Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Category: Freedom Page 4 of 12

(video) Nathanael: The Travesty Of Justice Ginsburg — “If perverters of God’s law shape America’s law, it will hardly crawl out again”

“If perverters of God’s law shape America’s law, it will hardly crawl out again.”

“The doublespeak term, ‘reproductive freedom’ means a woman is free to kill. It’s positive, because freedom is a cherished thing.”

“And no thanks to Ginsberg, the word ‘marriage’ has a whole new meaning.”

“Society didn’t ‘grow up’; it’s been debauched by activist [Talmudic] Jewish judges like you.”

– Brother Nathanael

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The Travesty Of Justice Ginsburg



Is Pokemon Go Evil, Dangerous Or Demonic? — Children are being trained to “capture” demon-like creatures, train and control them, and use them against others


Is Pokemon Go Evil, Dangerous Or Demonic?

By Michael Snyder, on July 13th, 2016

According to occult expert Bill Schnoebelen, Pokemon players engage in all sorts of activities that would be considered deeply occult if they were done in real life…

Like many video games, Pokémon is riddled with occult concepts. Concepts like “magical stones”, teleportation, ghosts, all-seeing eye, psychic power and using spirits to achieve results in the real world are all givens in this game realm. All of this is contrary to scripture. The Pokémon games and comics, etc. teach what I have called a magic worldview that is completely opposed to the Bible.

The Magic Worldview is the idea, common to all occult belief systems, that there is not really any sovereign Deity over creation. Instead, creation is ruled by a series of occult laws. In a sense, the universe is like a cosmic vending machine. As long as you put in the right coin (ritual or spell) you automatically achieve the desired result.

Particularly disturbing is the concept that children are being trained to “capture” demon-like creatures, train and control them, and use them against others.  Many believe this very closely mirrors what many high-level occultists attempt to do with real demons.  Here is more from Bill Schnoebelen

The magician works from within a specially prepared magic circle which supposedly protects him from the demon as long as he stays inside it. He uses special magickal weapons like a wand, staff or sword to threaten the demon and make it do his or her bidding. Once the ritual is successful, supposedly the demon belongs to the magician to do his or her bidding -as long as the stipulations of their contract are kept by sorcerer. Often the demon will grant the magician occult powers or give him or her special talismans to control others. This is a large part of high magick.

Now, there is barely a dime’s worth of difference between this and what goes on in the “ make-believe” Pokémon universe!

Entire Article

Government Looking To Control “Content Of Sermons”

Looks like the day of “Government Permitted” Sermons are quickly approaching and it’s all connected to the “Transgender Movement” that has picked up pace around the nation regarding the choice of restrooms based on an individual’s personal gender identity. (source)

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From: WND

‘This is something that should be deeply troubling to every American’

At issue in the Iowa case are state mandates that protect “transgender rights.” Among them are allowing men to enter women’s shower rooms, dressing rooms and restrooms if they say they are women, and banning statements in meetings “open to the public” that “might cause individuals to believe that they are unwelcome because of their perceived gender identity.” …

“The speech ban could be used to gag churches from making any public comments – including from the pulpit – that could be viewed as unwelcome to persons who do not identify with their biological sex. This is because the commission says the law applies to churches during any activity that the commission deems to not have a ‘bona fide religious purpose.’”

Entire Article

James Dobson: “Elements of the church are going to have to pay taxes” • “It’s amazing how quickly that culture has turned upside down”

“It’s amazing how quickly that culture has turned upside down.” – James Dobson

“Elements of the church are going to have to pay taxes.” – James Dobson

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Dr. James Dobson: Forcing Homosexual Marriage on US, Catastrophe

WATCH: ‘Demonic’ Abortionist holds scissors near pro-lifer’s throat while yelling in his face

WATCH: ‘Demonic’: Abortionist holds scissors near pro-lifer’s throat while yelling in his face

SAN DIEGO, CA, June 14, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – A disturbing new video shows an abortionist get in the face of a sidewalk counselor, hold scissors at throat-level, and say he loves tearing babies apart in a guttural voice.

Pro-life advocates have posted a one-minute-long excerpt of an exchange with Dr. Robert Santella outside his Family Planning Associates abortion facility on Miramar Road in San Diego to YouTube. …

Santella’s history shows a record of neglect that hurt women. In December 1983, the California State Board of Medical Quality Assurance suspended Dr. Santella’s licensefor 60 days and put him on probation for five years after documenting that he injured three female patients and contributed to one mother having a miscarriage.

Entire Article

Stop Playing With God — Time is Running Out!

We must all obey.

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(video) MONSTER Energy drinks are the work of SATAN!!! — 666 in Hebrew • Upside Down Cross • “Unleash the Beast” • Owned by Talmudists

Who owns Monster?

Jewish Billionaire Rodney Sacks, whose sister Caron is married to Israeli politician Ze’ev Bielsk (source)

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[youtube=]MONSTER Energy drinks are the work of SATAN!!!

(video) Mark Dice: Wisdom of the Elders – Senior Citizens Give Advice For Younger Generation

The guy at the end (5:20) is GREAT!!!

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[youtube=]Wisdom of the Elders – Senior Citizens Give Advice For Younger Generation

Mark Dice

Published on May 16, 2016

What words of advice or wisdom do senior citizens have for today’s young adults? In this serious episode of Man on the Street Monday, Mark Dice seeks the wisdom of the elders.

(video) Nathanael: Are You A Boy Or Are You A Girl?

[youtube=]Are You A Boy Or Are You A Girl?

Brother Nathanael

Skousen: Cruz Unfaithful? — If these charges are true, it does make Cruz a target of establishment BLACKMAIL from now on, if he isn’t already

World Affairs Brief, April 1, 2016 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Cruz Unfaithful?

Trump Backs out of GOP Pledge—As Do the Others

North Carolina Nullifies Transgender Bathrooms

US Kills ISIS Leader Multiple Times

Anti-Vaccine Film Dropped from Film Festival

Belgium “Handler” of Suicide Bombers Released

China Still Very Much a Communist Dictatorship

Nothing has Changed to Secure Southern Border

Hillary’s Moral Skeletons

Preparedness Tip: Solar Water Pumps


Some pundits are calling it the Cuban Mistress Crisis since the Rubio campaign started the rumors about Cruz’s improprieties, but the rumors are creeping up from many sources. The tabloid National Inquirer took it upon themselves to tally up the accusations and suspect that Sen. Ted Cruz has had between 5 and 8 extra-marital affairs during his political career. Certainly Donald Trump, the alternative presidential candidate, is no paragon of moral virtue either, but Trump is also not running around the country trying to court the evangelical Christian vote by touting his “born again” status either. It is the charge of hypocrisy that is bearing down heavily on Cruz at the moment, especially after having been endorsed by Glenn Beck as the “Anointed Candidate” whose “time has been ordained.” This week I will discuss the charges and present some evidence you may not have seen before. It is far from conclusive at this point, but it wouldn’t be the first time a politician took advantage of adoring fans and co-workers.

Cruz immediately went on the offensive and blamed it all on Donald Trump. It is no secret that Trump is friends with the owner of the National Inquirer, David Pecker, who has flown with Trump on his 757 personal luxury jetliner. As reported,

Ted Cruz told reporters in Wisconsin the story was “all lies.” Cruz then went on to blame the article on Donald Trump and his “henchmen.” Cruz argued Roger Stone has been forwarding the article today on the internet. He thinks [the] Trump campaign is behind this story. Cruz also said the publisher of the National Enquirer is a friend of Donald Trump’s.

But these rumors did not start with Donald Trump. The rumors were started by the Rubio Campaign and GOP elites. Conservative Treehouse reported: It was discovered that weeks ago a large number of Marco Rubio operatives and supporters were trying to bring the sex scandal story to the MSM attention. Under the open guise of #TheThing they were communicating via various twitter feeds and following along to see if the story had been picked up. Most of the activity was centered around March 10th – March 15th.

Yesterday the hashtag CruzSexScandal went viral. Today, many of those DC operatives, participants, supporters, consultants, Super-PAC’s and campaign advisors have spent a great deal of time deleting their (The Thing) participation. The peak of their scrubbing coincided with Senator Ted Cruz accusing Donald Trump of planting the story.

Trump issued a statement saying he was not responsible for the article.

“I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend total innocence,” Trump said in the statement. “Ted Cruz’s problem with the National Enquirer is his and his alone, and while they were right about O.J. Simpson, John Edwards, and many others, I certainly hope they are not right about Lyin’ Ted Cruz.”

In other words, just as Cruz had “nothing” to do with the first naked photo of Melania [Trump] that started off this latest scandal, so Trump had “nothing” to do with the Enquirer article.

