Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Curry Blake: John G. Lakes Divine Healing Secrets

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

“Get fed up.”
“Until you get fed up, nothing changes.”

“He [Smith Wigglesworth] said to treat cancer like the Devil, himself.”

Look at this sickness not as part of this person,
but as an enemy sent from hell to kill, steal and destroy this person’s life
And whenever you see this, you’ll start to develop a hatred for it.”

“Command, not beg.”

“Speak to the problem, not about the problem.”

“By His stripes they’re healed.”

“It’s what you believe in that counts even more than what you’re saying.”

“Whenever a Christian speaks,
heaven hears and agrees,
hell hears and obeys.”

“In the name of Jesus, cancer, I break your power.
I command you now, leave this person. Leave their body.
We command every cell, every tissue, every organ that’s been affected,
right now to be healed and restored.
Spirit of cancer, I break your power.
Spirit of fear of cancer, I break your power,
and I command you to “go, now!”

“In the name of Jesus, you go and never return.”

“Cancer is a devil.”

“You must see people as oppressed prisoners of war.”

– Curry R. Blake

[googlevideo=]John G. Lakes Divine Healing Secrets

This is a Voice of Healing television broadcast production, produced by John G. Lake Ministries, entitled ‘John G. Lakes Divine Healing Secrets’. This is an introduction to the things that John G. Lake knew that enabled him to see 100,000 confirmed healings.


The SCIENCE of Divine Healing – by John G. Lake: "At one time I submitted myself to a series of EXPERIMENTS. It was not sufficient to know that God healed; I had to know how God healed."


HeartQuotes: Anger


  1. Rodney Mofokeng

    I have been reading from the net about Divine Healing. Honestly, i personally need healing for my body and my soul. I have learnt to use the power and authority in me to deny every satanic power that causes ilnesses in my body. Thank you Pastor Curry Blake for such revelation. Now I have hope in God more than ever before.

    • Betsy Leifeste

      Fasting is a powerful tool for bringing the flesh into submission. It is also a spiritual tool. Remember that this biblical story occurred before Pentecost. At the time of this story, Jesus had not been to the cross. All power and authority was given to the believer at Pentecost. Please don’t fight Curry too hard. Agreeing on every single point is not necessary. I don’t even agree with my pastor on every point but I still go to church and hear his sermons. Curry’s message is absolutely vital for the believer in these last days as the darkness comes. I believe he is on the scene for such a time as this.

  2. Truth Preacher

    Let me add that Curry Blake doesn’t think Fasting is much necessary. He follows the new perversions that remove references to fasting in the New Testament. In Matthew 17:21 Christ said, after the disciples FAILED in getting someone healed and delivered, that it was because of their unbelief and that prayer AND FASTING was the answer. The new versions REMOVE THE KEY—AND FASTING, as they do many words and verses, and Curry has fallen for this deception and teaches against the idea that we need to fast to get to a place of faith. He is wrong.
    I have seen him teach live, and on video, and I like him, I love John G Lake and his writings, but you need to fast. Online you should be able to google and find a book called ATOMIC POWER WITH GOD THROUGH FASTING AND PRAYER by Franklin Hall. Read and and you will be blessed

  3. Fasting is not taught in the New Testament. We do not follow works of religion. We have access by the blood of Jesus to the throne of grace. The Holy Spirit has given us power to intercede and seek the Lord to get answers. My husband and I did not fast. Yet he had a wonderful ministry of Words of Knowledge and healings, being now in glory. We have seen dead come to life, lame walk, deaf here and speak, demons go, multitudes baptized with The Spirit speaking in other tongues – without fasting. It is the calling of Christ and the power of the Holy Ghost that is in other tongues. Jesus said we would receive power when we got the Holy Ghost. It is dunamis, power to do a miracle, the miracle itself. When they were filled with the Holy Ghost in Acts 2:4 they began to speak in other tongues. That was the miracle and each one did a miracle. Therein is the power. Much more is accomplished within through other tongues. Gifts of the Spirit will be manifested in the life, church and ministry. Jesus gave the Holy Ghost and the power. The Holy Spirit manifests His nine Gifts. In all this the powers of the age to come with power in the gospel message itself, are given to us in grace. It is without merit and undeserving. God has given the grace of God that brings salvation, having appeared. In that salvation of grace through faith there is also to be Divine power within as the river of the Holy Ghost flows from within the one who comes to Jesus to drink – specifically the baptism with the Spirit. This experience is not for the unsaved but for the saved. The experience of salvation is for the unsaved to get saved. It is all of grace, not of works lest any man should boast. Let us not despise the grace of God in anyway. the Ketan reply says it all and we do need always to be so tuned-in to God’s Word that the Truth, even ultimate Truth of the Gospel (mainly in the Epistles) fills us.

  4. Anonymous

    Fasting is New Testament Teaching. Acts 27:33, Acts 14:23, 1.Cor.7:5, 2.Cor.6:5, 2. Cor. 11:27

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