I’m convinced Michael Brown has been a gatekeeper, inhibiting revival while claiming to be “the tip of the spear.”
The main problem is false salvation doctrine which stifles revival and provides the environment for these things to happen.
I’ve followed Michael Brown’s ministry for over three decades, having watched, listened to or read hundreds of his material.
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As Michael Brown comes into the Line of Fire of the Firefly Investigation, many whistleblowers and witnesses are gaining courage to speak out about the inappropriate behavior they witnessed during their time in Brownsville and Fire School of Ministry.
The main problem is unrepentant lust of the heart, which Jesus said in Matthew 5 will send us to hell, so we have to do whatever we need to in order to not lust in our heart. Committing an act with a person is a next, deeper step. Lusting in the heart allows demons to drive lust.
Pastors teach “once saved always saved” and “only believe” instead of teaching what the Bible really says about needing to abide in Christ to have no condemnation, which we have if we walk not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. These are the sons of God, Paul then continues to say in Romans 8.
Look at Paul’s two lists in Galatians 5. Most “Christians” are in the “will not inherit the kingdom” list, and many don’t even care about what Romans 8, Galatians 5 and almost 90 New Testament verses actually say about who goes to heaven. They’re that lust addicted.
Paul says an overseer MUST be “HOLY” in Titus 1, which means purity of the heart, not just externally pure actions. Then we have the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5, after which Paul says “Those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.” Most pastors and born-again “Christians” today are backslidden by choice, not in Paul’s “those who belong to Christ” list.
Paul soon after says: “Don’t be deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption. But he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life.”
It starts in the heart. Church leaders MUST be “HOLY” in their hearts to be able to lead others into real Christianity: Ephesians 4:11-16.
NOTE: I don’t necessarily agree with all of this. A lot of ground and ideas are covered! Luther was no saint himself and helped originate the false doctrine of “only believe.”
Interesting that John MacArthur supports the rebuilding of the third temple with the blasphemous animal sacrifices, which Paul warns us of in 2 Thess. 2. MacArthur also pushes hard the cessation of the gifts of the Spirit and OSAS/”once saved always saved.” He’s a major false teacher.
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-What is dispensational premillennial eschatology? -When did it originate? -Did it originate with John Nelson Darby or were there others before him? -How does the rapture theology play a role in Zionism? -How did C.I. Scofield play a role in spread this theology?
Editor’s Note: My father recently shared his insights on the scandal at IHOPKC involving Mike Bickle here. In his account, he referenced an email that he characterized as manipulative from Bickle. The email suggested removing a chapter about Paul Cain from the latest edition of his book, now retitled “Why I’m Still Surprised By the Voice of God.” Despite Bickle’s objections, the chapter remained in the book, albeit with revisions. The revisions were not solely based on Bickle’s objections, but also on others’ input. Due to readers requests’, my dad granted me permission to publish the 2022 original draft that prompted Bickle to raise concerns about his chapter devoted to Paul Cain. The draft chapter was penned at least two years before the latest disclosures about Bickle’s clergy sexual abuse scandal. Given recent events, my dad’s perspective on what transpired more than 20 years ago with Paul is still evolving. From what I understand, Bickle introduced my father to Paul Cain, a connection that led to profound harm to our family. Nevertheless, this draft chapter also acknowledges a prayer my dad learned from Bickle that he believes helped liberate him from Paul’s influence. — Stephen Deere
True Prophets, Carnal Prophets, and False Prophets, originally written for: “Why I’m Still Surprised by the Voice of God”
“I am Team God. I do not fear the Media, I do not fear Journalists, I do not fear AIPAC, I don’t fear Big Pharma. What I actually fear is God. I think that one day we are all going to have to account for the things we have done and the things we have said, and I want to make sure that I’m not a person who is parroting lies.” ✝️ – Candace Owens
How do you suppose Rick Joyner, with only a Grade 12 equivalency diploma, obtained his Doctorate in such short order? After all, a real, accredited, bona fide Ph.D. takes about 14 years of very rigorous time-consuming study. …
The number of earned Ph.D. degrees in the United States is 40,000 to 45,000 each year. However, the number of fake PhDs bought each year from diploma mills exceeds 50,000! In other words, more than half of all people in the United States who claim to have a Ph.D., don’t. (statistics here)
Being a “more noble” Berean violates Catholic teaching.
Can’t have people reading the Bible for themselves to make sure what the Catholic church teaches is true!