It probably is not a coincidence that the establishment media isn’t making a big deal out of these charges—only the alternative and tabloid media. The establishment doesn’t want to oust Cruz just yet—they need him to stop Trump from gaining a majority of delegates so they can hand the nomination to one of their own during a brokered convention. You can bet they will dump Cruz and jump on the bandwagon against him once Trump is denied a first ballot win.

Conservative Christian supporters of Cruz aren’t abandoning him in large number either, for several reasons: 1) there’s no open confession yet by any of the women, 2) there isn’t anyone else in the race for President that espouses the Christian faith as openly as Cruz, and 3) many Christians are overly tolerant of sin once a person is “born again” (where some Christians feel that puts them under “grace” and covers for even future sins).

Other Christians disagree and feel that being “born again” requires a “daily walk” with Christ through his Spirit—that truly being “born again” is a spiritual awakening combined with a resolute commitment to follow the will of the Lord in all things, and that you can fall from that spiritual commitment by willfully going against God’s commandments and His spiritual promptings. Naturally, they also believe you can repent again and get back into His grace, but you can’t say you are “saved” while in rebellion to what you know is right.

If these charges are true, it does make Cruz a target of establishment blackmail from now on, if he isn’t already. All this reminds me of my days in Washington DC during the mid-1980s when I saw way too many “stalwart” conservative leaders in Washington fall into moral transgression, compromising their ability to lead and avoid government pressure.

While the tabloid press is known for their extravagant and sensationalist claims, the National Inquirer has outed some notable politicians with their rumors-come-true campaigns, including Bill Clinton, Gary Hart, John Edwards, Elliot Spitzer, and Jesse Jackson. Roger Stone, a Washington political operative and former adviser to the Trump Campaign, thinks the information surfaced about Cruz’ mistresses from within the Cruz campaign where the candidate’s behavior is visible behind the scenes. He says “the allegations are largely true,” but I’m not sure how he would know this. But, it’s also telling that Cruz isn’t threatening a defamation lawsuit against the Inquirer, as that would force the publication to bring forth its evidence.

Breitbart reported that they received a video from an operative allied with Marco Rubio that shows Cruz coming out of the Capitol Grille Restaurant and Hotel on Tuesdays and Thursdays with a woman other than his wife—one of the five women which the Inquirer outed (with no names and blurred photos). While going out to lunch regularly with a woman who is not your wife is frowned upon in evangelical religious circles that Cruz espouses, it certainly isn’t proof of an affair, but there is more evidence linking the women in the article to Cruz.

People on the internet have likely guessed the identity of three of the five un-named women’s pictures in the Inquirer story, according to The Conservative Tree House, which does credible political research, they propose Katrina Pierson, Sarah Flores, and Amanda Carpenter.

Katrina Pierson was a consultant with the Cruz Senate campaign in 2012, so she certainly would have insider knowledge of the candidate. Ironically, she is now Trump’s spokeswoman and has done several interviews attacking Heidi Cruz as an establishment shill. covered her accusations which were not entirely correct. For example, Heidi Cruz is no longer a member of the CFR and wrote dissenting opinions on the CFR “Building a North American Community,” task force in favor of free market solutions. She has also denied having an affair with Cruz.

Amanda Carpenter is the former Communications Director for Cruz. Amanda Carpenter is also a conservative activist, CNN contributor, and writer for Mark Levin and the Conservative Review who recently published a “BLACKLIST” targeting anyone who supports Ted Cruz’s primary opponent, Donald Trump.

Interestingly Sarah Isgur Flores, in addition to being a well known political operative, was also the campaign manager for Carly Fiorina. And that little factoid brings an earlier discovery into question; where the Super-PAC for Ted Cruz (Keep the Promise) actually sent the Super-PAC for Carly Fiorina (Carly for America “CfA”) $500,000 (link).

It is also telling that Fiorina has now endorsed Cruz and stepped in quickly to save Cruz from an embarrassing request from a reporter, asking for Cruz to make an unequivocal declaration that “he has never been unfaithful to his wife.” As the Daily Mail reported,

But instead of making a blanket declaration that he has been faithful during the entirety of his 14-year marriage – a move that would effectively end the vicious news cycle – Cruz stood silently as campaign surrogate Carly Fiorina leapt in to intercept the question and change the subject.

The most damning evidence comes from sources who have talked to Bill Still, a long time establishment journalist who now has crossed over to the alternative news side. His news broadcasts are done via video only. Here are the two with damaging evidence on both the Cruz campaign dirty tricks and the mistress scandal:


From The Still Report #750 video, he gives a summary of an interview with a 24 year veteran political operative who was employed by the Cruz campaign. In this video he confirms that the Cruz campaign tactic to tell caucus goers in Iowa that Ben Carson was dropping out was done on purpose and was not a simple mistake. In fact, he says it was originally the idea of Amanda Carpenter who works for CNN. The Cruz campaign quoted CNN as their excuse for the rumor they spread, but it was Carpenter who fed it to them, not the network. Still’s source said he quit rather than go through with the Ben Carson lie campaign, but was surprised at how others in the campaign were not concerned. He said they viewed Cruz as on an errand from God and that his tactics were justified to save the country. The operative demanded anonymity because he is still working for another campaign, but he did make this telling comment about the mistress scandal:

“It’s 100% true that he has affairs. All top-level staffers got an email directly from Heidi Cruz saying that she knew about it, and it was OK, and for us not to concern ourselves with it.”

The Washington Post did a background piece on Ted and Heidi that shows how their aggressive career patterns led to marriage separation and stress that often leads to temptations of infidelity:

They’d met on the 2000 George W. Bush campaign, when they worked three cubicles apart, and in the years since, they’d gone from an apartment in Northern Virginia to a 19th-floor condo in Houston to a series of three-star hotels in early-primary states. Heidi had taken an unpaid leave from her lucrative job at Goldman Sachs to join Ted on the trail.

But in the earliest days of their marriage, they weren’t always together. At a time when Ted Cruz felt unsatisfied with his track in Washington, he made a decision to take a high-profile job in Austin — as Texas’s solicitor general — that provided a testing ground for his conservative arguments but also forced him to move 1,500 miles from Heidi, who continued working at the Treasury Department in Washington.

The job ultimately helped to launch Ted Cruz’s political career. It also nearly backfired: He and Heidi weathered several years of strained, long-distance commuting. And when Heidi finally moved to Texas, the strain only grew. She fell into a depression, what Cruz calls the couple’s “difficult chapter.”

In other bad news for Cruz, it turns out he is in the pocket of the agro-GMO giant Monsanto, according to the Natural Society:

During a recent agricultural summit in Iowa, Ted Cruz used the words “anti-science zealotry” to describe the viewpoint of the over 90% of Americans who want GMOs labeled. Like Hillary Clinton, Cruz seems to have picked sides in the GMO debate, and his name calling isn’t very pretty.

Cruz recently told his audience – whoever that is – through the Washington Post, not to let “anti-science zealotry” shut down GMOs. This remark came at a time when major food corporations are doing an about-face on GMO labeling due to Vermont’s mandatory bill going into effect this July. He also said that the anti-GMO movement is driven by “hysteria.” Considering that so many people are against agrichemical companies like Monsanto, Dow, and Syngenta and the food companies who have been (illegally) blocking food transparency, Cruz must be expecting a hefty paycheck. Declaring such a thing is otherwise a bit of political suicide.

Cruz also stated: “People who decide that is what they want, they can pay for it already, but we shouldn’t let anti-science zealotry shut down the ability to produce low-cost quality food for billions across the globe.”

The trouble is people can’t easily decide to turn down GMO foods unless they are more clearly labeled. Also GMO products aren’t quality food—there is increasing evidence they produce long-term adverse health effects, including gluten intolerance, immune deficiencies, and adverse reactions in the digestive tract. Many conservatives are on the wrong side when it comes to issues of natural health and eating better.

While Ted Cruz has currently switched to a position opposing the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement—a stepping stone to globalist control, I’m now of the opinion that his switch isn’t genuine. He was the co-sponsor of the TPA that gave the president fast track authority that will impact the eventual yes-or-no vote (no amendments allowed). With that damage done, it’s likely that the TPP will pass anyway, without Cruz’s support and he can go on record as having falsely opposed it. That’s an oft played trick of dishonest politicians—vote against something they know will pass anyway so they can gain favor among the opponents.

Michael Rivero: Why People Embrace Propaganda – “We all LIKE TO THINK that we are brave, heroic individuals, but standing up to corruption has a HEAVY PRICE TAG on it, and most people don’t want to pay that. And worse, most people DON’T WANT TO ADMIT that about themselves • They cling to that propaganda so they can cling to their SELF-DELUSION that they’re a good human being. • Most propaganda is just there to give people who don’t want to think about what’s going on AN EXCUSE not to think about what’s going on

A caller asks Michael: Why do people laugh at and ignore truthers?

