Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

(vid) Superficial Christians — There is only one way to be a true follower of Jesus, a child of God, and that is to be led by the Holy Spirit, to walk with Jesus every day • Some people will tell you differently. They will say that God spoke through the Bible, ‘it’s all in the Bible.’ It’s not. It is about the Holy Spirit…


“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” – Romans 8:14

Jan Boshoff:

Superficial Christians

Published on May 5, 2018
Christianity is about being followers of Jesus Christ.  Jesus’ disciples followed Him and they brought others to Him so that they could also follow Him, because Jesus Christ is the way and the truth and the life. Jesus Christ is the only One who can give eternal life and Jesus commanded His disciples to make disciples of all nations, people that would know Him and follow Him, just like His own disciples did.
We all know that Jesus Christ was crucified, and then after He was resurrected, and he ascended to heaven, but He did not leave His disciples to fend for themselves. He sent the Holy Spirit, His Spirit to be with them, and to guide them and to teach them, and He also promised the Holy Spirit, the Comforter to all those who would believe in Him; who would obey His words, His gospel and who would repent and be baptized. Jesus promised His Holy Spirit in them so that they could also become His sheep. His sheep hear His voice, they listen and they follow Him. That is what it means to be a Christian, you are a follower of Jesus Christ. Not only because you believe in Jesus and you believe in His teachings, but because you obey Him, you obey His words, you’ve come to know Him, and He’s given His Spirit in you, so that Christ lives in you, you are a Christian, you are a follower of Jesus Christ. 
Most professing Christians do not know Jesus Christ. Their relationship with Him is not real. They are just religious. Some are more religious than others. Some conduct religious practices, they do Bible studies, and they do religious practices like fasting,but they have no relationship with Jesus Christ. Some Christians believe that through fasting you can force God to answer you, to come closer to you. The purpose of fasting as not to twist the arm of God, not to force God to give you what you want, the purpose of fasting is to set yourself aside to spend some time in prayer, to spend some time seeking Jesus, to deprive yourself of your normal pleasures, not to go about your normal life, the things you normally do, but to consecrate yourself, you separate yourself unto the Lord and spend some time in prayer dedicating yourself to the Lord. 
Our relationship with Jesus Christ is what makes us a Christian. If we do not have a real relationship with Jesus Christ then our faith is in vain. If we do not have His Holy Spirit and we do not follow Him, if we do not listen to Him, if we do not obey Him, then our faith is in vain, we’re wasting our time, because Jesus will say to many believers:”Go away I never knew you.” They never had that real relationship with Jesus. Being a Christian, is knowing Jesus Christ for real, hearing His voice, seeking Him, going after in Him, going after Him and seeking to please Him, to be part of His kingdom and to have His approval. Most Christians are just superficial, just on the surface and the people might think that they are great Christians, they have a lot of Bible knowledge, and they profess to have many revelations from God, they understand the prophecies, and they make predictions about the future, but they have no relationship with Jesus. They have no testimony of Jesus Christ. 
If you are a real Christian, a follower of Jesus then your life is all about your relationship with Jesus. That is all that matters, nothing else, because if Jesus is not pleased with us then we are in big trouble. If we do not seek Him and if we do not find Him and if we do not stay with Him, we are on the wrong road, because Jesus is the way. We have to follow Him every day until the very end, even if we are all on our own, everybody leaves us. Even if everybody goes the other direction and Jesus sends us another direction, then we go with Jesus, because we know Him. He speaks to His followers. He guides and teaches them, they follow Him. 
Some people will tell you different. They will say that God spoke through the Bible, it’s all in the Bible. It’s not. It is all about the Holy Spirit of Christ that He gives in and with those who love Him who follow Him and obey Him. It’s all  about your relationship with Jesus Christ. Nobody else can work on it for you. You have to work on your own relationship with Jesus. There is no easy recipe. Nowadays people have computers, and they have cell phones, and they have apps for everything. There is no app for a relationship with Jesus Christ. You just go on your knees and you seek Him with all your heart, and you keep on seeking Him and you show Him that you are serious, and Jesus will reveal Himself to you. There is only one way to be a true follower of Jesus, a child of God, and that is to be led by the Holy Spirit, to walk with God, to walk with Jesus every day. Are you walking with Jesus? How’s your relationship with Jesus? Do you know Him? Do you follow Him and do you obey Him? 
May Jesus bless you.
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(vid) James Perloff with the Hagmanns, who are WAKING UP!! – The Truth About Syria, *Talmudic* Israel’s Evil Role — “We should certainly not be following an agenda that is set by people who are without question Luciferians”


To be free from lust, we must first realize we're in a demonic prison


  1. David Jones

    Are you loving His church? Are you just hiding behind a computer like an armchair quarterback pointing your finger? Do you recognize the final authority of Scripture which cannot be broken and which is the more sure word that will never pass away? Do you realize that Jesus is the only way to the Father? Do you know it is all about the Scripture and the Author of the scriptures, the Holy Spirit? The Bible is the sword of the Spirit. The scriptures testify of Jesus Christ. Bitter root judgments are not worth listening to from those who condemn the church.

    • People who don’t walk according to the Spirit but according to the flesh are condemned. Jan is led by the Holy Spirit to warn people so they will truly abide in Christ and have no condemnation.
      “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT” (Romans 8:1).

      • David Jones

        The Holy Spirit does not lead people to stay away from church and live in a cave behind a computer. She does what her bearded husband does. Just don’t listen to anyone, but please listen to us. They contradict themselves. Self condemned.

        • Jan is a he.

          Jan is a variant of John in various languages and is a short version of Johannes.

          David, if that’s your real name, you are not the Holy Spirit. And you don’t know what Jan has done and is doing, and how he almost died from cancer recently, probably from being James-3 cursed by ‘Christians’ who hate him for convicting them of their sin.
          Also, almost all churches today are in apostasy, unlike the groups that met in the NT times.
          Hopefully, that will change soon somewhere.

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