Brian Williams Remembers:
Brian Williams Remembers:
Do we LOVE our neighbor AS OURSELF — Jesus’ Second Greatest COMMANDment??
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“In Syria alone, 9 MILLION people have been displaced or fled the country, which makes what I’m about to share with you so infuriating.” – Ben Swann
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Reality Check: Proof U.S. Government Wanted ISIS To Emerge In Syria
John Hagee and Dual Covenant Theology
Telling The Jews They Don’t Need Jesus
“But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. ” Matthew 15:24
“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. ” John 14:6
“Everyone else, whether Buddhist or Baha’i, needs to believe in Jesus…but not Jews.” John Hagee, interview with the Houston Chronicle
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Dual Covenant Theology explained
For those of you who don’t know, this is what Dual Covenant Theology is:
“Dual-covenant theology is a Liberal Christian view that holds that Jews may simply keep the Law of Moses, because of the “everlasting covenant” (Genesis 17:13) between Abraham and God expressed in the Hebrew Bible, whereas Gentiles (those not Jews or Jewish proselytes) must convert to Christianity or alternatively accept the Seven Laws of Noah. Many forms of Christianity, especially Conservative Protestants, consider this view to be heresy.” source – Wikipedia
Does John Hagee teach Dual Covenant Theology?
Yes, he does.
How do I know this? A friend of mine who lives in Israel met with Pastor Hagee and his staff including Cheryl Morrison, a key Director in CUFI – Christians United For Israel. At this meeting, attended by over 5,000, she was told by both Pastor Hagee and Cheryl Morrison that “Jews are saved by the Abrahamic covenant” He told them, in effect, that they do not need Jesus because they have God’s promised to Abraham. …
John Hagee in his own words
“Jesus did not come to the earth to be the Messiah” – from John Hagee’s book, ‘In Defense of Israel”
“The Jewish people have a relationship to God through the law of God as given through Moses,” Hagee said. “I believe that every Gentile person can only come to God through the cross of Christ. I believe that every Jewish person who lives in the light of the Torah, which is the word of God, has a relationship with God and will come to redemption. “The law of Moses is sufficient enough to bring a person into the knowledge of God until God gives him a greater revelation. And God has not,” said Hagee, giving his interpretation of Romans 11:25. “Paul abandoned the idea (of Jews knowing Christ). In the book of Romans, he said, `I am now going to go to the Gentiles from this time forward.’ Judaism doesn’t need Christianity to explain its existence. But Christianity has to have Judaism to explain its existence.” Houston Chronicle [“San Antonio Fundamentalist Battles Anti-Semitism,” Houston Chronicle, April 30, 1988, section 6, page 1]
“I’m not trying to convert the Jewish people to the Christian faith,” he said. “There is nothing in the `night to honor Israel’ that does that.” In fact, trying to convert Jews is a “waste of time,” he said. “The Jewish person who has his roots in Judaism is not going to convert to Christianity. There is no form of Christian evangelism that has failed so miserably as evangelizing the Jewish people. They (already) have a faith structure.” Everyone else, whether Buddhist or Baha’i, needs to believe in Jesus, he says. But not Jews. Jews already have a covenant with God that has never been replaced by Christianity, he says. Houston Chronicle [“San Antonio Fundamentalist Battles Anti-Semitism,” HoustonChronicle, April 30, 1988, section 6, page 1]
“This book will expose the sins of the fathers and the vicious abuse of the Jewish people. ‘In Defense of Israel’ will shake Christian theology. It scripturally proves that the Jewish people as a whole did not reject Jesus as Messiah. It will also prove that Jesus did not come to earth to be the Messiah. It will prove that there was a ‘Calvary conspiracy’ between Rome, the high priest, and Herod to execute Jesus as an insurrectionist too dangerous to live. Since Jesus refused by word and deed to claim to be the Messiah, how can the Jews be blamed for rejecting what was never offered?” – from John Hagee’s book, ‘In Defense of Israel”
John Hagee rejects the label of Dual Covenant Theology, and that he does not acknowledge that what he teaches is that. But as this article has shown, for all practical purposes he does indeed hold to the position that there is one path of salvation for the Jews – Abraham, and that there is another path for all gentiles – Jesus. He has said exactly this in the interview with the Houston Chronicle, and in his writing and teachings on the subject. In fact, he has held to this position for over 30 years. …
John Hagee’s book vs. The King James Authorized Version 1611 Holy Bible
HAGEE: “The sovereign purpose for Jesus’ life was to be a light to the Gentiles” (p. 133)
BIBLE: Matthew 15:24– “But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
HAGEE: “there is not one verse of Scripture in the New Testament that says Jesus came to be the Messiah…” (p. 136)
BIBLE: John 4:25-26– “The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. ” Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am [he].”