“Well, the people you’re dealing with there, if they’re not somebody’s undercover asset, and we know the FBI has got a network of informants in this country that would make the Stasi [secret police of East Germany] envious.

You still have a lot of Americans who are trapped by their desire to see our nation and our government as good, because then that removes the necessity for them to decide whether they’re going to do something about it.

And it’s a little bit of self-deception, because we all like to think that we are brave, heroic individuals. We see ourselves as the heroes in movies about having the courage to stand up to corruption and injustice. And it’s a pleasant fantasy.

But when you’re actually confronted with injustice and corruption you have to make some very difficult choices, because speaking truth to power, standing up to corruption has a heavy price tag on it. And most people don’t want to pay that.

And worse, most people don’t want to admit that about themselves. And so they will gratefully accept whatever propaganda is being handed out to them, to reassure them that ‘yes, you’re a good person; you’d stand up against injustice. There’s just no reason to do it right now.’

And they cling to that propaganda so they can cling to their self-delusion that they’re a good human being.

That’s why most propaganda isn’t designed to survive critical analysis. Most propaganda is just there to give people who don’t want to think about what’s going on an excuse not to think about what’s going on.”

– Michael Rivero minute-33

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

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[youtube=]What Really Happened Show: Michael Rivero Thursday 3/10/16: (Commercial Free Video)

Ron Gibson


Truth Deniers Put Their Conscience On Hold – Truthers Refuse To Ignore Their Conscience — Power to the Peaceful: “Obey your conscience!”

[FreedomQuote] “It’s hard to accept the truth when the lies were exactly what you wanted to hear.”

“Putting your head in the sand will not save your backside”

Willful Ignorance: Actively Resisting the Truth & Truth-tellers

[FreedomQuote] ‎”I Would Rather Know The Ugly Truth Than A Beautiful Lie”

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic” – Dresden James

[FreedomQuote] Patrick Henry: “For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.” — I’ll take the red pill, thank you, to totally live in reality no matter what! FREEeeeeeeeeeeeeee——————DOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why Do Good People Become Silent—or Worse—about 9/11? — “If what you are saying is true, I don’t want to know!” | FEAR of being shunned or banished by friends and family, fear of looking like a fool because we bought the official account so thoroughly| Most people will give up their need to be right or free if their NEED TO BE LIKED is threatened. We need to feel connected to others | Many unconsciously relate to our governmental leaders as PARENTAL FIGURES on whom we project our (often unmet) needs for a protective parent. | If we are committed to psycho-spiritual growth we do not let fear dictate what we do!

From Willful Ignorance through Cognitive Dissonance to “Could I Be Wrong?”

Psychologists Explain 911 Denial: Fear, Pride, Exceptionalism… (Why aren’t most people willing to even look at what the Bible really says about who goes to heaven — the most important issue?!)

[Willfully ignorant] Dr. Doug Rokke: People won’t acknowledge what the US has really done because the foundation for everything they’ve believed and what they’ve trusted literally collapses…Gandhi: Widespread Belief Doesn’t Make an Error True

HeartQuotes: Truth — “A thing does not therefore cease to be true because it is not accepted by many” – Spinoza

“Truth … lies in the depth where few are willing to search for it.”

[WordPOWER!] 2 Peter 3: BEWARE, in the LAST DAYS People Will Be WILLINGLY IGNORANT

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it WAS PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

“For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to *FABLES*” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

(video) TRUMP BLACKMAILABLE?!! Meet the Billionaire Pedophile Pal of Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew — From underage prostitutes on orgy island to political royalty and the “Lolita Express,” the Jeffrey Epstein case continues to unfold

TRUMP BLACKMAILABLE?!! Unable to save US?!!

Blackmail is the main way Presidents have been controlled to take down America, while our regime changes take out nations that would oppose the one-world government and Israel’s Greater Israel plan.

Ron Paul was the man in 2008 — when we still had a chance.

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

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Cut to the chase @ 11:55![youtube=]Meet the Billionaire Pedophile Pal of Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew


Published on Feb 26, 2016



From underage prostitutes on orgy island to political royalty and the “Lolita Express,” the Jeffrey Epstein case continues to unfold. Today Pearse Redmond of Porkins Policy Review joins us to give us the latest on the ongoing court cases surrounding the case that might still ensnare Epstein and his rich and powerful friends in an even bigger scandal.

(audio) David Wilkerson: Last Days Deception – If Your Church Is Not Preaching All The Bible & Repentance Run!

The problem is there are no longer churches to run to that teach and do the truth!

“For The TIME WILL COME when THEY WILL NOT LISTEN to the sound doctrine, but, having itching ears, will heap up for themselves TEACHERS AFTER THEIR OWN LUSTS; and will TURN AWAY THEIR EARS FROM THE TRUTH, and turn aside to *FABLES*” (2 Tim. 4:3-4)

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[youtube=]David Wilkerson- Last Days Deception. If Your Church Is Not Preaching All The Bible & Repentance Run




The Vigilant Christian

The Vigilant Christian

Published on Feb 7, 2016

Well once again the Illuminati used the Super Bowl Half Ceremony to promote their Luciferian NWO! In the performance was the promotion of false new age hippie love that will unite mankind under the Antichrist! Also mixing it dark dualism using Beyonce and Bruno (male and female dark energies). Please share this video …. God Bless, STAY VIGILANT & FEAR NO EVIL !!!

(video) Superbowl 50 Commercial – Illuminati Agenda Exposed — Christopher Walken explains what will happen to the sheep who do not accept The Antichrist

Good, except for the end. We must have purity within the church or we’re not the church, not Jesus’ true, overcoming children.

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[youtube=]Superbowl 50 Commercial Illuminati Agenda Exposed

A Call For An Uprising 

“The Pre-Trib Rapture is a Demonic Deception designed to keep Christians off guard during the last days. No church ever taught it prior to the 1800s. The rapture happens at the second coming, after the tribulation”

The pre-trib rapture is a demonic deception designed to keep Christians off guard during the last days.

No church ever taught it prior to the 1800s. The rapture happens at the second coming, after the tribulation.

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12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture

(audio) David Pawson: Will Christians Escape by Secret Rapture? — “Let’s get ready for trouble, realizing that when it comes, it’s only for a short while, and then He’s coming back” (Dispensationalism birthed this false doctrine that’s leading so many into false hope)

Why There is No Pre-Trib or Mid-Trib Rapture: Jesus will destroy the Lawless One at the same time he is gathering the saints to meet him in the air

Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

Dave Macpherson, author of “The Rapture Plot”: Pretrib Rapture Dishonesty — John Darby, Edward Irving, Cyrus Scofield, Tim Lahaye, John Walvoord, Jerry Falwell, Chuck Missler, Hal Lindsey, Jack van Impe, Grant Jeffrey …

(video) Will Hagee Have A Rapture? — “If you’re not a Christian, don’t you dare fly with a Christian pilot. He’s going up and you’re going down” – Hagee

[7-minute video] The RAPTURE will take place “AFTER THE TRIBULATION” — “Christians, today, are NOT BEING WARNED about the events they will face in the great tribulation. To learn the truth about the rapture, we must look within the pages of the Bible, itself”

Corrie Ten Boom: Prepared for the Coming Tribulation “There are some among us teaching there will be no tribulation, that the Christians will be able to escape all this. These are the false teachers that Jesus was warning us to expect in the latter days.”

Warmongers Unite: Rapture Ready – The Christians United for Israel Tour with ‘Pastor’ John Hagee

John Hagee – Enforce UN Thought Crimes Law

Preemptive-Striker John Hagee Endorses 100-Years-in-Iraq John McCain

John Hagee: “Jesus Did Not Come To Earth To Be the Messiah”

Pastor Baldwin: Ron Paul’s Israel Problem [Evangelicals Led Astray?]

John Hagee calls for a preemptive strike on Iran

John Hagee: Unrepentant Heretic? — Today, churchgoers stand hand in hand with a Jewish people who would crucify Christ again if He walked their streets.

Alex Jones: The pre-trib rapture doctrine is a big, sickening, psyop, bringing US into tyranny! “Most of you are a bunch of torture loving, war loving people…” — Truthful commentary by a non-pastor

Mike Bickle’s (IHOP) prophetic dream: “What is coming is so much more intense than we imagine.” “We must experience manifestation of His majesty that makes us tremble and His kindness that moves us to repentance and servanthood.” “We will receive angelic assistance and great power…”

After America Went Down Music: Our Demise Theme [Barber: “Adagio for Strings”] / The Demons Rejoice Dance Mix [Dj Tiesto] ||| WWWIII ||| “Once saved always saved” + pre-tribulation rapture + old covenant law tithing + “Support Bush no matter what”/dis the peacemakers and Ron Paul = Doomsday! ||| Where were the Bonhoeffers and therefore the disciples of Christ?!!

