ONE Can Happen

Jesus prayed we'd be 'ONE' with each other in Him that the world will know! (John 17)

Is it biblical to call ‘Christian’ leaders who mislead people “fools,” like this author just did? My response

I tried posting this comment in response to the Christian Post article that follows it below, but the comment didn’t post.

The Presence of the Lord Drew Keith Green’s Wife, Melody to Christ in 1975!

How is it okay that today’s ‘churches’ no longer have the presence of the Lord?

Melody says:

“In 1975…, I walked into a Bible study with Keith … during worship…, and I felt the presence of the Lord. And I thought ‘I don’t know what these people have, but I want it.’ … So it was the presence of the Lord that touched me before I ever heard the gospel. … So worship is an essential part. …

There’s something that the presence of God, and worship, and prayer touches in our spirit….”

James explains what has happened since 1975. God can’t live where people hate one another, raising unholy hands.

(vid) Revelation Song – Kari Jobe – CFNI 2012

Jittery, tinny sounding, but anointed — heart and soul!

Especially kicks in at 3:45!

All of my “Revelation Song” videos at ONEcanhappen

(vid) Revelation Song (Kari Jobe), With Lyrics

Related: All of my “Revelation Song” videos at ONEcanhappen

(album version) ‘Revelation Song’ – Christ for the Nations 2007!

Related: All of my “Revelation Song” videos at ONEcanhappen

CNN is Upset that a Church Denied Communion to Sinful Judge

Great to see the Catholic church taking a stand!

(vid) David Meece shares – the struggle to forgive his abusive father

Annie Herring’s advice on pursuing your God-given dream

Iraqi Christian stoned by ISIS, burned alive three times, miraculously survives, sees Jesus in vision!

Iraqi Christian burned alive by ISIS three times miraculously survives, sees Jesus in vision

JUNE 02, 2019

The Yazidi man was interviewed for a documentary, “Heart and Hands: Iraq,” by Sean Feucht, head of the non-profit Light A Candle Project, and Bethel Music. In it, Feucht travels the world to hear the stories of those persecuted for their faith.

In a preview of the documentary aired at the Heaven Come conference in LA, the Yazidi man reveals there was “pressure” from ISIS to convert to Islam. But amid persecution, Jesus appeared to him in a dream. …

Later in the interview, the man revealed that once ISIS found out he was a follower of Christ, they began stoning him.

“They were hitting me with big rocks on my body,” he recalled. “The stones were fine, not affecting me.”

The man said that after stoning him, ISIS members drenched him in 20 gallons of gasoline. But even though he was burned alive a total of three times, he said he somehow survived unharmed.

James White’s sobering prediction for 501(c)3 churches: taxes will shut dead churches down

(vid) Bob Jones experience in heaven! – Only 2% entered, who WALKED IN LOVE • 1 billion will awaken when our consciences are TOTALLY CLEAN!

This is beautiful!

I heard a lot about Bob Jones (1930-2014) about 30 years ago. Mike Bickle especially talked about him a lot. This is the first time I’ve really dived in myself, soaking up every word, transcribing many.

(vid) Leonard Ravenhill: 1 billion people awakened in the coming revival!

16:20 Leonard Ravenhill (1907-1994) says he was told by a man: “There is going to be an awakening before Jesus comes. … There’s going to be a revival that will sweep one billion people into the kingdom of God.”

Then he speaks about Paul Cain. “He said in a meeting we were in: God has revealed to me there’s going to be a moving of the Spirit of God, and one billion people will be born-again.”

Pastors who fight holiness are fighting God, and don’t love God!

I know many pastors in Anchorage who are fighting holiness and those who say we must be holy, what the New Testament says in dozens of places.

My offer stands. I will give $6,000 to anyone who can refute my article which not one pastor in Anchorage currently teaches.

