ONE Can Happen

Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Phil Keaggy – ‘Beyond Nature’ 1991 (full album)!!!

Peaceful and Repeatable!

Phil Keaggy Interview Feb. 2023

Though known as one of the greatest guitarists, who has played on well over 100 albums, Phil has always had a sweet and gentle spirit — not prideful.

These interviewers like his rockier tunes, but my favorite Phil Keaggy albums are his instrumental masterpieces:

The Master and the Musician, 1978
The Wind and the Wheat, 1987
Beyond Nature, 1991

‘The Christian and Romans 7’ [1976] by Shem Peachey — ‘Paul still defeated after born-again’ excuse was invented by Augustine, 4th century; adopted by Luther & Calvin, 16th | Difference between chapters 7 & 8 is the same as between Old & New Testaments (Law vs Spirit)

Related at ONEcanhappen:

(1-min video) Leonard Ravenhill: Romans 7 vs 8 — Life before the Son vs Life in the Son — “Romans 7 is a funeral march, Romans 8 is a wedding march … it’s a Spirit dominated life in chapter 8.”

THE PATRISTIC INTERPRETATION of ROMANS 7:14-25 — The early church did not understand Romans 7:14-25 to teach the necessity of sin in believers

Why Romans 7 is NOT Talking about Christians: Joey Dodson w/ Preston Sprinkle – Theology in the raw #993 

Bruce Ware: Christians are wrongly using Romans 7 to justify defeat in their lives! 

Paul Furlong: How Romans 7 is unbiblically used to justify sinning

Robert Shank: Erroneous “2 natures of the believer” doctrine — Romans 7 is before Paul’s ‘life in the Son

Noteworthy texts not mentioned:

Paul was an overcomer:

“..I also practice ALWAYS having a conscience void of offense toward God and men” (Acts 24:16).

We can always overcome temptation by God’s grace:

“No temptation has taken you except what is common to man. God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able, but will with the temptation also make the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” – 1 Cor. 10:13

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The Christian and Romans 7

by Shem Peachey

[Out of print – 1976]

How would you feel if the Bible taught that you could never rise higher in your spiritual life than the man in Romans 7? Would you shout “Praise the Lord” or would you flounder in the “Slough of Despond”? Let us together be challenged to understand Romans 7 as we believe Paul intended for it to be understood.

Chapter 6 is recognized as the new birth passage of Romans, echoing chapter 5. “How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” (Romans 6:2). Romans 6:1-11 explains the process of the new birth, and 6:12-23 describes the new life. Repeatedly, we are said to have died with Christ and to sin. Four times we are said to be risen with Christ, or to be alive unto God. And three times in Romans 6 we are said to be free from sin.

A Christianity that avoids arguments is not the Christianity of the New Testament

Craig Keener: The Asbury revival 2023 backstory

Minute-2:40: It started with singing that just kept going after chapel was supposed to end. Keener didn’t even feel anything during the first three days.

In comparison, the glorious Asbury Revival 1970 that blew everyone away seems to have been instead initiated by people confessing their sins and getting right with one another.

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Some of the backstory and personal encounters involved in the 2023 Asbury revival

Craig Keener: Asbury Outpouring – I never saw THIS before

No classes were cancelled this time, unlike the glorious Asbury Revival 1970, where they were all cancelled.

From Satanism to Christ: The Testimony of Joe Schimmel

Spend an hour with Pastor, Evangelist and Author, Joe Schimmel, as he shares his personal testimony. Hear how he was delivered from Satan’s grip through rock music and delivered into God’s glorious light.

“Asbury Revival” – My First Hand Account – From Street Preacher and Pastor Kerrigan Skelly

Related: (video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’M FREE!’”

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Skelly says what he saw and felt firsthand was good, but not much different than the worship at his own church — doesn’t see Asbury 2023 as an actual revival, which is what I’ve been thinking; though, I appreciate the hunger.

To see real revival, we need holiness, being able to worship God in Spirit and in truth, with clean hands and pure consciences. Then when we draw near to God He’ll draw near to us in glory, like Jesus promised in John 17.

Prov. 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight”

“Trust in the LORD with ALL your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” – Prov. 3:5-6 MSB


140+ Anti Calvinist books in epub format and 40+ zPDF’s (Cellphone PDF’s) by Various Authors


David Pawson: “The church follows the world, only 15 years later. Christian men ought to be leading society uphill”

“Christian men ought to be leading society uphill, rather than following society downhill. But it seems to me that the church follows the world, only 15 years later. … The world accepted homosexuality 20 years ago, the church is just now beginning to accept it. … Christians are just slowly following the world downhill.”

From: David Pawson: Men For God Part 1

Why we think Hell is too much punishment

We are often trying to evaluate the properness of the punishments we see in our society and even in the Bible. This, I think, is one area where we our intuitions are generally off base.