Baruch: “Not only is DECEPTION of the church possible, it was PROPHESIED TO HAPPEN!” — Jesus said “IN THE LAST DAYS THE MAJORITY WILL BE DECEIVED, take heed that it doesn’t happen to you” — “FALSE TEACHERS are actually SPEAKING SPELLS with the words of their FALSE DOCTRINES!”

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God?

Skousen: The Collapse that didn’t Come in September — The Shemitah ended; Cahn’s predictions were not true • Snyder and others didn’t just predict that there would be stock market setbacks, they all used the word collapse, and that hasn’t happened

Joel has often stated that the globalists intend to not let a major collapse happen, so the frogs will stay in the pot until it boils, when Russia/China EMP and Nuke US. An economic collapse would awaken the boiling frogs, which they can’t let happen. The USA must be taken out for their one-world government to take place.

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World Affairs Brief, October 9, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

NATO’s Hollow Challenge to Russia in Syria

Israel Suddenly finds ISIS in its Midst

Why the US Story on Afghan Hospital doesn’t add up

Expedited Citizenship for Refugees

The Collapse that didn’t Come in September

The Battle for House Speaker



September came and went without any of the predicted collapses. It is true that stocks took a tumble in late August, but the FED intervened with the secretive Plunge Protection Team and the DOW is back to its previous level. The blood moons never materialized either. Some of the collapse predictors are still holding out for December. We’ll be watching.

Very few of the collapse predictors ever admit they are wrong—in particular, Lindsay Williams, who has been predicting imminent collapse since 2011. Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Harbinger, was based on the Shemitah and the Blood Moons predictions from Jewish tradition. When nothing happened on either date, he explained away his failure thusly:

I have given warning concerning judgment. I have said that I believe America is rapidly advancing toward calamity – that we have crossed the line in our apostasy and defiance of God….

As for when these things are to take place, I have from the beginning always issued a strong caution, in spoken word and in writing, from “The Mystery of the Shemitah” itself onward – specifically that we cannot be dogmatic about timing, and that nothing has to take place on a particular date or season, or according to any set calendar, or even as God has done before.

For an in depth critique of Cahn’s work from a religious perspective, see Jonathan Cahn’s Con – Knowing the Difference Between Shemitah and Shinola by JD Hall: His introductory paragraph says:

As of this morning, Jonathan Cahn’s best-selling book, The Mystery of the Shemitah, ranked #2 in Amazon’s prophecy category, #3 in religion and #129 in books overall (it did rank at #1). Cahn’s prophetic oracles also graced the New York Times Best-Seller’s list. Cahn has been selling his predictions on almost every major news outlet out there, and up until the last minute yesterday, was digging into his predictions that a great “shaking” would take place across the world. The problem is, of course, it didn’t happen. The Shemitah ended last night at dark, beginning September 25 of last year. The predictions were not true.

But his books are all about the timing, so this explanation is very misleading. Michael Snyder of the perennial “Economic Collapse blog” tried to explain it this way:

Wake Up – A lot of people out there expected something to happen in September that did not ultimately happen. There were all kinds of wild theories floating around, and many of them had no basis in reality whatsoever. But without a doubt, some very important things did happen in September. As I warned about ahead of time, we are witnessing the most significant global financial meltdown since the end of 2008. All of the largest stock markets in the world are crashing simultaneously, and so far the amount of wealth that has been wiped out worldwide is in excess of 5 trillion dollars. 

Not true at all. There have been declines, but hardly crashes and certainly no collapse. An economic collapse never comes unless caused by a catastrophic war which keeps people from engaging in any economy at all.

In addition to stocks, junk bonds are also crashing, and Bank of America says that it is a “slow moving trainwreck that seems to be accelerating“. Thanks to the commodity price crash, many of the largest commodity traders on the planet are now imploding. On Tuesday, the stock price of the largest commodity trader in Asia, the Noble Group, plummeted like a rock and commodity trading giant Trafigura appears to be in worse shape than either Glencore or the Noble Group. The total collapse of any of them could easily be a bigger event than the implosion of Lehman Brothers in 2008. So I honestly do not understand the “nothing is happening” crowd. It takes ignorance on an almost unbelievable level to try to claim that “nothing is happening” in the financial world right now.

Snyder is missing the point. He and others didn’t just predict that there would be stock market setbacks, they all used the word collapse, and that hasn’t happened. Even in his excuse he’s using the word “crash” which doesn’t apply to most of the markets even in Asia.


(vision) Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel!

(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”

[ audio ] Henry Gruver’s Three Visions: Russian (and Chinese) Invasion of America — “When Russia opens her gates and lets the masses go, the free world will occupy themselves with transporting, housing and caring for the masses, and will begin to let their weapons down, and will cry ‘peace and safety,’ and that’s when it will happen.”

(video) Dumitru Duduman: Wake Up America

[2-hour audio] Henry Gruver with Steve Quayle: Visions of War – Visions of Heaven

[mp3 audio] Henry Gruver’s Vision of America being invaded by Russia

[47-minute audio] Henry Gruver: Russian Invasion of America

The WW3 Prophecies (includes prophecies by others)

RED DAWN: ASIAN MILITARY INVASION OF USA? (prophecies by many others)

(vision) Woman Sees Russia Attack US In WWIII! — SOVIET UNION the threat, not ISIS • TIME is SHORT – she saw PUTIN “the way he looks now!” • No pre-trib rapture!

Skousen: U.S. Intentionally Vulnerable to Nuclear Attack from China/Russia

[Updated December 2013] Joel Skousen: Year-End Big Picture Review of Threats — Russia/China invasion of U.S.A. TIMING discussed

China may have largest Pacific fleet by 2020 — and capability to destroy US military and intelligence satellites?

China Preparing to Target U.S. Aircraft Carriers — The WU-14 can penetrate missile defense systems by traveling at up to ten times the speed of sound!

(audio/text) Joel Skousen: With a Growing Russian Missile Threat, US is Still Disarming — “Russia says their missiles are for “containment” of the US, but we know they are preparing for a nuclear first strike on America”

(video) Joel Skousen: An Evil Pact Drives Globalists to Set Up USA for China/Russia Takeover | North Korea Will Be the Trigger

New Russian Submarines Are So Silent That The U.S. Navy Calls Them “Black Holes” — An earlier model armed with long-range cruise missiles sailed around in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks without being detected in 2012!

Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade

[Updated May 2010] Joel Skousen: Analysis of Strategic Threats in the Current Decade — The Big Picture!

CORRIE TEN BOOM: PREPARED For The COMING TRIBULATION — “Daddy, I am afraid that I will never be STRONG ENOUGH TO BE A MARTYR for Jesus Christ.” My father said, “OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN KNOWS when you will need the strength…. HE WILL SUPPLY ALL YOU NEED – JUST IN TIME.“

12 Reasons NOT To Expect a PRE-Trib Rapture

In-studio with Infowarrior Alex Jones: Pastor Anderson Reveals Pre-Trib Rapture Deception — “Before the year 1830, EVERY denomination, every type of Christianity taught that the rapture took place AFTER the tribulation, because that’s what the Bible explicitly says.”

[7-minute video sneak peek] The RAPTURE will take place “AFTER THE TRIBULATION” — “Christians, today, are NOT BEING WARNED about the events they will face in the great tribulation. To learn the truth about the rapture, we must look within the pages of the Bible, itself”

All 100+ of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

(video) LOVE NOT THE WORLD — God expects us to DENY the ungodly and lustful things of this evil present world and live soberly, righteously, and Godly


Brian Moonan

Brian Moonan

Published on Aug 28, 2015

God expects us to DENY the ungodly and lustful things of this evil present world and live soberly, righteously, and godly. This is our reasonable service.

(video) STAR TREK, GENE RODDENBERRY and the COUNCIL OF NINE — Humanist/”Athiest” Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek concepts were deeply influenced by a paranormal group that channeled the evil spirits/devils who call themselves “The Council of Nine”


Brian Moonan

Brian Moonan

Published on Feb 26, 2015

Humanist / “Athiest” Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek concepts were deeply influenced by a paranormal group that channeled the evil spirits / devils who call themselves “The Council of Nine”.

