Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: ‘Church’ is the Cause of the Crash

The CHURCH is the CAUSE of the CRASH — The Congregation of the Dead

“Our government is corrupt
because our people are corrupt.

Our people are corrupt
because our churches are corrupt.”

“We are a nation of liars,
following liars,
believing liars,
and celebrating liars

From: News with Views

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

The man that wandereth out of the way of understanding shall remain in the congregation of the dead. Proverbs 21:16

America is a dying country. I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but America is a dead man walking.

The once great “shining city on a hill” is gasping for breath. Everywhere you turn you are faced with the harsh truth that the death rattle has begun. We are a dying people controlled by a dying government, infected with the dead leadership of dead men, who chew on a dead gospel served-up in dead churches, by dead pastors living out a dead faith.

The stench of death is permeating our society. How could this possibly be? America, has wandered “out of the way of understanding.” Make no mistake about it; America is dying of spiritual starvation. We are the victims of spiritual bulimia, willingly vomiting out all that would nourish us.

America is a congregation of the dead.

We have no one to blame but the Church. I know that makes many of you nervous as you cling to your “dead faith full of dead works” believing that God is pleased with your apathy towards the spiritual condition of this nation. You, my Christian friends, are complicit in the spiritual coup that has swept over America. Compromise is the birthing ground of sin. Savorless salt producing good-for-nothing Christianity.

It is easy to blame the sinner as he proudly gallivants his debauchery for all to see. But it is the “compromise of the converted” that has paved the way for our national suicide. It is not the bold sinner that has destroyed our nation, but the “Silent Saint” ashamed to speak the Truth. And make no mistake about it…we have only ourselves to blame. We have willingly “wandered out of the way of understanding.” We followed folly, “changed the truth of God into a lie and are reaping the whirlwind from our unwillingness to contend for the Truth. Silence isn’t golden, it’s yellow.

We are a nation of liars, following liars, believing liars, and celebrating liars. Jesus said “The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life. We have rejected His words, and we have rejected His life. “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

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All of my ‘Christians’ Trashing America posts at ToBeFree

Pastor Baldwin: Apathetic Pastors and Christians Killing America

Why 9/11? | Forgiveness is the Key to Repentance

Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”

Andrew Strom: The Depression Has Begun

From: Revival School

-by Andrew Strom.

Ten months ago in November 2007 while preaching in Wisconsin
USA, I felt a strong unction from the Holy Spirit to speak about
the future of the United States and the imminent Crash. As often
happens under that kind of anointing, a real boldness came over
me, and for the first time I found myself clearly putting a “date”
on the coming financial Depression – something I had never done
before – except in the vaguest of terms. I found myself predicting
that tragically within six months America would be in Recession,
and within 12 months the actual Depression would begin.
(-This audio is on our website – )

So let us look at the evidence. It is now ten months later. Has the
Depression begun? Sadly the answer has to be “Yes”. In the last
two weeks the two largest mortgage giants in the world (Fannie
Mae & Freddie Mac) failed, the largest Insurance Company on earth
crashed (all taken over by the US Government), Lehman Brothers
went bankrupt (almost taking the entire financial system with it),
Money Markets reeled, the two remaining giant Investment banks
sought protection as “holding banks” – which means the end of
Wall Street as we know it, etc, etc. Stocks are in turmoil, Oil leapt
on Monday by the most ever recorded, gold is volatile – and on it
goes. -The most shattering two weeks since the Great Depression.
Meanwhile the US Treasury is seeking 700 billion dollars in a
forlorn effort to put Humpty back together again – tragically too late.


Why is this storm hitting America at this time? There are certainly
many reasons – most of which we have discussed before. But let
me put something else before you that I believe God spoke to me
not long ago:- There are “Jonahs” on the boat – and they are
sending the nation down.

Who are these Jonahs? I believe they are the “prophets” of America
who will not preach the truth – who sleep comfortably in the bowels
of the nation while chaos reigns all around them. Too afraid to
deliver God’s word ‘Repent’, they run the other way – toward smooth
talk and pleasant sayings – “Peace peace” when there is no peace.
And the depths of this great crisis can be laid directly at their door.

Yes – that’s right. A big reason why the ship of America is sinking
is because her prophets ran away from their God-given task and
message at the crucial moment.

