Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

(vid) Boshoff: Do Not Compromise – Compromisers will not enter the kingdom of God — Nothing is more important than our relationship with Jesus, about knowing Him, obeying Him, trusting Him and following Him. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. If we allow anything or anybody to come in between us and Jesus, then we will be destroyed, and then we will become useless for the kingdom of God • Do not allow any brother or anybody, any church, nothing, do not allow anything to come in between you and Jesus, because that will rendered you useless for the kingdom of God, and you will not enter his kingdom

Do Not Compromise

Published on Apr 29, 2018
Nothing is more important than our relationship with Jesus, about knowing Him, obeying Him, trusting Him and following Him. Those who are being led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. If we allow anything or anybody to come in between us and Jesus, then we will be destroyed, and then we will become useless for the kingdom of God.
Without faith it is impossible to please God. Without obedience to Jesus it is impossible to please Him. If we put our hand to the plow and we look back, then we are not worthy of Him. satan will try anything and everything to come in between you and Jesus. He will use those who are the closest to you, he will use your spouse, your brother in Christ, to deter you, to take you away from what Jesus wants you to do, if you allow him. That is why satan also used Peter to try and sway Jesus Christ. When Jesus told his disciples that He would be crucified, He would die and be resurrected, Peter took Him one side and he rebuked Him. He said:”Lord may it never be!” and what did Jesus say to him? He said:”Get behind me satan, you’re thinking of earthly things not of the kingdom of God.”
Do not allow any brother or anybody, any church, nothing, do not allow anything to come in between you and Jesus, because that will rendered you useless for the kingdom of God, and you will not enter his kingdom. We have to follow Jesus Christ every step of the way.
Jesus will teach you. He will guide you. He will use you for His kingdom, if you remain faithful to Him, if you do not compromise, but if you compromise you make yourself unsuitable for the kingdom of God.
I have had many people brothers in Christ tell me to remove certain videos which they did not like. They did not like the message. If Jesus told me to say something, I will say it and I will not turn back on it. I’ve had some wonderful brothers, who supported me, who felt that they wanted to financially support me they were sending me money, but then the message hurt them. They told me to change the message. and I refused. They stopped supporting me, they became my enemies, they were enemies of Jesus Christ in the first place. Money is the reason why many people compromise. They follow after people, they want the acceptance of people. You will be tested and if you follow Jesus, and you do his will you will often find yourself in a position where you’ve got to choose between your closest brother, the family, and Jesus Christ. If you choose to compromise, you will be destroyed, you will lose Jesus because He requires of us to follow Him every step of the way. 
It is a lonely road, but it is the only road. If you want to have eternal life, if you want to be pleasing to Jesus, you are not allowed to compromise. You must listen to Jesus, get your wisdom from Him. Pray, ask Him. He will guide you. Wait on Him. Live for Him, but do not compromise, do not listen to the wisdom of people. Get your guidance from Jesus. Nothing is more important and our relationship with Jesus Christ. Compromisers will not enter the kingdom of God. Follow Jesus, obey Him trust Him, do what He commands you to do. Do not compromise,  and you will never be shaken. 
May Jesus bless you.
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Paul Craig Roberts: Where is the Shame? — "How can it be that the American people are undisturbed by their government’s 17 years of wars based entirely on blatant lies? How can it be that the American people and the Evangelical churches are unmoved by the millions of innocent peoples in seven countries who have been murdered, maimed, orphaned, and displaced by the profit-driven US military/security complex and by the neoconservative ideology in service to Israel?"


"It is a Lonely Road, but it is the Only Road — If you want to have eternal life, if you want to be pleasing to Jesus, you are not allowed to compromise. You must listen to Jesus, get your wisdom from Him. Pray, ask Him. He will guide you" – Jan Boshoff


  1. David Jones

    Who are you to condemn another person’s servant? To His own Master he stands or falls. YEA, HE SHALL STAND. FOR LORD IS ABLE TO MAKE HIM STAND. See Rom. 14:4

  2. David Jones

    I do not listen to Hermits on U Tube who are constantly condemning the Church with self righteous bitter root judgments. Armchair quarterbacks are useless limp wrists.

    • David, you’re regressing in your comments. Instead of discussing the content, you attack the messenger.
      This is not Christlike or beneficial in helping real Christianity to happen.
      This is how the Devil works to divide and conquer.

    • David, do you realize that if Jesus tried to preach at most churches today, He’d also be rejected?
      We need to focus on what is said, whether it lines up with the Bible or not.
      The vast majority of Christians are living in significant deception, choosing to follow those who teach fables instead of truth, prophesied here:
      “For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to *FABLES*” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

    • Also, I don’t necessarily agree with everything someone says in what I post.
      For example, Jan says: “Do not listen to the wisdom of people.” I listen to wisdom from many people, which I believe is wise.
      I have over 15,000 posts on my blogs, which would be impossible if I had to agree with everything someone said.
      Jan is really good in teaching about the greatest commandment, which most “Christians” aren’t doing very good at; though, it’s the most important thing.
      If someone gets upset by what Jan says, it’s likely they’re not obeying Jesus’ greatest commandment, and maybe don’t even want to. That’s terrible!
      What Jan is emphasizing is a key missing ingredient in American Christianity. He hits the nail on the head, and people who don’t really want to be led by the Holy Spirit should take heed, because what he’s saying is biblical. It’s what Paul and Jesus did themselves (while Jesus was on earth, having emptied himself), and taught.

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