Let me add some more thoughts for you to consider as you evaluate this idea. Did you know that most prisoners agree that their prison sentences are too harsh? Did you know that criminals are far more likely to have a low view of law enforcement in general? While we can grant that, in some cases, people are unjustly punished by the law we can also recognize that people who break the law are generally more likely to minimize their offense and think that even a just sentence is unjust. But what if we apply this observation to people’s intuitions about the justness of Hell? It basically means that those who have moral guilt before God are more likely to think that Hell is unjust than they are to think that their sin deserves such a punishment. It seems to be a constant feature of the human condition that we will justify ourselves and even go so far as to demonize God Himself if He is going to truly bring down justice for our sins. I think it’s much more wise to assume that, if I can’t see the justness of Hell, then God is wiser than me and I am suffering from a culture of minimizing sin.

The full answer and context for this video is found HERE –    • 20 Questions with…  

Mike Winger: All The Head Covering Debates (1 Cor 11): Women in Ministry part 10

0:00 Intro

12:05 The Traditional Interpretation
47:36 The Hairstyle View
1:02:32 The Refutation View
1:05:13 The “It Doesn’t Belong in the Bible” View
1:06:25 The “Cloth Covering but not Submission” View
1:17:15 How we are going to make sense of all this (14 questions)

1:19:32 #1 Does this passage belong in the Bible?
1:27:11 #2 Is Paul refuting, rather than teaching, much of what we read here?
1:37:02 #3 What does “head” (kephale) mean in this passage?
1:50:41 #4 What were the ongoing cultural customs around head coverings?
3:15:03 #5 What does Paul want men to do?
3:17:39 #6 What does Paul want women to do?
3:21:53 #7 What is Paul’s point about the order and purpose in the creation of man and woman in vs. 8-9?
3:40:44 #8 What does “nature” mean in vs 14?
3:59:50 #9 Is this passage about women and men or husbands and wives?
4:06:15 #10 How is woman the glory of man and man the glory of God? And what about the image language in vs 7?
4:35:02 #11 Does the woman have a “symbol of authority” on her head or does she “have authority over her own head” in vs 10?
5:00:40 #12 What does “because of the angels” man in vs 10?
5:24:26 #13 Is this whole thing really based on the ancient medical idea that women’s hair functioned as a testicle? [Michael Heiser’s view]
6:10:50 #14 How does it apply today?

6:37:00 Conclusion: What 1 Cor 11 means for the Women in Ministry series.

Joe Schimmel: Are Female Pastors Biblical?

On today’s broadcast we examine 15 reasons from scripture why female pastors are not Biblical according to the word of God.(Timestamps)

00:00 – 00:27 Trailer
00:28 – 08:30 Introduction
08:33 – 11:13 Certain men not to teach false doctrine 1 Timothy 1:3
11:14 – 14:26 1 Timothy 2:8
14:27 – 17:06 Entire submissiveness 1 Timothy 2:11-12
17:06 – 22:45 Creative order 1 Timothy 2:13
22:45 – 26:33 The woman was deceived 1 Timothy 2:14
26:34 – 31:36 Child bearing 1 Timothy 2:15
31:37 – 34:34 He desires 1 Timothy 3:1
34:44 – 37:01 Overseer and a husband 1 Timothy 3:2
37:05 – 41:18 Paul’s purpose for writing 1 Timothy 3:15
41:19 – 44:14 Entrust to men 2 Timothy 2:2
44:17 – 45:14 Man above reproach Titus 1:5
45:15 – 48:40 Women encourage women Titus 2:3
48:40 – 55:05 Divine Romance 1 Timothy 3:16 Ephesians 5:22-33
55:06 – 58:45 Tickling of the ears 2 Timothy 4:1
58:45 – End Email sent in to Goodnight regarding women teaching with cultural relevance

David Pawson: False teachers gain credibility by twisting scriptures to push OSAS

Quote from David Pawson: Once Saved Always Saved? (p. 97)

False teachers can increase their credibility by quoting scriptures and claiming to explain the difficult passages, especially in Paul’s letters, which ‘ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other scriptures, to their own destruction’ (2 Peter 3:16). Note that Paul’s epistles are already classed as ‘scriptures’, alongside the Old Testament, by the time 2 Peter was written; and that some parts of them were already proving ‘hard to understand’! The closing exhortation is accordingly appropriate: ‘Therefore, dear friends, since you already know this, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of lawless men and fall from your secure position’ (2 Peter 3:17).

David Pawson: Men For God Part 1 — “Christian men ought to be leading society uphill, rather than following society downhill”

Related: David Pawson: Male and Female (Men For God Series pt. 2) — “A man can separate his thoughts and his feelings”

David Pawson’s book: Leadership is Male: What Does the Bible Say? [Leadership is male “in the home and in the church”]

“This doesn’t put women down at all. It puts men face to face with their responsibility.”

