Author unknown
For anyone who believes in “Once Saved Always Saved”, you believe a clever lie from Satan. I used to believe this as well until I started passionately seeking the face of the Living God Almighty. The Holy Spirit is faithful to lead us into all truth.
You can’t take a few Scriptures out of context and totally ignore all the other Scriptures that completely blow that misinterpretation out of the water. “If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:26- 31)
A former roommate posted this on his Facebook page on 7/9/15. Sadly, probably everything Abbott Loop Christian Center (ALCC) once printed is now out of print.
Hopefully, that will soon change, once ‘ONE’ happens “that the world will know” — Jesus’ heart-cry prayer for us in John 17. He’s patiently waiting….
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The Open Source License on publications from Abbott Loop Community Chapel, it was the first one I’d ever seen! “Copying our material is both permitted and encouraged for the edification of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ.”
From: Star&Tribune
Minnesota’s mainline Christian denominations face unprecedented declines, altering communities and traditions celebrated for generations.
About the seriesThis is the first in an occasional series about Christianity at a crossroads — a time of unprecedented decline in church membership and a changing future for the faith. …
Mainline Protestant churches have been hit the hardest.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) in Minnesota has lost almost 200,000 members since 2000 and about 150 churches. A third of the remaining 1,050 churches have fewer than 50 members. The United Methodist Church, the second largest Protestant denomination in Minnesota, has shuttered 65 churches since 2000. …
And it seems likely to get worse. Most Americans still report that they are Christian, but the worshipers in the pews on Sunday increasingly have gray or white hair. The median age is older than 50 for nearly all mainline Protestant denominations, according to the Pew Research Center, a national polling and research group in Washington, D.C. For Catholics, it’s age 49. …
Church attendance has been declining for decades nationally, but the pace appears to be accelerating. Since 1990, the Episcopal Church, the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. and United Church of Christ have lost nearly half their national members. The ELCA has lost a third. The Catholic church still shows membership growth, but has 2,000 fewer parishes today, according to Catholic studies.
A record one in five Americans now report no religious affiliation, according to Pew. …
Not every denomination or church is fragile. Some smaller evangelical denominations in Minnesota, such as Assemblies of God, and some megachurches report continued growth. But as a whole, even membership in the evangelical churches has plateaued, according to the Hartford Institute and other studies.
800-pound boulder falls off truck in Rosemount, killing mother and daughter from Shoreview
A boulder estimated to weigh 800 pounds fell off the back of a truck in Rosemount [Minnesota] and struck a car going in the opposite direction, killing a mother and daughter from Shoreview. …
Scott estimated the boulder was about 3 feet by 3 feet.
Entire Article
I met Henry three times when he was in Anchorage in the ’90s. My jaw dropped when he showed a few of us the amazing Ron Wyatt Discoveries video at ACC. Later, I saw him when he spoke in a nearby hotel, having had a bad experience in the local churches. We also did a group prayer walk.
Besides being known for prayer walking cities, he had an important series of dreams/visions of Russia and China invading the USA.
[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven
Caspar McCloud posted this on Facebook, 7/11/18.
An update on Henry Gruver’s condition.
As many of you may have read on The Joseph Plan website Henry Gruver has been a friend and teacher of mine for many years. I have shared and learned a lot from Henry. Over the last month Henry has been deathly ill. He got sick while ministering in Toronto, Canada. The doctor said when Henry was admitted to the Toronto hospital that was within 1/2 hour of death.
Country music is deceiving many evangelicals, because sin is sandwiched in between God, mom and apple pie.
Top-40 music is almost entirely now about lust.
Robert Lyte writes on Facebook:
The music industry is full of sin and ungodliness. Amazingly many Christians are zealously following rap artists, hip-hop, rock, and metal artists with no conscience as how these darken their souls since music is a known powerful force.
From Robert Lyte on Facebook:
Robert Lyte states on Facebook:
Many struggle to overcome lustful desire/porn/masturbation/adultery/fornication/homosexuality/lustful fantasies…..This is all because when you allow a LITTLE of it into you and do a LITTLE, look a LITTLE, fantasies a LITTLE, then you FEED your problem a little at a time and HELP IT GET STRONGER. So of corse you go downhill all the time with it. You never surface and find a foothold to get out of it…..Are you on a DOWNHILL slide with nothing to hold onto to pull yourself up and up and out?