If only these prophets had preached the TRUTH when the nation
so desperately needed to hear it. If only they had begun – way
back in the 1980’s – to call the lukewarm church to repentance,
to rebuke the people for their love of money, their greed, their sin.
But no – the siren call of “popularity” was too strong. The call of
“grace, grace”, of mass acceptance, of big reputations and even
bigger offerings. And so they sold out. And now they sleep bliss-
fully in the midst of the ship, while the storm whips to fury all
around. How do you sleep, O Jonahs, who would not cry “Repent”?

And it is not just the “prophets” either. It is the televangelists too.
Caught up in a world of fakery, hype and money-grubbing unseen
in the church since the Dark Ages, these hucksters are spreading
their garbage to every Third World Revival nation around the globe.
Greed, manipulation and pride on a scale that only America could
generate. Where is your shame, O charlatans of greed?

And so God is forced to act. And just like Jonah, the storm will
not abate until the wayward preachers are thrown overboard. Until
America is rid of these international thieves and prostitutes, she
is finished. And she will not recover until they are gone.

You see, it is not just the leaders who are at fault here. It is also
the people, who “love to have it so”. And thus until the heart of the
people is scourged and purged they will accomodate the “Jonahs” –
even seeking more of their ear-tickling fables to comfort themselves
in this time of breaking.

Until the heart of American greed is shattered – until her people
act of their own volition to throw these Jonahs overboard – this
storm will go on and on. In fact, it is about to grow a whole lot worse.

Mark my words, America: Until you remove these Jonahs, your
nation cannot recover. They have held the whole world in thrall by
their apostasy. And God cannot have it so any more. How long will
it take you to realize? How long will it take you to act?

THROW THE JONAHS OVERBOARD and be done with them!!
Only then will this mother of all storms subside.

-Comments welcome. -Send to-


God bless you all,

Andrew Strom.

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ECONOMIC JUDGMENT IS IMMINENT – 4 PREDICTIONS, by Andrew Strom [Four words from 2006 & 2007 predicting an imminent economic collapse in the USA]
From Andrew Strom: TWO 1990’s VISIONS of THE CRASH

Chief Economist: It’s A Depression

Frosty Wooldridge: Demise of America — “Americans have been ‘enstupidated’ … People don’t want TO BE FREE”

Voting for the ‘Lesser of Evils,' Thinking We're Going to Heaven

Therefore, “‘Come out from among them, and be separate,’ says the Lord.
Touch no unclean thing. I will receive you. …'”
(2 Cor. 6:17)
To stand on that day —
this isn’t child’s play.

We can vote and stand before God one day,
and not have to stand before God and say:

‘Well, God, I voted for the lesser of two evils.’

And God’s going to look you in the face, folks, and say:
‘But you still voted for evil.’

And you’ll have to admit that you did.

And God doesn’t put up with that, folks—
you voting for the lesser of two evils.

It’s still absolute evil,
Satanic evil

– Jack McLamb

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from
The Officer Jack McLamb Show, 9/19/08

Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called children of God.”

– Jesus (Mt. 5:9)

Chuck Baldwin: “A Wasted Vote”

Fenske on Chuck Norris’ “Would Jesus Support War?” – ‘A God of War’ & ‘*a* Prince of Peace’
Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures
Pastor Baldwin: Government Cannot Do Church’s Job

“We Must Be Holy” by J. C. Ryle (1816-1900)

Pastor Baldwin: The Religious Right is AWOL From the Real War

From: News with Views

the real battlefield today is not abortion. It is not homosexual marriage. It is not Social Security. It is not al Qaeda. It is not taxes. It is not inflation. It is not electing conservatives. It is not posting the Ten Commandments. It is not even the high cost of gasoline. …

The battlefield where the devil has amassed his greatest forces and is thrusting his deadliest armies is the surrender of our national sovereignty and independence, and the creation of global government. And it is our own political and corporate leaders that are facilitating this chicanery. Furthermore, by refusing to oppose this surrender, our Christian leaders are complicit as well.

Obviously, the surrender of our independence has been ongoing for some time. However, under Bill Clinton and especially under G.W. Bush, the pace has quickened exponentially.

Doubtless, the biggest reason President Bush has more aggressively hastened the pace of America’s merger into supranational government is because he enjoys widespread support among evangelical Christians. Absent opposition from Christian leaders, G.W. Bush has virtually had a free hand. And please know this: before Bush was a Republican, before he was a “conservative,” before he was a Christian, he was and is a globalist, as was his father and grandfather before him.

Because our national Christian leaders are content to revel in the lap of political cronyism with President Bush (and the Republican Party), they have abandoned their positions as watchmen on the wall. Instead of being watchmen and heralds of truth, they have become political lackeys and toadies for the GOP.


