“What would happen if the leaders in the Church actually began to explain the difference between good and evil instead of just pretending evil doesn’t exist, and Grace covers everything?” – Marshall Alan Rowe, 9/5/20
Category: Doctrines of Demons? Page 5 of 24
Dana Coverstone ~July 19, 2020
Once we say that anything is fluid, we have changed its definition, its meaning, its purpose, and its original status. Then new definitions are built on top of the ones that were erased, and we have redesigned the organism itself, and effectively hidden the origin from future generations. As it happens to gender, it happens to truth since you have to deny truth to accept the new reality.
Romans 1 is in effect and the deluding influence is at play and most of the world is accepting and quiet about it all; I will not go quietly.
Proponents of the Black Lives Matter violent protests are claiming on social media that Jesus’ overturning the money changers’ tables in the Temple supports them breaking into, robbing and burning down buildings.
One such post that has 100K shares says:
“Destruction of property is not a valid form of protest”
Jesus made a whip one time, driving the dishonest money changers (like the worst in today’s Wall Street) who were cheating people out of their money *out of His Father’s house*. He didn’t destroy the building or probably even the tables. He threw the banksters out of His Father’s house, protecting His Father’s business.
This is the opposite of what BLM are doing.
They are illegally entering, destroying and even burning to the ground other people’s businesses, even black owned businesses.
Destruction of property is NOT a valid form of protest.
This grieves the Holy Spirit, and misrepresents what Jesus did and what He would want people to do during these protests.
This is more like the son of a business owner protecting his father’s business from the BLM rioters, which would be justified biblically.
By Mario Marillo
Something strange is in the neighborhood: Christians and preachers who have yet to repent before God for a. grieving the Holy Spirit; b. for preaching an artificial Gospel; or c. for their silence on abortion and sexual sin are, instead, repenting for being white. …
Asking someone to apologize for being white is as odious as asking a black person to repent for being black. The color of one’s skin does not make them racist. …
Shame on these Christians who won’t pray right or repent correctly… that you would engage in Pharisaical grandstanding, just to look ‘woke’ in the eyes of those we should never try to impress. …
Danny Faulkner’s book:
Falling Flat: A Refutation of Flat Earth Claims Paperback – September 10, 2019
Catholics take a verse form the Apocrypha and misinterpret one verse from Revelation to justify praying to people who died, whom they venerate.
This is totally unscriptural, and could open doors to demons, which praying to Mary can also do.
We’re only allowed to pray to God Himself.
This is messed up!
False doctrines enable the great falling away:
“Once saved, always saved” / “We don’t have to actually abide in Christ to be ‘in Christ;'” ‘Christian’ Zionism replacing “blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God” and “love your enemies;” and women usurping authority over men — doctrines of demons enabling Satan’s takeover.
A giant spiritual awakening will also come first “that the world will know” – Jesus’ prayer in John 17 fulfilled!
There is one trick up the devil’s sleeve that he got me with many times and he will ALWAYS use against many Christians. He got away with it with Eve in the garden when he tried to convince her with his famous lie: “you shall not surely die”.
He disguises himself as a your friend, someone who care for you, somebody who tells you “you don’t need to suffer or struggle”, “satisfy yourself”, “God loves you”, “HE WILL NOT LET ANYTHING BAD HAPPEN TO YOU”.
He did that from the beginning in the garden and He tried to pull that on Jesus Himself in the wilderness when he said to Him (Luke 4:9-11):
If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written,
He will command his angels concerning you, to guard you,’
On their hands they will bear you up, (((( LEST YOU STRIKE YOUR FOOT AGAINST A STONE. ))))
The devil wanted to tempt Jesus by telling Him: ‘You are the SON OF GOD, you can do anything you want’, ‘God will not let anything happen to you’. But Jesus called him out.
Sometimes the devil will use the CLOSEST family members to do that to you. They will tell you that “you don’t need to suffer, that you are worried too much about God, that it is ok to satisfy our flesh, it is normal, we are human. God loves you no matter what, He will forgive you”.
Dear brothers and sisters, call him out. Do not believe them. It is the devil trying to tempt you by using the closest to you. He also tried to do that with Jesus:
Matthew 16:22-23
And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, ((((((( Far be it from you, Lord! THIS SHALL NEVER HAPPEN TO YOU. ))))))) But he turned and said to Peter, ((((((( “GET BEHIND ME, SATAN! ))))))) You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”
If that is the best trick of the devil, will you take heed dear friends?
