Transcribed by Jeff Fenske from Ryan’s prophecy following a super-hot, IHOP worship time (at ~25:00 – 45:00 into the set) 3/6/09

Be Magnified!

Be exalted in our praises
Be enthroned upon our love, Lord

Be magnified!

Do I miss direct-to-God, “YOU are worthy,” hot, hot, hot worship!!! I played these 20 minutes over and over. Most ‘worship’ is just fluff in comparison. What a breath of fresh air!
Ryan Kondo fantastically led, the drummer was kicking it. This isn’t whimp worship. And I can’t say that I’m crazy about the lead guitarist’s tone: harsh, clangy yet in-your-face sassy, but this demonstratees that heart is more important than tone. “Make a joyful noise” illustrated?
After the prayers, Ryon prophecied this:

“Do not forget the hour that you’re living in. Business as usual will not do anymore. …

Can you feel the urgency of the hour that you are living in? This is the final generation. …

Business as usual will not do anymore. The status quo will not do anymore. I’m setting you apart: holy unto the Lord.

Holy unto the Lord. …

The hour is late, the need is great, will you answer My call?

The hour is late, the need is great, would you answer My call?

You could still catch this in the next few days, navigating this way and following their schedule. He’s wearing a green t-shirt, a stocking cap, and an acoustic guitar.

We join with the angels with the chorus of heaven:

You are mighty, mighty, mighty
You are holy, holy, holy
You are mighty, mighty, mighty
You are holy, holy, holy
You are mighty, mighty, mighty
You are holy, holy, holy
You are mighty, mighty, mighty
You are holy, holy, holy
You are mighty, mighty, mighty
You are holy, holy, holy
You are mighty, mighty, mighty
You are holy, holy, holy
You are mighty, mighty, mighty
You are holy, holy, holy

All cry holy
All cry holy
All cry holy
All cry holy

Be exalted in our praises
Be enthroned upon our love, Lord

You are holy, holy, holy
You are mighty, mighty, mighty

Be magnified!


Love the Lord, your God
with all of your
heart, soul, mind and strength!

Jeff Fenske : )


[Screenshots] Ryan Kondo MAXIMUM Worship!
(screenshots from this session)

Ryan Kondo: “Glory and Dominion”