– David Pawson says about this book in another video

– –

Part 1:

“We’re living in a funny world, a world in which people don’t want to accept what God has made them. … Most of the [homosexual] men I’ve counseled … are men who wanted to be looked after, rather than the responsibility of looking after anyone else.”

“Christian men ought to be leading society uphill, rather than following society downhill. But it seems to me that the church follows the world, only 15 years later. … The world accepted homosexuality 20 years ago, the church is just now beginning to accept it. … Christians are just slowly following the world downhill.”

1:08:30 The trend to remove gender from even God in Bibles:
“It is all part of a mood in which the church is accepting the spirit of the age, rather than asking the Holy Spirit to be the leader.”

Notes from biblecover2cover‘s upload that is no more:

Why is it easier to get women converted than men?
What are the differences between men and women?
Is a man’s daily work a necessary evil or is his full-time Christian service?
How can we disciple men today?

• • •

David Pawson: Male and Female (Men For God Series pt. 2) — “A man can separate his thoughts and his feelings”

Related: David Pawson: Men For God Part 1 — “Christian men ought to be leading society uphill, rather than following society downhill”

David Pawson’s book: Leadership is Male: What Does the Bible Say? [Leadership is male “in the home and in the church”]

“This doesn’t put women down at all. It puts men face to face with their responsibility.”

– David Pawson says about this book in another video

– –

“A man is goal oriented. A woman is need oriented.”

“A man can separate his thoughts and his feelings. A woman can’t. … And this is why you can argue with a man, but not with a woman. If you argue with a man it’s thoughts challenging thoughts.”

“God made us complementary, not just within marriage, but within society generally.”

“The male is responsible, and the female is responsive.”

“A woman can get a sexual message from any part of her skin,” unlike a man.

“The human species is the only species where the female has full breasts when not feeding young. … Now what’s the significance of that? For that, we have to turn to the Song of Solomon…. They’re for comfort and companionship with someone of the other sex within marriage.”

“A man, on the whole, trusts his intellect much more than a woman, where as she will trust her intuition.”

“Language is on the woman’s side of the brain. Linguistics are much easier for a woman than a man.”

* * *

“We can find common ground only by moving to higher ground”

Got this from Dennis Kucinich, former congressman, but it also applies to JESUS’ PRAYER in John 17:20-23:

“Not for these only do I pray, but for those also who believe in me through their word, that they may ALL be ONE; even as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be ONE IN US; THAT THE WORLD MAY BELIEVE that you sent me.

THE GLORY which you have given me, I have GIVEN to them; THAT THEY MAY BE ONE, EVEN AS WE ARE one; I in them, and you in me, that they may be PERFECTED into one; THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW that you sent me, and loved them, even as you loved me.”

May we all become right with each other in Him “that the world will know” — and all of us will be “SO HAPPY,” resting in His presence, “perfected into one!”

“We can find common ground only by moving to higher ground.”

Skousen: The Woke Cultural Path Leads to an Evil End — Conscience’s Role: following demonic thoughts, ignoring the Holy Spirit

Excerpt from:

World Affairs Brief, February 10, 2023 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

The Woke Cultural Path Leads to an Evil End


I will tell you frankly why I think establishment America is making a major turn towards acceptance and promotion of evil:

In the first place, I think immorality is rampant in this nation. It starts when youth are young, both in high school and in college, where promiscuous behavior is common and even expected. This loose morality follows people in or out of marriage with affairs, pornography addiction and later on to dissatisfaction with their marriage partners (or otherwise), ending in further unfaithfulness and divorce.

It’s not that immorality is the only essence of corruption in society, but it is a key factor because of how it affects the workings of conscience which are intertwined with our judgment and ethics in everything from business to religion and politics.

As I’ve explained in detail in my essay on “The Still Small Voice of Conscience” this spiritual receptor in the mind not only receives promptings, warnings and reminders from God’s side but also Satanic forces [unless we learn how to be free of the demonic voices/thoughts – ed.] which seem to have equal access—depending on which voices we choose to listen to, and all those rationalizations and excuses to violate the moral standards of God come from the dark side. Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether it’s the light side or dark side speaking to our mind because it all comes in our own style and manner of thinking. Only the content is distinguishable.

But once a person makes a habit of listening to the tempting, soft, easy, self-justifying voices of Satan’s messengers a person starts listing toward the looser side of life. They begin to favor abortion, knowing that their immorality might require it someday. They no longer see anything wrong with sexually explicit films and videos, and feel hypocritical holding their teenage children to a standard they themselves don’t live.

The Story Of The Waldenses: “Many gave their lives for the truths of God”

A Seventh Day Adventist friend suggested this true story of the persecution of this Christian group, who refused to succumb to Catholic church persecution: “Go to mass or you die” — helping us appreciated the title ‘protestant.’