(video) ABORTION clinics – Human Sacrifices – SATANIC Rituals — Former satanist, Zachary King, says, there are satanic Rituals, the eating of babies, satanic dedications of all aborted babies, on regular basis. He says Doctors and nurses in abortion clinics and planned parenthood, are usually Satanists

[youtube=]News Alert – ABORTION clinics – Human Sacrifices – SATANIC Rituals

David Vose

David Vose

Published on Aug 21, 2015

Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”. Performing human sacrifices. Former satanist, Zachary King, says, there are satanic Rituals, the eating of babies, satanic dedications of all aborted babies, on regular basis. He says Doctors and nurses in abortion clinics and planned parenthood, are usually Satanists. This should be headline News, but you will not hear this anywhere on the main stream News.
Please share this Video…………


(video) Satanic Priest for Bohemian Grove Blows Whistle on White House (Names Names) — Obama, the Bushes, Reagan

Zachary King’s website

(audio) Fmr high wizard Zachary King with Jeff Rense: Saved From A Life Of Satanic Evil

(video) Satanic Priest Tells How He Split Churches

Basically, his autobiography from little on, covering many subjects, including how he was assigned to split churches — very interesting!

– –

[youtube=]Satanic Priest for Bohemian Grove Blows Whistle on White House (Names Names)

Josh Tolley

Josh Tolley

Published on Sep 10, 2015

A Satanic Priest has had enough! He is blowing the whistle and naming names. Presidents, Actors, etc all involved in Satanic Worship!

Zach goes into more detail on his encounter with Barack Obama at the Grove in the mid-’90s in Jeff Rense’s 10/8/15 show, hour 3 (subscription only), where he also mentions that Henry Kissinger is a regular, including during other events held at the Grove. Zach was told Obama would one day be President, way back in the mid-’90s!

He saw the Bushes there, Bill and Hillary, Ronald Reagan.


Zachary King’s website

(audio) Fmr high wizard Zachary King with Jeff Rense: Saved From A Life Of Satanic Evil

(video) ABORTION clinics – Human Sacrifices – SATANIC Rituals — Former satanist, Zachary King, says, there are satanic Rituals, the eating of babies, satanic dedications of all aborted babies, on regular basis. He says Doctors and nurses in abortion clinics and planned parenthood, are usually Satanists

(video) Ted Pike: Hate Crimes Laws — Should a homosexual baker be forced to make a “God Hates Fags” cake for Westboro Baptist church, simply because its members claim to be Christian? • Should a black printer be forced to develop and print thousands of “White Power!” flyers for a skinhead rally just because the potential customer is white? • Should a Christian florist be compelled to create and provide black floral arrangements to a hell-bound customer for her upcoming Satanist ritual? • ‘Christian’ leaders have capitulated to the ADL-driven LGBT pressure and have simply given up

[youtube=]Conspiracy Network TV Host Wayne Morin Jr interviews Rev.Ted Pike


Published on Mar 31, 2015

Wayne Morin Jr., and Rev. Ted Pike exchanged some insights about the recent ill-conceived rulings by federal judges concerning the issue of homosexual marriage and rights of Christians. Our interview also touched on the failure of state governments – such as California – to defend existing law.

Judicial activism coupled with the unwillingness of those of faith to stand their ground has resulted in too many judicial decisions dismissing the rights of Christians to run their own businesses in accordance with their faith.
The fight is far from over but many in the religious community have capitulated to the LGBT pressure and simply given up. Shame on them.

There is much we, as faithful followers of Christ and patriotic, moral Americans, can do. Rev. Ted Pike’s website offers guidance to us to be able to affect our individual’s states’ legislatures and laws. The ACTION PAGE on Rev. Pike’s website is especially helpful to showing us how to reinstate a business owners right to refuse service.

What You Can Do

You can assist revival of workplace freedom in America. First, call your governors office tell them you support Right to Refuse Bill and sign it.

Second, wherever you live, educate your state representatives concerning the vital need to return to the Constitution-based protection of personal property and religious freedom. Call them in support of “right to refuse service” legislation. It will help give a broader, yet more focused perspective to courageous Republican lawmakers trying to do the right thing.

The government does not have the right to force a Christian or anyone to do what they sincerely believe is wrong. The US government has in times past shown itself quite capable of providing exemptions to religious groups. For example, Amish and Hasidic Jews are considered “conscientious objectors” and exempt from military service. State governments could as easily provide “refusal to provide service” exemptions to Christians not only in business but in most professions including public service and government. The medical establishment shows the way: Christians voluntarily agree with the code of their profession to help all in a medical/psychiatric way regardless of their sexual orientation, but many hospitals allow Christian doctors and nurses to abstain from participating in abortions or prescribing abortifacient drugs. Concessions are also made for Christian pharmacists. If it were not for the liberal bias crime agenda of actively forcing Christians to violate their consciences to please the state and its bias/hate crimes agenda, the Kansas and Arizona “right to refuse service” bills could easily pass. Certainly, they would be more logical, Constitutional, and considerate than the opposite totalitarian position advocated by many state governments: that a Christian must violate his conscience by condoning homosexuals or face dire punishment.

What if you had to be forced:

Should a homosexual baker be forced to make a “God Hates Fags” cake for Westboro Baptist church, simply because its members claim to be Christian?

Should a black printer be forced to develop and print thousands of “White Power!” flyers for a skinhead rally just because the potential customer is white?

Should a Christian florist be compelled to create and provide black floral arrangements to a hell-bound customer for her upcoming Satanist ritual?

Should a “progressive,” environmentalist sign-maker be required to design and manufacture “Global Warming is a Farce” signs for a tea-party rally?

Should a Muslim photographer, commissioned by San Francisco’s “Folsom Street Fair,” be forced to document that vile event – rife with nudity and public sex – simply because the customers identify as “gay”?

Should a “gay married” lesbian hotel owner – a card-carrying member of GLAAD – be required, under threat of incarceration, to host and cater a fundraiser for the “National Organization for Marriage,” a group that opposes so-called “marriage equality”?

If you said no to any of the above, and you opposed Arizona’s cowardly vetoed SB1062, then you’re logically inconsistent and need to re-evaluate your position.

For more information on Rev.Ted Pike website please go to:

Share this TV Show with everyone you can.
In Jesus Christ Services
Wayne Morin Jr

(video) “Shine the Light!!!” – Firefighters, Architects & Engineers Expose 9/11 Myths Official Trailer September 11, 2015 Premiere

“Shine the Light!!!”

“I’ve also met some military intelligence officers that have taught me a lot. And I asked one of them:

How do we win? We can’t get through the media. We can’t get through most of our friends and family, because it’s too scary to talk about. How do we do this?

And he said, ‘it’s easy, Erik. You just shine the light.’ And he said: ‘just come from a place of love and not fear. Shine the light.'”

– Founder of Firefighters for 9/11 Truth & Unity Erik Lawyer

Transcribed by Jeff Fenske

9/11 Truth is a God thing!!!

* * *

[youtube=]Firefighters, Architects & Engineers Expose 9/11 Myths Official Trailer September 11, 2015 Premiere



Published on Sep 3, 2015

Firefighters, Architects & Engineers Expose 9/11 Myths – Official Trailer
Movie release date: September 11, 2015

Honor the fallen by shining a light on the evidence. Thank you.

Firefighters, Architects and Engineers are exposing the 9/11 facts about the evidence for the controlled demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7 falling at 5:20pm on 9/11.

Share this, especially with firefighters, architects and engineers.


Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth

Firefighters For 9/11 Truth


(video) AE911Truth architect Richard Gage discusses “9/11 Myths” September 11, 2015 Premiere

(video) A&E for 9/11 Truth Architect Richard Gage on C-SPAN 8/1/14 — “The ends of the BEAMS were partially EVAPORATED! That takes 4000 DEGREE temperatures. The only thing we’re aware of that can create that is thermite”

(video) POWERFUL 9/11 Documentary Airs on PBS Across Colorado!!!!!!!

(video) Israel & 9/11 – Christopher Bollyn 2.5hr Q&A in L.A. — 9-11 Truth Ends the War • “We are like today’s peace movement”

(video) “Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance” – real-history, full-length film by Ted Pike — “They [pastors] were supposed to be WATCHMEN on the wall, yet they failed to utter even a hint of warning”

(6-minute video) 9/11 Incontrovertible Proof the Government is Lying — Low-temp kerosene/paper fires could not have MELTED, radically bent WITHOUT CRACKING, and even FUSED steel

(video) Top architect explains why 9/11 buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and Al Qaeda didn’t have the technology or access to do it. Who did? Two months before the ELEVATOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT, Nick ROCKEFELLER predicted a 9/11-like event to trigger war!