With the attention of the American people (and Congress) focused on the Middle East, Bush and his cabal of elitists are moving forward with plans to surrender our national independence and merge our country into a regional government. Friends, this is the real war; this is the real battlefield.

When America loses its sovereignty and independence, we will lose all of our fundamental liberties. The Constitution will be meaningless and irrelevant. The Bill of Rights will be moot. The principles of religious liberty, the right to life, and the Christian foundation of our country will be passé. And, as I said at the outset of this column, our national leaders, especially our Christian leaders, are totally absent from this battlefield.

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Related: Most of My ToBeFree Website

Pastor Baldwin: Today's 'Christians'—No Hope In God's Way

From: News with Views

The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah faced a generation that is very similar to the one we face today, I am afraid. Political and corporate leaders had given themselves over to corruption and duplicity. The fundamental underpinnings that founded and supported the nation were being dismantled. And the spiritual leaders seemed to be powerless to do anything about it.

Accordingly, Jehovah God told Jeremiah to give this message to the people of Israel:


When these Hebrews said, “There is no hope,” they were not saying, “It’s all over. We are all doomed. It is helpless.” No, they were not saying that at all. What they were saying was, “Doing it God’s way offers no hope. We will do it our way. We will rely upon our own devices, wisdom, and strength. We can get ourselves out of this mess.” That is the spirit these people possessed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I submit that this is exactly the same spirit that many professing Christians display today.

Most everyone, including Christian people, realize that our country is in a mess. They readily agree that a divine healing is needed. They even use the great stories and examples of the Bible to teach our boys and girls how to obey and trust God. They extol the examples of Daniel, the three Hebrew children, Simon Peter and the Apostles, etc. They use these stories to illustrate the importance of putting obedience to God and God’s principles above the machinations and demands of men.

When it comes to voting for and supporting candidates who have proven themselves to be unfaithful to the fundamental principles of liberty and good government, however, these same Christians suddenly become enamored with “the lesser of two evils,” and pragmatism. Doing right gives way to being “practical,” and standing for principle gives way to “not throwing my vote away.”

Had Daniel been “practical,” he would have stopped praying for a few weeks and stayed out of the lions’ den. Had the three Hebrew children been “pragmatic,” they would have given a symbolic bow to the statue of Nebuchadnezzar. And I can just hear Christians living in the First Century talking about how they would vote for Nero over Caligula, as he would be “the lesser of two evils.”

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Related: Chuck Baldwin posts at ToBeFree

The Government/Press Doesn't Tell Us & MOST 'Christians' DON'T CARE. Where is Your HEART?

Blessed are the merciful,
For they shall obtain mercy.

– Jesus Christ

From: News with Views, Government and Press/Media Cover-Ups, Dennis Cuddy

It’s critical to the power elite’s plans for global control that the public be kept ignorant about important information. …

Another example involves Iraq. The Bush administration keeps telling us about the success of the military surge. However, it fails to inform the public that after five years in Iraq, there are still water shortages and electricity only 2-5 hours a day. Garbage isn’t collected for days or weeks, and many Iraqi government employees want bribes to provide services.

The press/media are also important elements of the power elite’s control over the people, especially in choosing what not to report. For example, they report about Communist Chinese oppression in Tibet, but most don’t report about the persecution of Christians in China. Rutherford Institute president John Whitehead informs us that preparations for the 2008 Olympics in China have included “religious repression, torture, sexual abuse and arbitrary detention.” There’s a photo of house church member Sister Aizhen Miao being shocked by a policeman with an electric cattle prod. Other photos smuggled out of China include a pastor subjected to water torture, another Christian placed in a “tiger cage,” another policeman standing on a woman’s ankles and “rolling” them. Whitehead further commented, “Persecution of religious individuals has been common in China for more than half a century. The major corporate sponsors (of the Olympics) have been silent. The worst of all, though, has been the deafening silence from the evangelical church in America. Shame on American Christians….“

Why have American Christians, the U.S. government and the press/media been largely silent about the persecution of Christians in China? For one thing, they crave the cheap products they can buy made in China. …

Government cover-ups are nothing new. If you asked most people about the recent monument built to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, they would react approvingly of the monument and him. Why? It’s because his misdeeds have been covered up. For example, most Americans are unaware that on December 1, 1943, FDR. at a summit conference in Tehran, Iran, made a secret deal with Stalin to give Poland (and later Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia) to the Soviet dictator. FDR wanted the deal kept secret so Polish-Americans would not vote against him for re-election. Just think of the suffering Poles and others endured under the Soviet dictatorship as a result of FDR.’s actions.