Who-Goes-To-Heaven Scriptures — Narrow is the Way | Who are the Children of God? — “There is therefore now *no condemnation* to those who are IN CHRIST Jesus, who don’t WALK according to the flesh, but ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT”

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Doc Burkhart on Facebook
November 25 at 8:42 PM

If you don’t love holiness, you don’t love the Great God, because God is holy. If you hate holiness, you hate the Great God. Fighting holiness is fighting God.

Street Preaching at the Drag Queen Story Hour in Atlanta Summer of 2019 – Kerrigan Skelly

Claim: Noah’s Ark ‘buried in Turkish mountains’ and experts say 3D scans will prove Biblical ship’s existence

I first heard about this almost 30 years ago, when I saw Ron Wyatt’s Overview of Discoveries video, and have heard conflicting stories of the validity of this object since. Wyatt found anchor stones that show images indicating eight people survived.

It’s possible that the ERT ground penetrating radar they’re apparently using is superior to what was available to earlier explorers. These guys claim this is for sure a ship, and it’s 50 miles from the nearest body of water.

The timing may be an indication this may be the real thing. Belief in God is at an all-time low, and a significant spiritual revival still needs to happen before this world ends. Proof of Noah’s ark would shock many, and could help spark a great awakening!

(vid) Annie Herring Interview and Testimony – How Jesus Set Her Free!

Annie Herring, from the amazing 70s’ and 80s’ group “2nd Chapter of Acts” shares how Jesus set her free, empowered and equipped her!

Doesn’t That Bible Say (Reprise) – Barry McGuire & The 2nd Chapter of Acts 1975!

Related: (Full Album) Barry McGuire & The 2nd Chapter Of Acts: ‘To the Bride’ – Live in Concert 1975!

Barry McGuire: ‘Callin’ Me Home’ 1975

Related: (Full Album) Barry McGuire & The 2nd Chapter Of Acts: ‘To the Bride’ – Live in Concert 1975!

Tracks 3 & 4, side 4 of ‘To the Bride,’ 1975 – Barry McGuire | 2nd Chapter of Acts


Barry McGuire: ‘The Only Way’ / ‘Shock Absorbers’ – Stand-Up, 1975 — Why do people never curse Buddha or Krishna, but only…

TalmudVision especially loves to curse only Jesus Christ, while promoting everything anti-Christ. Barry called it in 1975!

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From the double, live album, “To the Bride” – Barry McGuire with the ‘2nd Chapter of Acts,’ 1975. Listen here.

Side 3, track 5:

Side 3, track 7:

(Full Album) Barry McGuire & The 2nd Chapter Of Acts: ‘To the Bride’ – Live in Concert 1975!

One of the great albums I listened to as a young Christian who found Jesus in 1974 by reading the book of ‘Acts’ in the New Testament on my own — true story.

Playlist from Curb Records for individual song videos for this entire album

2ND CHAPTER OF ACTS Concert 1987

Says here this was 1987.

song list:
REJOICE (title track)
EASTER SONG (With Footnotes)
SPIN YOUR LIGHT (Singer Sower)
MANSION BUILDER (title track)
NIGHTLIGHT (title track)
BEWARE MY HEART (Singer Sower)

2nd Chapter Of Acts — Which Way the Wind Blows (Live)

Probably in the ’70s

Annie Herring, Lyrics Interview

Matthew Ward shares his thoughts about music, gifting and the anointing

Matthew Ward w/ Randy Stonehill – There is a Redeemer (Live)

A song Keith Green sung, but Melody, Keith’s wife wrote.


(vid) ‘Until Your love broke through’ – Matthew Ward & Randy Stonehill

Matthew Ward was in a wonderful Christian group with his two sisters called “The 2nd Chapter of Acts,” which I listened to during my early Christian years in the ’70s. 

The 2nd Chapter of Acts was a Jesus music and early contemporary Christian music group composed of sisters Annie Herring and Nelly Greisen and brother Matthew Ward. They began performing in 1973 and enjoyed their period of greatest success during the 1970s. The group disbanded in 1988.