Most Pastors today violate Jesus’ Great Commission, which New Testament believers continued full-heartedly. STEPHEN WAS STONED for telling the Jews the truth — filled with the Spirit! If we did God’s will we’d be filled too.
Jesus said in Luke 24:46-47:
He said to them, “Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name TO ALL the nations, beginning at JERUSALEM.
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German Protestants officially renounce converting Jews to Christianity
(RNS) Tackling a delicate issue as it begins its yearlong celebration of the Reformation’s 500th anniversary, Germany’s main Protestant church has officially renounced its mission to convert Jews to Christianity.
In practice, the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), made up of 20 regional Lutheran, Reformed and United churches, mostly gave up efforts to convert Jews in the decades after the Holocaust, and closing that chapter should have been a formality.
But officially abandoning the “Judenmission,” or Mission to the Jews, turned out to be theologically complicated.
In Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus gave his Apostles the Great Commission to “make disciples of all nations.” And small groups of evangelicals in a few member churches have long opposed an official statement against conversion, despite calls from Jewish groups to issue one.
The EKD’s annual synod, which it calls its “church parliament,” finally drew up a resolution that was passed unanimously on Nov. 9 in Magdeburg. It said that Christians “are not called to show Israel the path to God and his salvation.”
Since God never renounced his covenant with the Jews, his chosen people, they do not need to embrace the new Christian covenant to be saved, it said. …
The EKD wasn’t alone in changing its approach to Jews slowly. The Roman Catholic Church renounced its theological anti-Semitism in 1965 with the pioneering document Nostra Aetate at the Second Vatican Council.
It took another 50 years before the Vatican issued a clear statement last December that it “neither conducts nor supports any specific institutional mission work directed towards Jews.”
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German Protestants Pass Resolution to Stop Converting Jews to Christianity: ‘We Leave Up to God’
Nov 22, 2016
Protestant churches in Germany have decided to stop any attempt to convert the Jews to the Christian faith and abandon their “Mission to the Jews.”
In a resolution passed Nov. 9, the synod of the Evangelical Church in Germany has formally renounced any effort to convert the Jews to Christianity, saying Christians “are not called to show Israel the path to God and his salvation,” Religion News Service reported.
The resolution stated that since God has not renounced his covenant with the Jews, the Jews don’t have to become Christians in order to be saved.
“All efforts to convert Jews contradict our commitment to the faithfulness of God and the election of Israel,” the resolution said. It adds that Christians seeing Jesus as their Savior and the Jews not sharing the same perspective is “a fact we leave up to God.”
The Evangelical Church in Germany is a group up of 20 Lutheran, United and Reformed churches and makes up about a third of the German population. Traditionally, the EKD has distanced itself from efforts to convert Jews to Christianity after the holocaust, but this is the first time it has done so officially. …
The EKD appears to be distancing itself from the anti-Semitic statements of Martin Luther, who began the Protestant Reformation, and announced its rejection of the “undisguised hatred to the Jews” last year. Luther wrote a treatise called ‘On the Jews and Their Lies’ and encouraged people to attack Jewish homes and synagogues.
However, the resolution brings to question some theological contradictions. Small evangelical groups have long opposed abandoning the Mission to the Jews. The Bible commands in the book of Matthew that believers should “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.”