What if I told you that it is the trick he is using today with these doctrines you see in your church (Once Saved Always Saved and Pre-tribulation rapture), would you believe me?
What is the fruit of “Once Saved Always Saved”? :
“Don’t worry, you shall not surely die, it is ok to sin a bit sometimes, you are safe, you are already saved, God will forgive you”
What is the fruit of “pre-tribulation rapture”?:
“Don’t worry, you don’t need to suffer for Christ, these things will not happen to you, you will be raptured out of here”
Dear friends, keep your EYES ON JESUS and His words. Keep His words IN YOU and YOU WILL KNOW when the devil is trying to deceive you. By the Spirit of God, we will DISCERN.
May God bless and keep you
Not All Human Righteousness Is Filthy Rags To The Lord
Isaiah 64:6 (“all our righteous acts are like filthy rags”) is often quoted by folks as proof that any effort on our part to do good still comes across as pretty putrid in God’s sight. As Kevin DeYoung explains in The Hole in Our Holiness, however, that’s just bad exegesis–and it paints a terribly unflattering (and woefully inaccurate) picture of our God, to us and to the world:
The “righteous deeds” Isaiah has in mind are most likely the perfunctory rituals offered by Israel without sincere faith and without wholehearted obedience. In Isaiah 65:1–7 the Lord rejects Israel’s sinful sacrifices. They are an insult to the Lord, smoke in his nostrils, just like the ritual “obedience” of Isaiah 58 that did not impress the Lord because his people were oppressing the poor. Their “righteous deeds” were “filthy rags” (64:6, KJV) because they weren’t righteous at all. They looked good but were a sham, a literal smoke screen to cover up their unbelief and disobedience.
But we should not think that every kind of “righteous deed” is like a filthy rag before God. In fact the previous verse, Isaiah 64:5, says “you [God] meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember you in your ways.” It is not impossible for God’s people to commit righteous acts that please God.
Not only is it not impossible, DeYoung goes on to note, but it is downright possible and in fact specifically commended throughout the pages of the New Testament:
Those who bear fruit in every good work and increase in the knowledge of God are fully pleasing to God (Col. 1:10). Presenting your body as a living sacrifice pleases God (Rom. 12:1). Looking out for your weaker brother pleases God (14:18). Obeying your parents pleases God (Col. 3:20). Teaching the Word in truth pleases God (1 Thess. 2:4). Praying for the governing authorities pleases God (1 Tim. 2:1–3). Supporting your family members in need pleases God (5:4). Sharing with others pleases God (Heb. 13:16). Keeping his commandments pleases God (1 John 3:22). Basically, whenever you trust and obey, God is pleased.
And whenever you trust and obey, DeYoung adds, you reflect to the world an infinitely more accurate picture of God than when you insist to others that every human act ought to be regarded as “morally suspect”:
Why do we imagine God to be so unmoved by our heart-felt attempts at obedience? He is, after all, our heavenly Father. …
Do the good the Lord has specifically prepared in advance for you to do. It truly will bring him delight….
Landmark, very important show today! The only thing I disagree with is Rick saying everything with the Jews has been fulfilled. Paul clearly says in Romans 11 that the true Jews will be saved after the fullness of the Gentiles happens. There is no other way to interpret what Paul said.
Otherwise, great show!
5:05 “What would we call them if they did this to us? Of course, we would be outraged and rightfully so.” – Ron Paul
When evangelicals booed Ron Paul:
(‘America is done’ video) Ron Paul was just BOOED FOR TALKING ABOUT THE GOLDEN RULE, “Do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” — South Carolina Fox News Republican debate 2012
“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.” — Jesus in Mt. 5:9
At 37:29, Rick Wiles basically states E. Michael Jones’ revolutionary spirit hypothesis, transcribed by me.
[Note, Paul clearly said in Rom. 11:28 that the “natural branches,” “all Israel” are “enemies” of Christians because of Jesus’ gospel: “As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes….” 25-26: “…a partial hardening has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, and so [when] all Israel will be saved.” Their Babylonian Talmud is anti-Logos, against Christ — the “leaven of the Pharisees” Jesus warned us about.]
