier to achieve (of course, via God’s grace, His enablement for us to be able love even our greatest enemies) by considering others even more important….

“Love is when the other person’s happiness
is more important than your own.”

– H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

The Sahara Version

Paul thought of it this way: “consider others better than yourselves.”

Philippians 2:1 If there is therefore any exhortation in Christ, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any tender mercies and compassion, 2 make my joy full, by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind; 3 doing nothing through rivalry or through conceit, but in humility, each counting others better than himself; 4 each of you not just looking to his own things, but each of you also to the things of others. 5 Have this in your mind, which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, existing in the form of God, didn’t consider equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in human form, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, yes, the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also highly exalted him….

12 So then, my beloved, even as you have always obeyed, not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling [by obeying in this way]. 13 For it is God who works in you [the Holy Spirit enables us to love others unconditionally from our heart] both to will and to work, for his good pleasure.

Is this perhaps also one of the greatest keys to being safe to not fall from grace, regarding salvation—because we always consider others better—so we succeed at loving each other as much—fulfilling the second greatest commandment?!!!
Power to the people!
“Is this it?”
Related: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way