Good, brief overview of Joel’s carefully thought out views.
Related — a word I got in 2008, right after the evangelicals chose the warmongers McCain/Palin instead of the peacemaker Ron Paul:
‘Let Us Be ONE’ Prophecy Continues 10/8/08: “It’s TOO LATE to REVERSE what’s been done for MY MEN have been REJECTED … Now is the Time to OVERCOME and GET RIGHT With ALL … FREEeeeeeeeeeeeee———DOM at last … Your HEART will SWELL with LOVE and it will be EASY to REMAIN In Me when others are On The BOAT With You”
Dumitru Duduman, Romanian Bible smuggler’s visions:
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: WHEN AMERICA GOES TO WAR WITH CHINA the RUSSIANS WILL STRIKE Alaska, Minnesota, Florida — “America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a CLEAN HEART as they do HIS WORK. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people”
(vision) Dumitru Duduman: The Russian Invasion of America — “It will start with the world calling for ‘peace, peace.’ Then there will be an internal revolution in America…. The government will be busy with internal problems. Then, from the oceans…” — The rapture will occur AFTER America is destroyed, as God destroys the enemies of Israel [after the true Jews repent]!
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“The purpose is not to win, because we’re not going to win.”
– Joel Skousen
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Monday, April 16, 2018:
Joining today to discuss the recent US bombing on Syria along with Trump vs. Mueller, and Rosenstein and the Deep State is political scientist Joel Skousen.
Archives for today’s show:
April 16, 2018 (hour 1) – Guest Joel Skousen
David Jones
Jeff Fenske
That’s not really a comment, David.