Even today, the press/media are accomplices in covering up the ignorance of American presidential candidates.

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Related: Midnight Oil: “Beds are Burning” (subtitled)

Coach Daubenmire: The Death of Shame

From: News with Views

Shame–the painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improper, ridiculous, etc., done by oneself or another.
I’m not really sure when it began, as it has been a gradual thing, I’m sure. But like the slow removal of a grass stain from a teenager’s hack-around T-shirt, the impression has slowly been extracted from the conscience of America.
Whatever happened to shame?
I suppose some of it could be traced to Dr. Spock, as he is responsible for so much of what is wrong with child-rearing these days, or to Benjamin Bloom, and John Dewey, two acolytes-of-atheism, men who promoted the Humanistic ideals that have replaced Christianity as the bedrock of our educational system. If it feels good, do it” has replaced “Thou shall not.”
But the bare boned bottom line is that the goal of “building self-esteem” in our young children required the elimination of any type of negative reinforcement and led to the development of the value system we now see permeating the American culture.
Everyone lies. We’re all sinners, Coach!” Well, I guess you’re right, but there was a time in America when you were taught to be ashamed of your sin. Sadly, those days have gone the way of sin-hating Christians.

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Related: Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”

Why 9/11? | Forgiveness is the Key to Repentance — "Do you not know that I lift My hand of protection when My people are far away?"

Let Us Be ONE, Part 6 of 33

Why 9/11? | Forgiveness is the Key to Repentance
There is fear in My people — a fear that is great. You need not dismay, for I am with you. I am in everything you do, non-stop. I never cease.
Feel My hurt, imagine the pain, when you go your own way. I am in you, waiting. Let’s be one. Let’s do it.
There is another thing: a disaster has struck. People have been hurt, suicide bombings attacking towers. Why?
Do you not know that I lift My hand of protection when My people are far away?
We are one; we need not be far away. There is a way that seems right to a man. Disaster will result unless we forgive.
See the fallen; see them rise up and be refreshed as you give them a kiss, a holy kiss from above, pulling them up, giving them aid when they are down.
Let Me be in control; let Me lead your life. Do not be full of error, wondering this or that, going to and fro, not sure of which direction, being unable to forgive. Forgiveness is the key to repentance.
I forgave. I hung there and gave My life so you can have freedom. I hurt so you can walk in humility and be refreshed.
You must take it and run, the precious gift of forgiveness, but not just for yourself, for others.
Forgive and be free.
© 2008 Jeff Fenske

Let Us Be ONE: Table of Contents
(video) 9/11 Lessons From Star Trek — KIRK: It exists on the *HATE of OTHERS* • SPOCK: Then all hostile attitudes on board must be eliminated • KIRK: Or we’re a doomed ship, traveling forever between galaxies, filled with eternal bloodlust, eternal warfare
A Lesson From Star Wars — ‘The Conflict Within You’ | LUKE: “Father, LET GO of your HATE” • EMPEROR: “GIVE IN to your ANGER. With each passing moment YOU MAKE YOURSELF MORE MY SERVANT”
[Photo] My Car: NOHATE — ‘Who Would Jesus Bomb?’ Edition
Incredibly Gutsy, Insider-Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds: US government needs to keep the fear factor alive — Sibel has firsthand knowledge of our own government fomenting the 9/11 terrorists
(video) A&E for 9/11 Truth Architect Richard Gage on C-SPAN 8/1/14 — “The ends of the BEAMS were partially EVAPORATED! That takes 4000 DEGREE temperatures. The only thing we’re aware of that can create that is thermite”

[video] Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

Dumitru Duduman was a Romanian pastor that smuggled bible into Russia. He was captured and tortured by the electric chair. When he was close to death Gabriel the archangel came to him and ministered to him and by the grace of God he was expelled out of Romania.
When he moved to America Dumitru Duduman received a vision from the Lord and Gabriel showed him all of Californian, Las Vegas, New York, Nevada, and Florida and was told that these cities were as Sodom and Gomorrah and that in one day it would burn. He was told that Revelation 17,18 and Ezekiel 38,39 talks of the Russian invasion of America Mystery Babylon and in one day it will burn. (source)
Related: Hand of Help Ministries
– –