(audio) Rebekah Roth: Methodical Illusion – Missing Pieces of 9-11 — Flight attendant applies her intimate knowledge of the airline industry’s protocols, procedures and technology, uncovering AMAZING details of what really happened on September 11, 2001!

(audio) Airline Captain Philip Marshall with John B. Wells on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ 9/8/12: “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror” — Fasten your seatbelt — the sad truth is that all of the solid evidence points to a dark collaboration between members of the Bush Administration and a covert group of Saudi government officials. The hijackers were trained at a CIA-operated airport in Arizona.

(video) Bush & Cheney Knew About 9/11 Months Before It Happened Says Whistleblower, Susan Lindauer, Charged Under Patriot Act

(audio) The Other 9/11 Suspects: Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc. — Insider, Kevin Ryan on ‘Coast to Coast AM’ with John B. Wells, 8/31/13 — WTC was designed to survive an impact of airliners and certified to withstand intense fires!

Joel Skousen: Best Evidence – 9/11 attacks a government black operation from beginning to end

A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess

(video) Nick Rockefeller Predicted “Event” To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11

[13-minute video] The Official 9/11 Story Defies Science — Experts PROVE that sooty black burning JET FUEL (kerosene) DOES NOT MELT STEEL!!!

(video) Psychologists Explain 911 Denial — Fear, Pride…. “We need the truth in order to heal.”

David Rockefeller: “I’m PROUD of” being “part of a SECRET CABAL working AGAINST the best interests of the United States”

(video) Molten Steel Found at Ground Zero Weeks After 9/11

Architect Richard Gage on 9/11 truth: “98% of those who watch this presentation end up agreeing with us…. We really only get called conspiracy theorists and kooks by those who are UNWILLING TO LOOK at the evidence.”

(video) 9/11 Masterminds – Explosive Connections

(video) 9/11 Molten-Steel Smoking Gun! Brian Williams (NBC) presents the WTC Metorite — “Exposed to TEMPERATURES AS HOT AS THE INNER EARTH”

Swedish Structural Engineer: WTC Towers Did Not Collapse from Fire

[Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Video] 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out, Full-length

(video) Pentagon security camera shows 757 sized object before fireball on 9/11 — My test demonstrates

9/11 Pentagon: What the Physical Evidence Shows — 757 landing gear, wheel hub, fuselage part — severed lamp poles

(HD video) 9/11 Pentagon Attack – Behind the Smoke Curtain – Barbara Honegger — Massive amount of research shared!

(video) Pentagon security camera shows 757 sized object before fireball on 9/11 — My test demonstrates

All of my 9/11 truth posts in reverse chronological order (latest posts appear first, 10 posts per page)

(video) Deer FREED From Tomato Cage! — Spiritual illustration TO BE FREE from both demons and condemnation!!!!!!!

I’m glad this deer TOTALLY gets FREE! My concern would be the deer would pull himself/herself away before the job was done. Looks like the deer was cut badly, trying to free him/herself.

I was thinking about this video this morning, while praying specifically for a number of people. Many are BOUND by actual demons, and praying in the Spirit for people can help FREE them.

And many wish (pray/James-3 curse) that people would be against people, which happens to me many times every day. When we pray for the bullies the people they have cursed get FREE!!! I believe this could be easily clinically proven someday.

I’ve been praying in the Spirit for people since the early ‘80s.

One of the great deceptions in these last days is the widespread ignoring of the effect that demons have on people, which is totally unlike what was taught and practiced in the New Testament. The result is that most Christians now have many demons in them, affecting them directly, even making people sick and lethargic, which I prove can happen here:

Can a Christian Have a Demon? Absolutely! Most Have Many!

I believe that’s why Paul prayed in tongues more than anyone, to get FREE. He was a point man who was James-3 cursed a lot. This prophecy partially describes what’s going on and ways to get free:

(prophesy) A Gift that Will Set Many FREE! (A Death Warrant is Out for Your Souls) — “I’ve given you the gift of tongues from My heart to you”

Getting right with those we’ve hurt can FREE us from guilt and condemnation too. This is an important video in many ways. I’ve been pushing for a permanent Asbury to happen, ONE can happen, perhaps starting here in Anchorage, once key people get right with those they’ve hurt — especially one key person, who seems to be holding up this FREEDOM fest. I don’t know what he’s waiting for. I’d be scared to death to die with guilt on my conscience.

My 1990 Key-to-Revival Prophecy: “There is might and there is power and there is glory, but it is being withheld until these relationships are made right, until we love our brother enough to…”

Jesus said we need to reconcile (Mt. 5 & Jn. 17). Paul did it (Acts 24:16):

“Herein I also practice *always* having a conscience void of offense toward God and men.” (Acts 24:16)

Our consciences must be clean when we see Jesus face to FACE!:

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT

Imagine what a permanent Asbury would be like. Awesome video here!:

(video) Asbury Revival, 1970: RECONCILIATION the KEY! — “‘Dr. Kinlaw, I am a liar. Now what do I do?’ … Three days later, she came to me radiant, and she said, ‘I just hit my 34th person and I’m free!’”

To Be FREE!!!!!!!

– –

[youtube=]Deer Stuck in a Tomato Cage


Joel Skousen: Backgrounder on Rand Paul — “The junior senator from Kentucky is the son of Ron Paul, the most principled of the modern statesman. Sadly, however, the younger Paul seems to think he can get farther ahead than his father by playing up to the establishment” • “Still, he does stand up and fight for the right causes on most occasions” • “The establishment would love to see Paul ousted from the debates”

Related at ONEcanhappen:

Rand Paul: Some ‘Christians’ are “Too Eager for War” — “Jesus stood up in a different sort of way … ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ not ‘blessed are the war-makers’”

Rand Paul: Spiritual leaders need to step up and bring in the Third Great Awakening ! To be fully pro-life, war is the last resort!

[ video ] Rand Paul: America Needs a Spiritual Revival — “Don’t look toward your politicians for all the answers. Look to your spiritual leaders. This country needs a revival and a cultural reformation, but it’s not going to come from government or a law”

‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”

– –

World Affairs Brief, July 31, 2015 Commentary and Insights on a Troubled World.

Copyright Joel Skousen. Partial quotations with attribution permitted. Cite source as Joel Skousen’s World Affairs Brief (

This Week’s Analysis:

Backgrounder on Republican Candidates

Jeb Bush

Chris Christie

Marco Rubio

Rick Santorum

John Kasich

George Pataki

Lindsey Graham

Carly Fiorina 

Ted Cruz

Rand Paul

Ben Carson

Donald Trump

Scott Walker

Jim Gilmore

Mike Huckabee

Rick Perry

Bobby Jindal



The junior senator from Kentucky is the son of Ron Paul, the most principled of the modern statesman. Sadly, however, the younger Paul seems to think he can get farther ahead than his father by playing up to the establishment and changing the Republican agenda to become more amenable to the growing benefit-corrupted majority. He unwisely endorsed Mitch McConnell over the much more conservative challenger Matt Bevin and got nothing in return.

Still, he does stand up and fight for the right causes on most occasions. Like Ted Cruz, Paul does not shy away from directly challenging the establishment when necessary. Both have filibustered to keep gun restrictions at bay and Paul has done a lot to try and stop the renewal of the Patriot act and block NSA domestic spying.

But of all the true conservative/libertarian candidates on the Right, Paul has some formidable obstacles to a successful campaign. In fact, there is significant evidence that his campaign is in disarray due to staff differences and lack of money. As noted,

 Senator Paul has raised significantly less than most major candidates, pulling in $6.9 million, including a $1.6 million transfer from his Senate committee. Affiliated super PACs have raised only $5 million. Meanwhile, Jeb Bush’s super PAC has raised $103 million, and Ted Cruz’s got over $37 million. By comparison, in the last two quarters of 2007, Ron Paul, who had literally zero percent name ID in early internal analyses, raised $25.2 million,

Ron Paul achieved that by a grass roots appeal to small donors. Rand could do that too if he’d take a more principled approach and stop compromising. That’s why his father’s followers are so loyal.

Dr. Paul also has some serious distractions with family problems. His wife reportedly is not supportive of his run for the president and much of that is due to a single problem son. As the wrote,

 Rand Paul’s son, Young Master William Hilton Heir of Rand And Ron Paul, has a bit of a problem. He just can’t stop getting drunk when he is not supposed to. Like, when he is underage. Or driving a vehicle… According to the citation, Lexington police found Paul at 11:24 a.m. sitting in the driver’s seat of a maroon 2006 Honda Ridgeline that had collided with a parked vehicle. The report said Paul was “belligerent” and had “a strong odor of alcohol,” bloodshot eyes and slurred speech… Paul was charged at the hospital with DUI and failure to maintain required auto insurance. Why are we being so mean to Rand Paul’s dumb 22-year-old kid? It’s not just because he is majoring in “communications.” No, it’s because this is his THIRD TIME getting in trouble for unlawful boozing — before noon! — and being a jerk.

