Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

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When people gossip about you: “HE TAKES JESUS AND THE BIBLE WAY TOO SERIOUSLY,” you’re on the right path and it’s a narrow one.

Jesus in Matthew 7:13-21

“Enter in by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in by it. How narrow is the gate and the way is restricted that leads to life! There are few who find it. …

Every tree that doesn’t grow good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. …

Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.”

MANY Are Going to Church, Ending Up In Hell — We must abide in Christ to be “in Christ,” walking not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Then we’re legitimate sons of God

We need to walk in love, led and enabled by the Holy Spirit, having the fruit of the Spirit to have no condemnation now and when we see Jesus face to Face — resting in Him.

“You may have been born in church, baptized in church, served in church, could have married in church, died in church and still end up in hell, because you were only in the church and not in Christ.

It is necessary to be born again, take up our cross and follow Jesus. Many have religion, but have no relation with the living God!”

I’m still offering $6,000 to anyone who can refute what the Bible actually says:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

The Bible says there will come a time when evil will be called good and good will be called evil…

Most pastors today don’t teach what Jesus taught about who goes to heaven

Most pastors today don’t teach what Jesus taught.

We must actually abide in Christ to be “in Christ,” to then have “no condemnation,” because we “walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”

That’s real Christianity.

The Last 12 Verses of Mark in 2nd century writings — Westcott & Hort Bible verse removal theory busted!

Wescott and Hort pulled off an amazing deception 150 years ago, convincing scholars and Bible publishers to accept the Egyptian Greek manuscripts in which many words and entire verses were intentionally removed by manipulative scribes. So most of today’s Bible translations have key words missing.

Sadly, today’s scholars aren’t willing to correct this, probably because they like the deletions, since it fits with their “once saved always saved” gospel (removal of Romans 8:1B) and cessationism (these verses).

The Gideons Bible recently corrected their ESV version to add the missing verses, with permission of the ESV publishers.

Churches Today: Man’s applause and approval becomes the measure of success

Paul: “For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the SOUND DOCTRINE, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to *FABLES*” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

Real anointing irritates real demons in people

How did people in Noah’s day respond?

John the Baptist never said: “I’m going to keep my mouth shut so I don’t get in trouble”

Francis Anfuso: “Until I see my separation from sin as a LIFE & DEATH issue, REQUIRING DESPERATE RESPONSE, I’ll never rise to the proper concern.”

Deception: When grace becomes an excuse to live in sin

Things Jesus & Mary Never Said: “Mom, can you be a mediator between My followers and Me?” “Sure Jesus! They can pray to me. I’m omnipresent and omniscient, like God, and can hear all things and hear millions of prayers at once”


“Mom, can you be a mediator between My followers and Me?”

“Sure Jesus! They can pray to me. I’m omnipresent and omniscient, like God, and can hear all things and hear millions of prayers at once.”



Evolution is supposed to be a mindless, random process that takes place over millions of years. If this is the case, how did the human hearing system arise, with its five separate components that don’t function without the others?

Five separate parts to our hearing system all work in unison to enable us to hear, and none of the five make any sense by themselves. What good is an outer ear (engineered for capturing sound waves) if there’s not an ear drum to capture the sound wave pulses? What good is a pulsing ear drum without the three tiny bones behind it that use leverage to amplify the sound signal by a factor of 1.7 and connect to a water-charged cochlea filled with fluid? The cochlea converts the mechanical leverage to a hydraulic system that amplifies the signal another 22 times. And what good is all of this without the 20,000 tiny hair cells (stereocilia) inside the cochlea that convert the fluid movement into an electrochemical signal that we can immediately comprehend as speech? (source)

You are not immune to propaganda — Doctrines of demons

‘Atheism’: The belief that there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing. Then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything. Then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits, which then turned into dinosaurs

‘Atheism’: The belief that there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing. Then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything. Then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits, which then turned into dinosaurs.

Makes perfect sense.

The 1909 Scofield Bible Turned Christians Into Zionists


• God’s words to Abraham in Gen. 12:3, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel
• Oxford Press further Zionized the notes
• Real history of Cyrus Scofield at 27:20
• Scofield Reference Bible at 31:15

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” – Jesus

‘America First’ is a Theological Heresy

Related: Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

Same baby, different location!

‘Same baby, different location!

The baby on the left is JUST AS VALUABLE as the baby on the right!’

“A Christian walking in the spirit will offend a ‘Christian’ walking in the flesh!”

Rom. 8:12-14  So then, BROTHERS… IF YOU LIVE AFTER THE FLESH you must die; but IF YOU PUT TO DEATH THE DEEDS OF THE BODY you will live. For as many as are LED BY THE SPIRIT of God, THESE ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD.

Religion but No Relation — We Must Follow Him!

Sin is serious, Paul told born-again believers “they will die if they live according to the flesh” (that means to die spiritually)

A screenshot I made from what Jason Herrington wrote on Facebook.

Great to see people getting it! About 90 New Testament verses refute “once saved always saved,” “only believe,” and “it’s hard to lose one’s salvation.”

