ONE Can Happen

Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Things Jesus & Mary Never Said: “Mom, can you be a mediator between My followers and Me?” “Sure Jesus! They can pray to me. I’m omnipresent and omniscient, like God, and can hear all things and hear millions of prayers at once”


“Mom, can you be a mediator between My followers and Me?”

“Sure Jesus! They can pray to me. I’m omnipresent and omniscient, like God, and can hear all things and hear millions of prayers at once.”


Yes The 2024 Olympics Opening Ceremony Was Anti-Christian But Is Anyone Asking WHY???

Why is only Christ and Christianity mocked — no other religions and their gods?

It’s the Talmudic, antichrist revolutionary spirit mentioned in Romans 11 — “enemies of the gospel,” “a partial hardening… until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.” The Talmudic goal is to destroy Christian civilization so they can rule over all Gentiles when their “messiah” is seated on his throne in the temple in Jerusalem (2 Thess. 2:1-12). No one will be able to buy or sell unless they take the mark of the beast. Many of the faithful will lose their heads.

Paul in Romans 11:

25 For I don’t desire you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, so that you won’t be wise in your own conceits, that a *PARTIAL HARDENING* HAS HAPPENED TO ISRAEL [the true Jews, not referring to land], UNTIL THE FULLNESS OF THE GENTILES has come in [real Christianity, ‘ONE’ with each other in Christ “that the world will know” – John 17 and Eph. 4:11-16], 26 and so ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED [the true Jews]. Even as it is written,
“There will come out of Zion the Deliverer,
and he will turn away ungodliness from Jacob.
27 This is MY COVENANT with them,
28 Concerning the Good News [the gospel], THEY ARE *ENEMIES* for your sake. [E. Michael Jones’ Jewish revolutionary spirit theory]



There are in the human body 600 muscles, 1000 miles of blood vessels, and 550 arteries important enough to name. The skin, spread out, would cover 16 square feet. It has 1,500,000 sweat glands which spread out on one surface, would occupy over 10,000 sq. ft., and would cover 5 city lots, 20 x 100 ft. The lungs are composed of 700,000,000 cells of honey comb, all of which we use in breathing,–equal to a flat surface of 2,000 square feet, which would cover a city lot. In 70 years, the heart beats 2,500,000,000 times, and lifts 500,000 tons of blood.

The nervous system, controlled by the brain has 3,000,000,000,000 nerve cells, 9,200,000,000 of which are in the cortex or covering of the brain alone.

In the blood are 30,000,000 white corpuscles, and 180,000,000,000,000 red ones. Almost 3 pints of saliva are swallowed every day, and the stomach generates daily from 5 to 10 quarts of gastric juice, which digests food and destroys germs. Two gallons daily!

It’s easy to see that the “very hairs of our heads are numbered,”–about 250,000.

To think there are still those who say this was an accident and by chance.



Evolution is supposed to be a mindless, random process that takes place over millions of years. If this is the case, how did the human hearing system arise, with its five separate components that don’t function without the others?

Five separate parts to our hearing system all work in unison to enable us to hear, and none of the five make any sense by themselves. What good is an outer ear (engineered for capturing sound waves) if there’s not an ear drum to capture the sound wave pulses? What good is a pulsing ear drum without the three tiny bones behind it that use leverage to amplify the sound signal by a factor of 1.7 and connect to a water-charged cochlea filled with fluid? The cochlea converts the mechanical leverage to a hydraulic system that amplifies the signal another 22 times. And what good is all of this without the 20,000 tiny hair cells (stereocilia) inside the cochlea that convert the fluid movement into an electrochemical signal that we can immediately comprehend as speech? (source)

What the Early Christians Believed About Divorce and Remarriage — Christ is not going to take a bride that is unfaithful to what He taught – David Bercot


My Theory on Divorce and ‘Marriage’: It’s Time to Get Out of UNBIBLICAL ‘Marriages’ — “God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers.” We must all be clean!

Clarifying My Perspective on Divorce and Marriage: The Role of the Holy Spirit

Divorce and ‘Marriage,’ Part 3: The Anointing — “Tell them about Pastor E.”

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1:08:00 “… That simply is not acceptable before God. He is not going to take a bride for Christ that is unfaithful to what Christ has taught.” – David Berkot

A century ago, it was extremely rare for a non-Christian—let alone a Christian—to obtain a divorce. Today, so-called Bible-believing Christians divorce one another just as frequently as does the world. The reason is that the Church has abandoned Christ’s teaching on divorce and remarriage.

In this message, Bercot looks at the New Testament teachings on divorce and explains how those passages were applied by the early Christians.