Inexcusably, Rand Paul failed to respond to an invitation to speak at my brother’s huge Freedom Fest convention in Las Vegas last week. Marco Rubio showed and so did Donald Trump to a packed audience of 2800 people. Every network camera was rolling to film more outlandish statements by Trump so they can have ammunition to bash the conservative position.

These kinds of campaign failures are hurting Sen. Paul in the polls—and the establishment would love to see Paul ousted from the debates. In the latest NBC News/Marist poll, Paul’s support in New Hampshire has declined from 14% to 4%. If that trend continues, he’ll be out of the running soon.

Despite some compromises disappointing to hard line conservatives, Rand Paul is still very much a future force to be reckoned with now that the PTB are pushing liberals like Jeb Bush and Chris Christie. Rand Paul and Ted Cruz are the ones the establishment is out to beat.

On the Issues:

Abortion [Solid]

Life begins at conception. (Jul 2010)

Opposes federal abortion funding. (Aug 2010)

Prohibit federal funding for abortion. (May 2011)

Budget and Economy [Solid]

Reform the tax code; address the national debt. (Apr 2015)

Federal Reserve is insolvent, by private bank standards. (Feb 2015)

Audit the Fed: currently no jurisdiction to do so. (Feb 2015)

Roll back federal spending to 2008 levels. (Jan 2012)

Bank bailout was bad policy & helped no banks in KY. (Oct 2010)

Disapprove of increasing the debt limit. (Jan 2012)

Civil Rights (and false rights) [Solid]

Marriage for heterosexuals; contracts for same-sex couples. (Apr 2015)

I don’t believe in rights based on your behavior. (Mar 2015)

Opposes affirmative action. (Aug 2010)

Supports Amendment to prevent same sex marriage. (Aug 2010)

Crime and Police [Solid]

Stop transferring military equipment to local police forces. (May 2015)

Restore federal right to vote to non-violent felons. (Apr 2015)

Defend the whole Bill of Rights, including speedy trials. (Feb 2015)

Defend the 4th & 5th Amendments against Big Government. (Feb 2015)

Death penalty is a state issue. (Jul 2014)

Many criminal statutes lack requirement of criminal intent. (Sep 2012)

Eliminate the Lacey Act (s a conservation law in the United States that prohibits trade in wildlife, fish, and plants)

Drugs [Good libertarian position, but needs to increase penalties for crimes under the influence of drugs]

Jailing people for 10 years for marijuana is ridiculous. (Nov 2014)

Whites & blacks use drugs, but prisons are full of blacks. (Jul 2014)

War on drugs has unintentionally had a racial outcome. (Jun 2014)

Don’t promote marijuana but don’t jail non-violent criminals. (Mar 2013)

Favors legalizing medical marijuana. (May 2010)

Exclude industrial hemp (Marijuana plant) from definition of marijuana. (Aug 2012)

Education [Good]

Federal student loans are ok, if within spending limits. (Apr 2013)

Allow school choice for everyone, white, brown, or black. (Feb 2013)

No Child Left Behind is federal takeover of schools. (Feb 2012)

Support homeschooling and parental responsibility. (Jul 2010)

Energy [Good, except for Keystone pipeline]

Cut red tape to allow energy freedom & traditional energy. (Apr 2015)

Compete on the free market, including nuclear plants. (Jan 2015)

Develop mineral & energy resources on public lands. (Jan 2015)

Supports Keystone XL, plus domestic oil & gas exploration. (Jan 2015)

Test older gas pipelines for explosion safety. (Sep 2012)

End subsidies to solar companies; they’re donation kickbacks. (Mar 2012)

Unelected EPA should not regulate greenhouse emissions. (Oct 2010)


EPA regulations cost $15 trillion in 2012. (Sep 2012)

EPA enforcement nullifies due process and judicial review. (Sep 2012)

Land rules made by delusional government interventionists. (Sep 2012)

Navigable waters should mean permanently flowing. (Sep 2012)

Voted NO on protecting ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes ecosystems. (May 2013)

Foreign Policy [Good at non-intervention, doesn’t see the phony war on terror]

Keep on mind on Iran nukes but don’t trust the ayatollahs. (Apr 2015)

Oppose bombing Assad in Syria because it strengthens ISIS. (Apr 2015)

Create & arm a Kurdish state as support against ISIL. (Apr 2015)

War only when all other measures are exhausted. (Apr 2015)

U.S. intervention in Libya strengthened Islamic State. (Apr 2015)

Stand with Israel Act: no US funds to Palestinian Authority. (Apr 2015)

2011: eliminate all foreign aid & rebuild America instead. (Apr 2015)

50-year embargo with Cuba hasn’t worked; lift it. (Dec 2014)

End US aid to countries that burn our flag. (Mar 2013)

Exit the UN; maintain US sovereignty. (Nov 2010)

Free Trade [Solid]

Participated with Raw Milk Freedom Riders civil disobedience. (Sep 2012)

Health Care [Solid, except for vaccine support]

Health system was over-regulated before ObamaCare. (Apr 2015)

Encourage vaccines, with religious exceptions. (Feb 2015)

Parents own their children, and can choose to not vaccinate. (Feb 2015)

Compassion cannot be delivered in the form of coercion. (Jan 2015)

Supports tort reform & free-market principles. (Jan 2015)

ObamaCare cuts hundreds of choices down to just four. (Nov 2013)

Protect vitamin manufacturers from unreasonable regulations. (Sep 2012)

ObamaCare is still unconstitutional, despite Supreme Court. (Aug 2012)

No mandatory mental health screening in schools. (Nov 2011)

Opposes government-run healthcare. (Aug 2010)

Defund, repeal, & replace federal care with free market. (Jul 2010)

Military and Homeland Security [Good]

Need NSA reform, but not the USA Freedom Act. (Nov 2014)

The Patriot Act is intrusive; it’s what the Founders feared. (Feb 2011)

Allow challenges to NSA in open court, not FISA court. (Nov 2013)

13-hour filibuster against drone strikes targeting Americans. (Mar 2013)

Immigration [Compromising]

Legal status for 11 million illegals after we secure border. (Apr 2015)

National ID card for all citizens protects national security. (Apr 2015)

Status quo is untenable; we must do some sort of reform. (Jun 2014)

Move beyond amnesty, but eventually to path to citizenship. (Jun 2014)

Illegals are not bad people, but we have to control border. (Apr 2014)

Latinos support GOP stances of faith and family values. (Jun 2013)

Legal status, but not citizenship, for illegal immigrants. (Mar 2013)

Taxes and jobs [Solid]

Help the unemployed by lowering taxes dramatically. (Mar 2014)

Unemployment insurance ok if fully paid for & short-term. (Jan 2014)

Extending unemployment benefits does disservice to workers. (Dec 2013)

National Right-to-Work Act: no forced unionization. (Feb 2013)

Welfare [OK except for SS changes—answer is to stop robbing the fund, and to limit benefits to total contributions adjusted for inflation]

Raise retirement age to save program for younger generation. (Apr 2015)

Supports private retirement accounts. (Aug 2010)

Taxes [Mixed—flat tax doesn’t eliminate IRS and distorts the economy, punishing high prices products with reduction in sales]

EZ Tax: $700B tax cut via 17% flat tax. (Apr 2015)

Balanced budget and a simple, fair tax system. (Feb 2015)

Economic growth comes when we lower taxes for everyone. (Jan 2014)

Stand firm and say NO to any MORE tax hikes!. (Feb 2013)

Opposed to increasing taxes during recession. (Feb 2011)



Sadly, there are no uncompromising Ron Paul’s in the lineup this election season. While even the uncontrolled Republican candidates have their weak points (all except Rand Paul indirectly support the globalist policies of intervention), the establishment is sufficiently concerned about Cruz and Paul to pull out all the stops to see they don’t achieve the nomination. Still, it isn’t enough for me to support any of them. I don’t have confidence in any significant change unless a president-elect understands the globalist conspiracy we are up against.

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Rand Paul: Some ‘Christians’ are “Too Eager for War” — “Jesus stood up in a different sort of way … ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ not ‘blessed are the war-makers’”

Rand Paul: Spiritual leaders need to step up and bring in the Third Great Awakening ! To be fully pro-life, war is the last resort!