NOTE: I don’t believe it matters what day of the week people worship on, which the 7th Day Adventists consider crucially important. We’re living in the new covenant, when we’re supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the old covenant law.

Also, the book of Revelation scriptures shown will likely be fulfilled in the future, instead of in the past, as this video implies. Minute-41:00 is an example, which some predict will the the bride of Christ taken into the wilderness during, or even just before the tribulation (instead of the rapture).

Israel Of The Alps – The Story Of The Waldenses – James Arrabito

Benny Hester: ‘Headlights On The Highway’ (1989)

I LOVE this song! Haven’t heard it for decades. It’s shameful that today’s “Christian” radio won’t play the many past greats.

Let me show you a freeway
That goes on and on and on to the Son

Headlights on the highway
That is what I want to be
Headlights on the highway
Just to help you see

Full Album


(clip) Why I Gave Millions to the Poor – Francis Chan

Francis Chan could have made $millions from his books.

He and his wife even sold their house and moved into a trailer park!

Joe Schimmel: Will ‘Left Behind’ Lead You Astray?

Related: “12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture

Unbiblical Pastors Affirm Unbiblical Teachers

“When a pastor departs from the Biblical gospel, do not be surprised when he affirms unbiblical and unqualified teachers.” – Ekkie Tepsupornchai

Don McClain: Why is false doctrine so dangerous? — “A lot of people believe error today because it’s what they want to believe”

“A lot of people believe error today because it’s what they want to believe.” – Don McClain

49:40 Don knows someone who changed his or her view on who goes to heaven because a loved one died, and this person wanted to believe that his or her loved one went to heaven. Don then says: “you can change your views about it. That’s not going to save your friend if it’s not true.”

50:30 “I’ve known preachers who changed their view on marriage-divorce-remarriage because one of their children unscripturally divorced and remarried unscripturally. … People do oftentimes change their views because of what they want to believe.”

54:30 Black mamba snakes can kill humans in just minutes. “We should be afraid of error, because error is much more serious than a black mamba. A black mamba can kill the body, but it can’t kill the soul. False doctrine can.

1:01:50 Christian ‘liberty’ is “liberty from sin, not liberty from the authority of Christ.”

1:03:20 “Do you think Eve wanted to believe error due to her desire?”

1:07:55 Error & Consequences of Calvinism (meme)

How Porn Changes the Brain, Kills Intimacy & Harms Society | Guest: Sam Black | Ep 740

70% of men and 30% of women in the church

“Somehow we have missed James 5:16 – “Confess your sins and pray for one another so you may be healed.”

Should Good Fight Change Its Views On Secular Music?

Please be discerning, and be led by the Spirit.

Tozer: “God’s words are not for me to edit and tinker with but to believe and obey”

“God’s words are not for me to edit and tinker with, but to believe and obey.” – A.W. Tozer

‘Wairarapa Nights’ — Milky Way galaxy timelapse compilation!

Stunning! God’s universe — our tiny part: 200 billion stars in our own Milky Way galaxy (our sun is an average sized star)!

Imagine: there are at least 200 billion galaxies, averaging 100 billion stars each. We’re still finding more as our orbiting telescopes get more powerful!

“It all happened by chance from nothing, by no Designer?” Yeah, sure. God’s universe is AMAZING!!!

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The Wairarapa on the North Island of New Zealand, is set to become the largest dark sky reserve in the world. I’ve been photographing the night sky in the Wairarapa for over a decade now, and this is a collection of my favorite moments under those starry skies.

Two musicians stunned with Jeff Beck’s passing, aware time is ticking for them too

“That’s what makes you lose your breath and your legs weak. We’re only on this earth for a short time, and he was just ahead of us.” – Tim Pierce

• • •

Notice “R.I.P.” in the video’s title. People want to believe “wide is the road to heaven,” which is the opposite of what Jesus clearly taught (Mt. 7:13-23).

“Enter in by the NARROW GATE; for WIDE is the GATE and BROAD is the way that leads to DESTRUCTION, and MANY are those who enter in by it. How NARROW is the GATE, and RESTRICTED is the way that leads to LIFE! FEW are those who find it. … BY THEIR FRUITS YOU WILL KNOW THEM…. A good tree can’t produce evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit. 19 EVERY TREE THAT DOESN’T GROW GOOD FRUIT IS CUT DOWN AND THROWN INTO THE FIRE. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them. … Not everyone who *SAYS* to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who *DOES* THE WILL OF MY FATHER who is in heaven.” (Mt. 7:13-21)

Paul predicted this great falling away from truth:

“For the time will come when they will not listen to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves teachers after their own lusts; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and turn aside to fables.” – 2 Tim. 4:3-4

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