‘Pastor’ Robert Morris Accuser Shares Her Story, Faith Journey

The fallout continues after Robert Morris resigned from Gateway Church over furor following allegations he molested a 12-year-old girl in the 1980s. Morris, 62, who resigned from Gateway last week, offered an initial statement on the allegations against him in which he again used the term “young lady.”

In that statement, he described what he said was “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady” in a home he stayed in during his 20s. “It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong,” he said. The preacher went on to state that the behavior happened on “several occasions” over a number of years.

Morris said the situation was “brought to light” in 1987. He said he confessed, repented, sought counseling, and returned to ministry two years later with the support of the victim’s father. For the record, the accuser, Cindy Clemishire — now 54 — has denied the latter claim as well as the notion she was a “young lady” at the time, claiming the abuse started when she was just a child.

Clemishire joins CBN News to detail her allegations, to share her faith journey, and explain the reasons she’s speaking out.

Candace: My husband is the rational side of my brain | Science & tech has replaced God

“As I’m starting to learn things, obviously, the first person I always talk to is my husband, and I feel like he’s the more rational side of my brain.”

“..they are thee most faithful to the church of science. They are thee most faithful to the church of Satan.”

The Affairs and Scandals of Trump’s Pastor | Paula White Documentary

In a world of faith and flashy lights, megachurches and their pastors sometimes come with mega-drama… In Pastor Paula White’s world, alleged marital affairs, bankrupting churches, and using church money to pay for plastic surgery aren’t unheard of. As a young girl who lived in a trailer and became a young married mother, she grew up to become a preacher after an affair with the associate-pastor of her church (and not before they ran off together to start their own church). She went on to lead a congregation of 22,000, became a multimillionaire, hosted a Christian TV show, owned a private jet and an 8,000 sqft. beach-front home. But no matter how high she climbed, betrayal, greed, and multiple scandals have followed Paula her entire career and three marriages. This is the scandalous story and luxurious lifestyle of Pastor Paula White.

Video Chapters:
0:00 Intro
2:26 The Come Up
12:09 Revisionist History
40:08 Church and State
1:11:20 Pet Palate Cleanser

Michael Brown: Questions About “NAR,” the Holy Spirit and Revival

PROGRESS: Michael here calls himself “Michael Brown” instead of “Dr. Michael Brown,” what Jesus said not to do (Mt. 23:1-12). Michael has been a serial offender and a bad example. “Knowledge puffs up….”

NO PROGRESS & DISINFO: Michael can’t explain why God isn’t moving powerfully in our churches today, which to me, has been obvious for decades — lack of holiness. Still, no one teaches this verse, which should be our norm, that when we’re ONE with each other in Christ “the world will know,” Jesus’ promise in John 17. Paul: “..I also practice *ALWAYS* having a CONSCIENCE VOID OF OFFENSE toward God and MEN” (Acts 24:16).

Many are calling churches “NAR,” when they are not. Michael explains.

Difference between getting the Holy Spirit during conversion and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Apostles still exist in this way.

The “kundalini spirit” nonsense.

By the way, I can’t leave comments under Michael’s videos, because he blocked me years ago; though, I was carefully sharing biblical truth. He’s been a serial blocker too, sadly. That’s how gatekeepers operate.

Allie Beth Stuckey: Weed is Making People Schizophrenic | Gateway Megachurch Pastor Resigns

Today, we discuss the resignation of Pastor Robert Morris in light of his past sexual assault of a 12-year-old girl.

..we discuss how horrible marijuana is, particularly its devastating effects on teenagers. Are there any good reasons to legalize weed? Is marijuana possession actually a criminal justice issue, or is this a myth?

Plus, we discuss the different types of “Karens” and defend those who are actually necessary for society to function.

1909 / The Scofield Bible Turned Christians into Zionists


• God’s words to Abraham in Gen. 12:3, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern, Talmudic state of Israel
• Real history of Cyrus Scofield at 27:20
• Scofield Reference Bible at 31:15
• Oxford Press further Zionized the notes
• Praying for war instead of peace at 46:45
• Christian Zionists enable war
• “Blessed are the peacemakers” bothers them

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” – Jesus

You are not immune to propaganda — Doctrines of demons

Michael Brown – Why I speak in tongues and John MacArthur doesn’t get charismatics


Mike Winger: “Buy a sword” – Jesus

Why does Jesus tell the disciples to buy swords? Is this Jesus supporting violence in self-defense?