Call to “radical, wild prayer” at 17:20!!!!!!!!!
Something terrible happened when our church stopped having group prayer, praying in the Spirit, decades ago. It’s been dead ever since, so many don’t even bother going anymore, including myself. They don’t want truthers.
False doctrine then crept in too, big-time! Sick!
Radical, group prayer, dealing with demonic forces, praying perfectly in the Spirit is a HUGE part of the solution.
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John Burton Interview – TCT Cleveland
(prophecy) The Homosexuals Will Arise — “Show them the way through your smile”
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6:50 Anti-repentance movement is rampant in the church
14:50 “We are attempting to attack worldly pride with religious pride. You can’t fight a spirit that you embrace.”
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Almost Homosexual: The Church in Crisis
Quotes I transcribed from this excellent, breath taking video:
“Many, many in the church will be shocked to find themselves in hell one day.”
“If we do repent, righteousness remains. If we don’t repent it does not. … We really do have to repent.”
“There are many who think they are in Christ but they are not. They think they are not in a place of condemnation but they are. And when they die they will find themselves condemned to hell.”
“It’s possible to give more power to sin than to the cross. Was the cross not sufficient to keep us free from sin?” “Those in the false grace movement overstate our sinful nature, our weakness, and understate the power of the cross … to empower us to be free from sin. … The true grace message is a message of power. … I can be free from sin…. …because the cross is that powerful that we can live an overcoming life.”
“We can absolutely obey. And obedience along with repentance, along with relationship is what it takes to be in right standing with Jesus — to be in Christ Jesus — and to have confidence in our position and our eternity.”
“Christian, why would you even want to make excuse for anything less than the standard that God has called us to. … If God is calling us to the high mark, why would we want to teach compromise?” “For us as Christians to simply take casually direct mandates of scripture speaks of a really serious issue.”
“If we are deceived by false theology into thinking we are in Christ while actually living in disobedience we are in trouble.” “We’ve got to get messages of condemnation and hell back into the pulpits again. We’ve gone too far….”
“If we go on sinning DELIBERATELY…” (Hebrews 10:26…). “I’m going to keep on in pornography. I’m going to keep stealing form the IRS…. I’m going to keep lying — those little white lies. I’m going to DELIBERATELY withhold forgiveness from somebody.” That’s a big one.
“The only people that are going to feel fearful and condemned are those that reject the message. You’re actually going to be set free if you receive the message.”
“My belief is ‘once-saved-rarely-saved.’ I believe that the Bible is clear that the road is very narrow.”
Galatians 5: “Jealousy, envy…, small things, personal issues can actually keep us from eternity with Jesus. … But the GOOD NEWS is that YOU CAN BE FREE. …when we walk in the Spirit.”
“The false grace movement would teach that it’s our focus on sin, not the sin itself that puts us in bondage. The reality is that people are becoming affirmed in a sinful state with no fear of the Lord or fear of damnation at all.”
“Repentance is actually a WONDERFUL, JOYFUL, FULFILLING lifestyle to live! …as we RUN RIGHT INTO THE ARMS OF A LOVING DAD!”
FOUR: “A BIBLICAL works message is renounced as LEGALISM. … How far from orthodox Christianity has the church fallen?”
FIVE. Salvation is depicted as easy and/or permanent.
Jesus didn’t die on the cross to make it easy for us to get saved. He died so it would be possible for us to get saved.
The false-grace doctrine teaches that our eternity and our relationship with Jesus is already settled and we can simply relax and enjoy God. Our obedience is in no way joined to our relationship with Jesus our our eternal destiny. (source)
“We need another David Wilkerson/Leonard Ravenhill-type movement where we deal with the hard issues.”
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Five Marks of the False-Grace Movement
This is NOT from a Christian site, but this discussion more effectively tells the truth than are most pastors.
