Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

The Spirit of Suicide — Wes Hall: "There are some of you here who wrestle under a spirit of torment, depression and suicidal thoughts. And the Lord wants to set you free! … Some of you have been involved in sin, and the shame of that sin has led you into depression and thoughts of suicide, and that you're never going to make it to God's standard."

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from the IHOPU Student Awakening, 3/5/10
During the IHOPU Awakening, tonight, Robert, an IHOPU student testified how he had wrestled with suicidal thoughts every night even as a born-again Christian, IHOP student. Wes Hall responds:
“He used to want to kill himself all night, every night, and he hasn’t wanted to kill himself once since November [since he got set free at the revival].
Beloved, there are some of you, here, who wrestle under a spirit of torment, depression and suicidal thoughts. And the Lord wants to set you free tonight.
He has done it with Robert. Robert is just one example of many.
Young people, some of you have been involved in sin, and the shame of that sin has led you into depression and thoughts of suicide, and that you’re never going to make it to God’s standard, and so why don’t you kill yourself.
And you’re into cutting, and you just get deeper and deeper and deeper into sin. Or you just live under this spirit of torment and suicide because of how you see yourself in the mirror.
Whatever the reason is, you live under this heavy cloud and this heavy weight, and this spirit of torment day after day after day — some of you it’s been years.
I don’t know if Stephanie is still here. Stephanie was here this week, and she came over from California. And she had been living under a similar thing for 44 years, since she was 6 years old. And in a moment, the Lord set her free. And I tell you, I just observed her, these past few nights, in this cloud of the joy of the Lord.
It really is possible for the Lord to set you free.”
Some of you, the depression is because of certain TV shows you watch late at night. You watch certain movies and certain TV shows and you wonder why you want to kill yourself and why you feel depressed when you wake up in the morning, and it’s because you’ve been feeding yourself  from demonic ideas from those TV shows.
I’m not talking about ‘X’ rated. I’m not talking about ‘R’ rated shows. I’m talking about the run of the mill.”
– Wes Hall, IHOPU provost
I would like to add that for some reason, the IHOP leaders don’t seem to be discussing the importance and the freedom of reconciliation — at least up until this point. Getting right with those that they hurt was the main theme of the Asbury revival Asbury Revival, 1970: “Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?”
It’s important to be clean so freedom can last forever and ever — and so we can have confidence before God, now, and when we see Him face to face. Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way
Rachael’s Testimony: “I didn’t know it was depression. I tried to always put on this happy face, try to make everyone happy. I was very good at wearing masks. I was very good at being a chameleon. … When that spirit left, I didn’t even know that it was there. …I feel so bright, and I feel like clean before the Lord. I feel like I can love others so purely…”


HeartQuotes: Vision


Rachael's Testimony: "I didn't know it was depression. I tried to always put on this happy face, try to make everyone happy. I was very good at wearing masks. I was very good at being a chameleon. … When that spirit left, I didn't even know that it was there. … I feel so bright, and I feel like clean before the Lord. I feel like I can love others so purely…"

1 Comment

  1. I respect you
    I read the post
    shame which is overemphasized in many church settings is used incorrectly
    people are made to feel shameful and bad, that they are bad
    and just as you said this shame and depression drives them to behave badly towards themselves.
    Instead of realizing that problems can be looked into and simplified and understood and eventallly solved, people are held captive to shame which clutters their thinking.
    ridden with guilt, they cannot think, they cannot see their problem clearly , they cannot understand it, understand its complexity, and cannot find a solution.
    I have written a book, presenting the solution to sexual addiction. In it I describe that when a person feels guilty, this guilt stops the person from being able to think clearly of the deceptive methods being used against him. Riddled with guilt he is mentally further weakened and cannot see straight, and so he is destined o be continuously mentally manipulated by the manipulative sexual misinformation fed to him by various sources, with no end in sight.
    book details and my personal website is here

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