“The unsaved Jews, because they rejected Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the Messiah — and now for 2,000 years, they have been in rebellion against God by rejecting Jesus Christ. And they are still searching for a Jewish king. They don’t want a savior, they want a king. And Jesus was not the king that they wanted, because He did not promise them physical land. He did not promise an insurrection against the Roman empire. He promised them to bring them into the kingdom of God. … And they’re still searching for a king today. But this person that the Jews are going to turn to, I believe is antichrist. … The son of perdition, the man of destruction, but he’ll be Jewish. And the Jews will rally to him; they’ll worship him. And sadly, the evangelical Zionists in America will also fall for this man. They will worship him. And they will be excited that the Jewish messiah has arrived.”
Note my comment below (in blue), showing how Hagee deceived Trump into thinking he’s helping rebuild the temple for good; though, it will be an abomination where animal sacrifices will burn, and from where the antichrist will rule during the tribulation, giving the order to chop off Christians’ heads.
Hagee told Trump instead that Jesus will rule from the temple, but this can only happen after the end of the tribulation — if there really will be a millennium.
This is reverse-Christianity.
“Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS, for they shall be the CHILDREN OF GOD.” — Jesus in Mt. 5:9
– –
The Evangelicals Who Pray for War With Iran
Mike Pence and Mike Pompeo, who urged Trump to kill Qassem Soleimani, are ardent proponents of Christian Zionism.
Last Friday, a day after Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani and nine others were killed in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq, the Christian Zionist advocacy group Christians United for Israel emailed its millions of supporters to praise President Trump’s move. …
Vatican calls on Catholics to stop trying to convert Jews
Declaration asserts Jewish people can be saved without converting, urges Christians to work with them to fight anti-Semitism
John 10 is being used to deceive the sheep — many ‘pastors’ today lying by omission. This first part of the passage (v. 27) is rarely quoted when they claim Jesus is saying we cannot lose our salvation. Jesus’ sheep hear His voice and follow Him, and no one can snatch them out of Jesus’ hand.
27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give eternal life to them. They will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all. No one is able to snatch them out of my Father’s hand.
Who is “them?” Those who hear Jesus’ voice and follow Him.
Then look at what Jesus says in John 15 about the Vine and the branches. Branches that don’t abide in Him, not producing fruit that remains are cut off, thrown into the fire and burned.
We must hear and obey to be Jesus’ sheep.
The Origins of Samhain and the Modern Catholic Holiday Halloween
Ephesians 5:11 Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. The origins of Halloween are clear, it is a Satanic pagan holiday. The Catholic church adopted it as they did with all pagan holidays on the witches calendar. Lukewarm Christian churches are now participating in Trunk or Treat and Harvest Parties. Examine the true history and consider what God’s word says about it.
Halloween: A Covenant with Death and with Hell
Excellent message about American Christianity verses real Christianity. How theologians have twisted the written word of God!
“Fear” means fear! Lukewarm is gross to God!
27:10 “I’m praying that something I’ve said through the years sticks, and especially this morning, that the Holy Spirit of God would light a fire in some of you to where you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, right now.”
Video also here: Azusa Pacific Morning Chapel: Francis Chan | October 21, 2019
Two-minute video by Michael Brown.
A comment thread under: (lust freedom video) Sin can only be stopped this way
Cam raiD
Something about this video hit me harder than most… I am mostly good and I hope humble, compared to many around me and my parents were fiercely atheistic but very good and strong too. I love weed. I have had such a good time of the ‘world’ so far, that passages like the ‘camel and the eye of the needle’ rest on my mind. I get troubled about christian dogmatism. I abstain from weed, and things seem to go generally worse, so I then resume and things go smoother and all round better.
Do you need to be stone sober to get to know God?.. It seems like most of my deepest learnings and steps have been under the influence of weed.
Da Bawse
It’s the devil if u can’t stop doing weed it means it’s an addiction and addictions are sins
Disciple Robert
weed is 100% of the devil. People say its just a plant…yeah, but so is opium and in fact ALL such drugs are from plant sources in some form or other and yes they do indeed destroy people’s lives and enable demonic powers to rule them. No animal products cause addiction. So being just a plant is not an excuse to believing it is harmless. Alcohol is also from plants. but it also causes destruction and opens you up to being influenced by the devil. It was one of the watchers, the sons of God who fell, who taught mankind the use of plants for drugs. The other, Azazel, taught mankind warfare. God was furious with these and had them bound in chains till the day of judgment. Weed will continue to open yourself up to destructive forces of demons in your life and keep you from knowing Christ and saving yourself in his name by abiding in him.