5 Reasons Why Hell is Eternal – Bill Wiese: “What God’s word says is what matters. If you still don’t believe hell is eternal then you are calling God a liar”

“It doesn’t matter if you think an eternal hell is unfair. Your feelings have nothing to do with it. What God’s word says is what matters. He said it’s eternal, so He is right, as Deuteronomy 32:4 states. If you still don’t believe hell is eternal, then you are calling God [the Father] and Jesus Christ a liar. Do you really think that’s a wise decision?” – Bill Wiese

Steven Ben-Nun: MANY PALESTINIANS ARE JEWS — descendants of the TRUE JEWS of the Roman occupation back in 70 A.D.


Many Palestinians are descendants of Judaics who converted to Islam after the Muslims invaded – Scott Horton

Most Israelis aren’t true, ethnic, Semitic Jews:

DNA Study: Ashkenazi ‘Jews’ Not Semitic, but Turkish Origin

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18:30 “And sadly enough, many of these Palestinians are crypto-Jews from descendants of the true Jews of the Roman occupation back in 70 A.D., when the temple was destroyed.” – Steven Ben-Nun

An0maly: Why are ‘Christian’ Zionists trying to hasten in the NWO (end of America) while saying they want to make America great again?

If Christian Zionists truly believed that this is the end times & that America will be destroyed soon due to their religious interpretation — why do they care about politics and claim to want to Make America Great Again? Something isn’t adding up.

Michael Brown – Why I speak in tongues and John MacArthur doesn’t get charismatics

Good, quick description!

Keep Your Eyes On Jesus


‘Atheism’: The belief that there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing. Then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything. Then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits, which then turned into dinosaurs

‘Atheism’: The belief that there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing. Then nothing magically exploded for no reason, creating everything. Then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason whatsoever into self-replicating bits, which then turned into dinosaurs.

Makes perfect sense.

The True History of the Rapture + Dispensational Eschatology with JSlayUSA Jeremy Slayden

NOTE: I don’t necessarily agree with all of this. A lot of ground and ideas are covered! Luther was no saint himself and helped originate the false doctrine of “only believe.”

Interesting that John MacArthur supports the rebuilding of the third temple with the blasphemous animal sacrifices, which Paul warns us of in 2 Thess. 2. MacArthur also pushes hard the cessation of the gifts of the Spirit and OSAS/”once saved always saved.” He’s a major false teacher.

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-What is dispensational premillennial eschatology?
-When did it originate?
-Did it originate with John Nelson Darby or were there others before him?
-How does the rapture theology play a role in Zionism?
-How did C.I. Scofield play a role in spread this theology?

Interview: Tammy Woods, Mike Bickle’s Youngest Victim Speaks Out, She was 14!

Today we have an exclusive interview with Mike Bickle’s youngest victim, Tammy Woods. Trigger warning as this episode contains specific information about Clergy Sexual Abuse.


Joe Rogan Experience #2138 – Tucker Carlson — ‘DON’T LIE about anything’ would solve everything! | ADMITTING you’re wrong is LIBERATING! | People who want to nuke people are ‘EVIL!’ | WEAK people are easily controlled by evil

Quotes by Tucker unless noted, transcribed by me:

“It’s wrong to drop nuclear weapons on people. If you find yourself arguing that it’s a good thing to drop nuclear weapons on people, you’re evil.”

“There is no evidence at all, none, zero that people evolved seamlessly from a single cell ameba. … There’s no chain of that in the fossil record at all. … The theory of adaptation [within species] is clearly, obviously true.”

ROGAN: “What is your theory?”

“GOD CREATED PEOPLE distinctly, and animals.”

“Maybe a simpler and more useful way to think about it is: truth or falsehood, lying or honesty. … You can’t participate in lying. You can’t lie. PERIOD! Just don’t lie about anything. Tell the truth all the time. If you can’t say something that’s true just don’t say it. You don’t have to say everything you think. You shouldn’t say everything you think. But you should never lie. If you just stick with that you get pretty quickly back to reason and order.”

“There’s nothing more liberating than admitting you were wrong. That is the moment of liberation. ..honestly admitting to other people, not just to yourself that ‘I got that wrong.’ Then you’re FREE! Because then you don’t have to hide it anymore.”

Evil forces act on people, getting them to do evil things they wouldn’t otherwise do.
Good forces can act on people, compelling them to do good things they wouldn’t otherwise do.

“Evil is an independent force that exists outside of people that acts on people. I really believe that. I’ve experienced it a lot. And what vessel do they choose? The weak. … The weaker the leader, the more evil that leader will be. We’ve reached a time in history where every leader is either a weak woman or a weak man, pretty much.