Jeanice also discusses Talmudic based, anti-Christ ‘Judaism,’ which is in large part behind this. Jesus warned us of the leaven of the Pharisees, and told them directly: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do” (John 8:44). Most pastors are standing down, enabling these globalists, allowing America to degenerate.
“If your son becomes addicted to pornography at 12, the chances of him ever having a normal life or a loving relationship are pretty much nill.” – Jeanice Barcelo in part 2 (subscription only)
Not enough people are hitting this issue hard enough. Jeanice is one of the few!
(video) Jeanice Barcelo: PORNOGRAPHY – the DELIBERATE MANIPULATION of Human Beings — A Luciferian REBELLION against the Creator to destroy the natural order • Porn brings a person under the control of DEMONS • Causes the brain’s frontal lobes to ATROPHY, WEAKENING impulse control • Sex education changes the neural pathways of a child’s brain • Porn producers are Satanists who have the intention of destroying those who believe in God • SODOMY is rebellion against God Himself • Sodomy of a child ATTACKS NERVES at the base of the spine — a prerequisite to be able to develop multiple personalities for mind-control • The ILLUMINATI is a brotherhood of sodomites
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Jeanice Barcelo – Pornography: Weaponized Degeneracy
Very interesting! The person posting this video says Donald is just joking, but I think at age-70 he’s sincerely thinking about how he’s lived and the eternal consequences if he doesn’t change his ways.
This is MORE EVIDENCE that Donald is taking this job SERIOUSLY — which is why the establishment has fought him every step of the way — and the MSM still mocks him — while they consistently shield and angelify HiLIARy!
“I think it’s probably, mainly the only way I’ll get to heaven. So I better do a good job. Okay?”
– Donald Trump
Pray especially for Donald that they don’t take his life.
– ––i_gI
Donald Trump Asks Pastors, ‘Pray for Me’
Howard Pittman was told this 2.5% figure at the gate of heaven 30 years ago (having died on the way to the hospital) — before once-saved-always-saved was mainstream, before internet porn even existed, before the low-cut-top epidemic hit America, when more people were honest, and hate and anger wasn’t off the charts.
The figure may be less than 2.5% now.
How many will be in Heaven ?
The Bible gives us a clue below when it says that: “few there be that find it.” We might ask, how few ?
Mat 7:13 Enter ye in at [through] the strait [the narrow] gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way [road], that leadeth to destruction [leads to eternity in Hell], and many there be which go in [enter] thereat [through it]:
Mat 7:14 Because strait [small] is the gate, and narrow is the way [road], which leadeth unto life [leads to eternity in Heaven], and few there be [only a few] that find it.
Since the Bible suggests comparing a narrow way (road) with a broad way (road) to get the answer, let’s quantify this example.
A narrow way or road such as a single lane country road may be only about 10 feet wide.
A broad way or road such as an urban expressway with numerous lanes going both ways can easily be about 400 feet wide.
The ratio in this example is on the order of 1 in 40 (400 divided by 10). How many will be in Heaven? This example would conclude that only about 1 in 40 goes to Heaven.
Few (1 in 40) there be that find it (eternity in Heaven).
This is only about 2.5% of the world’s population making it to heaven.
Many (the other 39, or 97.5%) go to destruction (eternity in Hell).
Let’s examine another example. On August 3, 1979, Howard Pittman describes (in his booklet “Placebo”) his near-death experience. While the physicians were working on him, he suffered physical death.
During this death interval, he was permitted to watch 50 saints (true Christians) enter Heaven. It was explained to him that “at the same time those 50 saints died on Earth, 1950 other humans also died; or only 50 out of 2000 made it into Heaven. The other 1950 were not there.”
The ratio in this example is also 1 in 40 (2000 divided by 50).
Based on this example, only about 1 in 40 is going to Heaven. (50 in 2000)
That’s about 2.5% (saints, true Christians) going to heaven, and 97.5% going somewhere else.