Paul: “Now these [the BEREANS] were MORE NOBLE than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word [from Paul and Silas] with all readiness of the mind, EXAMINING THE SCRIPTURES DAILY TO SEE WHETHER THESE THINGS WERE SO.” – Acts 17:11
Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson defeated RADICAL leftist Forest Dunbar in 2021 by only 1.3%. Bronson was able to ride on his no-lockdown and no-mask-mandate position during Covid. [Afterward, Anchorage Assembly masked citizens again anyway, taking away mayoral powers that RADICAL leftist Mayor Quinn-Davidson had, and also Mayor Berkowitz.]
All of what’s shown below has happened since, which will be weaponized against Dave in ad after ad.
On top of that, the liberal press has continually blamed Dave only for the homeless problem and deaths, and many residents are upset with Dave’s headship of the snow removal street issues.
Nonetheless, Dave is still running, which seems to me will guarantee a leftist winning in 2024. Dave needs to do the right thing, please.
Key articles below tell the Amy/Dave story.
NOTE: both Amy and Dave are openly Baptists. The Apostle Paul says “Christians” are not supposed to sue Christians in secular courts (1 Cor. 6:1-8). The main problem in America is a lack of REAL Christianity. The main solution is REAL Christianity, which can start in Anchorage — Jesus’ prayer fulfilled in John 17 and His clearly stated goal in Ephesians 4:11-16!
This is Howard Pittman, a BAPTIST PASTOR whom I often mention when talking about how FEW are GOING TO HEAVEN now. In 1979, he DIED in the ambulance on his way to the hospital. At the gates of heaven, the angels told him he HADN’T MADE JESUS LORD. He had served self, so couldn’t enter, and that only 2.5% were entering heaven then, 44 years ago. Imagine how much lower the percentage is today. THIS IS SERIOUS!
“Judaism was my childhood religion in practice and learning, all my social groups were Jewish, my role models were Jewish, my best friends were Jewish, everything pointed to me being Jewish, including my face and habits.”
Andy Stanley handing out licenses of immorality, just like his father, Charles Stanley, who helped popularize “once saved always saved,” the license for immorality that’s now mainstream.
And Rep. Lauren Boebert needs to be called out, believing she can do filthy things and still be a “Christian.” She’s known for loudly standing against drag queens; though, she’s caught sexually playing with a leftist who owns a bar that hosts drag queens!
She’s a complete hypocrite, who won’t admit she seriously sinned, and many “Christians’ are defending her.
She reminds me of “Christian” Sarah Palin, whom I’ve written much about since 2008.
1:21:30 Jordan Peterson: the necessity of following our conscience
1:26:35 Chris Anthony Lunsford (Oliver Anthony) reads Matthew 22:36-39, saying:
“A Pharisee asks Jesus…
“..which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
If we could learn to make those two commandments… our priority, and then base our differences below that. God is here (hands high), our love for each other here (hands lower), and then below that is try to find a way to integrate our differences in a way that everyone can live a better life. It would resolve a lot of the conflicts….”
1:49:30 Lunsford (Anthony) “There has to be something pure and honest and righteous at the top of our focus, collectively to maintain that.” What Jordan Peterson just described.
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Jordan B. Peterson and breakout musician Chris Lunsford, better known by his stage name Oliver Anthony, discuss the balance between vision and efficiency in artistic and commercial endeavors, why Chris’ hit song “Rich Men North of Richmond,” has resonated so broadly and so quickly, the way honest expression through music can combat demoralization, how politics have become confused with the sacred, and what we can do to restore each to their proper order.
It’s the difference between the old and new covenants. The 6th commandment, ‘Thou shall not commit adultery’ meant sex outside of marriage. In the New Testament Jesus says that lusting in one’s heart after women is adultery – Mt. 5:27-29. Prager is Jewish.
The Holy Spirit helps us overcome when we completely submit to God (cold turkey to lusting 100%), resist the Devil and the lust demon flees, even homosexual lust! >>> FREEDOM!!!
“No temptation has taken you except what is common to man. God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able, but will with the temptation also make the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” (1 Cor. 10:13)
Today we’re joined by Nancy Pearcey, author of “Love Thy Body” and“The Toxic War on Masculinity: How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes,” for part two of our discussion on the biblical view of the body and the philosophy of “toxic masculinity.” We start off with the reality that one’s view of God determines one’s view of masculinity. We look at ancient philosophers as well as Charles Darwin, who all believed in an innate inferiority of women. Meanwhile, it’s Christians who have been trying to champion the dignity of women – it’s Christianity that gives a rich, full understanding of masculinity that no other ideology does. We discuss the importance of the physical strength of men and how while feminism calls them to repress it, Christianity calls them to redirect it to something that fulfills its purpose.
Spend an hour with Pastor, Evangelist and Author, Joe Schimmel, as he shares his personal testimony. Hear how he was delivered from Satan’s grip through rock music and delivered into God’s glorious light.