Starts at 1:01:03


(short) How The New Covenant Works According to and Old Testament Scholar

Once Saved Always Saved? A Documentary Film – Full

The 1909 Scofield Bible Turned Christians Into Zionists


• God’s words to Abraham in Gen. 12:3, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” does NOT refer to the modern state of Israel
• Oxford Press further Zionized the notes
• Real history of Cyrus Scofield at 27:20
• Scofield Reference Bible at 31:15

(video) Roots of Christian Zionism: How Scofield Sowed Seeds of Apostasy — The ‘Angry’ Evangelicals – Praying for War instead of “Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” – Jesus

‘America First’ is a Theological Heresy

Related: Greg Boyd: In the kingdom of God, we are not allowed to have any enemies. All body-bags are equally tragic.

Same baby, different location!

‘Same baby, different location!

The baby on the left is JUST AS VALUABLE as the baby on the right!’

Derek Prince Spiritual or Soulish Worship — Soulish ‘Christians’ cannot discern the difference, are easily deceived

Derek Prince Spiritual or Soulish Worship in the church today. Derek Prince sermon states that one of the essential things for spiritual success is to be able to discern between the soulish and the spiritual. Derek Prince believes the church in modern times cannot discern the difference. Soulish worship appeals to the emotions, and its sounds very good, and it will stir you up emotionally but it doesn’t do within you you what needs to be done. So soulish Christians are very easily deceived. Derek Prince has 50 years worth of ministry experience and know what it looks like to put on an act. It will get people crying, giving and excited but it doesn’t really change people. This is the difference between spiritual and soulish Christianity.

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My comment:

Totally true! Many “churches” today even crank the music to almost rock concert levels so people think something significant is happening; though, it’s all flesh, NOT the Holy Spirit. And most can’t tell that the service is spiritually dead, including pastors.

Many of the worship leaders are more interested in being seen than actually worshiping God. Most cannot worship in Spirit and in truth because they’re lust addicted, etc., walking in the flesh instead of in the Spirit.

Those who can see, who have the gift of discernment of spirits, if they tell what’s really going on, pastors reprimand them, and never apologize so they’re right with God and men, like Paul always made sure he was (Acts 24:16). They’re in BIG trouble with God!

It’s a show.

Not even one church in the US has a reputation for being alive today, let alone is alive. We’re not even at church-of-Sardis level!:

Rev. 3:1 “And to the angel of the assembly in Sardis write: He who has the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars says these things: “I know your works, that you have a REPUTATION OF BEING ALIVE, BUT YOU ARE DEAD. 2 Wake up, and keep the things that remain, which you were about to throw away, for I have found no works of yours perfected before…God. 3 Remember therefore how you have received and heard. Keep it, and repent. If therefore you won’t watch, I will come as a thief, and you won’t know what hour I will come upon you. 4 Nevertheless you have A FEW names in Sardis THAT DID NOT DEFILE their garments. They will walk with me in white, for THEY ARE WORTHY. 5 HE WHO *OVERCOMES* will be arrayed in white garments, and I will in no way BLOT HIS NAME OUT OF THE BOOK OF LIFE, and I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

Thanks for posting!


Michael Brown Vs Corey Minor on Speaking in Tongues

NOTE: I definitely do not support all of Michael Brown’s views and practices. Michael supports the anti-Christ, NWO, Talmudic system that’s taking us down, while having admitted that Jesus strongly rebuked the Pharisees, who were Talmudists.

Most of what he says here is good, but his idea that the apostles were speaking in Armenian in Acts 2 and not in tongues is bizarre.

Biblically speaking, tongues are mainly people’s personal prayer language in which the Holy Spirit speaks through people mysteries that “no one understands,” which builds up the speaker.

The most popular, current false teaching says it can only be an Acts-2 experience in which foreigners understand, which the rest of the texts clearly refute.

Michael Brown mentions the blessing with the spirit aspect (verses 16 and 17).

I would add that I believe a main reason that Christians are built up when praying in tongues is because tongues is often perfectly praying against evil spirits, perhaps to angels in their language, who then deal with the demons. And this may be why Paul says tongues are praying in the language of men and angels in 1 Cor. 13:1. Praying in the Spirit can set us and others FREE!

Nice ending:

Brown: “Can we both agree and say ‘Father, we want everything that You have for us in the fullness of the Spirit to glorify Jesus and nothing that’s not from You. … I pray that for you. You pray that for me. Fair enough?”

Minor: “Fair enough.”

Doug Wilson vs. Michael Brown: Are the gifts of the Spirit still in operation?

Cessationism, the idea that the gifts of the Holy Spirit ceased in 70 AD really is “entirely unscriptural.”

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