[WordPOWER!] 2 Peter 3: BEWARE, in the LAST DAYS People Will Be WILLINGLY IGNORANT
Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth & Truth-tellers
[FreedomQuote] ”I Would Rather Know The Ugly Truth Than A Beautiful Lie”
From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”
“..*Don’t be conceited*, but fear; for if God didn’t spare the natural branches [the Jews], neither will he spare you. See then the GOODNESS and *SEVERITY* of God. Toward those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, IF YOU CONTINUE in his goodness; OTHERWISE YOU WILL ALSO BE CUT OFF.”
– Romans 11:20-22
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Surrender — the narrow way…
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While no external power can separate the Christian from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39), we can separate ourselves from Christ by neglecting or refusing to do the things necessary to keep ourselves in the faith. Defection is not something that happens suddenly, it happens gradually, by drifting from the truth (Hebrews 2:1-3) (source)
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A RELATIONSHIP with Jesus is WAY MORE than just believing! WAY MORE.
Only very FEW will give up their life to obtain HIS LIFE! MANY will see it costs them everything and will choose the highway to hell instead!
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Laughter and joking around to fill the void since the Holy Spirit has departed because the pastors aren’t leading the people into holiness anymore — not being holy themselves — and therefore disqualified:
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“I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel:
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“We can either have a [Talmudic] Jewish America or a Christian America. There is no in-between.”
– Nathanael Kapner
Synagogue And State Slays America
“History fails to record a single precedent in which NATIONS SUBJECT TO MORAL DECAY have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a SPIRITUAL AWAKENING to overcome the moral lapse, OR a PROGRESSIVE DETERIORATION leading to ultimate national disaster.”
– Douglas MacArthur
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The Lord Jesus told us that those who cause children to sin will be destroyed. A millstone will be strung around their necks as a medal of death, and it will drown them at the bottom of the ocean. Jesus loved children. We must pray that children will be protected from these Satanists.
Published on Nov 27, 2016
Andrew Breitbart left an eerie message about John Podesta before he died: Podesta was the GATEKEEPER to a secret world the average person knows little about. It has to do with child trafficking among elite circles, and Hillary’s “33,000” emails may be the tip of the iceberg into a massive crime syndicate.
C. Ervana has discovered new Wikileaks from a “global intelligence” firm called Stratfor that unveil bizarre and disturbing details: that the firm is closely linked to Hillary and appears to be involved in trafficking. In several of the Stratfor emails there are key terms of “pizza” “hotdog” and “waitress.” Like the Podesta emails, there appears to be a pattern to the language used in the Stratfor emails: it is encoded with key words and phrases. Based on research, “pizza” and “hotdog” may be street terms related to trafficking children, and “waitress” may be a street term related to trafficking women. In the Podesta emails, there is strong that “Pizza” is related to a child. This is disturbing for several reasons: Pope Francis was depicted at a “pizza party” for Tony Podesta; and 2 women were arrested in North Korea while reporting on human trafficking. A picture of these two women with a child was sent to Podesta, Huma Abedin, and others at the State Department. The file was entitled “pizza.” We have seen the MSM and Snopes come out in recent day, defending the Clintons and accusing alternative media of being “fake news.”
Stratfor was exposed as a firm working very closely with Hillary and John Podesta. Many Stratfor emails are filled with sexual references about women. For example, one email appears to be discussing prices for women who perform exotic work. These women are called “waitresses.” Why on Earth is an intelligence organization talking about such things? It doesn’t seem like they are trying to hinder or stop trafficking from happening. Rather, it seems like they are encouraging it.
A batch of Wikileaks was released on November 6, 2016 called DNC2Leak. It began trending on Twitter. At exactly the same time, James Comey “pardoned” Hillary Clinton again, citing that there were no new details to be revealed from re-opening the investigation. I doubt that the timing was a coincidence. It appears the U.S. government was attempting to thwart the distribution of DNC2Leak, which was a part of Wikileaks Phase 3 campaign. Also, the night of November 6, 2016 saw a DDOS attack on Wikileaks. It was the first time their website went down in several years. Reddit, 4chan, and Twitter, all of which repost Wikileaks, also went down at the same time. Clearly, there was a coordinated effort from the U.S. government to stop DNC2Leak from spreading.