My article that I’m again offering $6,000 to anyone who can refute it: Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

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Sin is serious, Apostle Paul told born again believers in (Romans 8:13) “they will die if they live according to the flesh.
(that means to die spiritually)

‘Biblical Christianity is Unpopular’ | ‘Popular Christianity is Unbiblical’

Jesus: “LOVE your enemies, BLESS those who curse you…THAT YOU MAY BE SONS of your Father in heaven”

Jesus: “..LOVE your enemies, BLESS those who curse you, DO GOOD to those who hate you, and PRAY FOR those who spitefully use you and persecute you, THAT YOU MAY BE SONS of your Father in heaven….” – Mt. 5:44-45 NKJV

Holiness is not legalism | Doing what you want is not grace

Holiness is normal Christianity. Willfully sinning without fully repenting is leaving Christ, being a prodigal son.

Abiding in Christ is required to not be cut off, thrown into the fire and burned. We must overcome by God’s enabling grace.

WITHOUT HOLINESS, no one will see the Lord, but will FALL SHORT OF THE GRACE OF GOD!

“Follow after peace with ALL men, and the SANCTIFICATION WITHOUT WHICH NO ONE WILL SEE THE LORD, looking carefully lest there be any man who FALLS SHORT OF THE GRACE OF GOD; lest any ROOT OF BITTERNESS springing up trouble you, and many be DEFILED by it.” – Hebrews 12:14-15

God’s holiness standard, Ephesians 4:11-16

11 He gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, shepherds and teachers; 12 for the PERFECTING of the saints, to the work of serving, to the building up of the body of Christ; 13 *UNTIL WE ALL* ATTAIN to the UNITY of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a FULL GROWN man, to THE MEASURE OF THE STATURE OF THE FULLNESS OF CHRIST; 14 that we may no longer be children, tossed back and forth and carried about with every WIND OF DOCTRINE [“once saved, always saved” (OSAS), “it’s hard to lose one’s salvation,” “only believe,” don’t have to actually abide in Christ to be “in Christ,” etc.], by the TRICKERY of men , in CRAFTINESS, after the WILES OF ERROR; [repeating the OSAS greatest hits verses over and over, taken out of context; ignoring the 80 that tell the truth] 15 but speaking TRUTH in love, we may GROW UP IN ALL THINGS INTO HIM, who is the head, Christ; 16 from whom all the body, being fitted and knit together through that which every joint supplies, according to the working in measure of each individual part, makes the body increase to the building up of itself in LOVE.

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are children of God.” – Romans 8:14

“People who say ‘it cannot be done’ should not interrupt those who are doing it”

Atheists’ Logic — Mt. Rushmore

If Paul could see the church in America today, we’d be getting a letter!

Gal. 6:7 *DON’T BE DECEIVED*. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. 8 For HE WHO SOWS TO HIS OWN FLESH will from the flesh reap CORRUPTION. But HE WHO *SOWS TO THE SPIRIT* will from the Spirit reap *ETERNAL LIFE*.

We MUST live in Paul’s second Galatians-5 list to inherit eternal life in heaven:

19 Now the WORKS OF THE FLESH are obvious, which are: ADULTERY, *SEXUAL IMMORALITY*, UNCLEANNESS, *LUSTFULNESS*, 20 idolatry, sorcery, *HATRED*, STRIFE, jealousies, OUTBURSTS OF ANGER, rivalries, divisions, heresies, 21 ENVYINGS, murders, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these; of which I forewarn you, even as I also forewarned you, that THOSE WHO PRACTICE SUCH THINGS *WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM* of God.

22 But the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT is *LOVE*, JOY, PEACE, patience, KINDNESS, goodness, faithfulness, 23 GENTLENESS, and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 *THOSE WHO BELONG TO CHRIST* HAVE CRUCIFIED THE FLESH WITH ITS PASSIONS AND LUSTS. 25 If we live by the Spirit, let’s also WALK BY THE SPIRIT. …

If Paul could see the church in America today, then maybe Mary could hear our prayers too — but still could only process one at a time, since she’s not God. She gets MILLIONS every day and hears none!

Pray to Jesus, not Mary, who can’t hear your prayers or intercede for you.

Grace is amazing, but it didn’t replace obedience

The meaning of “Grace” (χαρις) in the Bible: It’s not what you think? — ‘Grace’ is God giving us the Holy Spirit Who gives us the POWER TO OVERCOME SIN!


Parents teaching their children to be good because Santa knows if they’re good or bad is idolatry, teaching children to be good for Santa instead of God, the Creator of the universe. And Santa is a type of Satan, with his elves (demons). He has God-like characteristics. Lying to children is wrong.

Please don’t tell your children fables. Santa then becomes a type of god to them, whom they hold dearly. And when they finally learn he’s fake….

Santa Claus: The Great Imposter — “Ho! Ho! Ho! I Am God” — Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent | Santa = Satan; elves = demons | Saint Nicholas never existed?

Jesus didn’t say: Go and sin “not so much, a little less, by cutting back.” He said “Go and sin NO MORE”

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