[youtube=]part 1 of 11

Pastor Baldwin: Government Cannot Do Church’s Job

One thing that Christians should come to terms with is the truism that government cannot do the church’s job. Not in any shape, manner, or form. Yet, by the way many Christians and pastors behave these days, one gets the impression that they don’t really understand this truth. Instead, it seems that many Christians and ministers see the government–especially the federal government–as an extension of the church
….many Christians and ministers today have developed the attitude that somehow the federal government is supposed to enforce by law what only the Spirit of God can enforce through grace. Let’s be plain: the federal government cannot do the church’s job….Here is the problem: our pastors have become spiritual pantywaists and our churches have become spiritual playgrounds. Pastors and churches have sold their souls to success-driven “ministry.” We want big attendances, big offerings, big family life centers, big youth departments, big Sunday Schools, and big-name people on our membership rolls. And we will do whatever it takes to achieve it.
And most of the time, in order to accommodate our overwhelming desire to be a “big success,” pastors and churches will soften the message to the point that the average Sunday sermon is little more than a glorified “how-to-get-rich,” or “how-to-be-happy,” or “how-to-avoid-guilt,” ad infinitum, ad nauseum, pep-talk. Words such as “sinner,” “Hell,” “judgment,” “retribution,” and “repentance” have been permanently removed from the vocabulary of the average pastor. The plain, powerful, old-fashioned Gospel has been replaced with sloppy, mushy, offend-no-one sermonettes that could not bring Holy Spirit conviction if one even wanted it–which hardly anyone does.

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Pastor Baldwin: Huckabee is Bush on Steroids–a Man Globalists Can Trust

George W. Bush and Karl Rove have made mincemeat out of the Religious Right. They have shown everyone that once you win the support of the Christian Right with rhetoric, you can get by with just about anything. Christians are horrible at holding Republicans accountable. […]
Have you wondered why Mike Huckabee is suddenly getting so much favorable attention from the mainstream media (who themselves are controlled by this gaggle of global elite)? To find the answer as to why a professing pro-life, conservative Christian would suddenly become the darling of the media, look no further than the fact that just a couple of months ago, Mr. Huckabee appeared before the globalist-minded Council on Foreign Relations. (Read his speech here) And when he did, it became abundantly clear that Huckabee was a man globalists could trust.
By the way, as you read Huckabee’s speech, you will find that he is George W. Bush on steroids! This is a man who intends to meddle in the affairs of nations around the world like you can’t believe. Talk about entangling alliances: Huckabee intends for our State, Energy, Housing, Education, Justice, Treasury, and Transportation departments to spend untold billions of tax dollars on just about anything and everything, including schools, medical facilities, roads, sewage treatment, water filtration, electricity, and legal and banking systems in countries all over the globe. And that is exactly the kind of man the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) wants in Washington.
Make no mistake about it: the CFR has dominated every administration, Republican and Democrat, since World War II. They hold sway over most every critical Presidential appointment. Look carefully and one will discover that the Republican President George W. Bush has had as many CFR members in his administration as Democrat President Bill Clinton did in his. The last time I counted, President Bush had nearly 200 members of the CFR in his administration.
Remember that the total number of CFR members is less than 5,000. Can one imagine what people would think if, say, the old Christian Coalition, which at one time numbered in the hundreds of thousands, had nearly 200 members in any one administration? Talk about conjectures of a conspiracy: the media would go ballistic. Yet, each and every administration, regardless of party, continues to fill their ranks with members of the CFR, and with those friendly with the CFR, and no one seems to notice. Do you now understand why nothing changes no matter which party wins the White House?
Now consider the current presidential candidates who are also members of the CFR. These include Christopher Dodd, Bill Richardson, John McCain, and Fred Thompson. Hillary is not a member of the CFR, but her husband, Bill, is. Plus, she has a plethora of advisors who are CFR members. And even though Mike Huckabee is not on this list (neither is George W. Bush), it is obvious that he will carry water for them in much the same way as the current President has done. Barack Obama has spoken at least once for the CFR. John Edwards has appeared before the CFR several times. Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney both wrote for the CFR and have numerous advisors who are CFR members, as do Edwards and Obama.
This also explains why independent-minded candidates such as Ron Paul are forever cast in terms such as “fringe,” or “extremist,” or “nutty.” The same CFR elite that controls the Washington political establishment also controls the New York media and financial establishments. And they hate outsiders! Of course, outsiders are those who do not share the globalist, utopian, New World Order machinations of the CFR. …
Of the Presidential candidates in serious contention, Ron Paul, and Ron Paul alone, stands for change. Ron Paul, alone, would truly obey his oath to the Constitution and would work to restore freedom and liberty to the American people. Ron Paul, alone, would kick the globalist elite out of power in Washington, D.C., and restore this country to constitutional governance.
But, once again, the Christian Right just doesn’t get it. So, they will continue to support establishment, CFR-backed, globalist candidates who will, in turn, continue to do the bidding of the international elite.
One would think that Christians–more than anyone else–would understand the devilish nature of globalism. One would think that their study of the Sacred Text would lead them to resist any attempts at building modern-day Towers of Babel. One would think that Christians would love liberty enough to recognize its enemies. One would think that they would recognize that Washington, D.C., is a far greater threat to their freedom than either Baghdad or Tehran.
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Why is Pat Robertson Supporting Giuliani?

