ONE Can Happen

Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Chris White: Romans 11:18-22 – Explained – Once Saved Always Saved or Cut Off? — “Continuing in His kindness is required to avoid being cut off”

Romans 11:20 ..Don’t be conceited, but FEAR; 21 for if God didn’t spare the natural branches [the Jews], neither will he spare you. 22 See then the GOODNESS *and* SEVERITY of God. Toward those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, IF YOU CONTINUE in his GOODNESS; OTHERWISE YOU WILL ALSO BE CUT OFF [like in Mt. 7:19 and John 15:6].

Continuing in His kindness is required to avoid being cut off from this tree.”

“There are upwards of 80 passages in the New Testament that suggest in one way or another that a believer can fall away from the faith.”

9:00 John Calvin‘s explanation is that Paul is basically lying to his readers to scare them.
R. C. Sproul avoided the passage completely.

Chris White: Why I No Longer Teach Once Saved Always Saved & My Backsliding Testimony – Eternal Security Refuted

Christians now taught they can have two masters

46:20 David Pawson’s excellent book: Once Saved, Always Saved?: A Study in perseverance and inheritance”

Dilemma: Calvinist pastors who teach the perseverance of the saints ‘omega’ version of OSAS personally know those who were certainly born-again and did not persevere.

Time Stamps
Basics and History: 0:00
Can lose salvation: 16:25
Cant lose salvation: 24:57
Implications: 41:23
My Testimony: 50:49

Here are some of the verses I found:
Conditional Security Passages (51)
2 Peter 2:19–22, Hebrews 6:4–8, 1 Corinthians 9:24–27, Hebrews 10:26–31, Mark 4:13–20, Hebrews 3:12–19, Galatians 5:4–7, Romans 11:18–23, James 5:19–20, Colossians 1:21–23, Matthew 7:21-23, Hebrews 10:35–39, 1 Timothy 4:1, Revelation 2:4–5, Acts 14:22, John 15:1–4, Hebrews 12:14–17, 2 Peter 1:3, Matthew 10:22, Matthew 25:1–13, Luke 12:46–48, Luke 21:34–36, 2 Peter 1:10–11, 2 Peter 3:14-17, 1 Timothy 1:18–19, Matthew 5:13, Acts 11:23, Galatians 4:9–11, 1 Thessalonians 3:4–5, Hebrews 2:1–3, Revelation 2:13, Revelation 2:16–17, Matthew 13:18-23, Luke 8:11–15, Luke 14:34-35, Matthew 3:10, Luke 3:9, Matthew 24:4-13, Mark 9:43–50, Luke 13:6-9, John 8:31-32, Romans 8:12–17, Hebrews 6:11–12, Hebrews 10:22–24, Galatians 6:7–9, Philippians 3:17–4:1, 1 Peter 1:6–9, 2 Peter 2:1–3, 1 Timothy 6:10, 2 Timothy 2:22–26, 1 John 2:24, Revelation 2:25–29, Revelation 3:10–11, Revelation 3:12–13, Revelation 3:21–22.

Once Save Always Saved Passages (14)
Ephesians 1:13-14, John 10:26-30, Romans 8:28-39, John 6:37-40, Philippians 1:6, Romans 6:3-5,8, I Corinthians 1:7-9, 1 Peter 1:3-5, John 14:16, Ephesians 4:30, Hebrews 13:5-6, Jude 24-25, John 5:24, 2 Corinthians 1:22

Ken Ham w/ Allie: Should we believe in the literal interpretation of Genesis 1-11, and why does it matter?

Jesus and Paul did NOT see Adam and Eve as a metaphor, but taught Genesis as being truth.

Plus, science confirms the earth has to be young, not mentioned here — and is not addressed at all in our public, atheism indoctrination schools.


The 10 Best Evidences from Science that Confirm a Young Earth
1. Very Little Sediment on the Seafloor
2. Bent Rock Layers
3. Soft Tissue in Fossils
4. Faint Sun Paradox
5. Rapidly Decaying Magnetic Field
6. Helium in Radioactive Rocks
7. Carbon-14 in Fossils, Coal, and Diamonds
8. Short-Lived Comets
9. Very Little Salt in the Sea
10. DNA in “Ancient” Bacteria


The Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism

spirits of:
deception (lying)

They’re filled with shame and fear, but project fearlessness as they seek to control others. Their arrogant, stubborn, self-righteous, grandiose manner in which they carry themselves.