They did a great live album with Barry McGuire that never gets any air time anymore. “Christian” music is now commercial and mostly spiritually dead. This needs to change.

My favorite song by Randy Stonehill is “China,” which also is never played on “Christian” radio.

Randy often tells how he helped Keith Green write this song he and Matthew Ward sing here:

Non-Christian’s view of Joel Osteen: Smiling that much is a persona to sell you something you probably don’t need

Some pastors in Anchorage also smile that much, just like used car salesmen. It’s a persona used to sell an unsanctified version of Christianity.

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Jason Bermas, a not-yet Christian’s view about Joel Osteen — while walking with his dog ‘Karma’:

8:20 “Nobody smiles that much. … That’s a persona. Even really happy people that I do know, people that are into church and God, they don’t smile that much. It’s an impossibility. Whenever somebody’s smiling that much, they’re selling you something you probably don’t need….”

(vid) E. Michael Jones: Pornography is a weapon – Lust darkens the mind, keeps you docile and isolated • Those who control the media want people addicted • Paganism is rebellion against Logos, an excuse to indulge in what you know is wrong

Key points by E. Michael Jones transcribed by me:

3:10 “The crucial thing you have to understand here is something that St. Augustine said at the time of the fall of the Roman empire. He said ‘a man has as many masters as he has vices.’ If you want to avoid masters, you have to avoid vices. At the time of the revolution, a man by the name of Marquis de Sade turned that upside down. What he saw was if you want to control people promote vice.

9:30 “The people who control the media don’t want you to move away from it [porn and masturbation].”

10:05 The Psychology Today article claiming porn is beneficial because it makes people more docile and accepting of homosexuality, etc. “I agree with what they said. That’s absolutely the point of pornography and masturbation. It makes you docile. It makes you isolated. And people who want to keep you docile and isolated promote it. … If you want to wreck people lives, this is one way to do it. It’s probably the simplest way, if you’re a male to wreck your life, to get you addicted to this. The simplest way for a female is to have an abortion. It turns out, hey, there’s one group promoting both of these things.”

14:19 “A figure like St. Thomas Aquinas would say ‘lust darkens the mind.’This is exactly why pornography is a weapon. I brought this out at the beginning of Libido Dominandi, describing the Israeli troupes coming into Ramallah. They come in, take over the TV station, and start broadcasting pornography. This is a conquering army taking over your culture, and they’re broadcasting pornography. Are they doing this because they want to liberate you? No, they’re doing it because it’s a weapon against the indigenous population to keep them docile, divided, preoccupied by their passions, isolated, and so on.”

35:45 “I think people are pagans now not because they believe that Thor actually exists. I don’t think that’s possible anymore. I think that the main problem is your behavior. You call yourself a pagan because you’re in rebellion against the Logos. And the Logos for 2,000 years has been identified with Jesus Christ. So you’ve decided you want to live a law according to principles that you cannot reconcile with moral behavior, and that’s why you’ve adopted this identity.

37:00 “Paganism is an excuse to indulge in these things that you know are wrong.”

Global prayer walker Henry Gruver has passed – 1942-2019

I first me Henry Gruver in about 1990, when  friend invited me to watch the Ron Wyatt discoveries video Henry was showing to a small group at Anchorage Christian Center (ACC).

Years later, I was able to participate in a short prayer walk that he led in Anchorage.

The last time I saw him was when he spoke at a hotel in Anchorage.

In the late ’90s, I got his Russian Invasion of America visions videos from The Prophecy Club, as well as Dumitru Duduman’s on the same subject. Russia and China is preparing to successfully carry this out, while our media is almost totally silent.

Henry Gruver’s Obituary 1942-2019


David Anders: How people justify sinful actions by finding those who support their passions — “Pure subjectivity is not an adequate guide to moral life”

Transcribed by me from from: CALLED TO COMMUNION – Dr. David Anders – November 13 , 2019 [I attended evangelical seminary with Dave. I never finished. He did, and became a Catholic, and now has his own show on TV.]

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