This started as a response to a close friend who was thinking this way about why Pat has endorsed Rudy:

To me, it seems obvious why Robertson endorsed Giuliani. He’s supporting Giuliani against Romney.
He’d rather have a liberal than a Mormon.

A partial explanation.
If Robertson is so anti-Mormon, then why did he allow Romney to give the commencement address at Regent?

The former Massachusetts governor is to give the commencement address Saturday at Robertson’s Regent University in Virginia, a golden opportunity to reach core GOP voters.

Pat stated why he is supporting Giuliani, because basically he wants the most pro-war President possible.

“The overriding issue before the American people, is the defense of our population against the bloodlust of Islamic terrorists,” Robertson told the National Press Club audience. “Our world faces deadly peril…and we need a leader with a bold vision who is not afraid to tackle the challenges ahead.”

Pat recently, again stated how right he was by calling for Chavez’ assassination.
Robertson is amillennialist, right, thinking the millennium is now? And apparently he’s counting on military might to get ‘er done; though, in reality he’s actually supporting Satan’s globalist, one-world-government agenda, for these wars seem to me to be designed to take out the opposition to the one-world government.
Why doesn’t Robertson ever support the candidate with the most Christian values at the beginning of the race, when they need name recognition and support? Why didn’t he support Keyes in ‘90, but loudly supported Bush? Why has he totally dissed Paul? Ron Paul would have a huge chance of winning had the religious right leaders supported him from early on. He still could win if people would become aware of what he could do for America, but most people still don’t even know who he is. No prominent religious leader will give him even one interview, let alone help America understand why Paul’s policies are so Godly, powerful, and loving.
Robertson unconstitutionally wants government to control people, to push his agenda. Paul wants government off of people’s backs, so the states can decide matters that aren’t in the Constitution. Ron Paul is hope for America. Giulliani will continue its destruction. And only Paul can beat Hillary. Unless Hillary’s evil acts get more coverage.
In the ‘70s, I actually enjoyed very, very much watching The 700 Club. It actually had a lot of good, sound Christian teaching on it. But when Pat turned it into a political platform along with religious soundbites, it no longer appealed to me, but felt weird and yukky. And more than one female co-host has had serious problems largely from their experiences with Pat. It is said that Danuta Soderman no longer claims to be a Christian.

Danuta Soderman, Pat Robertson’s former colleague and former “700 Club” co-host, told Freedom Writer that Robertson’s strange views hinder the advancement of the Christian Coalition. She said Robertson’s unusual and extreme beliefs sunk his 1988 presidential campaign and now impairs the Christian Coalition.
A five-year co-host with Robertson on the “700 Club,” Soderman worked with him during his unsuccessful bid for the Republican nomination for president. …
Soderman, who no longer considers herself a Christian, said that the people who work for Pat Robertson “need to ask questions and to learn to think for themselves.”

And Sheila Walsh had a “nervous breakdown” while working with Pat. I’ve always liked Sheila:

Ideological differences with Robertson and general feelings of hopelessness and depression[1] After leaving Robertson’s enterprises in 1992 she sought therapy for her depression, eventually returning to college at Fuller Theological Seminary in California to take on doctoral studies in theology. Pat Robertson explained her departure from CBN as the result of a “Nervous Breakdown” brought on by the tremendous demands of her work with CBN. He asked his viewers to keep her in their prayers and ask God to give her the strength to continue doing his work. brought Walsh to re-examine her life’s direction.
She went on to write a book exploring her struggle with depression and her experiences with her faith as a Christian, entitled Honestly.

Is it possible that Pat has become a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Has the love of money and maybe even power overtaken Pat? This is serious, and he’s leading millions astray, politically and spiritually.
America should change the channel.
Related: Pat Robertson Advocates Israel Bombing Iran Before 2008 Election

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