7 Signs God is Showing You Someone is a Covert Narcissist

12:45 “The are vengeful, envious, jealous, self-centered people. So they do not do well when others succeed, especially in areas that are important to them.”

Behind their phony, fake laughter is an extremely envious, insecure person.

They have zero interest in the truth.

They’re always looking externally for internal validation.

7 Signs of Christian Narcissist: Fake Humility, Fake Niceness, Fake Sincerity, Fake Giving, Fake Faith, Fake Repentance, Fake Thankfulness

Fake Humility, Fake Niceness, Fake Sincerity, Fake Giving, Fake Faith, Fake Repentance, Fake Thankfulness

What’s With The Kissing In The Bible?

What’s With The Kissing In The Bible?

David and Jonathan kissed.

Judas kissed Jesus.

Jesus commented once that the owner of the house didn’t greet him with a kiss.

Paul tells us to greet one another with a holy kiss.

What’s with all the kissing in the Bible? …

No. These are not examples of homosexuality within the Bible. …

Michael Card & John Michael Talbot: ‘Healer of My Soul’ – Brother to Brother (1996)

Michael Card & John Michael Talbot: ‘Immanuel/Behold Now the Kingdom’ – Brother to Brother (1996)

Is it Possible to Be a Gay Christian?

Very good! Only 5 minutes.

Unrepentant heterosexual lust, lying, etc. too. Let us be FREE — walking in HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD — REJOICING! Let’s Worship Jesus as the Lord of our lives — holy unto Him!

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Can someone be a Christian and practice homosexuality at the same time? Dr. Christopher Yuan explains why the answer is no.

There Must Be A Place Called Hell – Bill Wiese “The Man Who Went To Hell” “23 Minutes In Hell”

Michael Brown: Does the Bible Prohibit Profanity? — 3 NT Verses

“Let’s glorify the Lord with our speech.”

Ephesians 4:29-30: Let no corrupt speech proceed out of your mouth, but only what is good for building others up as the need may be, that it may give grace to those who hear. Don’t grieve the Holy Spirit of God….

Colossians 3:8: But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. NIV

Ephesians 5:3-4: But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people.Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. NIV


Jesus – Our Source of REAL JOY & Strength! vs. Demon driven lust, FALSE joy sours & weakens

Jesus – Our Source of REAL JOY & Strength!
“Abide in Me … that MY JOY may remain in you,
and that YOUR JOY may be made FULL.” – John 15

(Demon driven lust, FALSE joy sours & weakens)

LOVE & LUST begin with ‘L’ — One ends in HEAVEN, the other in HELL

LOVE & LUST begin with ‘L.’

One ends in HEAVEN, the other in HELL.

My President Donald Trump Dream 8/14/23

TIMING: President Trump is being hunted down by the left, and risks being jailed so he can’t even run in 2024.

SETTING: As is often the case in dreams, my car was different than in real life, and the location was unfamiliar.

THE DREAM: I was standing next to the right side of my car, parked on the street, and President Trump pulled up in a regular car, by himself (no security). He was so interested in what was in my car that he pulled up so close that his bumper almost touched mine. I warned him, so he wouldn’t hit it, and then smiled after he stopped, holding up my thumb and forefinger about 1/8 inch apart.

Saddleback Church RESPONDS To SBC Removal! – Female Pastors

Amy Grant ENDORSES An LGBT Wedding!

Billy Graham Was PRO-CHOICE?!

 Fight For Truth

Beth Moore MOCKS Pastor For Modesty Tweet!

 Fight For Truth

Spurgeon: Will you not this day make it your prayer? Lord, help me to glorify Thee…

“Will you not this day make it your prayer? Lord, help me to glorify Thee;
I am poor, help me to glorify Thee by contentment;
I am sick, help me to give Thee honour by patience;
I have talents, help me to extol Thee by spending them for Thee;
I have time, Lord, help me to redeem it, that I may serve Thee;
I have a heart to feel, Lord, let that heart feel no love but Thine, and glow with no flame but affection for Thee;
I have a head to think, Lord, help me to think of Thee and for Thee;
Thou hast put me in this world for something, Lord, show me what that is, and help me to work out my life-purpose.”

― Charles Spurgeon,
Excerpt from Morning and Evening

Steve Gregg: Living for the Glory of God — “That God will be glorified is your hope”

“Living for His glory results in rejoicing.
• It’s characterized by praising and declaring Him to the world.
• It’s confidence in God….
Submitting to God; that is being resigned to His will.
Obeying God so your good works are seen and bring glory to God.
• You serve people in a way that brings glory to God.
• And you rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. That God will be glorified is your hope.”