This is because you are FEEDING your sin and it is getting BIGGER, and STRONGER in your life….In time, this sin will reap death for you….
But when you reach out and repent and FORCEFULLY TURN from it and walk with Christ in his light, then in freedom you will begin the walk of enduring these temptations and the power of Christ will be with you, and since you are no longer feeding the sin, it’s power greatly diminishes in your life (strength of temptation and desire and hold in your life) until there is nothing left of it leaving you free to easily put it down and keep under control in self-control….
But KEEP SHARP for people will fall when they least expect it if they do not stay alert and watchful and victory will quickly be wiped out. So stay alert and watchful so nothing will take your crown. Endure and remain faithful, for in freedom you will find the way light and easy to bear…..
If we allow a LITTLE, we allow the lust demons to come in and drive lust, so it becomes an addiction seemingly impossible to break. If we FORCEFULLY TURN from it, not giving the demons a place, we can be free.
They took us off the airwaves
Banned from mtv
For taking our religion
A bit too seriously
They told us we were fascist
Cause we made it clear and plain
That the only trip to heaven
Is through a five letter name
When we use the J word
It drives the world insane
When we use the J word
There’s power in that name
When we use the J word
Let me tell you plain and simple
Let me leave you no doubt
I could never help you
By leaving Jesus out
You say this word’s offensive
To use it is a shame
But there’s no saving power
In any other name
Some say it as a blessing
Some say it as a curse
You can’t deny the power
Of this one supernatural word
Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
What I call James-3 cursing:
“Witchcraft is counterfeit spiritual authority; it is using a spirit other than the Holy Spirit to dominate, manipulate, or control others.
– Rick Joyner shared on Facebook, 7/10/14
“If you are not like Jesus then you are not following Him and you are only fooling yourself, you will not enter Heaven. Believing in Jesus cannot save you if you do not follow and obey Him.”
– Jan Boshoff on Facebook, 7/8/18
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Repentance Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, in the name of The Lord Jesus, I purpose and choose to forgive (name) from my whole heart for (what they did).
I release (name). I cancel their debts and obligations to me in this issue.
Dear Lord, I ask you to forgive me for my bitterness toward (above name) in this situation.
In the name of Jesus, by the power of Your blood, I cancel all of Satan’s power and authority over me in this issue, because I have forgiven them, and You have forgiven me. It is done and over with.
Holy Spirit, please come and heal my heart. And please tell me your truth about this situation.
I now purpose and choose to forgive myself.
The counselor then gives the person praying an opportunity to speak what God often says. This is a great way to hear God’s voice!
Mine then asked: Do you feel any guilt or condemnation? Does it hurt anymore?
Prayer is explained in my 2009 post: Forgiving-Others, Freedom Prayer!
Key points:
2:00 The bargain he made
3:50 Transformed after going to the crossroads
8:00 “Those early songs were like almost magically written.”
11:00 “I never said ‘I’m born-again.'”
14:20 “Bob Dylan was right about this: you’re either going to serve the Devil or serve the Lord.”
Judge for yourselves. Is it appropriate that a woman pray to God unveiled? Doesn’t even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him? But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given to her for a covering.
– 1 Cor. 11:13-15
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Degarmo and Key made fabric patches in this design. I have one taped onto one of my guitars.
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14:05 Sean: “My belief, given a lot of research I’ve done, is that the Rothschilds in … the birth of the Illuminati, they’re responsible for it, and they are Satanists. … And I do believe that via this story of Israel and the reimplementation of the state of Israel, that they hijacked the Jewish story, and they hide behind the label of anti-Semitism, so you cannot criticize the central bankers and the money masters.”
18:30 SGT Report Sean is Catholic, now leaning Lutheran
Sean likes Putin because he’s returning Russia to Christianity. I commented:
Ritual based, Russian Orthodoxy isn’t real Christianity. Real Christianity is people actually abiding in Christ personally (which most US ‘Christians’ also do not do). In many ways, KGB Putin is turning Russia into a police state, which truthers would abhor if it happened here. And he’s preparing to successfully bomb, bomb, bomb the USA.
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TalmudVision (TV)
‘Fake News’
What does it mean when we say “controlled press”? Controlled by whom?
“..the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” – Jesus in Rev. 2:9
“Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees….” [their Talmudic, NWO, power-over-others thought] – Jesus in Luke 12:1
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. ..he is a liar, and the father of it.” – Jesus in John 8:44
The Scofield Bible—The Book That Made Zionists of America’s Evangelical Christians
By Maidhc Ó Cathail
“For a nation to commit the sin of anti-Semitism brings inevitable judgement.”