In DNC2Leak, Stratfor officials point out that Vince Foster and Ron Brown were victims of Hillary. Brown was killed because he was “inconveniently talkative.” Foster was a victim after he was poised to leak a major Hillary scandal back in the 1990s, some believe it was related to Whitewater.
What most don’t know is that Stratfor has a lengthy history of close relations to Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. According to Wayne Madsen, an intelligence expert and journalist, Stratfor is a part of a large conglomerate supporting Hillary that involved foreign intelligence, Israeli groups, high-ranking political officials, etc. Hillary’s “33,000” emails could have been a tip of the iceberg, that led into a crime syndicate so huge, that is would implicate thousands of industry leaders, heads of states, and celebrities. High-profile child trafficking rings have been exposed in Great Britain, Norway, and the United States recently. I believe we are seeing the scandal of the century opening up.
Was this the “surprise” that Julian Assange promised us? It is still unknown if Julian Assange is alive. But Wikileaks has brought attention to some of the darkest secrets ever to have been revealed: a glimpse into the “business” of elite circles.
The Lord Jesus told us that those who cause children to sin will be destroyed. A millstone will be strung around their necks as a medal of death, and it will drown them at the bottom of the ocean. Jesus loved children. We must pray that children will be protected from these Satanists. If you do not believe Christ Jesus, please do so now! I love Him so much! Please believe! He is coming soon!
Rhydian THE IMPOSSIBLE DREAM Kidwelly October 2012
Published on Oct 21, 2012
Rhydian a guest at Kidwelly Mayors Annual Concert
How could Ann be any more of a REVERSE-CHRISTIAN “Christian,” along with often being half naked? She actually influences many evangelicals into being warmongers instead of peacemakers too — the opposite of what Jesus says is a Christian: “Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be called CHILDREN OF GOD” (Matthew 5).
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Zionist Hag Ann Coulter Wanted to Nuke Iraq After 9/11
My Notes:
27:15 Thomas Paine etc., The Illuminate
37:30 “If the pen of Paine was the spirit behind the war of independence, what spirit was it?”
41 Thomas Jefferson had no great love for Christianity or the Bible
54:30 Benjamin Franklin
1:12:40 John Adams
1:23: Part of this quote is stated
The Reverend Bird Wilson, who was just a few years removed from being a contemporary of the so-called founding fathers, said further in the above-mentioned sermon that “the founders of our nation were nearly all Infidels, and that of the presidents who had thus far been elected [George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and Andrew Jackson] _not a one had professed a belief in Christianity_” (Remsberg, p. 120, emphasis added).
Dr. Wilson’s sermon, which was published in the Albany Daily Advertiser the month it was delivered also made an interesting observation that flatly contradicts the frantic efforts of present-day fundamentalists to make the “founding fathers” orthodox Christians
When the war was over and the victory over our enemies won, and the blessings and happiness of liberty and peace were secured, the Constitution was framed and God was neglected. He was not merely forgotten. He was absolutely voted out of the Constitution. The proceedings, as published by Thompson, the secretary, and the history of the day, show that the question was gravely debated whether God should be in the Constitution or not, and after a solemn debate he was deliberately voted out of it…. There is not only in the theory of our government no recognition of God’s laws and sovereignty, but its practical operation, its administration, has been conformable to its theory. Those who have been called to administer the government have not been men making any public profession of Christianity…. Washington was a man of valor and wisdom. He was esteemed by the whole world as a great and good man; but he was not a professing Christian (quoted by Remsberg, pp. 120-121, emphasis added). (source)
1:24:50 George Washington
1:41:15 Washington had trouble with the ‘only believe,’ easy road to heaven idea
1:52:30 Jesuits
2:12: David Barton debunked
2:28:00 David Barton’s early-Freemasonry theory debunked
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The Hidden Faith of The Founding Fathers 2010
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