Steve read this prayer at the end: Spurgeon: Will you not this day make it your prayer? Lord, help me to glorify Thee…

JOY: Jesus first > Others second > Yourself last

Jesus first
Others second
Yourself last

JOY comes when you put: Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last

JOY comes when you put
Jesus first
Others second
Yourself last

Mark Harwood: Why the Earth Can’t be Old!

0:00 Introduction
0:48 Mark’s story: How origins affected his faith (An old Earth undermines the Gospel narrative)
11:11 How do we determine the age of something? (You can’t measure age!)
13:32 The dripping tap example (Dating methods rely on assumptions!)
16:17 Radiometric dates aren’t definitive – assumptions rule
19:51 The importance of witness testimony
23:36 The importance of worldview / starting assumptions
26:24 So, how old is the Earth?
28:58 Evidence from radiometric dating / rocks
36:04 Evidence from sedimentation / erosion
37:41 Evidence from our solar system
40:09 Evidence from Earth’s population
41:43 Evidence from carbon-14 in fossils
43:28 Summary: You can’t measure age! (Everything depends on your assumptions!)
46:29 An old Earth calls God’s character into question
48:47 An old Earth calls the inerrancy of Scripture into question
50:38 Conclusion: Three reasons the age of the Earth matters to a Christian

Does This PROVE the ‘Shroud of Turin’ is REAL? — Debate over the Shroud appears to be over. “This is the burial shroud of the historic Jesus of Nazareth”

Is the debate over the Shroud of Turin over? Many Christians believe it was the burial cloth of Jesus and even non-Christian scientists struggle to explain how the image of a man was imposed onto it. But some scientists have claimed that carbon dating has proven it is much younger than previously thought. However, Shroud of Turin Research Project Official Photographer Barrie Schwortz joins Glenn to explain why he’s refuting that claim. According to Schwortz, who was once a “total skeptic” of the Shroud, the carbon dating was improperly done. Instead, he believes the most plausible explanation is simple: “This is the burial shroud of the historic Jesus of Nazareth.”


“Masturbation Has DANGEROUS Effects on Dopamine!” | Jordan Peterson and Andrew Huberman

The result is a feeling of emptiness — “the psychological equivalent of making your home environment filthy for awhile. … It depletes the dopamine system.” – Huberman

“The higher the dopamine peak the bigger the drop afterwards, and you drop below baseline.” – Huberman

“…that ever, ever sort of escalating wildness that you need to watch in order to get an ever decreasing stimulus that comes back.”

Non-Christian Huberman says pornography “isn’t good or bad,” but consider what Jesus says about lusting from the heart with the eyes and even the hand:

“You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell. – Mt. 5:27-30

“Females don’t use pornography to the same degree. They use literary pornography.” – Jordan Peterson

Sodom & Gomorrah- EXTREME Heat explained — Thermal Ionization


(video) The Physical Ashen Remains of Sodom & Gomorrah – Discovered by Ron Wyatt

Jordan Peterson: “The higher your goal, the higher your possibility for happiness; though, you have to suffer from the distance. If you don’t set a goal you’ll never be happy”

“The most unhappy people are liberal men. The next most unhappy people are liberal women.”

“The left wing tyrannical types are particularly good at manipulating guilt, which works well on conservatives, because they tend to be more conscientious.”

“People who have nothing to shoot for aren’t happy. … Happiness occurs when you see yourself moving towards a valued goal. … So the higher your goal, the higher your possibility for happiness; even though, you have to suffer from the distance. If you don’t set a goal you’ll never be happy.”

Little Sins! – Charles Spurgeon Sermon (1859) — “Don’t you know that a little sin, carelessly indulged in will prevent your salvation?”

36:15 “Don’t you know that a little sin, carelessly indulged in will prevent your salvation?”

“These little sins show that you are still a slave to sin.” “It shows the deceitfulness of your heart, and manifests that you still love the waysof sin.”

If you love sin; though, it is a little one, your heart is not right in the sight of God. You are still a stranger to divine grace.”

“God will never be one with you until you and your sins are split apart.”

Preservice Prayer Now Preservice Coffee

Related: ALCC Reinstates Group Prayer? [short lived] | My Thoughts on the Worship Room Concept | Joyner’s Vision: “One of the Greatest Adventures of All Time!”

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Years ago, saints would gather in the sanctuary before service, praying and interceding.

Today, they gather in the lounge for coffee.

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