—The New Scofield Study Bible
Since it was first published in 1909, the Scofield Reference Bible has made uncompromising Zionists out of tens of millions of Americans. When John Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), said that “50 million evangelical bible-believing Christians unite with five million American Jews standing together on behalf of Israel,” it was the Scofield Bible that he was talking about.
Although the Scofield Reference Bible contains the text of the King James Authorized Version, it is not the traditional Protestant bible but Cyrus I. Scofield’s annotated commentary that is problematic. More than any other factor, it is Scofield’s notes that have induced generations of American evangelicals to believe that God demands their uncritical support for the modern State of Israel.
No wonder videos are so popular now. Half of Americans can’t read what I post, and can’t read a Bible!
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50% of California Kids Can’t Read
By: Alex Newman
Published : June 7, 2017
The latest numbers from the California Department of Education tell a tragic tale. According to an analysis of the data by CALmatters, less than one fourth of black boys meet even the dumbed-down Common Core standards used by today’s government schools. More than half of them scored in the lowest possible category, suggesting they are unable to read even the most basic material.
Among Hispanic boys, less than a third met the dumbed-down government standards in English. And among whites, while the numbers are slightly better, more than 40 percent failed to meet even the basic standard. In every grade except 11th, less than 50 percent of students met the literacy standards, which again, are dumbed down to the extreme.
But the tragedy is hardly unique to California. In Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital, a stunning two thirds of residents over the age of 15 are functionally illiterate, according to a State Education Agency. Federal data shows more than half of Americans can barely read, or cannot read at all, scoring in the bottom two categories out of five.
Why don’t ‘Christian’ bookstores carry doctrinally biblical greeting cards, to help wake people up?
I was discussing ‘Christian’ greeting cards with a friend, who thought of this truthful, reality-check one [I changed in a lake of fire to at a lake of fire, because not all who go to hell end up in the actual lake of fire]:
“Your loved one is most likely at a lake of fire, because ‘strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.’
Take this time of grief. Be thankful you still have time to be one of the few.”
– Author Known
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Howard Pittman, after dying in the ambulance 30 years ago, saw how many people entered heaven, while he was told how many entered hell. And then he was told that if everyone died then, only 2.5% of the people would go to heaven. This figure is clearly lower today. Very few ‘Christians’ are actually abiding in Christ to the Biblically required degree.
Most don’t have clear consciences, so when they die and see Jesus face to Face they’ll have confidence to enter.
How Many Will Be in Heaven? How Many are Finding the WAY? Only 1 in 40 — 2.5%?!!
My article that no one can refute:
Paul in Acts 24:16:
“..I also practice always having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.”
Don’t do this. Serious false doctrine taught by Catholic, Zachary King!
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“You need this consecration. You need to have Mary on your side. Everything you do at that point, Mary gives you grace for. … She wants to help you. … The rosary: #1 tool we have.” – Zachary King
4:00 Even pray for dead people to get converted.
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Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in Heaven.
Acts 10:26 But Peter took him up, saying, Stand up; I myself also am a man.
1 Corinthians 10:14 – Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry.
Luke 20:46-47 Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the markets, and the highest seats in the synagogues, and the chief rooms at feasts; which devour widows’ houses, and for a shew make long prayers: the same shall receive greater damnation.
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Apostles: Repent and be baptized. Turn from your sins, but understand you will be persecuted for your faith. You may even go to prison or die for it. Also, this life is not about you focussed. Your prize is in heaven. Do not worry about having the finer things in life. Give all and follow the kingdom of God. Our Saviour showed us the example being born lowly and walking in humilty all his life even unto death.
Todays preachers: Close your eyes, bow your heads. Raise your hand to accept him. Say this quick prayer and now you’re a King’s kid. He wants you to have the best house best car, best of everything. If you suffer or in sickness you’re probably in sin or not in God’s will. We forgot to tell you Jesus suffered greatly; was born in a feeding trough and had no where to lay his head. … We also forgot to tell you the warnings the Word of God gives to those who pursue this world. Don’t worry, you wont hear hell or end-time judgment messages here. Our God is a big genie, and when you come to him he grants all your wishes.
This parody is much more real then we understand!
Minister Levesque
6/28/18 Facebook – edited by me for clarity