[ video ] Rand Paul: America Needs a Spiritual Revival — “Don’t look toward your politicians for all the answers. Look to your spiritual leaders. This country needs a revival and a cultural reformation, but it’s not going to come from government or a law”

Steve Quayle: “There are no political solutions to spiritual problems”

(POWERFUL Video) How Ron Paul Was Cheated Out Of Presidency

All of my Joel Skousen posts (10 posts per page; latest appear first)

FOX News’ Fake Infobabes: Megyn Kelly’s Plastic Surgery — The NOSE she originally had was much larger and rounded at the tip • Botox • Implants • Teeth veneers

Christians need to realize that Rupert Murdoch’s infobabes aren’t whom they appear to be. He uses pretty people to sell the globalists’ reverse-Christian, post-9/11 wars and the unconstitutional, NSA police state to conservatives.

Her new nose “softens her features for a more feminine look.”

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Did Megyn Kelly Really Get Plastic Surgery?

Megyn is rumored to have had Botox to achieve the younger look that she is known for. The procedure works by paralyzing the muscles of the face. This serves to reduce the problem of skin wrinkling. It is apparent that the popular celebrity has had fillers and Botox among other procedures. Another aspect of Megyn Kelly plastic surgery is a nose job. The nose that she originally had was much larger and rounded at the tip. The nose job procedure was performed with the aim of reshaping her nose. It is not clear how many nose job she has had but the transition would require at least two procedures for it to be effective. …

In Megyn’s case the nose needed to be repositioned to fit in properly with the rest of her face and soften her features for a more feminine look. …

She also appears to have had breast implants. … It is possible that the Megyn’s incision was around her armpit because the scar has been visible in that area. …

The outspoken star has also been showing off an impressive set of teeth that could be the result of expertly placed veneers.

Entire Article Here


Fox: Not quite porn… or news — Distracting viewers with mis-information and ‘info-babes’

Fox News Rupert Murdoch key pornographer selling women’s body parts!

Rupert Murdoch’s Growing Porn Empire

(video) FOX News Rupert Murdoch is a Pornographer — “This is where he got his initial funding to create the FOX News channel”

DONALD TRUMP SEXIST? MEGYN KELLY TALKS DIRTY WITH HOWARD STERN: Past behavior demonstrates Kelly’s nonchalance with sexual issues

(video) Megyn Kelly Pimps Vaccines — Alex Jones calls out Fox News anchors Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly for lying to the American public

[Very HEAVY!] Who is Rupert Murdoch? Could people be this evil? — The EVANGELICALS are the “fertile ground” for his message of hate and deceit — LIE to the people, give them ENEMIES to hate, arrange WARS for them to fight and stand back and watch them destroy themselves.

FOX News Won RIGHT TO LIE in Court 2003

(video) OUTFOXED : Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism — How FOX spins the war and so much more! Many examples; includes testimonials of former employees

VERY IMPORTANT!!! 14 Propaganda Techniques Fox “News” Uses to Brainwash Americans — As honest, fair and truly intellectual debate degrades before the eyes of the global media audience, the quality of American democracy degrades along with it

(video) Fox News Spin: “Everything Is Awesome” as America Tortures — “This cultlike mentality that if you just say ‘everything’s awesome’ and live in denial you’ll be okay. Almost everybody I know who’s had horrible stuff happen in their lives live in denial and say ‘everything is awesome’”

(video) Reporters Expose FOX News’ Collusion with Monsanto to Lie About BGH/Cancer Link — “The news is what we say it is”

[real history video] David Icke: The Rothschild Zionist MainFrame — Truth about the USS Liberty; the other side of the “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran” story — Israel is being jacked just like the USA is!

Meet the real Bill O’Reilly: ‘Fair’ly un’Balanced’ and Fairly Disgusting: O’Reilly Hit With Sex Harass Suit — Female coworker details lewd behavior of Fox News star

[Fox news unfair & unbalanced] Warmongerer, Reverse-Peacemaker Bill O’Reilly Slams Ron Paul; Host Responds

Bill O’Reilly Flips Out — Truly ‘Fair and Balanced’ People Don’t Do This

Bill O’Reilly to Judge Napolitano: “I don’t care about the Constitution … Don’t be a pinhead”

Analyzing O’Reilly’s body language—Anger, Personal Space

O’Reilly Lies About FOX Being “Fair & Balanced”

“Bill, show the world you have some courage.” Jesse Ventura challenges Bill O’Reilly to an interview. “Our media, today, is into creating the news rather than reporting it.”

[updated] FOX News Illustrated: “We Spin, We Decide” — Because Sometimes You Can’t Handle the Truth

Fox News: Take Ron Paul Out Of The Debates!

[Priceless!] Geraldo driven out of Occupy Wall Street yelling “FOX News Lies!” — The entire Fox News crew left!

Man Drank 45 Beers, Got ‘Riled Up’ By Fox News Before Mosque Arson (VIDEO) — “I only know what I hear on Fox News and what I hear on radio”

(video) Fox News Mocks Seahawks Coach For Being A 9/11 Truther

Fox News continues to blackout Rand Paul in their poll coverage — Globalists ‘Ron Pauling’ Rand

(video) Murdoch of Fox News Admits Manipulating the News for Agenda — Pushing the Bush Wars

Related at ONEcanhappen (my spiritual freedom site):

The Low-Cut Top Epidemic: May We Be Holy

Murdoch Buys Biggest Online Faith Network

Is Murdoch’s NIV the ‘N’ew ‘I’lluminati ‘V’ersion? Has the Word of God Been Corrupted to Bring US Into the New World Order?

(video) The Book of Enoch

Something very special about Enoch, the man, and this book:

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[youtube=]The Alberino Ananlysis – The Book of Enoch

Timothy Alberino

Published on Jun 29, 2014

In this episode, Timothy Alberino analyzes the Book of Enoch, and reviews some of its messianic excerpts.

For more information on this topic, and other intriguing topics, visit the following websites:

(Illustration) Planned Parenthood – “Millions Severed!”



(video) Caught on Camera: Planned Parenthood Harvesting Babies Organs

Could smartphones be the mark of the Beast, without which one can’t buy or sell? — Fingerprint reader (‘hand’) & iris scanner (‘forehead’) — + Google Glass (‘forehead’)

Someone asked this on Facebook, so I looked into it.

If anyone has more insight into the Greek words, please let me know.

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Could the smartphone be the mark of the Beast, without which one can’t buy or sell? It is held in the hand, and Google Glass is worn on the forehead, and could easily be the only way to buy or sell.

Smartphones can already read the hand (fingerprints) and can be held up to the forehead to scan irises.

Nick Begich is less known than his famous politician brother, here in Alaska, but he is an expert on technology and mind control. In the video below, he’s asked about implantable chips, and mentions the the iris and fingerprint scan possibilities.


..the image of the beast should both speak, and cause as many as wouldn’t worship the image of the beast to be killed. He causes all, the small and the great, the rich and the poor, and the free and the slave, to be given marks on their right hands, or on their foreheads; and that no one would be able to buy or to sell, unless he has that mark, the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred sixty-six. – Rev. 13:15-18

I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and for the word of God, and such as didn’t worship the beast nor his image, and didn’t receive the mark on their forehead and on their hand. – Rev. 20:4b

The Greek preposition used in Rev. 13:16 and 20:4 is epi (Strongs #1909), and is usually translated as ‘on,’ ‘in,’ and even ‘upon.’ So that seems to be vague enough to fit this possibility.

The Greek word for ‘mark’ is χάραγμα/charagma (Strongs #5480), and is defined here.

It does seem like it’s a mark on or beneath the skin, but possibly it’s a device held in the hand (iPhone) or worn on the forehead (like Google Glass?), and would be the only way to buy or sell, for those who have sold their souls to do so.

Many cell phones already have fingerprint scanning technology that connects the phone with the user. An iris scan can also, right now, electronically tie the phone to the owner.


Katherine Albrecht, author of “Spychips” and I Won’t Take the Mark: A Bible Book and Contract for Childrenis an expert on this general topic, which she discusses a lot on her online radio show, and has shown that implanted RFID chips can cause cancer.

Embedded microchips are already in use in people and animals, but because they could cause health problems for some, an iPhone or Google Glass perhaps is a possibility, or maybe an option.

Whichever technology they use, it’s already here, for the first time, ever!

I think it’s likely that we will see the end of America and the birth of the NWO, prophesied in Revelation, so it’s really important to consider these things, and determine to never worship the Beast to be able to buy or sell.

Katherine Albrecht talks about the privilege of being able to be martyred for the Lord. She has a refreshing perspective, and has a lot of information in her audio broadcasts, which I’ve listened to for many years.

NEVER worship the Beast!

* * *

Minute-7:30 — what about the chip?[youtube=]Weaponized Wi-fi: Population Control

The Alex Jones Channel








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